The Gang of Five
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Messages - LoyfeCycleProtector

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Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: March 23, 2024, 10:26:20 PM »
“Well well well,” Junior tutted in front of the captives, putting his knuckles on his hips as he sneered at them. He was quite a bit older now than when he had first kidnapped Princess Peach on Isle Delphino, although she was still about a head taller than he was. With age came less and less of a size difference between him and the princess, but he still had that young boy's smarminess that he'd had since he'd first started assisting his father in his kidnappings.

“I think you know the drill by now, Peach. Help yourself to some refreshments and what not— it’s not like you’re in any hurry to be anywhere right now.” He gestured to the significantly more frightened mayor bound by her side. “And would you tell her to pipe down? I can barely here myself think with all that racket she's making." He gave an evil, self congratulatory smirk. There was nothing as satisfying as a well executed kidnapping. Even after all the times the damn plumber always ruined he and his dad's schemes, nothing ever really diminished that thrill of having successfully kidnapped the princess of the mushroom kingdom yet again.

Junior puffed his chest out proudly and smirked at the angry princess as he heard her comments aimed at the kongs.
“Hah! Be as disappointed as you like, princess. These two dingbat lab chimps have to do whatever we say, or else their little brat Kiddie Kong is gonna get it.”
He strolled casually by Diddy, who was looking at the ground with a look of intense distress. ‘Man, he’s really selling it!’ Junior thought, proud of the kong’s acting chops. All they’d need to do is act like someone the kongs cared about was in some kind of danger — Kiddie Kong couldn’t talk and therefore wouldn’t dispute his claims, so he made the most sense— and the princess would forgive whatever Dixie and Diddy ended up doing here.
Junior turned his back to the princess to look at Diddy, but not before giving the girls a nod. Wendy's driving had been outstanding, and Dixie and Flurrie had been right on point as soon as they had arrived. A far better performance than what he normally got out of the bog standard goombas, for sure. When he turned back to Diddy, he kept speaking in his usual bad guy voice, but for the second time that hour he flashed Diddy the same kind of toothy grin he’d given the kong on the night he’d first asked him out.

“And besides, its not like we're planning to hurt either of you two, are we, Diddy Kong?"
The kong's lip trembled.
“… I can’t do this…” Diddy muttered softly.

Junior gave a villainous chortle. “Hah! Glad to see you’re so miserable, knuckle dragger. You don’t wanna go through with this? Well that’s too damn bad. As long as me and Wendy have your ugly little baby captive, you both have to—“

Diddy gritted his teeth and walked away from Junior, one arm wrapped tight around his body and the other pulling the brim of his hat down.

“No. I mean I can’t do this, Junior.”

Junior’s well practiced evil sneer melted briefly. He looked over his shoulder at Peach and then to Wendy, Flurrie, and Dixie for a moment before trying to regain his evil facade.  He gave an intolerant scoff and shook a finger in Diddy’s direction. “Listen, you stupid monkey, I know you think you’re hot stuff, but me and Wendy here are calling all the shots, and we say—”
Diddy turned around and grabbed the shaken finger. The kong looked him right in the eyes. Bowser Jr. had never seen his boyfriend with such an anguished look about him. It cut right through all the bullshit he was about to act out in front of the princess and the mayor.
“Junior,” Diddy husked. “I. Can’t. Do this.”
Junior’s façade slipped away. Naked concern lingered on his face.
“Dids, I—"
“I feel wretched, Jay,” Diddy said imploringly. He was fully aware he was ruining their cover by saying this, and he didn’t care. The guilt was at breaking point and he didn’t care much about anything other than freeing himself from it. “I didn’t think this was gonna hit me this bad. I was not ready for this—I was not ready at all for all this mayhem.”

Junior took a step towards the kong with an expression that was a mix between irritated and concerned. The two feeling warred with each other for a moment before irritation won out. The koopa’s face twisted into a impudent snarl.
“I thought you liked mischief!” Junior spat. “Ever since I knew you, I knew you liked it. You even said so yourself!”

“Mischief, yes!” Diddy admitted, stepping a bit closer to Junior. “But we nearly ran over people today, kidnapped political leaders and aimed a bunch of weapons at cop cars. That's a hell of a lot more than a little mischeif!”

“Aww come on, that’s like Tuesday for me, not even the big league villain stuff!” Junior whined, ignoring all else around him in that moment. He looked almost as distraught as Diddy. Hearing all this out of the kong’s mouth felt like being stabbed in the chest. “From the very beginning, I have ALWAYS gone out of my way to make sure I wasn't rushing you into things, haven't I? I've ALWAYS wanted you to be comfortable with how we've paced things between us. I only did this because you said you were willing to give it a try. Am I wrong?”

Diddy balled up his fists.
"Yes, I know you have! I'm not saying you haven't," Diddy admitted, looking Junior in the eyes. "And I WAS ready to try it for you because I saw how excited you were to have me a part of this, but I expected you to still respect my boundaries when things got too much for me,” Diddy said, his voice growing heated. “THIS,” he said, pointing to the bound women, “Is too much. I really, truely tried, but I'm just... I'm not a villain. You HAD to have known I might not like this, Junior.”

Junior’s distraught irritation morphed into indignant anger.
“And YOU had to have known that I’d eventually be taking you to do things like this when you said yes to me for that movie that night. This is a big part of who I am, Dids.” Junior gestured to his own chest emphatically. “I am a villain! You KNOW I’m a villain. You’ve ALWAYS known I’m a villain! It's who I am, it’s who my dad, my people, and who I myself expect me to be, its not something I can just change willy nilly! Are you not able to accept that?”
“June, come on.” June. It was a name Diddy rarely called him except in their most personal moments. He said it with a note of desperation now. "Please, I know this means a lot to you, but just listen to me--"

“NO!” Junior roared, stamping his foot like the brat he still was, as much as he tried to mature for the sake of someone other than his father and himself. “No, no, no, no, I want an answer, do you hear me?! After all that's happened, after all we’ve been through together, and for all the time we've been dating each other, are you saying you can’t accept me for who I am anymore?”

