The Gang of Five
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The Lost Tale Of Eymreil

Belmont2500 · 2788 · 214580


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well our home city was destroyed ..corral. and we were forced to flee into the high mountains away from the Royal City..we've been barely scrapping by..." daar Maa said sadly..
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Eric shook his head.
"Unbelievable.  That's...that is unforgivable.  It...anyone who does that isn't worthy of having power.  We can't let...whoever did this get away with it."
He said softly, placing an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into a gentle hug...


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he already has" daar Maa said, shaking her head.. Nicula frowned.. " Whatever I can do for you Daar Maa.. just ask.. and I'll see that it gets done.. well short of deposing the ruler.. that would take a large army and loads of creatures willing to sacrifice everything..
_ any attempt to overthrow the kking would be suicide.. hes far too strong on our own.. You managed to escape his dungeons once, but you guys got lucky.. Daar Maa said.
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Eric smiled and gave Daar Maa a soft nuzzle.
"We'll stop him.  We'll rally allies, fight, I'm here now.  There's no way we can lose.  Not with the magical energy in this world."
He said confidently, but still gently...


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Thanks Eric.. but I'm already kinda seeing someone at the Maa said..
 Well Well daughter, you found some customers for our shop? Said Dar Maas mother who approached them..
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Eric blushed a little.
"I-I didn't mean it like that.  It's just...I hate seeing people sad."
He stammered, then nodded to Daar Maa's mother.
"Depends on what you have for sale, I suppose."
He said calmly...


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blades, potions, some foodstuffs.. as long as your are reasonable on the price.. " and who might you be.. "she said looking at Nicula " I'm nick- er Nicula. I'm a cousin of Daar Maas from Brugash.. its been a while since I last visited.. " really? well well .. good to have family pay us a visit..please come on in... the shop right this way..
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Eric smiled a little.  
"Well, there's only one thing that's caught my eye at the moment."
He said with a grin at her.  
"As to blades, let me see if I can do something really fast."
He held his hand out, a swirl of mana gathering around his hand before shaping into a blade which he closed his hand around as it solidified.


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"So, how is business going?" John asked as he  examined every item that was on sale.



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we don't get many visitors up here, so business has not been very good at all..Sed Neus said. " All we really have is each other.. daar maa has done the best she could to keep us in business, but with so few customers.. we are glad to finally have guests.. our sleeping quarters are upstairs.. theres only 3 of them daar maa is on the right. ot guest room is in the middle, and mine is on the left. boys  you will sghare the middle room. nicula you will have to stay with daar maa theres a mat on the floor in there... sed nues said..
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Eric smile a toothy grin,
"Thank you for the kind offer, but I don't need to sleep too often."
He said kindly.  
"I'll be outside, training.  I have to get used to this form, and this place."
He added...


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I'll sell Nicula here a new dress and a blade as well.." daar Maa smiled " Nicula Frowned " i er don't have much gold on me " she admitted "  Just take it please.. " Darr Maa said  " afterwards I'll show you where you'll be sleeping tonight...
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Eric nodded.
"All right.  I'll be outside if anyone needs me."
He said calmly...


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Daar Maa showed nicula her room, which was rather sparsely furnished ' sorry theres not much to show nicula.. daar maa said , pulling uout the spare cot ' but it gets cold up here and we really don't need much.. if you really get cold, i can move over and share my bed.. don't get any ideas.. girl ' she smiled.. ' mom would never let a guy sghare my room with me.. but a girl.. no problem..
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John went outside, eager to see the rest of Brug Orn, he hid his face behind the hood of his cape and disappeared within the crowd, he vowed to return to the shop by midnight.



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So how long before I can turn back.. nicula asked ' or am i stuck like this.. well i'm not sure i think a couple days.. but i'm not sure.. this had better not be permanent daar maa i'm not exactly fond of this form.. ' well i couldn't very well bring you guys back as you are, not with bounties on both your heads.." Daar Maa replied fiddling through a cabinet..  ' you'll just have to get used to it..
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Nicula fiddled though her dress and found that she had a few pieces of gold in a dress picket.. ' well here's 7 gold.. its all i have.. she said ' just keep it nicula.. you're my friend... " Daar maa smiled.. "I just hope you'll be alright sleeping on the floor. it really does get cold here at night.. that's what being high up in the mountains will do..
 I'll be fine.. Nicula replied.." you really care about me, don't you Daar Maa? would you say you have a crush on me..? i mean you did say that you were seeing someone when Eric was talking with you.. and well I do recall you liking me back in Corral.. but the tricky thing is.. well this form you've put me in.. i'm a girl now, and you're a girl.. ' you only appear to be a girl nick, remember that.. it'll wear off.. at least i hope it will.. as for really liking you.. yes i do..and i'm not afraid to say that..'Daar maa said. would you kiss me? Nicula asked,  on a spur of the moment... Daar Maa nodded " Yes I would.. "on the lips? " yes I would..if you want me to.. ' Daar maa smiled coming over and sitting down by her.. it was at that moment Sed Neus came in.. " Showing Nicula your room dear? " Yes, her cots all ready and now we're just talking about stuff.. Brugash  is going through hard times right now.. which is why she left.. Daar Maa said." so is pretty much every town in this Empire.. the sun's going down so you'd better shut the windows tight to keep the heat in.. I'm going to close up shop in a half hour.. you girls can keep talking as long as you want..' Sed Neus said.. she turned and headed out of the room closing the door behind her.
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daar maa smiled at nicula as she went over to make sure the door was closed.. so where were we? she asked.' we were going to kiss.. nicula said.. 'yes thats right.. daar ma said  going back over and sitting down next to her. "relax.. its just a kiss.. one which i admit i had hoped to share with you.. Daar Maa Blushed.. "lets just say i've been saving it for awhile..' She said. nicula nodded at her and turned to face her. their faces were now pretty close tgether. " alright. go ahead Darr Maa' Daar ma Smiled and leaned in, and the red lips met. nicula wrapped her arms around Daar Maa in response. Daar Maa wrapped her arms around Nicula and settled into the kiss. after a couple minutes daar maa broke away.. 'well, that was.. real nice.. ' yeah it was nicula agreed.. ' so if you don't have anything else going on.. we could um.. he trailed offtrying to think of something.... well you and i are definitely sharing a bed tonight.. no not in that way.. daar maa winked.. ' well if we made out under the covers who would know nicula smirked.. 'well well..apparently you liked that kiss nick' daar maa grinned..alright, we'll do that once everyones in' Deal..any rules for that.. ' no rules, we'll go as far as you want us to.. '
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Eric had left the shop, wandering off a fair distance in order to be isolated, so he could practice his fighting without interruption.  He stood for a moment in the empty field, looking at the sky, then shook his head.
"  She loves someone else.  Not you.  You're alone, just like you always are, and just like you always will be.  Just...give her up."
He said softly, then formed a shimmering katana and began to slash at the air in a graceful, strong sword form.  
But, if one were to look closely, one could see the tears that he shed gleaming in the moonlight...


