The Gang of Five
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Alimon Outbreak


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Kacie winced mentally as she saw what had become of the people who were subjected to the virus. She was worried about what would happen if they were to, somehow, break free of their bindings.

"Are you sure those bindings will hold them?" She asked Tanner.


  • Ducky
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"Yes.  The bindings are pure steel, nowway they can break through." says Tanner.

2 more hours into the procedure...

The subjects look less like humans and more like dinosaurs.  Both have more extended necks, human hands and a tail is sprouting from the back side.  A snout is starting to form on each's face and it short and tapered.  Long feathers are starting to form on the back of the man's neck and a mane of silk downy feathers is starting to form on the woman.  Their hair is completley gone.  Their skin still looks like cobwebs over muscle.

(Darks's turn)


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Kacie just continued with her note-taking. She did have a bad feeling about the creatures. What if they did break lose? What would the consequences be?


  • Ducky
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4 hours into prodecure...

The mutation seems to have taken full effect.  There are no signs of humanity left in each of the two subjects.  The male alimon is red with a black belly the comes up to his jaw and has long, flowing red feathers on the back of his neck.  The female is blue with a white underside that comes up and covers the face and has a fluffy mane of blue downy feathers.  Both have long necks and skinny tails with short, squared off snouts, each with a mouth bearing a set of sharp teeth.  Their arms and feet have long, sharp claws that look like they could tear a human in half.

(Dark's turn)


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'They look hungry...' Kacie thought, noting the looks on the dinosaur-like creatures' faces, becoming more and more afraid the longer she was in there.


  • Ducky
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All of a sudden, the alimons have the strength to break through the steal bindings and try to climb out of the pit.


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Kacie let out a short scream as she jumped away in shock as the creatures suddenly broke free. "The bindings! They broke the bindings!" Typical Kacie, she has a tendency of getting a good scare easily and overlooking the obvious while stating the obvious.


  • Ducky
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The alimons try to climb up to the top, but the electrified chainlength on the walls stopped them in their tracks.  The male grabs hold of the chainlenth in an attempt to climb up it but an electric charge of 5,000 volts surges through his body, knocking him to the floor unconscious.  The same thing happens to the female.  Tanner looks down at the two unconscious alimons, unfazed from what just happened, "Alright, lift them out of there and put them in suspended animation in the genetics lab for further study."

Several hours later, Tanner meets up with Kacie and Chris, who are in the genetics room.  Chris is studying the physical features of the male, while Kacie studies the physical features of the female.  Both alimons are concealed in glass tubes full of a transparent, green liquid and has sensores attatched to each of their temples, chest, and various parts of their bodies, "How's the work coming?" asks Tanner.

(Raptor's que)


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"Good. He exhibits many therapod and prosauropod features, namley in the neck and head area. The claws appear to be very strong, and would be quite dangerous in battle. The most frightning thing, in my opinion, is the jaws. They are reminisent, in design, of some of the earlier therapods, only much stronger." I say. "In other words, let's hope the don't get out."


  • Ducky
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"Oh yeah, lets hope they don't." says Tanner as he walks over to the femal alimon that Kacie is studying, "How's work on the female?"


  • Ducky
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I know this is a little late in the story, I finally have a diagram of the virus stages drawn and up and used myself (Tanner) as an example:


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"It's going fine." Kacie replied. "She's still alive, but in a deep sleep. She and the male might be unconscious for a few hours."


  • Ducky
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"Ok.  Sounds like you both have everything under control." says Tanner as he stares at the male alimon in the tube full of green liquid.  Just then, Dr. Kruger walks into the lab, "Tanner, Kacie, Chris, you are now dismissed from your work."

"Ok sir." says Tanner as he exits the room, followed by Kacie and Chris.  When the three left the room, Kruger scans the room for anybody watching, picks up a test tube full of the green substance containing the virus and throws it down.  The test tube shatters and he runs to the door, exits the room, and closes the doorway.  The fluid evaporates and the vapors go into the vent shafts into the underground matinance area.

(Note: The problem won't be noticed right away, strange things will start to happen over a period of several days.)


  • The Gang of Five
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(ok, so would I be able to bring in the crew of Featherstone talking around a table about the maintance time required for the ship to be space worthy under the laws of Space travel in the Sol system. [name of Earth's solor system]. or should i wait?)


  • Ducky
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(Wait until me, Chris and Kacie are done talking in the lounge first.)


  • Ducky
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Tanner walks down the hallway with Kacie and Chris at his sides.  "Have you noticed that he dismissed us from our shifts early today?" he scratches his head in confusion, "He normally wouldn't do that."

(Now it is)


  • Ducky
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"Yeah, I thought that was kind of weird. Maybe he's in a good mood today." I say. Then, reconsidering, I say, "Like that'd ever happen."


  • Ducky
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"No, he had that straight face like he always does.  But this time he was more suspicious.  He might be up to something." Says Tanner.

(Kacie's cue.)


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"I concur." Kacie said as they continued down the hallway. "He seemed to be in a hurry to get us out of there...but why?" Suddenly a thought came to her mind, but she dismissed it as absurd.