Diddy froze, staring at Junior with wide, horrified eyes. It took Junior a moment to realize what he had done, and he slapped a hand over his own mouth, looking over to the bound women. The mayor didn’t look one way or the other, mostly confused at the spectacle going on between the two boys she barely knew. But the princess looked on with wide eyes full of thunderous comprehension. 'Shit. Shit shit shit shit', Junior thought. Diddy grabbed the fur on his bangs in disbelief and began to walk away.
“Diddy!” Junior called out, looking positively miserable as his boyfriend walked away. “Dids, please, I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t mean to—”
The kong walked out of sight, leaving Junior alone with Wendy, Flurrie, Dixie, and the two captive women.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: February 06, 2024, 09:25:05 PM »
Junior wagged his tail at Wendy’s command to sit down and threw a bob-omb at a bunch of cop cars that had clustered off to the right of the road to avoid hitting a pedestrian.
“Hey, someone’s gotta keep the cops off our backs!” he said with the same kind of cheeky intractable grin that had won him his first date with Diddy.
Even in the midst of their chase, and him rapidly regretting ever letting Junior talk him into this, Diddy couldn't help but feel a small flutter at seeing it. Just a small one, though: the greater part of him was too busy worrying about what would happen if the car suddenly crashed. The kong looked over his shoulder and received a very stern ‘I’m disappointed in you’ look from the bound and gagged princess that made him wince.
Junior caught the look and laughed.
“Don’t sweat it, Dids, you get used to that look after awhile.” He sat down, buckling up tight once he saw that Wendy was hovering her finger over ‘The Button.’
“The Button, the Button, the Button, the Button!!” Junior cheered.


Far from the commotion elsewhere in the city, Usso Evin carefully leafed through the stationary in the little store on Yoshi avenue. Everything there was significantly more expensive than the normal bulk white and brown stationary he’d used at home and in the military, and for that reason he found the task quite relaxing. This city was a place where conflict was far enough away that they didn’t have to worry about food shortages, air raids, town squares being gunned down by mobile suits, mass executions, orbital bombardment, or the long privations of a costly peace. They had time here for such frivolous things as envelopes with cats or bunny rabbits on it. They had the money here to spend on such niceties instead of squirreling every bit away that they could for food.

His newtype senses told him something was off in the store. He had his old emergency service pistol at  his hip, but he was frankly a lousy shot outside of his Gundam and knew that if the person he now sensed was watching him from the corner of the store wanted to attack him, he would be better off running.

He waited, tense, sweat on his brow as he hurriedly took the stationary he’d selected over to the counter to pay. He tried very hard not to look behind him, his hands fumbling as they brought out the money. He just needed to pay and get out.

The man behind him put a hand on his shoulder.


As the man in the corner kept crying, Defago carefully used one of his long claws to wipe away a trickle of blood hanging on his polar coat. It immediately froze solid, and he tapped it against his metal mask where it flaked away to the ground.

“I don’t know why Chong hasn’t taken an interest in us before, but he certainly has now. This is a list of names,” Joshua said, his eyes world-weary now that there was no longer a prey item before them. He and Defago continued to ignore the man crying on the ground.
“Targets. You and I are both on here.”
“Targets to what?” Defago asked. “Assassination? Spying? Recruitment? Kidnapping?”
“For us, it says ‘monitor’. That makes sense. If they had wanted to capture, kill, or sway people of our capability away from the cause, they would have sent someone less disposable than this poor soul.” Joshua tapped his boot gently against the crumpled up trailer, who cringed and wept harder.
“It has other orders on here for other people as well, ten names in total,” Joshua said, carefully folding the orders and putting them in a pouch on his SLCPD flak jacket. He turned his blue eyes to meet the yellow light emanating from the eye sockets Defago’s mask. “Stripetail needs to be alerted to this.”
“Oh, for sure, for sure,” Defago agreed, nodding. “Boss Stripetail’d definitely want to know about targets ‘n such. But how do we find ‘im? You and me have been out of contact range for awhile now pour être honnête.”

“We can get you in contact, si tu veux,” came a voice from down the alley, as a pair of footsteps approached. From out of the glare of the night lit lamps, the figures of two special agents came into view. “Nous avons un moyen d’entrer en contact avec lui.”
“Boss G!” Defago crowed in greeting as he and Thomas Rogan came into the alleyway. “I keep forgetting yer a New Orleans man, showin’ off some ‘o that Cajun French.”
The man on the ground looked up, eyes red and streaked with panicked tears. The agents, like the Wendigo and the burned man, paid him no mind.
Joshua’s blue eyes flickered plaintively between the two agents.
“You gentlemen were rather timely in finding us,” Joshua said with calm accusation. “I hope you haven’t been tracking us without our knowledge.”
Rogan stuck his hands into the pockets of his long brown coat.
“Not you, but Defago here, yes,” Rogan said. Defago frowned.
“Really? When did you boys manage to do that? I caught the tracker in that ice cube.” He didn’t ask why the agents bugged him, since it was his fault their super secret serum fell into Chong’s hands in the first place.
“Trade secret,” Rogan said with an insincere smile.
The man on the ground coughed. “Y… your too… late…”
The eyes of four men who could have killed him in an instant suddenly regarded the weeping spy on the ground. “Too late for me, too…”
“If there’s more you can tell us, you should do so,” Joshua said, his combat boots crunching glass on the street as he walked forward. “It’s never too late to start to atone for the things you’ve done. Believe me.”
The broken spy hacked out a disbelieving laugh.
“We can keep you safe,” Joshua said as he produced his pistol. “The four of us have survived worse than what Chong could send after you.”
“You don’t know anything if you believe that,” the man gasped through his injured throat. “You don’t know what he’s like. He won’t just kill me if he finds out I failed…” He suddenly reached for something in his clothes and brought it to his mouth.
“Wait, don’t!” G cried, but it was too late. The man swallowed the object he had pulled out of his pocket, shuddered briefly, then lay completely still.
Rogan swore, while Joshua muttered something that sounded like a prayer. The man in the iron mask sighed.
“Looks like we need to get in contact with the boss sooner rather’n later,” Defago said.
“Right,” Rogan sighed, pulling out an AMS PDA device. “He’s a busy man… uh, squirrel. I’ll send him a request for a meeting, and he should be able to get back to us once he’s available.”
G looked over to the body of the dead spy. “What are we going to do about him? We should check him for any other materials he might have on Chong.”
“I’ll check him,” Joshua said. His voice sounded regretful. “After that, I’ll see that his remains are put to rest. Everyone deserves a proper burial.”

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: September 29, 2023, 10:55:15 PM »
On Lanky street of New Donk City, people walked in well ordered crowds in their sharp clothes and fancy hats. Kids played near fire hydrants, and dogs romped on little strips of grass among the concrete. Old ladies chatted amongst themselves while drinking coffee in front of cafes, and businessmen leafed through newspapers on benches while the calm afternoon sun twinkled above them. It was an ideal, peaceful day in this, one of many peaceful little streets of a safe, cleanly city.

