The Gang of Five

The Land Before Time => General Land Before Time => Topic started by: StrutEggStealer on February 25, 2013, 09:01:14 PM

Title: LBT Languages
Post by: StrutEggStealer on February 25, 2013, 09:01:14 PM
First off, if there is already a thread like this, I apologize for the shortsightedness on my part :p

Now, I may be over-thinking this, but every time I hear the term 'flattooth language' and 'sharptooth language' it makes me wonder - are those the only two languages spoken in the LBT universe, and if so, are flyers left out of this? Or do the two languages encompass all sharptooths/flattooths that are flyers?

For example, I was thinking back to Stone of Cold Fire - Rinkus and Sierra both spoke Flatteeth, even though they were sharptooth flyers.

Does 'Flatteeth' and 'Sharpteeth' language only apply to bipedal and quadropedal leafeaters and carnivores?
Title: LBT Languages
Post by: Malte279 on February 26, 2013, 02:13:56 AM
Tickles from LBT 4 seems to have a language of his own, so there may be a kind of mammal language too. The mammals in "Stranger from the Mysterious Above" seem to speak the same language as the other charakters (though we never quite know since they only ever talk to Spike who cannot respond).
Title: LBT Languages
Post by: somerandomfangirl on February 26, 2013, 02:42:19 AM
It could possibly be a similar story to Chomper. They may be sharptooth flyers that grew up around leaf-eaters and picked up the language.
There could possibly be a different language for flyers all together. A lot of them tend to screech, but again, some probably picked up either leaf-eater or sharptooth.
Title: LBT Languages
Post by: StrutEggStealer on February 26, 2013, 11:34:04 AM
I totally forgot about Tickles there :lol
And even those little mammals that believed Spike is their 'great one' from the TV series (the episode title escapes me :p) spoke flatteeth as well.

And same with the screeches - I've wondered if it's just an exuberant whoop, or if it really means something. Birds do that - staking out their territory or attracting a mate
Title: LBT Languages
Post by: Ducky123 on February 26, 2013, 04:09:02 PM
I don't think that Rinkus and Sierra are Sharpteeth flyers...
Yes, they're just EVIL, but that makes no sharpteeth out of them
Anyway, Ducky would have been eaten if they were sharpteeth flyers ;)
Title: LBT Languages
Post by: StrutEggStealer on February 28, 2013, 12:43:32 PM
Rinkus and Sierra are sharpteeth flyers, but the species that they were based off of were primarily fish-eaters. Sharpteeth aren't evil, they're... different XDD

As for SPike - the Spiketails in VIII all spoke flatteeth, and so did Tippy. So why can't Spike talk? (Grunts and short words don't count :lol)
Title: LBT Languages
Post by: Ducky123 on February 28, 2013, 02:40:28 PM
Quote from: StrutEggStealer,Feb 28 2013 on  11:43 AM
Rinkus and Sierra are sharpteeth flyers, but the species that they were based off of were primarily fish-eaters. Sharpteeth aren't evil, they're... different XDD

As for SPike - the Spiketails in VIII all spoke flatteeth, and so did Tippy. So why can't Spike talk? (Grunts and short words don't count :lol)
ok... if you say so, it'll be right :DD

As for Spike I think, that he can't speak, because he was left alone by his parents( I don't think the parents left Spike voluntary, they likely died...)and so he couldn't hear his parents' voices while being an egg( I presume hatchlings can hear while being an egg). Well, I know that sounds kinda weard, but that's the only reasonable plausible answer to your question I can think of  :rolleyes

Anyway, Spike could learn to speak from his friends, so why doesn't he?
Title: LBT Languages
Post by: Dosu2Dinner on February 28, 2013, 02:49:30 PM
I don't think Rinkus and Sierra were meant to be sharptooth flyers. Yes, they were based off fish-eaters, but so was Pteranodon, and the Pteranodons in LBT don't eat fish, but are herbivores.

Besides, if they were indeed sharpteeth, Sierra would have suggested to Pterano that he and Rinkus should eat the young ones rather than feed them to sharpteeth.

I did post a thread similar to this, but it was mostly based around Ichy and Dil's language.
Title: LBT Languages
Post by: StrutEggStealer on February 28, 2013, 07:58:54 PM
Quote from: Dosu2Dinner,Feb 28 2013 on  01:49 PM
I don't think Rinkus and Sierra were meant to be sharptooth flyers. Yes, they were based off fish-eaters, but so was Pteranodon, and the Pteranodons in LBT don't eat fish, but are herbivores.
I probably should have explained that better...
I meant that they were classified as sharpteeth flyers because they did indeed have sharp teeth :)

@Ducky: I've thought that as well. Children in the womb grasp language even at that early stage, so it would make sense if Spike's language issue had to do with his absentee parents :( poor Spike, I wonder what happened to them...
Ohh! I have a theory!! :DD Boys are shown to speak later than girls do, but in that time, they 'absorb' the language they are exposed to. That's how Spike could be, absorbing the language... I have an idea, like in Blazinggecko's comic, that Spike'll be the smartest of the group^^

...then again, why didn't he understand what they were saying in Eyes of a Spiketail? ERRGH!
Title: LBT Languages
Post by: Dosu2Dinner on March 01, 2013, 10:56:57 AM
I probably should have explained that better...
I meant that they were classified as sharpteeth flyers because they did indeed have sharp teeth
Yeah, but so do the pachycephalosaurids on the LBT world, who, in both LBT and real life, are/were herbivores. The clubtails on the series have sharp teeth as well.
Considering the inaudible screeching on the sharptooth flyer in the fifth movie, I think different languages apply for sharptooth and leaf eater flyers, and that Rinkus and Sierra were leaf eaters, as, unlike the LBT 5 sharptooth, they never attempted to eat the gang.
Title: LBT Languages
Post by: StrutEggStealer on March 01, 2013, 11:54:31 AM
^ Probably not, as the Gang were all more or less the same height as them, but heavier; I doubt Riinkus and Sierra be able to get a bite in without some serious damage :DD
Title: LBT Languages
Post by: Ludichris1 on March 01, 2013, 11:57:11 AM
Moe and the crabs had different languages o.O
Title: LBT Languages
Post by: FreckledOne on March 01, 2013, 02:51:40 PM
Something just occured to me; What if there is some sort of general language that is shared amongst all creatures in the LBT universe? Kind of like in either Watership Down or Redwall (They're not that similar, but I can't remember which one used this) where there was a "hedge" language that all animals could use to communicate with others.  :! So there would be flatteeth, sharpteeth, and mammal languages for the terrestrial creatures, then flyer and underwater creature languages, but then one separate language that everyone could use.  :idea

Also, I have to give my opinion that Rinkus and Sierra are sharptooth flyers. It is true that in real life Pteranodon was probably a fish eater, but in LBT universe crested flyers have always been shown as leaf eaters (AFAIK). But since we never see R & S actually eat anything, I guess we'll never know for sure.

Considering the inaudible screeching on the sharptooth flyer in the fifth movie, I think different languages apply for sharptooth and leaf eater flyers, and that Rinkus and Sierra were leaf eaters, as, unlike the LBT 5 sharptooth, they never attempted to eat the gang.
Ducky would have been eaten if they were sharpteeth flyers
Besides, if they were indeed sharpteeth, Sierra would have suggested to Pterano that he and Rinkus should eat the young ones rather than feed them to sharpteeth.
Well, for one thing, I heard Rinkus and Sierra both screeching several times while trying to capture Ducky in the canyon, and Sierra did try to bite Ducky when he swooped down at her, showing off some very sharp looking teeth. Another thing is that by the time the flyer trio had to camp out in the cave they had already had several harrowing encounters with the gang, and Sierra was probably just tired of being around them and wanted them disposed of quickly, via traditional sharpteeth. As for why they didn't try to eat them at first, well, Pterano would have very much disapproved, since he was trying to gain the gang's trust, but maybe it's just that R & S don't like the taste of hatchling.  :p
Title: LBT Languages
Post by: Dosu2Dinner on March 02, 2013, 05:07:47 AM
Quote from: FreckledOne,Mar 1 2013 on  01:51 PM
Something just occured to me; What if there is some sort of general language that is shared amongst all creatures in the LBT universe? Kind of like in either Watership Down or Redwall (They're not that similar, but I can't remember which one used this) where there was a "hedge" language that all animals could use to communicate with others.  :! So there would be flatteeth, sharpteeth, and mammal languages for the terrestrial creatures, then flyer and underwater creature languages, but then one separate language that everyone could use.  :idea

Now, there's an idea - and if so, it would probably explain why Ichy and Dil, who were DEFINATLEY sharpteeth spoke the traditional leaf-eater language.
Yeah, Rinkus and Sierra did screech a few times, but most of the characters, sharpteeth and flatteeth, make dinosaur-like noises from time to time - just look at the threehorns! And can we be sure that Sierra was trying to bite Ducky? To me it just looked like he stumbled...
I don't know why I'm trying to defend the cause of them being leaf-eaters - maybe I just can't stand to have every single villain a sharptooth... :rolleyes: