The Gang of Five
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Great Lake

Threehorn · 545 · 57253


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"Well more the merrery. I don't mind at all the words I heard and listened that was from the Great Swimmer. that I was told from my grandparents 'All is welcome small and large. the blue moon can be seen to all that wish to come to the great lake, far and wide tell your stories get anyone to join to see the next blue moon' those words was strong to the heart when they spoke the words" Zila said then looks to his right

"Is that threehorns I see? ugh... that great... talk about bring bad memiors... the last ones I saw I ended up getting into a fight all because he called me a Duckbill... ugh... I hate that name for swimmers... to outsider swimmers inculding any swimmer not from this place Duckbill means to them and me and my son well... dumb, stupid, thick, small brained... you get the idea" Zila muttered looking over at Mr Threehorn.


"They both are good" Sam said as they reached the end and came back still neck and neck.


  • Cera
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"I see," Grandpa says, looking over at Mr. Threehorn.  "Well, Mr. Threehorn has been through a few changes over time.  I'm sure he won't be as bad as the threehorns you last met."

"I'll go find Guan and the others to give them the news," Odon says.  "I'll bet they'll be most happy about it."  He turns and leaves.

"I'll go find Littlfoot and talk to him about the Great Lake," Grandma adds.  "He may be with a few other friends."  She turns and leaves in another direction, leaving only Zila and Grandpa.


The growing cheers from the waterpool finally deters Spike away from the shrub to watch his sister swim neck and neck against Turio.

"They'rs almost at the end!" Goanna cries, more excited than ever.

Donna starts to jump around, while Guan watches on in anticipation...


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Mr Threehorn sees Grandpa Longneck talking with a new swimmer. "Hey Longneck who the swimmer? is this the one that been talking about that Great Lake? I'll believe it real when I see it" Mr Threehorn grunted

"So you will join us?" Zila asked

"Well... if he going, I'll go, I leart that nothing small happens with the longnecks around. Cera been bugging me none stop about it... that would of not made me say yes but Trihorn being new to the family well I couldn't say no to both. so your lucky that I am coming Longneck" Mr Threehorn said to him.

"Erm good" Zila said surprised at the reaction he saw listening to Mr Threehorn.


Ducky and Turio hit the finish at the same time both surfacing looking at each other then her mother. "It a draw... you two was a perfect matching finish" Ducky's mum said with a surpise look on her face.

Sam smiled "Well done"

"Wow Ducky you was great" Turio smiled "I like that race alot!"


  • Cera
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Donna cheers and runs to the side of the pool to meet Ducky and Turio.  Spike meets them there as well.

"You two did great!" Donna says, happy.

"That was an awesome race, guys!" Guan called.

Just then, Odon appears from the bushes.  Goanna runs to him and gives him a nudge, which Odon nudges back.

"So how'd it go, Uncle Odon?" Goanna asked.

"I thought it over after talking with Zila," replied Odon, smiling, "and I think it's a good idea that we join Zila's group to the Great Lake."

Goanna's eyes lit up and runs back to the waterpool.  "Donna!  Guan!  Uncle Odon says we can go to the Great Lake!"

Donna cheers and jumps for joy, but makes sure not to hit anybody near her.

(Is it ok if I take over Littlefoot in this RPG too?  Since you have quite a few characters on your hands, Threehorn)


  • The Gang of Five
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(no problem, Littlefoot all yours!)

"Father is good with words, he no lie in life father say the truth to me. He told me about what happen to other of herd... they all die in big earthsake long go. Great grandparents die as well they was most loving swimmers caring for all around them telling stories and keeping hearts good" Turio said "It be good to go to Great Lake with all new friends" Turio clapped his claw hands together.


  • Cera
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"It's always going to be great traveling with new friends!" Donna says.

"It will be great traveling outside the Great Valley for a change," adds Goanna.

Littlefoot soon appears with Grandma close behind.  "Hey guys!  I just heard about the trip to the Great Lake, and it was agreed that my grandparents and I can come too!"

"That's great to hear, Littlefoot," Guan replied.

"Hey Littlefoot!" Donna says, restarting the introductions.  "The swimmer next to Ducky is Turio.  He and his dad were the ones talking about the Great Lake.  Turio, this is another friend of ours named Littlefoot."

"Pleased to meet you, Turio," Littlefoot says.  "I also heard Cera and Trihorn are coming, too."

"Woohoo!  That means everybody's coming!"

"But..." Littlefoot began, "What about Ali?  Is she coming too?"

"Littlefoot and Ali, sitting in a..." Goanna began whispering , but was cut off by the sharp glare of her uncle.


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Turio saw the glare and took safety behind Sam's leg "Please stop him doing that it too scary..." Turio asked.

"Erm... Odon... could you stop the glare. our new little guest seem to bit scared of it." Sam said to Odon calmly


  • Cera
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Odon looks up from Goanna to Turio and Sam.  "Pardon?  Oh I'm sorry about that."

Goanna looks at Turio, feeling sorry and promising in her mind not to be so mischief in front of visitors this time.

Guan sighs and changes the subject.  "So...when do we leave for the Great Lake?"


"Anyway, let's go find the others and make ourselves ready to leave for the Great Lake," said Grandpa after a while.  He looks down at Zila.  "When do you think will be the best time to leave?"


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"We was planing to leave in two days. it feels the best time, can't describe why just feel right" Zila said as they all walked to the water hole.

"Well I would say your crazy but I know that harsh and too fast jugdement... so I'll take your word for it Swimmer" Mr Threehorn said to him.

"Wait a Minute... by any chance your Tops?" Mr Threehorn froze and looked at him.

"How did you..."

"Does Zila bring anything back?" Zila asked

"Zila!? you... erm... right" Mr Threehorn looked nervous "Well yeah maybe but shut it about that all I need is questions asked" Mr Threehorn hissed.

"What wrong admiting we was friends when we was kids?" Zila said and Mr Threehorn went silent looking very embarrised in front of the old longneck


"Only Father knows that" Turio answered


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So were you Turio" Ducky said. 'you sure are fast yep yep yep!"
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • The Gang of Five
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Turio smiled "I never swim with any other swimmer till today. it always only been me and father. we almost all time lone no other swimmers to meet" Turio said to Ducky. "But glad to hear lots going to Great Lake. Where is longneck friend Ali?"


  • Cera
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Donna looks around.  "I thought she was still here.  We need her, Cera, and Trihorn before we can play some more."


Grandpa hears the conversation between Threehorn and Zila, but chooses to keep to himself as they reached the waterpool.

Littlefoot perks up as he sees his grandfather and runs over to meet him, telling him everything.

"So we'll leave in two days," Grandpa says.  "I'm sure it will be a swell adventure."

Odon nods, and then looks over to Guan.  "Well then, the rest of the day is for you and your sisters to have fun.  You know where I'll be if you need me.  Stay out of trouble."

Guan salutes with his right front leg, and watches as his uncle leaves.


  • The Gang of Five
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Mr Threehorn and Zila come up to Grandpa, Odon and Guan with both almost like they was agurin. "So all this time you just appear!?" Mr Threehorn sneered

"Well not like I had a chosen with your father Tops, he was very self sure he was right" Zila said back

Mr Threehorn laughed "Well he was but look I don't want anyone to know my past ok? I don't want them to know I had a friend that was a swimmer when I was a..." Mr Threehorn saw Grandpa, Odon and Guan "kid..." Mr Threehorn muttered the last going silent.

Zila kind of went quiet as well


  • Cera
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Odon cocks and eyebrow at Zila and Threehorn before he leaves, leaving only most of the others looking at him with stunned faces.

Goanna was about to say something, until she sees Guan shaking his head at her, and she instead goes silent.

But Donna was the one who spoke up.  "What's so wrong about having a swimmer for a friend, Mr. Threehorn?"

Goanna hides her face in her front paw, while Spike cocks his head to the side in confusion.


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"Nothing... just feel like no one had to know... lets say this it makes me sound soft and I don't like that..." Mr Threehorn said to her.

Zila smirked "Pride? isn't it? being touth. you always tried that when we was kids." Zila said to him

"And you always showed off with your swimming skills in Peak Lake..." Mr Threehorn said to Zila "But I got my own back on that once" Mr Threehorn smirked back.

"Using your size... tidaled wasn't it you called the move? jumping in at the deep end and causing a wave to pick me up and land in mud. that was funny" Zila said and Mr Threehorn trying to not making himself laugh but he burst out laughing and the group looked wide eyes.


  • Cera
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Even Grandma and Grandpa exchanged confused glances to each other.  Grandpa later looks down at Littlefoot.  "You run along and go play, Littlefoot.  We'll be around if you need us."  Then he and Grandma turns and walks away, giving only a glance each at Threehorn and Zila before disappearing.

Only a few moments later, Donna asks another question before anybody can stop her.  "So how have you two been friends?" she asks Zila and Threehorn.


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"We haven't know that both of us was alive till now. I noticed Tops because of the little chip on his front horn. he did that by being over coolheaded hitting a rock to hard for him to break." Zila said to Donna

Mr Threehorn calmed down then looked at Donna "I did. It was the most stupidish thing I ever did. But to your question he been always my friend. But I forgot about him till justs a little while ago. I at first hate to say it... but I'm glad his still fine" Mr Threehorn said to Donna.


  • Cera
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"Cool," Donna responded, smiling.

Goanna rolls her eyes.  "Can we go play now?"

Donna leers at her older sister, but stops as she sees Guan looking at both of them.

Littlefoot decides to change the subject to prevent any more tension.  "Hey, why don't we find Ali, Cera, and Trihorn so we can play a game?"

Goanna, Guan, and Spike agree to the idea.  Donna looks over to Turio.  "Wanna come?"


  • Cera
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(Eep...I forgot to mention Petrie.)


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"Yeah!" Turio jumped with joy "can I?"

"Yes Turio you can" Zila nods "Just becareful"

"I will father" Turio climbs on Spike's back onto his head "Can I ride on you?" Turio asked nicly and Petrie landed on Donna

"Hi me Petrie. hi everyone me play?" Petrie asked


Zila looked at the two grandparents of Littlefoot "You two been looking at me and Tops for some time, you look quite shocked."

Mr Threehorn looked at them "Longneck?" he questioned them both.