It was around the time that a group of nuns started to walk across the crosswalk that a red hot rod blew through the red light at top speed, causing the holy mothers to dive to the side for dear life. The car blasted through a puddle, coating the now screaming playing children with mud and causing the frolicking dogs to yipe and run into the alleys. The old ladies shrieked as the roar of the engine blasted by so hard and fast that they jumped and spilled coffee all over themselves. The businessmen cowered under their benches as, just as quick, police cars chased the hot rod with sirens blaring and the ground rumbling from so many vehicles galloping by poor little Lanky street.
Bowser Junior cackled, wind whipping through his ponytail as he stood up with no seatbelt, savoring the chaos of the high speed chase while Diddy Kong sat rigid and fearful in his seat, clutching the seat in front of him for dear life.
“WOOOOOOO! I FEEL ALIIIIIIVE!” Junior crowed, pumping his fist joyfully as he threw a banana peel right at the police cars, hitting one of them and causing it to spin out of control. “Keep driving, Wends! They’ll never catch us! Ahahaha!” He looked over his shoulder in the back seat, where mayor Pauline and the visiting Princess Peach were tied up, struggling in their bonds as they were whisked away through the city streets. “Did you get a haircut since I last kidnapped you, Peach? It looks like crap, get a better barber next time!” Junior chided as he threw another item at the police chasing them.
“As for you? Hi there, I’m Prince Bowser Junior, I’m a long time friend of the Princess here.” Peach glared at him in annoyance while Pauline simply looked panicked.
“See, Dids? Didn’t I tell you? THIS,” Junior said, clutching a green shell and aiming it at the perusing cars. “Is the way to live!”


Usso was still in a bit of a dark mood and trying to get himself out of it as he walked to the nearby stationary store on Yoshii avenue. He looked around, and saw that the ‘New Donk City’ he was now in was clean and orderly, with little of the depressing urban decay he’d seen in the place he’d just been. Everyone here was dressed up in sharp suits, fedora hats, and fancy dresses. His work with the League Militaire had led him over to Tokyo once, where people had a similar predilection for dressing up in fine clothes for all occasions. There was a tinkle of a bell as he walked into the stationary store, exactly where he was told it would be. As he walked in, still deep in thought, he didn’t see the man standing in the corner of the store, waiting for him.


The man that had been following the Wendigo and the burned man turned a bend and was slammed face first into the brick work of the alley wall. He cried out as a giant gloved hand lifted him by his neck before an iron mask with glowing yellow lights leering out of its eyeholes.
“Bon jour, kind stranger!” said Defago, as if he were warmly greeting a long lost friend, his grip tightening around their tailer’s throat “I think you seem to have lost yer way round these parts! That’s a bit o’ bad luck on your part.” He leaned his mask closer, the stench of rotten meat and icy cold forest air emanating from the mouth grille on his mask. “But never you worry. Me and my compatriot here’d be happy to send you where you need to go.”
The man struggled in the gloved grip, eyes bulging and mouth working like a carp dragged onto land. He appeared to be mouthing curses and threats.
“Ohhh… mon Amie, I’m sorry,” the giant coated thing said. “It’s the mask, right? It’s making you uneasy right now. Let me help with that.”
He unfastened the clamps to the heavy metal mask and it fell to the ground with a crash. The man screamed, but the scream was cut off by the constriction around his throat. A face that looked eaten away by starvation and blue-blackened by untended frostbite smiled with needle teeth in an expression that was kind, almost amused, as if he were playing a funny prank on the man he was currently choking to death.
“Better now, oui?” The Wendigo said a few inches from the man’s face, and the voice had changed markedly from even the few moments the choking man had been hearing it. The thing’s smile faltered, and without that smile the face looked as utterly dead as a corpse that had been left to the elements for months on end. “No? Well don’t worry, boss, I ain’t gonna eat you. Although, I might have a little nibble at what’s left of you after my friend here is done with ya.”

He shoved the man to the ground, who collapsed and gasped for air. A bandaged man walked in front of him, holding open a holy book in one hand and a pistol in the other. His eyes were the coldest, most piercing sun bleached blue the gasping man had ever seen. “It is said ‘Ye must go away into that lake of fire and brimstone, whose flames are unquenchable.’” This bandaged man’s voice, unlike the wendigo’s, was entirely human in its monstrousness. It was the deep, zealous voice of a man who had ordered thousands of people to their deaths and felt nothing but a vague sense of cosmic hygiene while doing it. “‘And whose smoke ascendeth up forever and ever, which lake of fire and brimstone is endless torment.’ Today, you shall see it for yourself. Where you will go, you shall suffer anguish and horror greater than any earthly torment could afflict, until what’s left of your soul is thrown into the outer darkness for the ungodly things beyond the veil to feast on. This is your fate if you don’t give me and my companion a full report of who you work for and why you’re following us.”

“Y-you’ll all die for this!” The man said, his voice full of the hysteria of a drowning man desperately grasping for a life preserver. “Wh-when my master hears of this, h-he’ll have you freaks b-burned!”

“Burned?” repeated Joshua, who purred the word with all the warmth of a jaguar’s predatory rumble. He slowly unraveled the wraps on his face, revealing a horrifically fire damaged face with a grinning set of white teeth set in a mouth that had only blackened husks for lips. “I’m afraid your master is a little late at that. But it’s not too late for you.” He raised the gun to the man’s head.

“N-no, stop! Stop right now! I’m warning you!” The man shouted, his voice rising with panic.

“There there now, it’s okay,” Defago said comfortingly as he patted the man’s shoulder with gloves that now had razor claws sticking out the front. “Dying ain’t so bad. After all, I died once and look how well I turned out!” He cackled heartily, while the click of the gun’s hammer being cocked could be heard, Joshua’s finger half closed on the trigger. “To hell you go, then.”

“WAIT! WAIT!” the man wailed, his hands thrown up in blubbering surrender. “P-PLEASE! I’LL TELL YOU ANYTHING, JUST PLEASE D-DON’T-“
“And how do I know what you’re going to tell us is the truth?” Joshua asked as he brought his horrible blue eyes down to the man’s level. “Perhaps I should have Defago here eat a few of your fingers, just to be sure.”
“NOOOOO!” The man sobbed, crumpling into a weeping ball. “I’ll tell the truth! I’ll tell the truth! Please! Pleeeease!” He desperately produced a note from his pocket and thrust it forward. “Take it! These are my orders, I w-was just doing my job! Please!”
Having gotten what they wanted, the two men were content to leave the little man sobbing on the ground unharmed as Joshua rebandaged his face and Defago refitted his mask. Joshua straightened the note and looked it over. Before  he read the orders, he read the name of who the order claimed to be from.
“… Chong.”
Defago scratched at his mask roughly where his beard would be, as if forgetting he’d put his mask back on.
“The big bad man himself? We’re on the Spire o’ Winter, yeah, but he’s never targeted us two specifically until now.”

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: March 28, 2023, 03:22:50 AM »
Junior rubbed his hands together in gleeful excitement as he followed Wendy up to the portal. Diddy looked far more apprehensive, but had the good grace to hide his ill feelings behind a smile until he at least saw more of exactly what he was getting into. “Don’t worry, Didds,” Junior said as he offered a fist bump to Wendy. “You’re going into this with two pros, it’ll be a cinch.” He spared a look to the Gundam pilot, and was a bit annoyed to see how relieved he looked to not be joining them on their mission. “Y’know, I get the feeling doing some crimes would do you some good, bowl-cut,” Junior said as he paused in front of the portal. “Nobody likes a goody two shoes who never does anything bad.” A dark look passed over the 15 year old’s eyes that Junior didn’t like. “… I’ve done plenty,” was all he ended up saying before walking up with them, his shoulders slightly hunched in a sulk. The koopa prince frowned and was tempted to go and apologize for whatever button he’d clearly pushed in the pilot, but apologies were things he rarely followed through on even when he wanted to make them. He pushed the thought aside and offered a hand out to Diddy. “You ready?” Diddy took it, and sighed. “I guess we’ll find out,” he said, and the two followed Wendy into the portal.

Usso stayed for a moment in front of the portal, trying to keep long bottled up memories from surfacing. He had a few systems to keep the old war horrors in their slumber, a few psychological tricks. He ran through one as he stepped inside just as the portal closed. 

Not terribly far away from the pizzeria, a bandaged man and a masked man walked around a bend in one of the streets. A minute later, another man took the same bend, only to find the bandaged man and the masked man ready to pounce on him.   

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: December 29, 2022, 04:50:57 PM »
"So I guess we'll be following your lead in this, right Wends?" Junior asked Wendy. He sounded a bit hesitant in saying it. He was used to either taking his father's lead or leading kidnapping missions himself-- following anyone else was still new to him. But he at least knew Wendy of all people would be capable of pulling this off. The gundam pilot pressed his lips together. "Where's this stationary place? I'll do that. I don't kidnap people. I've already been kidnapped one too many times myself," Usso said.


"Agreed," Joshua said, casually moving a hand to his pocket where he kept one of his pistols. "Don't kill him. I want to talk to him a bit."
"Wasn't plannin' ta," Defago replied, sickly yellow light twinkling like dim stars in the slits of his mask. The footsteps behind them were constantly getting closer. They were clumsy-- not a professional killer. Just a tailer. Who out here would be tailing the likes of them, Joshua wondered. "This bend," Joshua said simply as the two of them walked under a flickering street lamp and towards a turn into a dark alley.
"Aye," Defago said with a grin behind his mask. "This bend."

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: November 22, 2022, 03:31:47 PM »
Junior pulled out his magic paintbrush from behind his bandana and grinned from ear to ear, his more prominent canine tooth gleaming in the cheap incandescent lighting of the pizzeria. "Me and Diddy can distract the guards. They won't know what hit em', will they?" He punched the Kong playfully, excitement seeming to seep out of every pore. Diddy was a bit more hesitant at the idea of messing with guards whose duty was to stop scoundrels from reaching their mayor-- 'I guess that's what we are if we do this: scoundrels,' Diddy thought to himself. But he was kind of excited at the idea of following in old Cranky Kong's footsteps, none the less. If the worst happened and their plan got found out, Cranky's elation might make up for Donkey's crushing disappointment in him. Either way, the koopa prince's elation made up for it already, and that was enough for him. He grinned and held the brim of his red cap. "Not by a country mile," he agreed. Usso folded his arms. "I'm not gonna get involved in kidnapping anyone," he said. "I'll do one of your other chores. Getting the stationary, maybe." Junior turned to Usso and blinked, with both a hint of newfound respect and a heavy helping of newfound annoyance. "Ugh, fine. It's not like we'll need a giant robot for this anyway," the prince sniffed.

A few seats behind them, Rogan and G listened with increasing concern. "Should we stop them?" G muttered to Rogan, who ran a hand across his beard in contemplation. They were federal agents who SHOULD be keeping the peace and stopping crime when they overheard it. "... Not yet," he said. "Call it a hunch. I say we follow and keep an eye on them." G took a long breath, the one he usually took whenever he disagreed with his partner on a manner of AMS conduct. "I don't like this." Rogan placed his fingers together and grinned. "Relax. I get the feeling this won't raise as much of a fuss as we think it will. Sounds like this kidnapping is a regular occurrence to them, after all."


Out in the streets, Defago's heavy metal boots sloshed as he and Joshua continued to make their way through the winding streets. "So when were you going to tell me about that man who's been following us?" Defago asked. "I thought you already knew," Joshua said, somewhat contritely. "I would have thought a Wendigo would have picked that up before my human senses could." Defago laughed again. "Your sense's ain't entirely human, Joshua," Defago said, causing the burned man's brow to crease under his bandages. "Lets see how close he gets. I'm curious if we can get the jump on him, oui?"

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: July 04, 2022, 11:09:03 PM »
The two boys listened to the list as it was read off to them.
“Yeeaaah, I mean part of the reason we need them is from making too many tire swings,” Diddy admitted sheepishly. When the idea of kidnapping Pauline came up, Junior gasped loud enough that several heads in the pizzeria turned their way and he suddenly turned to Diddy, his button eyes bright with excitement.
“We should totally help!” Junior exclaimed, his hands on the Kong’s shoulder as he shook him emphatically. “I’ve waited for the day I could take you on a princess kidnapping trip!” Junior then pouted when he saw the skeptical look on Diddy’s face. “Come oooon, you haven’t LIVED until you’ve abducted a politically powerful woman against her will. Some of the best times I’ve ever had with my dad have been when we’ve kidnapped peach together. I wanna share that with you, Didds!”
The sincerity in his eyes and his smile and his little tail wag ate away at Diddy’s good-guy resolve with every second he was exposed to it. “Welllll… Maybe if the girls will tolerate us coming along,” Diddy said, giving the koopa a one armed squeeze. “And if Donkey doesn’t find out. That shouldn’t be too hard, right? Just as long as no one gets hurt, and I can wear a mask or something. Just don’t let me be around to hear your brother’s operas. I’m sorry, Junior, but they’re terrible.”
Diddy pointed to the girls. “If not, getting stationary would at least mean I don’t have to worry about Donkey getting angry at me. And it could be fun! I don’t mind trashing a stationary store as long as I got you by my side, BJ.”

A few seats back, Rogan slowly turned to his partner with a ridged not-smile that practically screamed 'Welp. Look what we got ourselves into.'

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: May 24, 2022, 01:15:22 AM »
Usso walked in with a slightly self conscious hunch and sat down with a simple “Hey” to the others. The Pizza had already been half eaten by that point. Diddy greeted him politely, seeing how hesitant he was to be in a group of other people and not wanting him to feel self conscious. Junior, on the other hand, slapped the Gundam pilot on the shoulder with an uncomfortably tone deaf amount of informality. “THERE you are! Was wondering whether we’d get you out of your nest,” the prince said with a grin, either not noticing or not caring that Usso seemed to tense up at the sudden uninvited chumminess. The prince turned back to the girls and nodded. “Kay. Now that bowl-cut is here, what’s the plan, girls?”

“So, your plan to find our young friends is to just… follow your feet?” Joshua asked, walking besides Defago. The Quebecer nodded, his iron helmet bobbing up and down. “Ayuh, that be it.”
“We could just try to contact them through their communicator.”
Defago gave a warm chuckle, as if this suggestion was somehow quaint. “Nah nah, no need for any of that. I feel a burnin’ in my feet right now, and I know it’ll take us right to the lil’ ‘uns. Trust me.”
Joshua’s first instinct was to ask how his ‘feet’ could possibly know where someone was, but it struck him as a silly question. He was a Wendigo: that was likely the only answer Defago could give, and the only one Defago actually needed. The burned man nodded.
“Very well. Where do your… your ‘feet’ say they are?”
“Oh they don’t say much to me,” Defago quipped. “They don’t like ter spoil the ‘where’. I only know the ‘what’. And what the ‘what’ is telling me is, wherever we end up, that’s where the kids’ll be too.”
“That sounds useful,” Joshua said. “Having feet that will take you exactly where you want go.”
Defago shook his head emphatically. Something like hesitation entered his posture.
“Don’t always take me where I want to go,” he said with a hushed voice. “And it ain’t always a choice for me to follow them or not. No, sometimes my feet have gotten me in a whooole lot of trouble.”
Joshua tilted his head. “That sounds like a story or two."
The helmet that hid Defago’s half-transformed face turned in his direction, and even though he couldn’t see it, Joshua was sure Defago was grinning at him with those deep-sea fish fangs. “Oh ho ho ho, that it be indeed. Just wait till we get a nice campfire and some kids to scare the bejesus out of, and I’ll tell you all about it.”

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: July 25, 2021, 01:47:51 PM »
“Alright!” Junior said dramatically, drumming his hands on the table. “Just to warn you guys, I like my pizza with mushrooms.”
“Like a freak?” Diddy asked.
“Like a freak,” Junior agreed.
 They had found a good pizza place with relatively few magical ingredients involved— as per Diddy’s request— and the two teams of kids were occupying several booths and tables in the pizza joint.
“Are you sure you guys can afford all this pizza?” Diddy asked Dixie and Wendy with some concern. Far more than the koopa prince had, it seemed, as Bowser Jr. seemed more interested in gazing around the pizzeria than agreeing.
“Oh!” The prince said suddenly, taking out a shell phone. “Since we’re all here and I’m not paying, I’mma invite Usso to join. I swear, that kid needs to stop moping around and meet some people.”
“Kid? He’s like 15. And he has a foster kid,” Diddy pointed out. “Details, details,” Junior said dismissively. “Rogan and G over there can pay if it’s too much for one more person.”
Diddy nodded. He’d seen them tailing them as well. “Nice to have babysitters,” he said with an ungenuine smile. Junior grunted and barked out a terse invitation over the phone— leaving no room in his speech for the pilot to refuse— before abruptly hanging up and smiling at the two girls. “So what’s the plan after this?” He asked.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: July 06, 2021, 12:39:13 AM »
“Food sounds good to me!” said Diddy, still glowing from his victory. Unfortunately his boyfriend was far less humble in victory. “Losers buy,” Junior said half snidely, half hopefully.
Usso did his best to keep himself busy on the Spire of Winter, but after doing technical specs on the V2 for the hundredth time and ensuring it was lined up for a mass driver launch if need be, he felt strangely helpless afterwards. It was becoming that way more and lately: after surrounding himself with so many fantastical individuals, he began to feel crushingly normal and unhelpful any moment he wasn’t piloting his mobile suit. “Maybe just one more check up,” he said to himself, pretending that it might actually do any good, and not because he couldn’t bring himself to mingle with any of the others. In the back of his mind, he hopes Shakti , Mrs. Marbet, and Karlmann were doing okay back home.

“I think they’re done,” G said, watching the kids conclude their little game. “Oh?” Rogan said, still studying a case file. “Who won?” The two had tried their best to stay low and unnoticed to all the young ones, staying sentinel in case they were needed and out of the way in case they weren’t. “The boys, I think. I don’t know, I don’t know much about baseball. Football was always more popular in Louisiana.” “Weren’t both your parents Japanese? ,” Rogan asked, pocketing his PDA and standing up. “They weren’t big on the NPB?” G sneered at his partners assumptions. “Maybe they were, for all I know. My parents and I didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. You find out any threats in this sector?” Rogan shrugged as the two started to follow the kids at a distance. “A few. AMS generally doesn’t keep files on things this far from home, but I found a few things to worry about, yeah. Just keep your pistol handy and your eyes open.” G kept his hands in his immaculately pressed coat pockets and nodded. “Always.”

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: June 23, 2021, 12:49:33 AM »
Junior eyed his boyfriend’s ex on the plate carefully. He would have never dreamed of it before dating Diddy, but he’d grown to respect her quite a bit, and wasn’t going to underestimate her. He cocked his head and stuck a finger in his mouth, bringing it up to the air as if measuring the wind, while giving a sagely nod. Diddy facepalmed quietly in the outfield.
Sticking his tongue out of the side of his mouth as an aid to concentration, Junior wound up his pitch and threw the hardest fastball he could muster.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: January 16, 2021, 09:20:55 PM »
Defago put on his various apparel with practiced speed, putting on all of his thick layers of clothing until not even a single milimeter of his cursed skin was exposed. He saved putting on his heavy iron helmet for last. “Not too terrible often I get the feel o’ the air on my face, oui?” he said to Joshua after he caught him looking at him. Joshua nodded without saying anything, duly impressed by the wendigo’s ability to guess what he was thinking. The preacher did not return the diary to place in the library bookshelf, but instead carefully placed it in a specialized pocket he had in his SLCPD bulletproof vest, right next to his copy of the holy text.
“So! Shall we go check up on all dem youngin’s?” Defago asked, his voice becoming slightly hollower from behind the face grill of his metal mask. A faint shimmer could still be seen in the vaccous holes of the mask’s eye slits.
“Yes,” Joshua said softly, his sun bleached blue eyes so piercing even Defago had to admit it unnerved him every time he was under their excoriating gaze.
“Lets see what the others have been up to.”
By the time of the seventh inning stretch the game had gone exceedingly well. The score, as it was, was five runs for the boys, six runs for the girls, two times Junior nearly got into a fist fight with Stitch before hugging it out afterwards, three times Diddy was able to have some baseman chats with Dixie to catch up on old times, and at least one instance where Junior was able to sneak a quick kiss of Diddy’s cheek after he hit a double RBI. The sun waned, and as of the bottom of the seventh Junior was lazily guarding second with Wendy on base, having some playful banter with her. “Come onnnnn,” Junior whined. “Tell me! What did she say next?” he said, glancing over to Flurrie and hoping Wendy would continue on with the story she was telling him.

On the outskirts of the game, Rogan and G were taking turns between each inning guarding the kids from potential threats and checking the AMS PDA for any information on the so called ‘Inferi’.

Usso was in the hanger, staring up at the V2 with a wistful gaze. He couldn’t quite explain why, but he had a feeling that something was coming that was going to require his piloting expertise. Until he was proved wrong, he felt it better to stay by his Gundam.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: January 14, 2021, 04:57:14 PM »
Joshua closed the diary with a soft snap, causing Defago to tilt his head. “Is that all there is, boss?”
The heavily bandaged man shook his head. “No. But I’d like some time to think about what I’ve read so far before going any further. Ponder this Currien more before I see what else happened in his life. Also I don’t want to keep you hear in this library against your will for too long, either.”
Defago grinned a friendly corpse-like grin. “Ohh, you know I don’t mind listenin’ to a good story. But perhaps yer right. I’m sure the others are a-waitin’ on us.” The Quebecer popped a clawed thumb over his shoulder. “Wassay you and I go find the others, eh, mummy-man?” The tone in Defago’s voice made it clear this wasn’t meant to be an insult. He had hoped for a chuckle from Joshua, but as always he merely gave a polite, stoic nod in agreement. “Yes. That would be for the best.”
Diddy was up on the pitcher’s mound while Junior was on second base. With the lack of players between the two teams, there would have to be only one fieldsman, so second base was a logical place to be given it was the most central position.
Diddy scrunched up his face as he stared down the batter, tongue out in thought, running the ball through his fingers behind his back as he thought of the next pitch. Junior beat his hand into his glove, ready to catch whatever hit would come his way, even if he had to skedaddle all the way to the deep outfield to catch it. Diddy settled on a slider—which he could sort-of-kind-of throw, on occasion, with a little luck—wound up, and threw.
Nearby, Rogan and G were half watching the little baseball game take place. Both were reading several files on their PDAs, trying to get caught up with paperwork from back home.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: June 20, 2020, 09:33:16 PM »
Diddy grinned while Junior rubbed his hands together. "Sweeeet! I call Roy if he joins the call to play," Junior said excitedly, his young eyes alive with the promise of competition and the potential to win something. "I hope we can get Funky too," Diddy told Junior, although secretly he knew  the cool surfer kong would probably join whichever team felt the most lacking over anything else. He was a fair dude, that Funky. "Alright. Lets get to gathering everyone together, then we can start drawing up teams.


Usso saw the offer, and felt a momentary urge to politely decline and go hide somewhere, mope out his worries like he usually did. But he recognized that that wasn't helpful, and he knew Stripetail wanted to help him. So nodded, although his gaze was still warily on the floor. "Uh... Sure! Thank you, that'd be great."

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: June 04, 2020, 07:36:14 PM »
Usso's lips tightened. As awful as the nightmares were-- and they WERE awful-- not having them sounded worse. He didn't want that: the nightmares were a representation of his fear, guilt, his better nature. He didn't want to not feel the guilt of killing people in combat. But, he suspected, the longer he was in this line of business, the closer that day might come. "I-I'm not a killer," he whispered to himself, hoping Stripetail didn't hear. "Not anymore..." Then he cleared his spoke and said louder. "Thanks, Stripetail. I-I appreciate your help here. I really do." He wanted to end things before his mind wandered to anyplace darker than it was now.


"I can't promise Junior won't cry if we lose," Diddy teased as he razzled the prince's hair. Junior responded with a face that was half a snarl and half a cheeky smitten beam. "Hah! As if we'd ever lose," Junior said, turning to Wendy and giving her a more normal smile. "Although for baseball we're gonna need more than two people. Got any ideas on roping in some players?"

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: May 28, 2020, 08:41:01 PM »
Usso finished his story with Stripetail by telling of the war's end. How his friend Odello was dead, and how he had to live in the area with his killer, Katejina, and pretend that nothing had ever happened. Her mind had broke after the war: she couldn't remember anything, and was blind. Usso, Shakti, and even Mrs. Marbet took pity on her, although Mrs. Marbet had to be convinced of it given how many of her Shrike team Katejina had killed. He was beginning to talk about going back to the farm at Kasaralia when he turned to Stripetail and asked: "Do you have nightmares? About the people you've killed? The people you've lost?" Normally such a question would have been far too blunt for Usso to dare ask, but his reflections had him in a certain mood. He looked years older having recalled what he could recall.


Junior and Diddy walked alongside Wendy and Flurrie. Diddy walked closer to Junior and away from the two girls, less familiar with them than the koopa was. He knew Wendy, of course, but Junior and she always talked on a different wavelength-- that kind that could only be borne out between people who had lived most of their lives together. It was that feeling of being a third wheel that caused him to suggest: "Hey! Why don't we all go play some ball?" He didn't know what type of ball, but any would do.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: April 08, 2020, 10:30:05 PM »
Junior tweeked a pinky claw behind his one prominent fang to clean it and got up.
“Shopping sounds great! I could use some more stuff ruin people’s day.” Diddy tilted his head. “Yeah, sounds good to me too. Although I don’t know what to buy... maybe a brain for BJ.”
“Harharhar,” Junior intoned Before cocking his head to the door. “Well, lets skedaddle. Ladies?”


“I vaguely recall you mentioning the word ‘Chariot’ when I asked about your family, Rogan,” Joshua said to the seated AMS agent. He closed the diary on one of his fingers to mark the place and regarded him through the eyeslit of his bandages.
Rogan nodded and took a swig of whiskey from his hip flask.  “Uh... yyyeah, I might have,” he said, and didn’t elaborate further, instead returning to reading the dossier on his PDA. Joshua was a man who could read people well, and he could tell that Rogan would, in fact, elaborate if he pressed him on it. But he had a feeling he had little to gain from it.

“Seems like this guy Curien had a changement de paradigme over seein’ his monsters up and aboat. Not shore I ever heard of anything like that ‘fore I was convinced to come aboard the Spire.”

“What did Stripetail do to get you aboard, exactly?” G asked. “I don’t think either of you ever mentioned it.
Defago shrugged. “Boss Stripetail, he very persuasive.”
“How so?” Joshua asked, and Defago tipped him a wink out of a sunken frost bitten eye socket.
“Lets just say he be making up for me bringing some badness to a cute little girl and her home, oui?”

Joshua, G, and Rogan all nodded.
“Oui en effet,” Joshua responded, his translator-educated French much closer to a Parisian dialect than Defago’s.
“He does have a knack for setting up those kinds of arrangements.”
He opened the diary back up to the spot his finger had been marking.
“Let’s continue...”

Usso spoke of how he got involved in the war— or at least the things he was willing to diverge in a first session of talking. Some memories were to heavily guarded to be given that freely even if a person dearly wanted to. It became habit to hide them for so long that it became hard to fathom ever not hiding them. Still, he told Stripetail what he could up to the burning of Woowig, or “Prague” as it had apparently been called in the past.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: March 21, 2020, 08:58:47 PM »
"Thank you, sir," Usso said politely, taking the lemonade and drinking it while keeping his eyes on the floor. He was always a shy kid. His friend Odelo had always teased him about it, and when they were just starting to become pen-pals Katejina picked up on that shyness immediately even over the barrier of written words. She told him it was cute. That was a separate lifetime ago.
He listened to the wizard speak. "I imagine they do, sir," he said, taking another sip from the lemonade. And he froze the moment the wizard invited him to choose a place to start. A place to start, a place to start...
He had told his story to only a couple people, as there were only a couple people left alive around Kasarelia. Some of the survivors of the massacre at Woowig knew his story. But not many beyond that. Still, he was practiced at the very beginning of where it all went wrong.
"It all began with the first Zanscare raid on the area. The first of the Shokew coming in on their beam rotors..."


Junior picked his teeth with a wooden tooth pick and relaxed back in his seat, rudely kicking his feet up on the table counter. "Good pizza," he declared. Diddy, much more politely, wiped his lip with a napkin and cleaned up after himself. "Thanks for treating us, Wendy," he said, tipping his red hat in a cowboy-esque gesture of gratitude and an even more cowboy-esque grin.

G, Rogan, and Defago all waited patiently as Joshua held the diary in his bandaged hand, his terrifying icy blue eyes skimming the page he was about to read aloud with a clear curiosity. "Interesting..." he said.
"What's interesting, boss?" Defago asked, tapping a claw on his metal helmet that he currently was holding his lap. All throughout Joshua's reading of the diary, his degree of change into the Wendigo varied, sometimes diminishing to a nearly completely human appearance. At other times in the reading he rapidly turned more into La putain de bête, so much so that G and Rogan ocassionally reached for their guns as if expecting to have to defend themselves. Each time, Defago held up a clawed hand to show that he was under controlled. "The bastard git his blood going at parts," he explained with a fanged smile at those times.
Right now he was only moderately transformed, almost passable as a man wearing an extremely convincing costume and make-up for a movie role.

Joshua didn't answer Defago immediately, but instead glanced at G and Rogan, as if inviting them to explain in his stead. They already knew this diary, after all. But neither appeared to take the invitation. "Well," Joshua said, and continued.


From the Diary of Dr. Roy Curien: May 16th, 1998

As I write these words, I smile for the first time in many months. More than smile—I’m overjoyed!
The resurrection happened half an hour ago. Oh, I dreaded and fretted this moment happening for so long, I only I had known!
After carefully fettering The Chariot’s body to a steel table in its containment cell, gathered around to observe from just outside. Using a remote robot injector, we introduced the final segment of the Type-27 helix into bloodstream of the corpse, and on the table next to it, we held the petite form of the corpse selected to house the Type-041 helix. Both came alive within seconds.
I was stunned. When they were just inert dead matter, how did I ever think them to be hideous? Seeing them move, seeing the Chariot with its red eyes the deep black of the Hangedman’s stare back at me with such obvious intelligence—we’ve created such magnificent creatures. What was different? Why had I been so scared of those images on that computer months ago? Why were the resurrected corpses from before so hideious compared to these marvels? I don’t know. Perhaps it was one thing to see a still picture and another to see it right before me, alive.
Their bodies aren’t just resurrected. They’re… reborn. With a full genome sequence of our creation, The Chariot and Hangedman are entirely their own creature now.
And yet… why can’t the staff see that? They all had looks of disgust on their face when our creation took its first fiery breaths through its helmet. Now, the fear I can understand. Chariot is much stronger than our data had suggested it would, and broke one of its bindings almost effortlessly upon its rebirth. It only seemed to stop once it saw our reaction on the other side of the glass. Only an idiot wouldn’t be afraid of a fifteen foot tall being of unknown tempremant breaking out of its restraints in their immediate vicinity. But the disgust?... I don’t know, perhaps they’re just in shock. I’ll give it time. Surely they’ll see the beauty of it as time goes on. Especially given what happened after it was freed of its restraints. Even as I write, I can hardly believe it myself!

