The Gang of Five
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Messages - action9000

Pages: 1 ... 239 240 241
1988 Theatrical Release / "Songs from the Land Before Time" CD Collection
« on: December 23, 2005, 08:37:23 PM »
I, too, have a MIDI keyboard running through my sound card on my computer.  It makes your life that much easier, being able to play something and know exactly what it will sound like, using the instruments available to you on your computer.

I would be happy to help any way I can, though my music theory knowledge is extensive enough to know all the major, minor, 7ths, diminished, sus4, and augmented chords/scales off hand, that alone hasn't been enough to let me create any masterpieces yet.  
I suppose my largest obstacle is lack of direction: I never have incentive to finish a project, nor do I have a goal to work towards.  My life lacks inspiration, and that is what I seek more than anything.

My abilties on any musical instrument, including keyboard, are limited.  I can play the trumpet with limited proficiency, but I don't even have one anymore.  I can play basic music on keyboard (melody on right hand, chords on left hand).  I can play the "A" section (the better-known part) of Beethoven's "Fur Elise" without much difficulty, but anything any harder than that, and I get into trouble, having never taken formal music/instrument lessons.  Everything I've done, aside from trumpet playing, which I did in my high school band, has been self-taught.

I'm no music master, but I do have a passion for it.  I know what sounds good, I know what doesn't.  I can tell whether a piece of music fits its' purpose, and I can respect any budding musician or composer, of anything to a powerful rock song, to a moving orchestral piece.  I love music with story and emotion, and I would give anything to write something like that.

I won't pretend to be an expert, but I'd be happy to help whenever I can.  I have some knowledge of MIDI, digital audio production, music theory, some digital audio software, audio cutting/mixing, but I have much to learn about advanced musical arrangement, advanced musical structure, and I need a new computer :P:

As for microphones, I DO have a USB interface mic, but I can't guarantee that MSN will recognize it.  Seems like only half of my programs will recognize it, since it doesn't plug into my sound card directly.  We can try though :DD

As for gorgeous titles for musical projects: I've never been strong when it came to naming my work.  That is certainly a valuable skill :D

The Party Room / LBT Quote Game
« on: December 23, 2005, 08:20:17 PM »

In LBT 10.

Littlefoot says it when he's talking with Bron. Bron says "Now that I've found you, I don't want to lose you."

Littlefoot's response is
"Oh.  "Yea...I know.  Me neither."

1988 Theatrical Release / Your friends and your Interest in LBT
« on: December 23, 2005, 08:10:55 PM »
About a month ago or so, I left a LBT wallpaper on my computer's desktop, when a few of my close friends came over to my house for the night, just to play games/hang out.  now, let me first say that these two guys have been my best, most understanding, supportive friends all throughout high school, and even right now.  

Anyways, when my friends arrived, they looked at my wallpaper, and just gave me this....look:  :blink:  -  <_<

It wasn't a big deal, but it was just funny.  Then they started joking with me about "I see you have a soft spot, :P:" just jokingly.  
Whereas my other friend just got up and asked what the hell that was doing on my desktop; non-threatening, but just the idea that I knew he couldn't respect it for what it was.

In my experience, my female friends have been much more accepting when it came to my interest in the LBT series, than my male friends, who just think i'm nutz :p

So I'm just wondering, what have your experiences been when your good friends learned of your strong interest in the LBT Series?  Have they "converted" to enjoying it as well?  Have they accepted it, ridiculed you, abandoned you?  How has LBT been when it came to your real-world (non-online) friends?

The Party Room / LBT Quote Game
« on: December 23, 2005, 07:54:47 PM »
You gonna take your turn, Malte?

Don't make me pull a Spike and take your turn for you :P:

The Party Room / LBT Trivia Game
« on: December 23, 2005, 07:53:55 PM »
Please - that's beyond my expertize :P:

1988 Theatrical Release / "Songs from the Land Before Time" CD Collection
« on: December 23, 2005, 07:48:50 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Dec 23 2005 on  05:09 AM
trying to make a "wrong" version of "If we hold on together". A version which can be recognized as based on the same song but sounding wrong, almost "corrupted" as there is quite some distress in the story and a serious test for the holding on together which I try to "translate" into music.
Ahh, interesting idea :)

I wouldn't mind playing with something like that, except for one problem: My computer isn't powerful enough to run some of my higher-end audio plugins.  Until I get a new motherboard and CPU, I won't be able to produce much high-quality work, as my plugins slow to a crawl, and make working with the software a rather...unpleasant experience at best, and impossible to see/hear what's going on, at worst.  I've never had a piece of software demand so much from a computer  :blink:

Here's what I'm running, and it's barely enough to do anything with this software:

Processor: AMD Sempron 2400+ (the Big problem with this software)
RAM: 1 GB DDR PC3200 ( 2+ GB would help a lot, too  :o )
Sound Card: Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Video Card: ATi Radeon 9550 (256 MB) AGP
Hard Drive 1: Western Digital 80 GB with 8 MB cache
Hard Drive 2: Maxtor 20 GB with 2 MB cache (backup drive only, but I need it)
Operating System: Windows XP Pro with Service Pack 2

However, I could attempt to play with something using MIDI files, or more basic audio plugins.  I can't wait to purchase some computer upgrades, but unfortunately, i'm beyond poor right now :(  It's what I get for being in college :P:

Anyways, if I produce anything interesting, I'll be sure to post it for y'all to take a look at, but it probably won't be anything too special, as I don't have the equipment to produce high-quality audio files.

I do like your idea, Malte, and if you ever come up with something, I would be very interested to take a listen to it :)

1988 Theatrical Release / "Songs from the Land Before Time" CD Collection
« on: December 22, 2005, 08:53:37 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Dec 22 2005 on  03:53 AM
I hadn't noticed the flaw in "When you're Big" so far.
I've uploaded onto my webspace, the track off the CD, "When You're Big" with the off-sync.

Notice, especially in the section with the "la la la la"s sung by Hyp's gang, that the accompanying singers consistantly begin singing their lines prematurely, especially on the last two "la la la la"s.  Another line that is sung too fast, is the background repeat of "Duckfeet too".  These errors are Not present in the original movie, LBT 3, mind you they are very minor.  However I think the movie's "take" of the song was better.
Another difference between this track and the original LBT 3 version: The very last note (the word "Biiiiig", sung by Hyp) is Not held on the CD version.  In the movie, it is held for a couple of bars, whereas on the CD version, it is released after a beat or so.  Just some minor differences.

Some other tracks from the CD, such as "Peaceful Valley" are clearly straight out of the original movie soundtrack, as they are complete with the sound effects and other voices, which is interesting.

1988 Theatrical Release / "Songs from the Land Before Time" CD Collection
« on: December 22, 2005, 12:36:05 AM »
I have had this CD for a few months now

Aside from some minor flaws with voice synching (such as in "When You're Big", the accompanying singers are off-sync with Hyp for much of the song.  Interestingly enough, this does not happen in the original LBT3 film, :p) and the inclusion of the kid's short comments before/after many of the tracks (which I simply edited out when I ripped the CD), I have enjoyed this CD, especially for the final track: The cast singing "If We Hold On Together" in a beautiful rendition.  

I have posted a link to the song on my webspace:
*EDIT* This file is no longer hosted

It's an interesting remake of the song, about 10 BPM (Beats per minute) faster than Diana Ross' rendition.  I was just curious: Who here owns this CD, or has heard this rendition of If We Hold On?  Do you like it?

I wasn't sure where to put this topic, since If We Hold On Together was introduced in the first LBT, but the cast in the songs is mainly from the Roy Allen Smith sequels.

The Fridge / How old is everyone here?
« on: December 18, 2005, 09:24:42 PM »
I'm 19, turning 20 in July.

1988 Theatrical Release / Was it altogether for Littlefoot's mother to die?
« on: December 04, 2005, 09:26:45 PM »
An example of this too, was when, in LBT 1, Cera and Littlefoot were falling down the cliffside just above Sharptooth.  Littlefoot's Mother grabbed both Cera and Littlefoot from danger, and brought them to safety.  In serious matters, I'm sure that Littlefoot's mother would be more than reasonable when it came to different species working together, especially towards common protection or survival.

General Land Before Time / Dana and Dinah
« on: December 03, 2005, 01:48:15 AM »
Spike ate them  :nyah

I wondered the same thing myself; all I can figure is that they were temporarily under the care of Mr. Threehorn and his family, due to the fact that the Twin's real family (who must be a family friend of Cera's family) was unavailable at the time.  The Twins were returned to their family, who possibly also reside in the Great Valley, and that family is simply never seen in a later LBT movie.

However, the serious contradiction to this is when the Gang is chasing after the twins on the way to Saurus Rock.  Prior to crossing the gorge, Cera nervously says to herself: "The things I do for family..."
Meaning that, either
1) Cera, deep down, considers the twins family even if they are not.
2) They truly are family, which shoots down my theory.

If it is #2 above, then possibly they are cousins or distant relatives of Cera's family, who, like I mentioned above, were temporarily unavailable, and asked Cera's family to babysit them for awhile.

Just my 2-3 cents.

The Welcome Center / Howdy!
« on: November 28, 2005, 08:15:51 PM »
I'm not a huge fan, but I enjoy watching a good Flames game whenever it's convenient.  I haven't even attempted to play hockey since...I was in about grade 4, lol.  I dont think I'm quite cut out for the sport.
 The only sports I've ever been sort of able to hold my own in, have been badminton, table tennis, and volleyball, and even then, I dont' play enough to be "Good" at any of them.  Haven't even owned a table tennis table for a good 8 years or so.

My thing has always been music, but despite my interests and my hours of effort, I am not a strong composer :(  I'm still working at it, however, and I am definately getting better.  If I had any respectable works to show you guys, I would, but I have yet to produce something I'm truly proud of.  At the moment, a few friends and I are sort of half-arsed working on programming (C++) a text-based comical RPG, basing the humor on cliche RPG elements, such as walking into random people's hosues, completely uninvited, having to walk All the Way Across Town! because the weapons shop and magic shops are on the opposite sides of town (Diablo 1 anyone? ugh...), among other RPG-based cliches.

I have written the start of a basic battle theme, and the beginnings of a "first trip into town" theme so far, but they both still need a fair amount of work, especially the Town theme.

The Welcome Center / Howdy!
« on: November 27, 2005, 04:20:14 PM »
Quote from: RogerRabbit,Nov 24 2005 on  07:30 AM
Welcome action9000. (Gee I can't pinpoint where you came up with that. :lol: A few of us are pretty obvious, but you've stumped me.)
I suppose I owe you an explanation :p

I first came up with the name "Action Man" as a little kid, perhaps 6 or 7; who was sort of a sci-fi superhero with tons of money and awesome technology, who flew around space, participating in races, fighting evil, all that good stuff :D

Anywho, I eventually had to give his vehicles names, and I ended up using 9 as the model numbers, with the 9000 being the newest model.

When I was about 12, I discovered that Hasbro toys had recently created a character with the same name, Action Man

and that really made me mad, since I used to use "Action Man" or simply "Action" as my screen name, and people were Constantly bugging me about my reference to the stupid (in my biased opinion.  If anyone here is an AM fan, I mean no offense, just stating how I felt) toy.  I attempted to convince people that I came up with the name well before Hasbro ever used it, but, of course are dumb :p

Anywho, I decided to apply the old model number into my screen name, to cover up the "Action Man", where my new name is derived from.  Hence, Action9000 was born.

General Land Before Time / Favorite LBT sequel songs.
« on: November 27, 2005, 04:11:22 PM »
Quote from: RogerRabbit,Nov 27 2005 on  08:14 AM
Hmmm...the only things I think I have that you don't are the End Credits to LBT 3 and 4. Drop me a line and I can try to get them over to you.

PS - what is the original film soundtrack doing in mp3 format? :P: Maybe we can work something out in that sector too....FLAC is the only way to go with soundtracks if you have space to spare--especially that one. ;)
I can record the End credits of LBT 3 and 4 over here; I suppose those are two others I forgot to nab :p
so I won't need to bug you for those ones.

Howver, if you have the LBT 1 soundtrack, that would be Much appreciated - I have yet to actually go out and buy the original soundtrack; my MP3s are a few I found in various places.  The quality is decent (the my "LBT 1 end credits" is at 320 kb/s, but, like you said, it's still an MP3), and my speakers are old, inaccurate 20-year-old stereo speakers. :( I'm just running my computer's sound through a home theatre reciever.

I would Love to get the rest of the soundtrack!
I'm using a Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS sound card (not a professional card, but my speakers are so old, a Real sound card wouldn't benefit me a whole lot anyway :p).  It's a nice little card though; I have no complaints with it, for what I do.

and if any of you have an MSN address they want  to share, mine is

It may make file transfers easier, since my e-mail doesn't like files much over 4-5 MB  :bang

So anyway, I would greatly appreciate any parts of the original LBT soundtrack (yes, I am using winAmp BTW), and if there are any DVD rips or anything I can give you in return over MSN or some other means, I'd be happy to return the favour :D

There is one reason I want to copy the soundtrack to an MP3 format though: I want to burn them all onto an MP3 CD to listen to in my car :p  but I can just convert the music from a FLAC source file to an MP3 with no problem.

General Land Before Time / Favorite LBT sequel songs.
« on: November 26, 2005, 09:54:19 PM »
Out of curiosity, how many of you guys have recorded many/all of the songs from the LBT series.  I have all but, I think, one - which I simply forgot to record during my mass-recording session last week...I'll get on that sometime,  if I feel like it.  

Mr. Thicknose's song, near the end of LBT 8, when he's singing about how he still has things to learn...completely forgot to record it, though I didn't think it was that great of a song anyway  :rolleyes:

hehehe :p

General Land Before Time / Favorite LBT sequel songs.
« on: November 24, 2005, 03:03:14 AM »
In order starting with my most favorite, my favorite songs are:

LBT 10: Bestest Friends (Both versions)
LBT 8: Family
LBT 4: It Takes All Sorts
LBT 2: You're One of Us Now
LBT 7: Beyond the Mysterious Beyond (End Credits version is kinda kewl; I may try to re-arrange it myself)

The Party Room / LBT Quote Game
« on: November 24, 2005, 02:50:58 AM »
Quote from: Malte279,Sep 14 2004 on  08:16 AM

So annoying!
I'm not sure if anyone has answered the "So annoying" debate yet, but
Sue from LBT X says "I hate those things, don't you?  So annoying when they nibble on your foot."
when she stomps on the Bog monster, shortly after littlefoot is about to jump into its' mouth.  Could this be the line you're referring to?

The Welcome Center / Howdy!
« on: November 24, 2005, 02:35:00 AM »
Hey LBT fans  :DD  

I can't believe how difficult it is to find a strong LBT community on the Internet; I just want to say that i'm excited to meet all of you, and I hope I can add a little something to the Gang of Five.

A little about me:

My name is Tim, I'm a 19 y.o male college student from Alberta, Canada.  I have always enjoyed the LBT series, but I had only seen 1-4 until about 6 months ago.
I plugged in LBT 1 for the first time in many years, and was instantly captivated, more than ever, as I have grown up much since my last viewing.

I became a fan right on the spot.  I spend hours surfing the web for LBT information, and gift packs containing all the LBT movies.  I knew there had been 3 or 4 more since LBT 4, but I never guessed that they were up to #11 already!

Eventually, after days of searching around my hometown of Calgary (any hockey fans here?  Go Flames Go!  anyways  :nyah), I Finally stumbled across both volumes of the 4 movie Dino Packs (1-4 and 5-8)....They weren't cheap, but I didn't care, and they were brand new.

At first I was skeptical of the quality, but I soon grew to sincerely enjoy and appreciate them.  I spent many days after, hunting down LBT 9, 10, and 11, and now I have the complete collection on DVD (and on my hard drive..heee :nyah )

Anywho, I have found myself often watching a LBT movie before I go to sleep for the night, and I have develop a strong liking too all the characters, though I have a number of comments to make about the series.

Anywho, favorite LBT movie....
The first LBT was the one that got me interested in the first place

LBT 4 was a strong story, all the characters had great attitudes throughout, and Ali was the Best guest character to date :p

LBT 10 had a powerful ending, despite its' occasional flaw throughout, especially during the first half.

Anyways, i'll save it for the other forums :p

Talk to y'all later!


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