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Childhood LBT Mix-Ups


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I think we've all had 'em. :rolleye You know, those moments when you spent years thinking a character's name was something it wasn't, or you misheard some dialogue in a way that made no sense, or you thought a character was the opposite gender they actually were, etc. (Yeah, I just discovered I wasn't the only one who thought Tippy was a girl.)
In the original movie, when Ducky said, "Lots of things cannot fly. Rocks...trees...sticks...Spike," I was 100% sure she said, "Rocks...trees...sticks...bikes." :PCera

Similarly, when Hyp told his flunkies to "get in there and help, you creeps," I thought he said, "you crates."

I also remember that I kept hearing Dil's name as "Gil" and thinking she was male because of it.

In LBT VII, I had Rinkus and Sierra's names confused for years, and after I finally realized my mistake, a friend who also watched LBT informed me he had thought the same thing! As he explained it, "Rinkus sounds more evil!" :lol That was pretty much my rationale, too, not realizing they were named for their species the first time I saw the movie. Clearly, the more threatening name belonged on the hotheaded psycho, right? It didn't help that I thought Sierra was exclusively a girl name IRL--though I knew both characters were guys, I thought the more feminine name should be on the pink character. An internet search has since shown me that Sierra is a gender-neutral name, though I found it was within the top 100 girls' names in 2000, the year LBT VII came out, while not even penetrating the top 1000 for boys, so no wonder I was confused. Couldn't they have named him "Dactyl" or something, instead? :p

Oh yeah, and one more thing I recall was when Cera asked Pterano, "What are you doing here??" and he said, "Migrating, like the others out there in the field," his accent made little-me hear his first word as, "My greetings." Heh...I thought, okay, he's going around greeting everybody in the valley, he's trying to convince them he's friendly. The only thing weirder than the misunderstandings little kids can take from something is the way they manage to rationalize those mix-ups! :lol

So, what kind of LBT misunderstandings did the rest of you have when you were younger?

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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Yeah, I just discovered I wasn't the only one who thought Tippy was a girl

I would of thought that until the credits.


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I thought for years that Ali's name was spelled Ellie. Other than that I can't think of anything else. I used to watch the movies 1 through 7 every week during the summer until my VHS tapes were practically unplayable, so I'd end up clearing up any doubts I might've had.
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I thought for years that Ali's name was spelled Ellie. Other than that I can't think of anything else. I used to watch the movies 1 through 7 every week during the summer until my VHS tapes were practically unplayable, so I'd end up clearing up any doubts I might've had.

I thought Ali's name was "Allie" until I finally read the back of the VHS...every time I read the actual spelling, I still think of "Prince Ali" from Aladdin. :p

Funny, I watched the movies all the time, too, though my VHS tapes still work (I can't believe I still own those things). I guess the thing was that I never even thought much of the lines I was mishearing, just once or twice thinking, "hmm, that's weird," and not giving it any more thought from there. I did think that stuff like Ducky using the word "bikes" made no sense, but then I would just think, "Well, stranger things have happened, like Ichy holding that pair of binoculars on the LBT IV case," and move on.

Yeah, I just discovered I wasn't the only one who thought Tippy was a girl

I would of thought that until the credits.

So, I guess that means Tippy's actor is a boy? Heh, I honestly still haven't seen who voiced him. :lol

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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I thought for years that Ali's name was spelled Ellie. Other than that I can't think of anything else. I used to watch the movies 1 through 7 every week during the summer until my VHS tapes were practically unplayable, so I'd end up clearing up any doubts I might've had.
I thought Ali's name was "Allie" until I finally read the back of the VHS...every time I read the actual spelling, I still think of "Prince Ali" from Aladdin. :p
I brought up this exact same argument on the Discord server during Ali's showcase month. Since I watched Aladdin way before LBT4, I said "before watching LBT4 I used to think it was pronounced Ah-li, but the actual pronunciation of her name is Eh-ly, which really screwed with my head." Apparently some people are used to Ah-li, some others Alley/Ellie. Since I'd read her TV Tropes page and fanfics before actually seeing LBT4, her actual pronunciation tripped me up, but made the name make so much more sense.

But since I was a teen when I first watched the films, I don't think I have too many other misconceptions. Other than hearing Ducky's "Open your wings, Petrie!" in the original film when Littlefoot is charging forward as "Open your wings, dammit!" Which looking back, makes no sense. :p
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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I'm really wondering why they chose such a weird spelling for Ali's name, too. :thinking It's not like they took it out of her species name, aside from having the first letter in common.

But since I was a teen when I first watched the films, I don't think I have too many other misconceptions. Other than hearing Ducky's "Open your wings, Petrie!" in the original film when Littlefoot is charging forward as "Open your wings, dammit!" Which looking back, makes no sense. :p

Heh, that sounds very un-Ducky-like. :lol
Ducky: "I would not talk to Petrie like that, oh, no, no, no!" :sducky

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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That is a bit too edgy for Ducky. XD

I think a misconception I have was in movie 3 when the Raptors attacked. I could have sworn that I remembered Littlefoot and Hyp fight them together for bit, litteraly knocking them away. I was very young when I first saw it. XD Heck I thought it was more awesome than I remembered it being.


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I'd be down for that line in a remake  :p

I don't really have that many TLBT misconceptions, especially from when I was little and only had the first movie and XI - the only one from when I was young that comes to mind is from my very first (and for a long time, only) viewing of IX via a rented DVD, during the earthshake scene - I very vividly recall there being a shot of a palm tree dying in a really weird way (turning dark and kind of squashing itself flat).