The Hangedman, little thing that it is, was much gentler. It squirmed in its bonds but was unable to break them. As I said, both seemed to cease their struggles once they noticed us observing them. Theyw were looking specifically at me. The staff were all cowering or scrambling to get away: only I stood firm behind the glass and met its gaze.
It was stupid of me in hindsight, but in that moment I was so amazed that I entered the locked door and into the testing chamber. The other techs screamed at me to stop. I barely heard them.
Excited, I ran over to release the Chariot from its restraints. Damn near burned my arm on the heated armor it was wearing while doing so. When it stood up, it absolutely towered over me. It’s a wonder it didn’t hit its head on the ceiling. I could hear the mechanical breathing behind it’s respirator as it stared down at me with glowing eyes. 
I did the same to the Hangedman before I could even see the Chariot’s reaction to me freeing it. It seems so reckless looking at it written down, but I was possessed of such a feeling of… injustice, I suppose, of these beings being restrained like criminals.
Both free, the two stood besides their tables, looking at me. The Chariot, the towering knight burning with volcanic metabolic heat, and the child-like Hangedman meekly folding its bat-like wings behind it and clasping its hands in front.
The staff stopped screaming for me to come back. I think by this point they expected one of the two to strike me dead where I stood, as if they were the monsters we had dreaded they would be. But they didn’t. What happened next was… extraordinary beyond words.
They bowed to me. They gave a total, unmistakable bow of fealty, just like the knights of old did before their lords. Somehow, some way, by some means that had to be beyond the mere genetics we had installed in them, they immediately recognized me as their creator!
But that wasn’t all! The Hangedman opened its beaked mouth and did the unthinkable: it SPOKE to me.

“Master…” it said in a helium-high pitched voice. It said the word awkwardly, as if it remembered the word from its previous life as a human child but found it hard to bring the word to bear with its new mouth and vocal chords. Dear god, DID it remember the word from its previous life?? Is that possible? Lord, the questions I have! The possibilities before us!
The Chariot also bowed, although it did not speak. Perhaps it’s not able to—we never considered the possibility that it would have any understanding of language. Th
What am I doing writing all this down, really? I must return to them! This is a breakthrough beyond breakthroughs: I must return to my research! Oh, I can scarcely even imagine how Goldman and that old ghoul Thornheart will react to this news! And Daniel… we’re on the right path now! Before now I grew so unsure, but now I know in my heart we will succeed! We WILL save your life!

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: March 12, 2020, 09:04:08 PM »
Usso Evin slowly made his way over to where Stripetail was, contemplating all the messed up elements of his fairly young life he desperately needed to talk about. It wasn’t easy: there was a LOT to talk about. Not just from the war: people he’d killed, people he’d SEEN killed, people who were far too young or far too old to die in combat. Even people he was fighting against who themselves saw just how terribly humanity had botched it’s dream of a peaceful and noble future. Times he had been abused by his CO, or by the enemy when he had been captured. Both enemy and allied adult women who had... “taken advantage” of his youthful male naivety, drawn to the clear talent for piloting a mobile suit that he could only assume he inherited from his great grandfather. He never told anyone except Shakti and Mrs. Marbet that he was actually related to him, of course— lord knows, a lot of people still, to this day, held a grudge against the legendary Red Comet for trying to destroy the world.

He had a lot of confusing thoughts, and he lived in a confusing period of history. In his time, no one batted an eye at a fifteen year old boy and a fourteen year old girl raising an adopted son together. Hell... they didn’t even bat an eye when a fifteen year old boy had gotten their fourteen year old girlfriend pregnant with his child, because who was around to call such things wrong or immoral any more? No one. After the Zanscare war the world shrunk to such a degree that no one cared about pretty much anything except “am I gonna have enough to eat tomorrow?”

And so it was with those heavy thoughts and feelings in his young heart that Usso Evin knocked on the door of Stripetail’s room on the Spire. “Mr. Stripetail? Can I come in?” Usso asked.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: March 07, 2020, 08:32:37 PM »
Usso's first response was to say "Vodka", but he bit it back. In his time there was too little authority and too few people around to police anything other than major crimes like theft and murder. Nobody cared if a fifteen year old veteran drowned himself in liquor. But he wasn't in his time anymore, and he figured it'd be better to answer: "Lemonade, if possible," Usso said, smiling wearily. "Thank you, Stripetail. I mean it. I'll be over to your room shortly. Usso out."

From the Diary of Dr. Roy Curien: May 9th, 1998

We’ve decided to postpone the Chariot resurrection until next week: the same day as The Hangedman’s full sequencing. The staff met the news with relief. I feel like a coward. I’ve made the decision out of clinical necessity to better our preparations and not out of any sense of fear or dread… but a part of me was all too happy to kick that can down the road, even just for a week. The nightmares have been getting worse. With the ever increasing number of resurrected human’s we’ve been creating to supply subjects for our tests and analysis, their growls and moans and shrieks have started to penetrate even the soundproof plexiglass cells we’ve placed them in, and every time I close my eyes to sleep my dreams are filled with those same sights and sounds. White eyes. Decayed flesh. Scraping nails. Gnashing teeth. The staff that have remained with me through all of this are the bravest men and women I have ever known: I will never be able to repay them enough for their loyalty and dedication.

With the Hangedman, we’re planning a very different approach to its resurrection. Unfortunately, its one that’s going to require us keeping it alive a great deal longer than the Chariot, but we’ve deduced it will be the best way for us to get the essential data we need. With the Chariot, we selected a corpse and slowly grew its body to its full projected size within the armor we’ve created so that it won’t change any further once the resurrection occurs. For the Hangedman, we’re taking the opposite approach: we’ve procured the body of a young child, and have begun the mutation process without increasing the size of the corpse. Instead, we expect it to grow naturally into its full projected size with time. Much like an ordinary child growing into an adult, albeit, we project, at a vastly accelerated pace.

One of my team leaders, Sophie Richards, took me aside today and tried to convince me to abandon this grisly research we’re doing and use the time instead to make Daniel's last days more meaningful. It wasn’t the first time one of my staff has made the suggestion—it wasn’t even Sophie’s first attempt. She’s been quite vocal about how uncomfortable she’s been with all the ethical boundaries we’ve had to cross. But today she did more than just ask: she got down on her knees with tears in her eyes and pleaded with me to stop this.

I wasn’t angry with her, of course. I see the truth in her words all too well. The resurrected human corpses were already a step too far, and we did that expecting much less horrific results than what we got. We can’t claim ignorance this time around. We KNOW that Type-041 and Type-27 will be monsters, and that’s just our official hypothesis: they could end up being as horribly beyond expectations to our computer simulations as our human and animal subjects were to our initial estimates.

She says she’ll stay on, but she still begs me to reconsider. It’s not too late, she says. Its not too late.

I want to believe that’s true. But for me, it IS too late. I’ve given myself a glimmer of hope that I can save my son’s life, and I’ve followed that hope down deep into the darkness. There’s no turning back for me. Either we succeed and Daniel is saved, validating all this grisly horror, or we fail, Daniel dies, and I take a jump off the top of this mansion’s roof to my own demise.

Even if we do succeed, I'm growing less and less confident that I won't be doing that anyway.

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