The Gang of Five

Role Play => Role Play Discussion => Topic started by: Rocky on September 06, 2012, 11:26:51 PM

Title: Hounds of God
Post by: Rocky on September 06, 2012, 11:26:51 PM
Hounds of God(Werewolves)
Throughout the centuries, stories of werewolves and the evil deeds they committed have spread both fear and respect for these dark creatures.

However one tale is notable exception to the association of Lycanthropy and the Devil, comes from a rare and lesser known account of a man named Thiess. In 1692, in Jurgenburg, Livonia, Thiess testified under oath that he and other werewolves were the Hounds of God. He claimed they were warriors who went down into hell to do battle with witches and demons. Their efforts ensured that the Devil and his minions did not carry off the abundance of the earth down to hell. Thiess was steadfast in his assertions, claiming that werewolves in Germany and Russia also did battle with the devil's minions in their own versions of hell, and insisted that when werewolves died, their souls were welcomed into heaven as reward for their service. Thiess was ultimately sentenced to ten lashes for Idolatry and superstitious belief.
Title: Hounds of God
Post by: Rocky on September 06, 2012, 11:35:45 PM
(Part two)
This was not far from the truth, werewolves were hounds of God, they changed at will rather than by the full moon. The werewolves who served god were loved by good, feared by evil. The Devil had tried to turn mankind against their protectors by spreading lies that werewolves were his attack dogs. This was spread by literature and movies, and the devil was pleased.

Ok, I came across the part on wikipedia and found it so interesting that I decided to make a RP around the Idea of werewolves fighting the devil. These packs live as humanity's protectors. Living among them in secret, watching over them, and fight off evil from earth and hell.                                                                                                                                                           They are able to change at will, they can assume regular wolf forms. Aside from Wolvesbane grown, weapons made by satanic cults, and Hellhounds (evil werewolves), othing can kill them in werewolf form.
Title: Hounds of God
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on September 07, 2012, 12:45:25 AM
You now have my interest.  I don't mind the religious aspect of the story, but I can't speak for the others.

And I take it that the hellhounds die at the opposite kind of weapons used by the good guys?

Also, what's the era to this story?
Title: Hounds of God
Post by: Rocky on September 07, 2012, 03:52:38 PM
Quote from: Mirumoto_Kenjiro,Sep 6 2012 on  11:45 PM
You now have my interest.  I don't mind the religious aspect of the story, but I can't speak for the others.

And I take it that the hellhounds die at the opposite kind of weapons used by the good guys?

Also, what's the era to this story?
No, the Hellhounds have the same weaknesses, both sides use similiar weapons. It also takes place in modern era. AKA 2012.
Title: Hounds of God
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on September 16, 2012, 01:28:29 AM
Ah OK.  I already have ideas of a couple of humans that run a church sanctuary & armory:  A head nun, a priest/mechanic, and an old weaponsmith of holy weapons.  No ideas of any werewolves yet.
Title: Hounds of God
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on September 17, 2012, 04:12:57 AM
So where's the setting for the story?  

And can I create a human-founded church organization dedicated to protecting good werewolves?

Plus, what's the profile sheet for the characters?