The Gang of Five
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Messages - General Grievous

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 18
The Party Room / Never piss off.
« on: March 06, 2011, 12:52:15 AM »
Quote from: Adder,Mar 5 2011 on  08:28 PM
He'll arrest you.

Ziva is a girl, not a guy.  I think she'd do a lot worse than arrest you.  She's an Israeli Mossad agent who knows 18 different ways to kill you with a paperclip. :o   Her philosophy is, "If it annoys you, kill it."

As for Scruffy, don't piss him off or he'll let your boiler explode while he reads porn magazines!

Never piss off a Big Daddy from Bioshock.

History Section / The allied bombing of Germany/Europe
« on: January 07, 2011, 08:51:21 PM »
NEWSFLASH: Germany and Japan bombed people too.  That was the acceptable way of fighting way of fighting wars back then.  Now can we please move on because complaining about it won't magically change the past.

Silver Screen / How to train Your Dragon
« on: October 17, 2010, 06:46:48 PM »
So I finally rented the DVD and I have this to say...

Wow! :wow  This movie is freaking amazing!  I wish i had seen in in theaters.  :cry  I cannot describe how awesome this movie is!  Everything about it is awesome!  I could go on all day about it!  I think this is the best animated movie Dreamworks has ever made!  The dragons were cool, the story was touching, the music was gorgeous...  I absolutely must see this in 3d now!  I don't like 3d but I have heard that the 3d in this movie was amazing.    

Now if you'll excuse me im going to watch it again!

Old Captions / Edward Cullen being chased by a night fury
« on: October 06, 2010, 09:33:06 PM »
It's the teaser poster for the sequel!  Instead of "How to be a Pirate" it will be called "How to Kill a Vampire"!

It's Party Time! / The Game
« on: September 25, 2010, 02:48:26 PM »
I hate you so much f14.  I lost the game!

Silver Screen / The Wild Thornberrys
« on: September 04, 2010, 12:24:37 AM »
I used to watch this show all the time! :D  It was one of my favorite shows on Nick.  Unfortunately like most of the other good shows such as Rocket Power and Hey Arnold it no longer airs. :(

Silver Screen / Inception
« on: August 03, 2010, 12:10:35 AM »
I don't plan on seeing it because I can't stand Leonardo Dicaprio movies.

Character Discussion / Top 10 Charactes you Hate
« on: July 31, 2010, 01:22:46 PM »
Alright, here's my list of characters I hope never to see again in another LBT film.

7. Tippy.  I can't tell if this character is a male or female.  I don't really are either.  This character is annoying and needs to die out so that the rest of the spiketail population isn't contaminated by his/her stupidity.

6. Tippy's herd.  They're a bunch of a-holes.  Not much more to say.  

5. The Tinysaurs.  They were completely pointless.

4. Rhett- Everyone hates him.  He's a liar and a poser and needs a good butt kicking.

3. Ali from the TV series.  That was not the real Ali.  I believe that this was just some sort of twisted and evil clone sent from an alternate universe.  She was too stupid to be the real Ali and she had the personality of a brick.  

2. Cera's retarded cousins (or whatever they were) from LBT 6.  They were pointless and irritating and I hope they are never seen again.  They were not real characters.  They were just plot devices.  

1. The yellowbellies.  They are stupid, annoying, ugly, and they need to die.

General Land Before Time / I am quite saddened.
« on: July 29, 2010, 06:19:38 PM »
I don't support romance between Ducky and Petrie.  In fact, I hate interspecies romances.  It doesn't mean they don't love each other.  It IS possible to love someone without having romantic feelings toward them.  What's wrong with them just being really close friends?

Well... if you look a little more closely, there is at least ONE picture which is really, and I mean REALLY inappropriate...

SO inappropriate that you'll want to puke the second you look at it. blink.gif

Was it more of that Rule34 garbage?  I hate that crap.  I can't do any kind of search on an innocent topic without that trash popping up somewhere in the search. <_<

Land Before Time RPG / Wayfaring Strangers
« on: July 18, 2010, 11:41:23 PM »
occ: Sorry for the confusion guys.  Anyway I'm waiting for Starfall to post.

Land Before Time RPG / Wayfaring Strangers
« on: July 11, 2010, 01:04:28 PM »
OCC: Dude, please follow the posting order.  It wasn't your turn.

Land Before Time RPG / Wayfaring Strangers
« on: July 11, 2010, 03:18:51 AM »
As the sun sank below the horizon, Kaga waded across the river and found himself standing in a vast land of canyons and plateaus.  The land was dry and barren except for the occasional dead tree.  The green iguanodon wandered through the dark landscape, swishing his tail from side to side as he walked.  The moon lit the terrain well and Kaga had good night vision so he could see the land well.  Somewhere nearby he could hear voices.
"I wonder who that is." he said as he began to quietly make his way toward the direction the voices were coming from.  

Kaga peered around from behind a rock and spotted a young fast biter, probably about his own age, and an old sharpclaw.  The fast biter stood atop a rock formation looking out over the wasteland ahead while the sharpclaw yelled something up at him.  From this distance, Kaga could not tell what they were discussing, but he could hear bits and pieces of it, including something about the Great Valley.

Silver Screen / Funniest Quotes You've Heard
« on: June 28, 2010, 03:38:24 PM »
Here's a bunch from Spaceballs.

Dark Helmet:
* You have the ring. And I see that your Schwartz is as big as mine. Now, let's see how well you handle it.

* What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz? Chicken?

* (he tries to cancel the self destruct sequence but the button is broken)  Out of order"? F***! Even in the future nothing works!

* I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.

* 1-2-3-4-5? That's the stupidest combination I've ever heard of in my life! That's the kinda thing an idiot would have on his luggage!

President Skroob:
* 1, 2, 3, 4, 5? That's amazing! I've got the same combination on my luggage!

*(after getting beamed onto the bridge and his lower half is backwards) Why didn't anyone tell me my ass was so big?!

General Land Before Time / This youtube video I found is a disgrace
« on: June 27, 2010, 08:25:26 PM »
Quote from: Animeboye,Jun 27 2010 on  06:34 PM
Here's what I don't get: Why is it such a big deal that Dinosaur Train has an episode talking about poop yet just about every kids movie released in the last ten years or so has poop jokes in them and people are just fine with that? Why can movies like Alvin and the Chipmunks or Marmaduke make "doody" references and have people be okay with that but when Dinosaur Train has an episode talking about poop, all of a sudden it's "OMG SO AWFUL!!!!!11111" Seems to me like a case of double standards.
It's not a double standard.  Making jokes about crap (which I really don't find funny) on a show and actually showing something taking a crap are two different things.  The latter is considerably more obscene and has no place in a kids show.

Silver Screen / How to train Your Dragon
« on: June 27, 2010, 03:01:35 AM »
Dang.  Reading all these comments I wish I had gone to see it in theaters.     :(  I have to rent it when it comes out.

Silver Screen / Today's Cartoons...
« on: June 26, 2010, 01:38:48 AM »
Why on earth are they showing live action shows on Cartoon Network?  It's called Cartoon Network, not Live Action Reality Shows for Kids Network.  Don't we have to put up with enough reality TV on every other channel? :blink:

Land Before Time RPG / Wayfaring Strangers
« on: June 20, 2010, 11:58:07 PM »
Many miles away the sun began to set over the empty wasteland, Kaga made his way through what had once been a dense forest.  Dead, decaying trees lined the path he was walking along.  The iguanodon kept a keen eye out for predators, as this was the perfect place for an ambush.  However, Kaga was almost fully grown and he was a great fighter so predators didn't scare him much.  Kaga was not looking for food as he wandered among the dead trees.   He had happened upon a green bush earlier in the day that satisfied his hungry stomach.  Now he needed water.  The iguanodon could smell water somewhere up ahead.  As he walked along, his ears detected the sound of rushing water and Kaga quickened his pace.  

"Finally..." he whispered to himself as he emerged from the dead forest onto the sandy bank of a wide river.  The river looked deep and the water was moving swiftly.  There were rapids near the center of the water.  Still, the water was cool and Kata made his way to the edge and began lapping at the refreshing liquid.

Character Profiles / General Grievous's characters
« on: June 20, 2010, 11:33:16 PM »
Name: Kaga

Species: Spikethumb (I guess that is what you call an iguanodon)

Age: 17 (in dino years)

Gender: Male

Description: Kaga has dark green skin over most of his body. His underside is mostly pale gray. The row of scales running from his head down to his back have a turquoise color. Kaga also has black stripes running down his back and bands on his tail.  The tip is black. He also has pale blue eyes.

Bio: Kaga was born in the Mysterious Beyond but ran away from his herd when he was young to search for the Great Valley. During the course of his travels, Kaga has become lost several times. He has found that it is not easy to survive on his own. Predators and hunger have plagued him on his journey and now the Great Valley is Kaga's only hope for survival. He may be friendly but he is shy around girls. He has learned to be a fierce fighter. Recently, he has met new friends and has developed a close relationship with Strafe.

Abilities: Kaga has a lot of stamina. He can run for a long time without having to stop. Kaga can also recover quickly from minor injuries relatively fast. He can last a decent amount of time without food.

Weaknesses: Kaga can not last more than a few days without water. He can do without food but not water. He can sometimes be too eager and impatient for his own good.

Personality: He is suspicious of newcomers at first but it is not hard to earn Kaga's trust.  He is brave, kindhearted, and will do anything to keep his friends safe.  He is especially fond of Strafe.

Role Play Discussion / Redoing Sleep and Remember
« on: June 17, 2010, 01:28:40 AM »
I'm back now and I would like to take part in this.

Gamers Zone / BioShock 2
« on: March 15, 2010, 03:47:31 AM »
I envy you guys.  I haven't had a chance to buy this game yet. :(   I've been too busy and I simply can't afford it.

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