The Gang of Five
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A Parting of the Ways

Nick22 · 691 · 48111


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"Yes miss" Nova nods then head over to the table and sits down but before that he took a glance at Eva. 'Is she the one my father spoke about?' he thought quietly then took a seat.

Tanga smiled "I will let the Headmaster know his in class" Tanga bow a little and leaves. Eva thought about it looking over at Nova then facing the front of the class 'I wonder if this ruby got something to do with red dragons, I got to check the books out later on at home'


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"Welcome to the class" came various welcomes as the dragon took his seat. "Now that this is settled, let me get back to my notes. " Trina saif pulling out a stack of paper.
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At Stripetail's castle he was sitting down to have something to drink when a voice spoke "Hello old friend" he turn around to see a red dragon standing before him and wondering how someone could sneak up like that without him noticing.


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Why are you here Redstar?" Stripetail's eyes narrowed "As I recall, we parted as 'friends" in the barest terms.  You seemed to have learned how to sneak in here without me noticing... not something that a friend would do to another.. a friend would give forewarning.." By his tone it was clear that Stripetail was irritated by Redstar's arrival.
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"I did, it was in the letter, the way it was writen, a code in a code. I did it so if Eva got past the first layer she wouldn't on the second." Redstar points out to Stripetail. "parting a long time ago was for a simple reason, red dragon power was falling into the wrong hands and it was believed more then one wizzin was behind it since when we last talked I wasn't sure who did I had to end our friendship and the red dragons disappear" Redstar said sitting down on a chair calmly speaking to Stripetail

"But as you see Red Dragons are slowly appearing again and our magic is also returning after a million years. But most of it will be held back and the most wises and powerful of the red dragons and our books will still be lost to all part from us. I can't take the risk of it falling in the wrong hands again." Redstar spoke explaining this to Stripetail. "I am sorry it cost our own friendship but it was either that or watch our magic be misused on life that wasn't involved"


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Stripetail paused. "And what about the jewel? What is its significance? Or is it simply a gift/"
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"Eva be requested to come to our secret home alone and only red dragons may enter it, the jewel is a magical ruby that able to change the wearers form to that of a red dragon and return them back to normal. I do not know much what the Elder of the Red Dragons want but when the time is right Eva will be taken there straight away by one of 12 red dragons me being one of them." Redstar told Stripetail the snach about things

"Please don't ask me why and why you can't know. The oldest Red Dragon don't trust a Wizzin after what happened and he only one that really knows why he want to see Eva at his own throne room and Stripetail that is the very first time anyone other then a real red dragon walked in those halls" Redstar finished telling Stripetail.

"Knowing what I do about Eva she will try and study about the ruby itself and might even get it working without a problem. and one other thing my son learning in the year 10 classes his around the same age as Eva." Redstar finial told the last


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Is that so? The problem is Redstar, I can;t see what good could come out of this... Forgive me, but I don't trust you. You abandon our friendship abruptly and suddenly after a million years you come back? You were once one of my best friends Redstar..." Stripetail slowly rose to his feet. "I do not trust your Elder either, the feeling is mutual.  As for Eva, since you know so much about her, you know what she will attempt later this year. Why the sudden urgency? Is it because... her tutoring with me will be finished? your magic is not the only magic that has declined., so has my people's. Mine hasn't, nor has yours. We are lucky in that respect. But it will take me awhile to trust you again, my friendship is not something you throw away lightly. "
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Redstar put a claw hand on the end of his snout rubbing it a little "Even I did disappear for a long time I still thought of you as a very good friend and a true one at that so I kept leaving rubys around for you to find. It was suppose to be a reminder of our friendship and that i was still around and cared about our friendship. I trust you with my life back then and still now" Redstar said to him. "You could either believe or not believe but I've told the truth."

Redstar then told about the interest in Eva "Eva is threatened... when you brought her to living from machine there was one tiny floor you missed... when she reach the age that you call master magic after the 10th year ends she will fall ill from a illness that you know as Minicer Virus. THe only chance she will survive it is be a Red Dragon and live in our home world. elder told us the reason but I was told not to tell you but elder spoke to me alone and said I could cause he knew I would and you care about Eva." Redstar stood up wings opened up a little.

"This is Eva's only chance of living when she passes the final lessons get the jewel working turn her into a Red Dragon and one of 12 of us or maybe all of us will come to take her to her new home. I know this might be hard for you but the parting of ways have to come some time Stripetail" Redclaw said to Stripetail.


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There is one other way Redclaw- immortality" stripetail replied. "As you know, the Wizzin are immortal.... and anyone who passes the tests and is admitted into the Wizzin is granted immortality... she will take the tests before her classes end." Stripetail said.
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Suddenly the red Dragon symbol on Redstar's ruby that he keeps hold of glows and send a beam of light creating a circle then the elder of the Red Dragons appear on the view. "Elder!?" Redstar knelt before the image even for his reseve angel legs and able to do it bowing down.

"Stand Redstar" the voice said gentle then turn his eyes to Stripetail as Redstar stands "Stripetail have you asked her if she wish to be a Wizzin?" Elder spoke to Stripetail.


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i have, indirectly. She will take the tests, but I have left it up to her whether or not she will join, if she passes and the others vote to admit her." Stripetail replied.
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"Stripetail. Are you sure she will?" Elder said in repeat to a question. "What if she choose to part ways from the wizzin? you have to ask her directly." Elder spoke to him then thought of a idea. "Redstar give him a ruby and the spell for Red Dragon transformation. I wish to speak to him directly but make sure he don't bring anything of wizzin and blind fold his eyes to not knowing of the very location of our world and this castle."

"Yes Elder, I will do so as you wish" Redstar nods a little

"Stripetail Lord of the Wizzins you will be the first wizzin in history to step in this castle but not as your own, you will be a red dragon and leave your staff and wizzin items behind. I am putting a lot of trust to you will follow these guidelines." Elder speak out to Stripetail as Redstar held out a Ruby "It is your choice."


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I have left her no choice in taking them, whether she joins the Wizzin or not, that is her decison. I will allow myself to be blindfolded, but knoww this, if you turn Eva against me, in any way, you will regret it. " Stripetail replied.
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"We do not turn anyone against anyone, we are not vilote Stripetail Lord of the Wizzins. All I can say now is that there is a possible chance she will refuse to even take the tests and if I know right you can't force it onto her, if she wish to die then she wish to, you can't force immortal strength on her. if you want to speak more to me about it come to my chambers under my guidelines." Elder said raising up from his throne speaking out loudly his eyes flashing red a little from how Stripetail dare to speak to him. "We are equal in power and a battle will be a big mistake we would rip this universe apart. the times have past and rules have changed we can talk this over as friends if you wish. as the humans say, I leave the ball in your court, the move is yours" the image disappeared and the ruby lands on the ground.

Redstar pick it up putting it away and place the transformation ruby on the table "Stripetail it your choice if you like to speak to the elder directly, I will stay till you make a choice" Redstar said to him.


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I will consider his offer, for now, I will put the ruby aside. 'stripetail said. "I need time to consider the offer. Now to other matters. Why did you decide to send your son to Sowarkard? He said.
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"My son wanted to go there and I am only there to help him learn and to be a father to him. Nova is his own life, so I asked the headmaster since my son wished to learn about Sowarkard magic ans he let my son in." Redstar replied to Stripetail. "I don't want to stop my son from what he wants to do specially when it comes to studying." Redstar said then asked a question "would you try and stop Eva if she wished to study Red Dragon magic and way of life or let her go ahead with it and stay out of her way of choice?"


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To be brutally honest, yes I would. I don't forgive or forget easily, and Eva has helped revitalize me. I would like to see her help our magic revive, I 've given her the tools, now she has to use them. It has already began, but it needs a strong proponent to ensure the revival lasts. I intend Eva to be that proponent. But once she leaves, her life will be her own. "
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Redstar nod a little bit "But the question is, what if she choose something else. I know you want her to do things that you've helped her to but I have seen this happen to mortals so many times and it... well... backfires on them and all that preparing explodes in their faces and it goes completely down hill." Redstar said knowing that would be a concern for Stripetail.

"You know that as well as I do Stripetail, your sure to see this happen more then once yourself." Redstar said to him "I know it somethign you would never like to happen but be perpared for it to happen if it does. I don't know what the furture holds but anything can happen." Redstar kept a calm style to what he was saying.


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I'm well aware that it may be too much for her, I hope that she can handle it, but if she can't I have to accept it. "Stripetail replied. "tHe future is dim and uncertain, I don't know what will happen exactly, but I am prepared for any eventuality."
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