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The Insane Cafe 2: Rise of the Shurlups

Nick22 · 2097 · 100654


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Nick stood at the desk near the opening of the resteraunt, and took a sip of warter. The insane Cafe was nearing its first month in business since Aves and He had taken over ownership of the resteraunt. They had made numerous changes. They had nearly tripled the minimum pay, remembering only too well the countless times the former owner Chong had paid them poorly and withheld pay for the flimisest reasons. They had drastically cleaned up the resteraunt, and hired new staff. Stripetail had agreed to perform for the patrons every so often, as a favor to them.  Nick looked over at a nearby table. It was the Scoobty table, and Shaggy, Scooby and Dixie were there, sampling a large appetizer. Tonight Dixie wore a tan dress, with a green sash, there was a flower in her fur, all in all , Nick could easily tell that she was very attractive, for a great dane that is. he then turned to the open kitchen whee his co-owner aves was preparing customers dinners right befoe thier very eyes. Another big improvement was the quality of the food. The reviews of the food so far had been raving..
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ooc: let me add a bit of irony to the rebooting of this RP xD

Aves groaned stepping out of the kitchen rubbing a burnt paw

"Aye, Nick, I just had the worst case of dai-sal-vue... or however the heck you pronounce it... Like we've done this scene before... And I just burnt my paw after realizing it... quiet kookie if you ask me."

As he waited for Nick's response he swatted at the soup kraken's tentacle which was trying to grab a crab cake from the order window


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Its deja vu" Nick said. "That's odd, have you ever had this feeling before. As for your paw, there's a first aid pack by the table over there.. go put ice on the burn it will help with any sweilling. By the way, Table 3 ordered crab cakes 10 minutes ago and they're getting a little impatient.. so go put some ice and wrapping it and get out the customers food.." Nick replied.
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"This is the first of the dejavu I've had here" commented Aves as he went for a bandaid

"Geeze, smurf bandaids again? I wanted Garfield! Or Snoopy atleast!"


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Ducky moaned and rubbed her head.  They had been exploring some caves when an earthshake had happened and she had slipped and fell into a hole.  She remembered Petrie grabbing her to use his wings to slow her fall before she hit the ground and they were both knocked out.  She saw up and saw Petrie nearby.  She looked around and could see a spot of light not to far away.  

Ducky reached out a hand and shook Petrie.  "Petrie are you ok?" She asked him.  

Petrie got up and rubbed his head.  "Me no think so, what happened?" He asked.  

"An earth shake, lets go I see light there." She said as she got up and helped Petrie up.  She was taller then Petrie now that they were in their early teens, but not by much and they were still pretty close to the same size.  Once they were both standing up they walked to the light and looked out into the world beyond.  They say strange things.  

"Where here?" Petrie asked.

They saw a dog with an aviator's outfit on his head and walking on his two back legs.  

"It looks interesting, let's go." Ducky said and started to climb out of the hole.  Petrie took her hand.

"You sure, it look scary." Petrie said.

Ducky patted Petrie on the shoulder and pointed to the walking dog who was almost level where they were, "He looks friendly.  We must be beyond the mysterious beyond." Then she remembered something from her childhood years back, "Remember what the those strange rainbowfaces said, "Maybe this is where they are from, yes it may be." She said as she climbed the rest of the way out of the hole.

"Me not sure." Petrie said though he did climb out and stand beside Ducky, he looked a bit afraid as he looked around, then they heard voices on the other side of the fence near where they were.

"Yes sir, I"ll stop calling you sir, sir." marcie said.   Pepperment Patty made a grunt of annoyance.

"Never mind Marcie, let's go, we don't want to be late.  Remember today our team is playing against Chuck's." Peppermint Patty said then the two walked off so Ducky and Petrie could not hear anything else they said.

"Hear that, they speak our language here, not sharptooth.  They'll not try to eat us." Ducky said.  

"Me still not sure, where do we go?" Petire asked.

Ducky pointed at Snoopy who was walking by in his world war 1 aviator outfit.  "Let's follow him, he looks like he knows where he's going." Ducky said then set off walking a bit behind Snoopy.  Petrie, still not sure followed beside Ducky.

Snoopy, the world war 1 flying ace was on temporary leave and was heading towards a nearby cafe that he knew about.


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Next time, speak up before I buy them. If I know that  you want garfield bandaids I'll get them! " Nick replied. "That gold the wizard gave us is starting to run short, so we can't over spend on everything.. I don't wantto ask him for more money...Remember we spent a lot of it fixing this place up, this place was a dump, in every sense of the word. Buying good food isn't cheap either. Its the price of businss.."
_ Meanwhile,, Shaggy  grabbed some calimari from the appetizer platter. "Man, this stuff is GOOD! The last time we came here, I nearly broke my teeth on the bread,  and the chicken fingers were cold and hard."Scooby was eating the mozzerela sticks "Rummy! Rice rand rot! Rust rhe ray Ri rike rit!' he said in his usual barely intelligence voice. On his right paw rode a large golden ring, the mate of which was on Dixie's right paw. These were no ordinary rings, either,, the wizard Stripetail had given them to them during thier last visit here, they were powerful magical objects containing ancient suits of  armor with wonderous, untold powers. Neither of them had worn them since the defeat of Chong, because frankly, they had not yet adjusted to wearing them, and didn't want to .. if they didn't have to. Dixie was eating some of chicken fingers and dipping them in the sauces then came with the meal. After Chong's defeat she had moved in with Scooby and Shaggy, so now there were 3 residents at the mansion Shaggy had inherited from his uncle.. apart from the robot butler and personal chef. Dixie had laid down rules for scooby's relationship with her when she had moved in. firstly, since they were cousins,mating was a no-no. Kissing... well that depended on her other words if she was in a good mood, scooby could kiss her. He had not kissed her yet, nor had he asked, being careful not to cross any lines with her. which, for her part she appreciated.
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Aves mumbled something about Smurf bandaids as he went back into the kitchen. And then came the usual excitement of the Fox yelling at the soup kaken

"Down boy! Unhand those crab cakes! Down I say! Get! Shoo!"


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Snoopy noticed the 2 folks following him.  Turning around to face them he saw one of them was an aviator like himself, likely a french one with his girl friend.  Snoopy saluted the fellow aviator, which a confused Petrie somewhat copied thinking it was some form of greeting.  

Snoopy walked up to Ducky and kissed her hand then motioned for them go with him.  He thought eating with some folks would be more fun then eating alone.  

"What he want?" Petrie asked Ducky.

"I think he is greeting us and wants us to go with him, yes I do.  Let's go with him.  It may be fun, it may." Ducky said.  An unsure Petrie nodded and then went with Snoopy the short distance into the cafe.


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Nick shok his heasd. That kraken had taken a liking to the food, indeed in the past it usually grabbed the staff because it hated the food(as did virtually eveeryone else). But He'd rather have it snitch food then try to explain the unexplaianable. "sorry madam, but your son was eaten at work today by a monster who lives in the soup.."
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Snoopy, Ducky & Petrie walked into the cafe, Snoopy opening the door and letting Ducky then Petrie go in first before he did.  Ducky & Petrie are roughly maybe 5 feet or a bit shorter roughly.  Snoopy is his usual size of course.


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Nick smiled as they walked in. "Good evening . Welcome to the Insane cafe..." Mr. Ace" He said nodding at Snoopy. It was thenn that a medium sized longneck fell through the roof, just missing Ducky Petrie and snoopy, but causing a large noise and field  of debris.  The longneck got up gingerly, and looked around, at this strange foreign place.  This was Ali an old friend of Petrie and Ducky.  "Madam?" Nick asked, causing her to start. "Would you loike to join this group here?"  "Party? What's a party?' She said slowly.. still confused. "Its another way of saying group.. when a group comes into a resteraunt.. that is where you are, a resteraunt.... it is called a 'party'..." Nick explained.
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Ali nodded uneasily, she still didn't quite understand what the strange creature was saying. She had been drinking from a pool of water near the herd's camping grounds.. when a large earthshake had struck the area. the ground had opened,  the pool had drained away , the griound beneasth her had colaspsed and  she had tumbled into the opening... and landed here..wherever that was. she looked around and saw Snoopy, Petrie and Ducky. It had been years since she had seen the two of them , so she wasn't exactly sure it was them.  She bent down (she was much larger now than when she was younger) and looked at them. The dog was unfamlilar to her, but he didn't look like a sharptooth, and besides Ducky and Petrie were with him (if that WAs them) so he couldn't be all bad."Ducky? Petrie? Is-is that you?' She asked quietly, hoping not to embarass herself. If it wasn't them she could apologize and go on her way..
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Ducky and Petrie were a bit startled by the falling debris, as well as the large falling body that landed just in front of them.  The three of them dusted themselves off and Ducky looked at who it was while Petrie stood slightly behind her a bit, afraid as usual.

Ducky nodded, "I'm Ducky, yep, yep, yep.  I didn't know your herd walked to beyond the mysterious beyond.  It's good to see you again." She said guessing it was Ali since this longneck looked quiet a bit like Littlefoot and they were about the same size.

Petrie nodded, "Me must be Petrie since my mummy calls me that." He said not afraid anymore since it looked like a friendly longneck and Likely perhaps Ali who resembled Littlefoot, and anyway most longnecks were nice and not scary..

Snoopy bowed while tipping his hat to Ali as his way of greeting.


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"Deh heck is going on in there?!?" called Aves and he poked his head out the door, while straightening his chef's hat.

"Oh... must be raining dinosaurs again."


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Ali smiled, relieved that it was indeed her old friends. "ACtually, we weren't anywhere near the Mysterious beyond. We were near a large lake, on a plain, that had no trees , just small pools of water. I was having a drink when there was a large earthshake and i ended up here.." She returned Snoopy bnosd with one of her own. 'Hi, I'm Ali. These are my friends Ducky and Petrie. ' She Turned to Nick. "Sorry about the mess.."
 Nick smiled. "that's alright, we get weird entrances from creatures all the time here. Part of the reason we call this place the insane cafe is because we get all sorts of odd enterances by customers. That and weird things happen while they are here." He cracked.
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"An earthshake, that sounds similar to what happened to Petrie and myself.  We were exploring some caves with Littlefoot and the others and get separated from them in an earthshake and fell down through some sort of hole into a deeper part of the caves.  I saw an opening it it led to not far from here." Ducky said.

Petrie nodded, "We fall and wake up a bit later."

"We then this person here.  He's nice though we've not heard him say anything so far." Ducky said indicating Snoopy.

Snoopy nodded then motioned towards a table.  "Maybe he thinks we should sit down instead of standing here, we could talk and rest and stuff." Ducky said.


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Ali made her way to the table, which grw in size to accomofdate her larger suze, as did the chair. She sat down and waited for the others to sit down. she looked at the menu in front of her, which was full of strange foods. "Do you have any leaves?' she asked aloud.  "We'll get some leaves for you, if that's what you want. we can do special orders.." a waiter said in passing..
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Ducky, Petrie and Snoopy went over to the table.  Snoopy pulled out the chair for Ducky and pushed it in closer to the table as she sat down.  

"Thanks." She said.  Snoopy bowed then went to his own chair as he and Petrie seated themselves.  The three of them started looking over the menus.


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meanwhile, the Scooby gang had finished thier appetizers and were ready for thier meals. Shaggy had ordered the all you can eat lasangaa, Scooby hasd oedered the all you can eat fish, and Dixie had ordered the house soup and a salad 'I have to watch my figure" She had said..which brought a chuckle from the two others at thier table. No matter how much food Scooby and Shaggy shoveled down, they somehow managed to burn it all off.. "Being chased by monsters all the time burns a lot of calories "Shaggy said.
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Ducky looked over the menu and picked out a few things that looked nice to eat and drink.  She could not read but could look at the pictures.  She pointed to the pictures saying.  "I think I'll have that, and to drink some of that." She said.  She had ordered a type of salad with some grapes and other types of plant foods in them.   And some fruit juice to drink.  

"Me have what she has." Petrie said, not being able to choose from all the pictures, so he decided to just have what Ducky is having since she'd likely order something good.

Snoopy decided to order, in his own usual way, the usual thing he often had in these types of restaurants.