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sed nues watched the door for about twenty more minutes than rang a bell.. ' the bell activated a spell on the door which closed and lockedit.. ' daar ma? When you are finished talking with nicula , bring her down so we can have dinner? " alright Mother" daar Maa called down. she had opened her window and shown nicula the view, which was in short beautiful. ' this view is amazing nicula said to her.. ' yes but it gets old after awhile when you realize how alone we are up here.. ' So I got your letter obviously.. your mom paid the fine so you could be released? 'Nicula said Yes.. but the fine for freeing both you and John was 5000 gold..we didn't have it, not after losing almost everything in Corral..but you two managed to escape.. 'it wasn't easy, we were sent to work a far-off mine in the middle of nowhere, the 'kings' way of putting us to good use. well after about a month or so we managed to escape and find our way through a portal to another world. there we spent nearly a full year just well trying to forget our ill-fated adventure..but i didn't forget you.. i had started to like you daar maa you're very pretty, you're kind and thouhtful.. well the only problem was that i was human..and you were an agorian. anyway i ut you on the back-burner so to speak, so you can imagine how pleased and surprised i was to get your note.. thing was.. once we got it, both hjohn and i noticed that we were starting to vanish indeed we barely made it through the portal before ours legs vanished.."

 Daar Maa paused to reflect on what her friend had said.'so you literally were disappearing.. when did you drink the potion? " soon after reading your note. it didn't have any effect on me there..but once i got through the portal, it kicked in.." came the reply, Nicula gazing at her" i see, well I've read up a bit on magic in the time I've been up here and well, that vanishing meant that you were being erased from this plane of existence.. not just your memory, but you as a person. I don;t know where you would have ended up,had you guys not made the portal in time but I doubt you'd have been able to make it back here.." Nicula shuddered. "And well. that potion you drank ,I honestly think it may have replaced your human form  for a long time. your body was almost completely gone,right? well once you entered this world and changed into this form, that became your default body.. " wait so you're saying I'm not going to change back any time soon.. " i believe so, and i'm sorry for not putting in enough ingredients to ensure that it would change you into a male Agorian." Well, I wasn't thinking when I drank it, which is a reminder.. never drink something when you don't know what it is.. or don;t fully understand it, especially magic.." nicula shrugged..and put her arms around daar maa as the girls embraced.. So, you want to be my girlfriend huh/ she asked. " yes i'd like that. course given your form we'd have to keep that behind closed doors.. lets just say the other residents would not look kindly on two females being open in that manner..Daar Maa said ' well you could always cover it up by finding a guy to live with us.. and that eric guy certainly looked like he was interested in you.. Nicula smirked. " Oh, good idea.. Yeah I kinda rejected him out of hand without meaning to.. I mean I had you on my mind.. Dar Maa admitted.. ' you go have dinner with your mother, i'll go find him, and talk to him.. Nicula said..  ok, i'll tell mom, you went out for a walk.. just don;t take too long, the door magically locks after 10pm and you won;t be able to get back in without us opening the doors. the spell breaks any lockpicks you might have on you..And Mom is an excellent cook.. you don't ewant to miss dinner when shes around.. daar maa smiled  as nicula looked at her. ' alright i;m heading out.. save a spot for me and eric at the table..nicula leaned in and kissed daar ma on the lips, catching her by surprise. the kiss was brief, lasting only a couples seconds, but when nicula pullee away a big grin appeared on daar maas face. alright, just get out of here.. she said pointing to to the door while blushing.. nicula nodded and walked out the door and headed down the stairs. daar maa went away from the window and went to the farthest corner of the room, she bent down and pulled up a loose board revealing a space beneath it. inside of it was a little book.. her diary which she kept secret.. she opened it and looked at her last ebtry, a couple weks ago ' i need to write a new entry' she said and smiled.. and i know just what to write..
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