Besides that, the only other one I can think of was during my first and maybe second watch-through of Journey of the Brave, where I misinterpreted Cera's "what's a bigbeak doing underground?" line as "what's a bigby doing underground?". I don't know what "bigby" means either; my mind went with it being a synonym for "hobo" based on Cera's intonation.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 02:46:59 PM by Nanotyrannus »


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That is a bit too edgy for Ducky. XD

I think a misconception I have was in movie 3 when the Raptors attacked. I could have sworn that I remembered Littlefoot and Hyp fight them together for bit, litteraly knocking them away. I was very young when I first saw it. XD Heck I thought it was more awesome than I remembered it being.
LBT III might not be one of my favorites, but that was one of the best sharptooth fight scenes in the whole series! :evilsmile

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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There were few instances where I had to pause a film or reverse to the last scene so I could understand what the characters were talking about. Mind you, growing up I watched the LBT films purely in Finnish dub, and there was always something to laugh about how they changed certain character names or words in songs. For example, Big Daddy was translated to Isokäsi, which roughly translates to big hand. I didn't possess the capability back then to understand everything, but now that I'm an adult, I can see exactly what I'd missed. It's all quite hilarious when I think back just how innocent the series seemed at the time. :p


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There were few instances where I had to pause a film or reverse to the last scene so I could understand what the characters were talking about. Mind you, growing up I watched the LBT films purely in Finnish dub, and there was always something to laugh about how they changed certain character names or words in songs. For example, Big Daddy was translated to Isokäsi, which roughly translates to big hand. I didn't possess the capability back then to understand everything, but now that I'm an adult, I can see exactly what I'd missed. It's all quite hilarious when I think back just how innocent the series seemed at the time. :p

Big Hand? Interesting way to translate the name of a character who has NO hands! :p

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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There were few instances where I had to pause a film or reverse to the last scene so I could understand what the characters were talking about. Mind you, growing up I watched the LBT films purely in Finnish dub, and there was always something to laugh about how they changed certain character names or words in songs. For example, Big Daddy was translated to Isokäsi, which roughly translates to big hand. I didn't possess the capability back then to understand everything, but now that I'm an adult, I can see exactly what I'd missed. It's all quite hilarious when I think back just how innocent the series seemed at the time. :p

Big Hand? Interesting way to translate the name of a character who has NO hands! :p

Yes, it is quite interesting how the team managed to translate his character into that, but now that I think about it, it could have been something way worse. And his character is not the only one. They changed numerous names, and even later remodified those said names again... and the result was not exactly positive one. :slap

Little Bro

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When I was probably 3, me and my sister watched LBT XIII, and the bonus features. I couldn't read yet, so we watched both bonus features, but I saw the words "Bonus Features" and thought that it was a third bonus feature. My sister tried to show me that she couldn't click on it, but she would somtimes play pranks on me, and I thought this was one of them. After a while, I started going crazy and threw a tantrum, and my mom decided that it was time for bed. I now know that it really is just the word "Bonus Features" at the top of the screen, and not an ACTUAL bonus feature. Me and sis now look back on this, and just laugh. :PAli
Go Chomper!


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You're saying Tippy is a BOY?  :lol

Needless to say I've had my fair share of mix-ups in the Land Before Time. I'd blame at least some of them on growing up with the Dutch versions of the films, rather than the English ones. At least the first 8, since I didn't watch the rest until my LBT revival as a teenager.

Dil 100% has a male voice in Dutch and you'll never convince me that he is a woman. In fact, listening to this, he shares a voice with Dutch Squidward from Spongebob  :lol

There's probably a lot of things that I still got wrong about the Land Before Time universe. I mean... Tippy? Male? WHAT? Next you'll tell me that Dana is male and Dinah is female? THEY ARE?!


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Yeah I thought Tippy was a girl as well. To be fair they don't make it clear until I think the TV episode where they finally use a male pronoun for him. (at least that's what I recall. Been awhile since I've watched both the movie and the episode).

Hmm can't think of anything else though off the top of my head.

Little Bro

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Don't you mean off the top of your FLAT head? ^^

A mix up I can't stop having is getting names confused. I learned recently which one was Ichy and which one was Dil. I thought that their names were reversed. I don't watch "Journey Through the Mists" that often so I usually just forget their names the next time I see them.

I get Rinkus and Sierra names mixed up, too. I mean, Rinkus sounds so much more evil than Sierra, in my opinion.

I totally agree with you guys that Tippy seems like a girl. When you think about it, he should have been a girl. Littlefoot found Ali. Why doesn't Spike find a girl spiketail?

Go Chomper!

Gentle Sharptooth

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For a long time as a kid I used Sharptooth for singular and plural tell I finally started using Sharpteeth.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

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Wait, you're telling me Tippy's a BOY?!

(I'm serious, that's new for me.)


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Check the 8:55 mark to hear Tippy mentioned as a son.

Also, funny dialogue at the 18:45 mark:
"Your Spike must have talked Tippy into it"
"My Spike doesn't talk"
« Last Edit: May 23, 2020, 09:17:16 AM by Flathead770 »

Gentle Sharptooth

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Check the 8:55 mark to here Tippy mentioned as a son.

Also, funny dialogue at the 18:45 mark:
"Your Spike must have talked Tippy into it"
"My Spike doesn't talk"

Oh my.. I so that Tippy was a girl. The pink threw me off. XD

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith