The Gang of Five
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Rainbowfaces RP “The Quest for Telling”

Gentle Sharptooth

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I like this idea, we could show the creation of the best things in the Valley, like the treesweet tree.

That is what is gonna be part of the fun, the mysterione at last revealed. I am sounding Pterano lol XD

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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More cool ideas! @Gentle Sharptooth I just have one question about Gnosasaur: is he bilingual like Chomper, or does he only speak Sharptooth?

I like this idea, we could show the creation of the best things in the Valley, like the treesweet tree.

Tree sweets as an invasive alien species? Interesting thought. :D

Gentle Sharptooth

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More cool ideas! @Gentle Sharptooth I just have one question about Gnosasaur: is he bilingual like Chomper, or does he only speak Sharptooth?

I like this idea, we could show the creation of the best things in the Valley, like the treesweet tree.

Tree sweets as an invasive alien species? Interesting thought. :D

Gnosasaur speaks both Leaf Eater and Sharptooth langauages. His studies in what we call Egypt made him also familiar with Forerunner Runic Language.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Gentle Sharptooth

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They sound very interesting indeed.  :olittlefoot A lot can happen with this RP. The gang messing with alien technology and learning to use some to combat sharpteeth till Gnosasaur is taken care off. Maybe Gnosasuar can have a accomplice like Sierra, a flyer who is searching absolute power. It be also a interesting idea if other aliens get involve too if it's fine (I give thumbs up to random crossovers) XD

I like Pterosaur assistant. :)

Gnosasaur could use a lackey to help him acquire relics and artifacts. ;)

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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They sound very interesting indeed.  :olittlefoot A lot can happen with this RP. The gang messing with alien technology and learning to use some to combat sharpteeth till Gnosasaur is taken care off. Maybe Gnosasuar can have a accomplice like Sierra, a flyer who is searching absolute power. It be also a interesting idea if other aliens get involve too if it's fine (I give thumbs up to random crossovers) XD

I like Pterosaur assistant. :)

Gnosasaur could use a lackey to help him acquire relics and artifacts. ;)

Makes sense! A flyer is definitely useful to have on one's side. :yes

Um... :oops On another topic...

Wait, what? :rhett_shocked Sorry, I'm not there yet. I think it would be a good idea to get some kind of plan down first. We can't just jump in, start writing random stuff, and expect to create a coherent story. I've tried to do just that with fanfiction before, and it results in the kind of mess that's only desirable in a crack RP (which I'm thinking wasn't what you were intending for this). :p I mean, I only had to spend a few minutes exploring the Role Play board in order to find an RP that exemplifies the amount of discussion necessary before even getting started: Sudden Change of Species 2.0.

I've been informed by a certain person IRL (guess who) that this post came across harsh, and now that I look at it again, I think he's right. I'm really sorry about that. That wasn't the right way for me to make a suggestion. Hey, this RP wasn't even my idea, so it was hardly my place to come in there like, "we're gonna do it this way now!!" :confused Not to mention that maybe I don't even know what I'm talking about--I barely know anything about RPs in the first place, so maybe I'm mistakenly looking at this as if it's a fanfic. In any case, I'll try not to be so bold about my suggestions in the future. (Sorry again!)

Gentle Sharptooth

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They sound very interesting indeed.  :olittlefoot A lot can happen with this RP. The gang messing with alien technology and learning to use some to combat sharpteeth till Gnosasaur is taken care off. Maybe Gnosasuar can have a accomplice like Sierra, a flyer who is searching absolute power. It be also a interesting idea if other aliens get involve too if it's fine (I give thumbs up to random crossovers) XD

I like Pterosaur assistant. :)

Gnosasaur could use a lackey to help him acquire relics and artifacts. ;)

Makes sense! A flyer is definitely useful to have on one's side. :yes

Um... :oops On another topic...

