The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Fridge => Topic started by: Cyberlizard on December 18, 2006, 11:11:50 AM

Title: A non LBT corssover I had in mind
Post by: Cyberlizard on December 18, 2006, 11:11:50 AM
Yes.  As you all know, I'm not a Poke'mon fan, and I haven't been one for about three or four years.  But something inspired me to crossover my favorite Nintendo franchise from the past, with my current favorite Nintendo franchise, Metroid.  I don't know why I had this idea, it just came up and I'm thinking of doing it.  I was thinking of crossing over Poke'mon the Movie 2000 (which was my favorite Poke'mon movie that I haven't seen in five or six years) and quite possibly Super Metorid or Metroid Prime.  Super Metroid seems the way to go.  The reason why I picked Poke'mon the Movie 2000 is because I kind of thought it would be cool to see a Lugia vs Ridley scenario.  And to see Ash assume Samus was a guy until she takes off her helmet.  :lol  Not to mention the bad guy, Lawrence III.  When he finds out he really got his A kicked by a woman in a leotard...  I could imagine that.  :lol
Title: A non LBT corssover I had in mind
Post by: Petrie. on December 18, 2006, 07:49:56 PM
Can't say I really know about either side (only saw about the last half of the Lugia film) and nothing from Metroid at all.  Good luck with your story all the same.
Title: A non LBT corssover I had in mind
Post by: Cyberlizard on December 18, 2006, 08:27:23 PM
Hey.  It's only just a random idea I was tossing around.  I might not do it anyway.  *wonders if he shouldn't have thought out loud*
Title: A non LBT corssover I had in mind
Post by: DarkHououmon on December 18, 2006, 11:01:27 PM
I don't think Petrie was insulting your idea, Cyberlizard. He was just simply stating that he isn't familiar with Pokemon or Metroid (correct me if I'm wrong, Petrie). He didn't say anything negative about your idea.

Anyway, I don't like Pokemon as much as I used to, and I don't really like Metroid. But the idea still sounds interesting. If you feel strongly about it, if you really like it, I'd say go for it. ^^
Title: A non LBT corssover I had in mind
Post by: KingdomKey23 on December 19, 2006, 02:18:16 AM
I've only watched Pokemon 2000. I barely know a thing about Metriod, but I'm sure you can pull it off. Remember to add lots of originality to it. I think you can do it if you set your mind to it.
Title: A non LBT corssover I had in mind
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on December 19, 2006, 06:43:17 AM
Sounds awright Cyberlizard! ;) Can't say I've bin into Pokemon since the first series but Metroid sounds like a weird yet cool cross. I like the concept of Ash freakin' out that Samus is actually a woman. I'm not to hot on Super Metroid knowledge but Prime sounds like a good mix! Lugia Vs Ridley could be interesting. One thing I'm wondering is how you're gonna tone down Samus's powers compared to the other characters. I'd say Samus is slightly outta league of the others (possibly even for some of the Pokemon).

Well, good luck with it Cyberlizard. Don't forget your other fanfic...some people are still glued to that one ;)
Title: A non LBT corssover I had in mind
Post by: Petrie. on December 19, 2006, 08:59:45 AM
Quote from: Cyberlizard,Dec 18 2006 on  07:27 PM
Hey.  It's only just a random idea I was tossing around.  I might not do it anyway.  *wonders if he shouldn't have thought out loud*
So defensive!

Kacie's right...I'm not putting it down, I'm just saying if I read it I'm not going to really understand it because I've never seen or done a thing with Metroid, and while I've seen a lot of Pokemon, the Lugia film isn't one of them.  About all I know is there's this pretty flute theme in the film.
Title: A non LBT corssover I had in mind
Post by: Cyberlizard on December 19, 2006, 11:07:02 AM
Well, still.  I think this will just remain an idea.  For now.
Title: A non LBT corssover I had in mind
Post by: pokeplayer984 on December 19, 2006, 05:12:58 PM
Being both a fan of Pokemon and Metroid, I think I can help you out.

First off, since you plan to put in Ash, remember to keep him dense.  He is especially dense in the love department.  Any obvious stuff that would just scream love he doesn't notice.  Basically with Ash, when it comes to obvious stuff, he takes denseness to a whole new level.  One so high, that it's unbelieveable.

As of now, he's growen rather smart in his battle strategies.  One battle I remember is where he had his grass-type Bayleef use Vine Whip to muzzle the mouth of a fire-type dog named Houndoom.  By doing this, he stopped most of Houndoom's attacks from being executed. (Especially the main problem ones like Flamethrower.)

So, try to remember that Ash has become smart in battles, but has yet to figure out the obvious stuff in life.  Unless you have a good explaination for leaving that out, you'll end up getting flamed for such a crime. :P:
Title: A non LBT corssover I had in mind
Post by: Cyberlizard on December 19, 2006, 07:40:27 PM
I've decided not to take my idea to the next level because I have a one year old LBT fic still in progress.
Title: A non LBT corssover I had in mind
Post by: DarkHououmon on December 19, 2006, 07:54:13 PM
I don't believe pokeplayer was talking about there being a houndoom in the movie, but just a battle that occurred sometime in the show itself.

And you already said it was only an idea. It does sound like you're getting defensive.
Title: A non LBT corssover I had in mind
Post by: Cyberlizard on December 19, 2006, 08:13:24 PM
I didn't mean it in that way.  I changed the post.  Sorry.  :unsure:
Title: A non LBT corssover I had in mind
Post by: action9000 on December 19, 2006, 09:43:05 PM
I'm just saying if I read it I'm not going to really understand it because I've never seen or done a thing with Metroid, and while I've seen a lot of Pokemon, the Lugia film isn't one of them.
I agree with you, petrie.  

Many people are Pokemon fans.
Many people are Metroid fans.
Somewhat fewer people are going to be pokemon AND Metroid fans, and these are the only people that will get the most out of your story.  I do applaude you for choosing two Nintendo-based characters, however.  A reader with exposure to pokemon is relatively likely to also have exposure to Metroid, as they are both Nintendo creations.  You should be able to reach a decent audience.   :yes

It is difficult to read a fanfic if one is unfamiliar with the characters previously.  Petrie and I are in a similar situation.  I haven't watched Pokemon since the first season and I haven't played a Pokemon game since Pokemon blue came out for Gameboy. exposure is even less than that: Super Smash bros. That's it. :lol  (Samus Rocks! :D )

Hey. It's only just a random idea I was tossing around. I might not do it anyway. *wonders if he shouldn't have thought out loud*
Certainly feel free to continue to toss extensions of this idea around, Cyber, and any other ideas in the future!  The Gang of Five members tend to be very reasonable and realistic with critiques, not judgemental nor disrespectful.  I personally don't have a lot to say about your fanfic, as I don't have a lot of exposure to the characters previously, but as long as you keep your story understandable, interesting, and original, I'm happy! :D LOL