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LBT Trivia Game

Petrie · 774 · 157004


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I start with a question. You answer it and then create another question. Sound easy enough?

The last question posted on our old host was done by Malte and as of now, nobody has answered correctly.

Malte wrote:
Okay, here we go.
Many LBT characters have names based on the kind of dinosaur they are. Once however a dinosaur (who doesn't play any important role in the movie I'm talking of and is just a total background character) is named by the actual name of it's kind, just the ending "-saurus" has been left out. Which movie ist it, who says the name? And what is the name?


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Sue from the tenth film?  (supersaurus?)  Malte?


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I'll give you another hint, as this might really be a difficult one. The character is addressed with this name (really just the -saurus is missing as a difference to the name of that character's kind), but the character is so unimportant that not even a single word is uttered by that character. One really has to search for that character.


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<_<   I will figure this one out!!!  I considered Tickles but he's important....


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    • View Profile're not talking about Nod from LBT 3 are you? Nod's breed is a Nodosaurus which belonged to the Ankylosaurs group of dinosaur. Is that who you're after?


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Nope, nope, nope!
Remember the actual question:

Many LBT characters have names based on the kind of dinosaur they are. Once however a dinosaur (who doesn't play any important role in the movie I'm talking of and is just a total background character) is named by the actual name of it's kind, just the ending "-saurus" has been left out. Which movie ist it, who says the name? And what is the name?

Neither Tickles (who's species is not absolutely sure; most likely a Megazostrodon, but that wouldn't even be a dinosaur) nor Nod are ever addressed like that (In Nod's case someone would have to call him "Nodo" to met the criterion). And as I said, this character doesn't speak a single word in is not important for the story. I hid one further hint in this message (a very subtle one though).


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Is there any stego? I'm just guessing.. I've never seen LBT 8,9 and 10 so I don't know if there is such a caracter, but that name looks like fitting
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Guess what?  I don't knnoooooowwwwwwwww.  :P   I've tried many times but I just can't figure it out.


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Just to give all of you a Tip I gave NewOrder in the chat. It is not from a movie he didn't see. So it is not from LBT 8, 9 or 10.


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OH MY GOD!!!  Malte how could you make such a brain teaser so early in the morning (but you were right!)

It's LBT 6, they're looking for the twins (Dana and Dinah) and Ducky searches under Mrs. Mia.  "Sorry Mrs. Mia, I....woah."  ;)

I'm absolutely positive I have it right but I'll wait just to make sure.

And, we have a chat room?  :blink:


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Sure enough you are right Arvens..
But does she say "Mia"? It sounds more like "Maia" to me and the dinosaur she was talking to was a Maiasaurus.


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AH!! I've only seen the brazilian version and in there she only says: "Oh sorry... I.." =p
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So it's your turn with the next question Arvens.


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:o  My bad.

This isn't easy but we'll see if someone can get it.

This deals with the soundtrack...there's one part in one of the songs where a part of the song is different on the soundtrack than it is in the film.  Just so you guys know it is NOT the added section in "Rescue/Discovery of the Great Valley".  There is a part in another long track where an instrument is heard in the film during the sequence, but it is not heard on the soundtrack.  

What is the track, what is the musical instrument, and where is it in relation to the film?

Good luck. :)


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It's during an action sequence.


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Ok, another hint...

It happens at 7 minutes 30 seconds on the track so that removes about half of the soundtrack from the picture. ;)


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I think I got it. During the fight between Littlefoot's mother and the sharptooth, before the begining of the earthquake you can hear a sort of deep bass drum or something like that on the soundtrack. The same instrument is not played during the movie.
I have my next question ready, but as I'm not absolutely certain if my answer is the one that is expected I'll wait for your confirmation or decline Captain Arvens. I don't want to put up a question before I'm entirely sure that the last one has been answered correctly.


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    • View Profile  You don't quite got it.  You have the right time, but really you need to play that section on the soundtrack as well as on the film and you'll immediately see what I'm's the reason the drums sound so much louder on the soundtrack, because something's missing....

I'll give one more hint, Sharptooth and the Earquake (track 2) between the times of 7:30 and 7:40. ;)  I can't give any more hints.


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I listened to the part carefully and I can't help hearing that there is more than one instrument missing. Apart from the bass drum I mentioned before there are two more instruments. I'm hideously bad at recognizing instrument, but the one seems to be a strike of cymbals, and the other one seems to be a brass instrument. Could be a trombone.


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Oh man, I swear you have the right place but I must ask one thing.  You say it's a trombone...where is the instrument coming from (left channel or right channel if it is in stereo)?