The Gang of Five
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Nahla's RP

Nahla · 757 · 103546


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Mr Threehorn walked past Grandpa splattered in blood "Hey longneck,I avenged your boy-killed Hades" he laughed and walked off.


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"Oh no..." sighed Grandpa, rushing off to find Hades. It wasn't long before he found him; and he was horrified by what he saw. The threehorn had stabbed him, and there was a huge pool of blood around the giant black body. He checked for any life signs, but there were none, and it would be impossible to move him. If the other residents found out, which no doubt they would through the threehorn, they would try and completely destroy the corpse. There was nothing he could do now, he was too late this time. "I'm sorry," he said quietly to Hades's lifeless face.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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"Grandpa?  Daddy?" Nahla voice broke through the air,her eyes drifted to her fathers body "DADDY!" she screamed tears pouring she turned to Granpa begging "Make him get up! Please! I have no family left,he has got to get up"


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"Nahla.... I've tried..." It was clear that there were tears in Grandpa's eyes as he watched the devastated face of the little one in front of him. He went over to Hades's chest again and pressed his ear against it, hoping for some sort of sign, but there was none. This was getting too devastating to bear. "I fear I was too late to save him... I'm so sorry Nahla..."

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Grief filled Nahla's face,she was now an orphan in this cold cruel world. Screaming she turned and grabbed a sharp rock,completely forgetting what Grandma and Grandpa told her after her last attempting she raised it and sliced her neck dropping to the ground. Motionless


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"NO!" Grandpa cried, but it was too late. He couldn't stop himself now; he started crying and couldn't, or wouldn't, stop.
"For goodness' sake dear, what happened?" came the voice of his mate as she came from behind a few trees. She had heard his cries and left Bron with the kids while she went to investigate, but now Grandpa did not need to answer her question.
"She saw Hades's body, and I couldn't stop her... It was so quick..." he answered in between sobs as Grandma's eyes drifted to Nahla. She went over to her and checked her over, tears falling down her own cheeks.
"Oh Nahla..." she cried. "I'm so sorry..." She turned to her mate. "Go back to the others. It's very weak but I heard a faint life sign," she said. "I'll get her away from Hades and take her to a different place in the Valley. I don't want the children seeing her."

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Nahla's heartbeat was getting weaker and weaker as she tried to surrender to death,blood poured from her neck. And this was all because of that stupid Threehorn.


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Grandma didn't bother taking Nahla very far away; she knew she was falling into death with every moment that passed. She licked the wound clean before grabbing some damp treestars and placing them on her neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding. After being both a mother and grandmother cuts and scratches were nothing new to her, but now there was a risk since this cut was on Nahla's neck. She placed the end of her tail precautiously on top of the treestars to completely cover the cut and make sure the minimal amount of bleeding happened, but trying not to strangle her. It was either that or watch her bleed to death.

Meanwhile, Grandpa returned to his nest, his grief made room for his anger at Mr Threehorn on his way back. He said nothing when he returned; instead he just lay down and looked at the ground, deep in thought.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Nahla did not seem to responding to the treatment. Her last sign of life faded. She would not wake up this time....she was turely dead.


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Grandma checked for life signs 1000 times over, but there was nothing. She was truly gone this time. She sighed, her eyes suddenly turning into waterfalls, as she picked her up and placed her by her father's head, and nuzzled her gently.
"Sleep now, little one," she whispered. She looked up to the sky, and swore that for a moment one of the clouds took the form of a longneck, and she remembered her daughter. "Look after them both." With that, she turned away and headed back to the resting place.

"Papa Longneck, please just tell me what happened!" Bron begged, after telling the children to play nearby.
"Hades is dead," Grandpa answered. "The threehorn killed him." Bron was shocked to hear the news, and then realised that another adult was missing.
"And Mama Longneck?" Bron questioned. "Where is she?"
"Nahla cut herself deeply in the neck after seeing her father's body," Grandpa carried on. "She's gone to try and save her life. How successful she will be, I don't know."
"I'm sure Nahla will make it," Bron assured him. "She a strong kid."

At that moment, Grandma slowly walked up behind them, the only noise that alerted them being her thunderous footsteps. Bron's hopes were completely shattered when he saw her face. Her eyes were blooshot and glazed over, thinking too much about what just happened rather than focusing on the real world around her. She had nearly stepped on several other small dinosaurs on the way back.
"No..." Bron breathed. "Tell me it's not true!" A slight nod was all he got, and there was just silence afterwards.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Littlefoot walked forward after hearing his Granmda "Grandma? Why are you sad?"/


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"Oh, Littlefoot..." she sobbed, nuzzling her grandson. "I'm so sorry... so sorry..." The whole family embraced him, but none explained what had happened.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Littlefoot seemed confused,having his memory back thanks to Hades Littlefoot looked around "Wheres Nahla?"


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"She's gone now," said Grandma. "She's joined her father..." she wasn't sure if Littlefoot knew about Hades, but she couldn't use the word "death" right now. She was in too much emotional pain after having to watch Nahla fade away right in front of her eyes. It reminded her too much of when she watched her own child die, except she couldn't go near him afterwards. Grandpa knew exactly what she was thinking, and started to cry again, grieving for everyone he knew that he had lost.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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"What do you mean she joined her father?" Littlefoot cried "I want her here! I love her! I need her!".

"Littlefoot it will be fine" a voice whispered as a cloud took the shape of Nahla and looked down "I'm at forever peace now,and I will always be in your heart. I'll always be with you. By your side..if you never forget me...I'll never die"


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The bright circle began to set, and the longneck family finally began to settle down.
"Okay, little ones, time for rest," said Grandpa. He was careful not to say sleep, as he knew many of them wouldn't be getting much of that tonight. He looked up to the sky. "I'm sorry, old friends," he whispered. "I failed you." His mate smiled weakly at him, gently nudging Littlefoot towards the resting place while Bron got Shorty. On the way, Grandma began to sing her lullaby, and the other adults joined in, singing until the end of the song. It was a sort of family tradition to do whenever someone died or was close to dying. They were still distraught and disturbed by what happened in the Great Valley over the course of the past few weeks. Mr Threehorn would get what was coming to him later, but now, the valley residents were getting ready to sleep. Grandma stayed up the longest, her mind drifting to the "sleeping" Nahla and Hades near the outskirts of the valley. She looked up to the sky and smiled. Life would get better eventually, she knew that, and everyone would recover one day. She finally joined everyone else in the land of sleep stories in an uneasy sleep.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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And so as the day ended so did the lives of Hades and Nahla. The setting bright circle lead their souls to the other world.

The Shadowlanders all perished. The drought got out of hand,they all slowly died a horrible death,their screams went unheard.

Till then day Littlefoot too died he never forgot his first love. Whenever he felt down he knew Nahla would been there,even if she was not seen. She was in his heart. She was his angel...his guardian angel.

The End?

(And that my friends is the end of our RP story)