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"Flyers...Beyond" Discussion thread

Jrd89 · 194 · 27337

Mama's Girl

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Still in the process of reading through the role play, but if you needed someone to bring in Petrie I could do it. I may or may not have my half OC of one of his sister tagging along, not sure yet.


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I'd be more than happy for you to join, Mama's Girl. Try sending Jrd89 a private message, he's in charge of the RP.


  • Petrie
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It's ok! Mama's Girl can bring in Petrie if she wants too. It's fine with me.  ;)


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Just a head's up, I'll be away until Thursday (I'm off to Rome, tee hee!), so I won't be participating until then. Hence the way that I gently moved my characters out of the action by sending them off to the grove for food.
But while I'm gone, I'll be working on my pictures, ready to get them scanned next time I go to school (I'm in study leave as of the moment), slowly making progress to the final work. So far, I've worked out decent starting pics (coloured and all) of Jared, Luke, Artie, Devon, Tero, Redback and Zin. I still haven't quite figured Fury out, and I'm still unsure of Harper's colour scheme. But the real characters are simple enough, since I've drawn them before.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Have fun in Rome! I was there last year, it's an amazing place! Probably my favorite stop on my Eurotour.

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Mama's Girl

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Hey, not sure if I'll get this to you before you go, but here's the info anyway. Yeah, I modeled Harper after this one that I spotted :) Oh, yeah and have fun! :D


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  • Petrie
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Oh! There's Harper! *Jared waves hello to her* "Hi, Harper!"  :)

And now I have MY summer announcement to make....  :(  :cry

I need to put “flyers..beyond” on hold.. temporarily (for about 4-5 weeks)

Here's why:

On this coming weekend (June 10th-11th) my mom, dad, and sister are going to Michigan for 4-5 weeks, and my dad will be back early, about a week afterwards..

And I feel very frustrated, because my mom said she will not leave me the laptop computer to use (She’s TAKING it with her to Michigan) so I WON’T have any computer access at all during those 4-5 weeks..

My mom said that she should be back by the weekend after the 4th of July (if not..sooner)..

And (if you haven’t read) I have a job pending at a Publix supermarket here on the island! (check out the details I put in “Flyer boy Jared’s life” in “The Fridge”) here, follow this link to get to it:

I would feel very sad and heartbroken to be left out of my own story L … So, could you please do me a favor and please wait until my mom comes back from Michigan with her laptop. Like I said, she should be back by the weekend after the 4th of July, if not sooner..

So, for now. I’m putting “flyers of the mysterious beyond on hold” Please please. Don’t forget about me or this story.  It’s very important to me.  I hope you’ll wait. L  

**I’ll post this to every user involved in the story** and in the “Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond” discussion thread as well…

So, remember. Please hold your posts until my mom comes back from Michigan.

I will notify everyone when we can continue on with the story (and I’ll notify you on that as soon as possible!)  :)

But. PLEASE wait. I would hate to be left out of my own adventure with Pterano and the gang. This story is exactly what I would do if I was a rhamphorhynchus and I had a chance to live with Pterano and the gang!  :D  :yes

 Please hold any  “Flyers..Beyond” posts until I announce that my mom is back with the laptop and that we can continue on with “Flyers Of The Mysterious Beyond”.  Please wait for me to get the laptop back!!! This story is so fun and special to me.  :cry


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No problem. This will give me time to work on my big picture. Just an update on that subject, I've gotten all the character designs done. Now I just have to figure out how to fit all of them into a single picture. It's harder than you think. But the bits I have worked out are the general groupings:

Artie and Pterano will be together, since they seem to be becoming a couple in the game.
Petrie, Harper and Fury will be together, probably flying or hovering.
Rinkus, Luke and Jared will be together.
Devon and Sierra will be together, though it'll be tense.
Redback, Tero and Zin will be together.

I'm thinking of having all the characters perched somehow on Zin and Redback, since those two are big enough to hold several flyers each.


  • Petrie
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Hey guys! GREAT news. My mom said today that she's letting me keep the laptop after all!!!  :lol:  :lol:

So guys, you may continue on with "Flyers of the mysterious beyond" ! :) YAAY!


  • Petrie
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I just messaged Pterano (the user) and I've decided now...

I want Rinkus to adopt me and become his new son! (we're in the middle of having fun farting right now. I just laughed so hard that I ripped another big stinker from laughing so hard telling Rinkus that i'm a "stinky beak".  :D )

It's not official yet..but if Rinkus does adopt me, I'm gonna burst into tears and cry into his big pink belly. It would be such a tender, touching, and heartwarming moment. I really would LOVE  to be Rinkus's newly adopted son.  :D

I would also love to see a picture if Rinkus adopts me..But right now, i'm trying to get him to accept me for my farting and me being probably the stinkiest long-tail flyer he's ever met!

But Rinkus and I have been getting along so well now. He cares for me, has fun with me, and calms me down when i'm worried. He'd make a PERFECT father for me in the story!

If Pterano adopted Devon, then I want Rinkus to adopt me! I really do!  :DD even though i'm a "big stinker".

Rinkus would be the perfect dad for me in the story, don't you think?

My point is...I want Rinkus to adopt me and become my new dad in the story :) I'd be a perfect son for him....just like Devon is for Pterano!

UPDATE: WAIT! I got a better idea. tomorrow (in the story..) maybe Rinkus and I could go fly to his favorite place (the lake with the little beach)..and I'll ask him if he'll be my dad there!

THAT sounds much better, doesn't it? I think it would be perfect if I asked Rinkus over there at his beach.


  • Petra (He/They)
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Aww...that's great Jared. I hope things work out for you and Rinkus. You two make a great father son couple after all!  :wub

Devon: I promise you, Jared. If you and Rinkus love each other that much, then it'll work out. He'll adopt ya for sure, Bud!

Pterano nodded in agreement, wrapping his arm around Devon and nuzzled him gently. Devon couldn't help but smile as he blushed happily. He was so glad to have Pterano as a father.  :wub
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Petrie
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I have something to say to "Mama's Girl":

I also want to talk to Petrie and Harper before the day is over.

*Yeah. Today I watched clips from "great day of the flyers"...and I found Harper.*

Petrie and Harper are both such small and cute little pteranodons.. :D

I want to be friendly and show them that i'm a very nice (young adult) rhamphorhynchus.... I may have sharp teeth sticking out of my beak, but I won't let that fool them!

I'm very friendly and kind..and I would never even THINK of eating them...

Because as a rhamphorhynchus...I only eat fish.

(What i'm saying is, i'd like to just talk to Petrie and Harper and tell them that i'm a very friendly flyer and want to learn and get to know them better. They're both so cute!)

So tonight...I'll talk a little to Petrie and Harper...(I could tell them that my dad was eaten by a sharptooth and that I was a very lonely flyer with almost no friends at all :cry . until I met Pterano and Rinkus...)

Then after the talk with Petrie and Harper....i'll massage Rinkus, then he'll massage me in return, then, we'll sleep but before that, i'll tell him that I want to go to his favorite place tomorrow (his little beach)...and there, I'll tell him about my biological father being eaten by a sharptooth when I was younger....Then, I'll tell him how nice, kind, and caring he's been to me..

And then, then...we'll have our tender, loving moment. I'll ask Rinkus if he'll adopt me and become my new dad.., then, i'd become Rinkus's newly adopted son.  :yes

And the moment when Rinkus would say yes, I'd run to him, burst into tears, give him a very long, nice, warm hug, while burying my head and crying into his soft, white neck ring and pink belly.... I would be so happy that my throat would have such a big lump in it, that I wouldn't be able to talk hardly.  :D  :DD

Mama's Girl

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Well, yeah "the kids" are ok with that plan :) Yeah, if I have Harper tagged correctly in Day of the Flyers even into when they find out Petrie's gone, I think she's the one who says "He should have just quite a long time ago", which doesn't hinder my concept in giving her more personality, you know, it makes sense, if Petrie's gonna bail why drag them all down with him :lol

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hey I've got an idea. With all this talk of family and adoption... I was hoping that after some time had passed in the RP Fury would get a surprise visit from his own family. And then you'd not only get some back story on why Fury is in the Mysterious beyond, but what happened to separate him from his folks. :smile So what do you guys think?


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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^ I think that works well for me! I don't have any issues with it, plus it would be interesting to learn more about him.  :yes

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  • Petrie
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:D Mama's Girl and Great Valley Guardian: That sounds PERFECT!  :lol:

Hey! Maybe Fury can get a surprise visit from his parents! That sounds very exciting and interesting!  :yes

Mama's Girl

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I keep wondering something guys, should I come up with a reason for why Petrie and Harper maybe have to stay in the Mysterious Beyond? I mean, especially since sensible little Harper all but thought it as I worked on my next post, there mom would be worried and they should head back if they could so to keep the story going maybe they can't?

I mean they are far out, the Great Valley could just be too far away at this point.

Plus every other flyer or adult in the group would be  stranger and likely not let into the Valley and I hinted at it being plausible Pterano's exile isn't up so he's not allowed back.

Maybe it's ok as is, I just wondered if that little part needed any explaining or fixing or not?


  • Petrie
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I'm gonna make a change in the adoption location..

Here's my plan...I'll set up the moment.....and ask Rinkus if he'll adopt me in Pterano's cave in front of all the other flyers. I'll be crying, and my voice will start breaking up as I ask Rinkus..I'll really be that happy!

(I'll tell Rinkus that my dad was eaten by a sharptooth when I was just a little nestling)

 (Pterano, Devon, Artie, Luke, Fury, Tero, Petrie, Harper, and Sierra)

Trulyfantasticme LOVES my new idea!  :lol: I can't wait to see Devon's well as Pterano, Harper, and Petrie's reactions, too.

And, guys! I've got a lot of free time for writing tonight (June 13th) . I can stay up as late as I want to, and i'm off tomorrow from work, too.

We can get a LOT of writing done tonight.. And Rinkus can be my new dad in the story if you stay on the GOF tonight.

*we're gonna have a BIG flyer party tonight! YEAH!*  :celebrate  I probably won't go to bed until like....2:30 A.M., (I live in the eastern time zone..) and It's 8:00 P.M. right now as I finish writing this post...

Let the flyer party begin!