Wait, what? :rhett_shocked Sorry, I'm not there yet. I think it would be a good idea to get some kind of plan down first. We can't just jump in, start writing random stuff, and expect to create a coherent story. I've tried to do just that with fanfiction before, and it results in the kind of mess that's only desirable in a crack RP (which I'm thinking wasn't what you were intending for this). :p I mean, I only had to spend a few minutes exploring the Role Play board in order to find an RP that exemplifies the amount of discussion necessary before even getting started: Sudden Change of Species 2.0.

I've been informed by a certain person IRL (guess who) that this post came across harsh, and now that I look at it again, I think he's right. I'm really sorry about that. That wasn't the right way for me to make a suggestion. Hey, this RP wasn't even my idea, so it was hardly my place to come in there like, "we're gonna do it this way now!!" :confused Not to mention that maybe I don't even know what I'm talking about--I barely know anything about RPs in the first place, so maybe I'm mistakenly looking at this as if it's a fanfic. In any case, I'll try not to be so bold about my suggestions in the future. (Sorry again!)

I am actually glad you had us slow down so we could work out the story and character archs. It didn’t bother me, I was elated to hash out what is going to happen before we start. :)

But if the IRL and you feel you need to aplogize even if I don’t, all is forgiven. :)

I also want to know if you woukd Co-GM (Moderator) in this RP? It would guve you the experience of running an RP but I would be here to helping co-moderate. :) 


I know we are going to learn some fascinating details about the Rainbowfaces (albeit there will always be mysteries) but is there anything we should know about their backstory you and @Little Bro would like to share? If you want to keep it mostly a mystery, that is totally fine, but I wanted to know if I should just be going off “The Stone of Cold Fire” for reference about them.


@Goldenwind What kind of Pterosaur would you be? Something like Rinkus or Sierra or Pterano? ;)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 04:00:52 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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I am actually glad you had us slow down so we could work out the story and character archs. It didn’t bother me, I was elated to hash out what is going to happen before we start. :)

But if the IRL and you feel you need to aplogize even if I don’t, all is forgiven. :)

I also want to know if you woukd Co-GM (Moderator) in this RP? It would guve you the experience of running an RP but I would be here to helping co-moderate. :) 


I know we are going to learn some fascinating details about the Rainbowfaces (albeit there will always be mysteries) but is there anything we should know about their backstory you and @Little Bro would like to share? If you want to keep it mostly a mystery, that is totally fine, but I wanted to know if I should just be going off “The Stone of Cold Fire” for reference about them.
Thanks for being so understanding, I'm relieved I didn't rub anyone the wrong way. :)littlefoot And thank you so much for the co-moderating offer, I would love to do that! :^^spike

As for Rainbow Face backstories, I've wanted to explore that in fanfiction for a long time, but I never managed to settle on anything to the point where I could start writing. (Unless you count the crummy story that was my very first attempt at fanfiction, never to see the light of day again.) :lol The one detail I ever decided on for certain in my headcanon was that the Rainbow Faces were siblings, but we don't even have to follow that here. For the sake of all of us going into this RP on the same page, it probably works out pretty well that I haven't gotten around to fully fleshing these guys out yet. Unless @Little Bro (I'm going to be genuinely startled if he's given these characters more thought than I have, haha) or @Goldenwind have any specific backstories in mind for the Rainbow Faces, LBT VII is our reference point.

I have realized that we should probably name these characters, for the ease of not having to type "the male Rainbow Face" or "the female Rainbow Face" all the time, which would probably get old pretty fast. Or if we want to leave them unnamed for mystery's sake, we can at least give them code names (or numbers). Any thoughts/preferences on this?
And of course @Goldenwind if you want us to pause our discussion on this RP for you, too, just say the words and we'll do it! :)petrie

Gentle Sharptooth

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I am glad you accepted Co-Mod. :)

I would definately like a short hand for the Rainbow faces. The easiest would be Rain (for male) and Bow for (female), but I think some more unique names would be better, I leave that to you and Little Bro. ;)

To respond to an earlier post by @Goldenwind, I respectfully would like to rule out a crossovers. For one it would get confusing, and secondly this RP is more about mysteries and quest for truth. I really want to get into Rainbow Face mythos and mysterion that awaits. That doesn’t mean this will be austere and without wise cracks, a la Cera, but the tone is very different, its more discovery oriented. :)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 07:33:05 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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I would definately like a short hand for the Rainbow faces. The easiest would be Rain (for male) and Bow for (female), but I think some more unique names would be better, I leave that to you and Little Bro. ;)
Alrighty, we'll be thinking about it! :rhett_smile

To respond to an earlier post by @Goldenwind, I respectfully would like to rule out a crossovers. For one it would get confusing, and secondly this RP is more about mysteries and quest for truth. I really want to get into Rainbow Face mythos and mysterion that awaits. That doesn’t mean this will be austere and without wise cracks, a la Cera, but the tone is very different, its more discovery oriented. :)

I was thinking about this earlier, and I agree with Gentle. Making this RP into a crossover could get pretty complex and distract from the story we've already set out. But @Goldenwind if you ever want to start a wacky LBT crossover RP separate from this, chances are I'll be in. :lol


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Thanks! XD And I am okay with crossovers being ruled out.  :)petrie You all can continue the discussions without me, I can catch myself up. X)

The only ideas I have for the Rainbow Faces is that they like to study life on different worlds and encourage creativity and ideas to help. Espically the male one who likes to break the rules out of conscience.  :rainbowwave I believe they use a space ship piloted by their expedition team or a robot A.I. (Hence why they acted like they were waiting at the end of movie). They use technology that is advanced, but similar to what we have modern day with some future stuff in sci-fi movies.

Gentle Sharptooth

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I would definately like a short hand for the Rainbow faces. The easiest would be Rain (for male) and Bow for (female), but I think some more unique names would be better, I leave that to you and Little Bro. ;)
Alrighty, we'll be thinking about it! :rhett_smile

To respond to an earlier post by @Goldenwind, I respectfully would like to rule out a crossovers. For one it would get confusing, and secondly this RP is more about mysteries and quest for truth. I really want to get into Rainbow Face mythos and mysterion that awaits. That doesn’t mean this will be austere and without wise cracks, a la Cera, but the tone is very different, its more discovery oriented. :)

I was thinking about this earlier, and I agree with Gentle. Making this RP into a crossover could get pretty complex and distract from the story we've already set out. But @Goldenwind if you ever want to start a wacky LBT crossover RP separate from this, chances are I'll be in. :lol

You could run rain and bow in other langauges:

Rain in Basque is: Euri, which is pretty.

Bow in Albanian is: Hark, like hark the herald angel sings. :)

Just some thoughts. Its up to you. :)

Rain in Latvian is: Lietus
Bow in Latvian is: Loku
« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 08:03:36 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Thanks! XD And I am okay with crossovers being ruled out.  :)petrie You all can continue the discussions without me, I can catch myself up. X)

The only ideas I have for the Rainbow Faces is that they like to study life on different worlds and encourage creativity and ideas to help. Espically the male one who likes to break the rules out of conscience.  :rainbowwave I believe they use a space ship piloted by their expedition team or a robot A.I. (Hence why they acted like they were waiting at the end of movie). They use technology that is advanced, but similar to what we have modern day with some future stuff in sci-fi movies.

Definitely agree with all this! I always pictured them as scientists/explorers of some sort, doing research on other worlds and spreading curiosity and imagination among the people they encountered. And yeah, the female one is much more by-the-book about missions than the male.

Since Goldenwind is currently working on exams, I am fine with waiting until that's finished to continue with the roleplay discussion. Take as much time as you need, Goldenwind! :) It's only the three of us now that Gentle Sharptooth has left, unless anyone else joins in, and there isn't much point in me and Bro discussing this by ourselves. Also, Gentle has made me the new moderator for this RP, as I've mentioned elsewhere, but he's welcome to take back that position if he returns.


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Done the exams!  :Mo Was wondering if there should be a scene where the gang discovers Modern technology and they all have highjinx while trying to understand it. I honestly always wanted to see a fish out of water sequence like this in TLBT. XD Also... I have a interesting idea for Rinkus if it's okay for him to get involved. Imagine him getting a redemption arc? He starts off with having no direction when he left Sierra after movie 7?


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Congrats! :celebrate Glad to have you back!

I would love to see the Gang react to technology, that would be entertaining for sure. :lol And as for Rinkus, I would be open to including him. Is he going to be that flyer you mentioned earlier, or are they two different characters?

Little Bro

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What if we bring back the Stone of Cold Fire, but have it as a decoy spaceship. The RF could have a saucer that they fly around with, and launch the stone so the other dinos don't notice them.
Go Chomper!


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I see Sierra as the side-kick villain flyer in this one as I believe he would have gotten feed up with Rinkus after what occured. Plus I believe he would have gotten suspicious of the Rainbow Faces, having seen them leave Threehorn Peak.

Ooo! :olittlefoot Sounds interesting! @Little Bro


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I see Sierra as the side-kick villain flyer in this one as I believe he would have gotten feed up with Rinkus after what occured. Plus I believe he would have gotten suspicious of the Rainbow Faces, having seen them leave Threehorn Peak.

Ooo! :olittlefoot Sounds interesting! @Little Bro

@Goldenwind Sounds good, I can picture Sierra and Rinkus ending up on opposite sides for sure. Always had the impression that the partnership between them was mostly based on their goal of obtaining power, with Sierra's aggressive personality threatening to ruin it at any moment.

What if we bring back the Stone of Cold Fire, but have it as a decoy spaceship. The RF could have a saucer that they fly around with, and launch the stone so the other dinos don't notice them.

@Little Bro On one hand, this is a fun idea, but on the other hand, the distraction would make it harder for the Gang to realize what's actually going on. I realize that's the point of a distraction ( :lol) but for RPing purposes, it's probably better if the Gang falls into our main plot early on.

I've realized that before we start, we need someone to replace Gentle Sharptooth as Gnosasaur. Let me know if any of you guys are up for that, I can play him if no one else wants to.

Also, as far as the Gang goes, should this story take place before or after Chomper and Ruby move to the valley?


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I agree with getting the gang involved with the main plot early as it was confusing for the Yellowbelly RP to have two RPs happening simultaneously in my opinion. XD

I am willing to take on Gnosasaur, if it's fine with everyone. I doubt I can be like what Gentle intended, so I might throw my own twist on him.

Hmm... Honestly I really like to have Chomper involved since he is a fav of mine, but it's up to what others think here. X)


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I am willing to take on Gnosasaur, if it's fine with everyone. I doubt I can be like what Gentle intended, so I might throw my own twist on him.

Hmm... Honestly I really like to have Chomper involved since he is a fav of mine, but it's up to what others think here. X)
Oh, wait, I forgot we'd already mentioned Chomper and Ruby would be part of this. :bang Whoops! I was hoping to play Ruby. What if she knew some tales from the Mysterious Beyond involving mysterious "creatures from the sky" she supposes could be the Rainbow Faces?

You're welcome to be Gnosasaur, Goldenwind. Feel free to interpret him how you see fit, I suppose that's all we can do with Gentle no longer being part of this.


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Just to keep track of everyone's characters, I'm going to keep a list here (correct me if I list any characters under the wrong person).

-Female Rainbow Face
-Petrie (unless someone else wants him)


Little Bro:
-Male Rainbow Face

I'm hoping to fill up our Gang before we get started (which is why I've added Petrie to my group), and I might pick up someone else if we end up with any Gang characters left over. @Little Bro let us know if you want to play anyone from the Gang--Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, and Spike are open! :DD