The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => Hobbies and Recreation => Gamers Zone => Topic started by: Cyberlizard on May 04, 2013, 01:25:18 AM

Title: Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
Post by: Cyberlizard on May 04, 2013, 01:25:18 AM
Okay, I will admit.  I have never played an official Far Cry game in my life.  Though I really, really want to.  So far this is the only Far Cry game I've played to date and apparently it has a few similarities to how the first Far Cry works.  But with a crazy setup similar to the cheesy and stupid B movies of the 1980s.  And that is what I really freaking love about this game! (

It affectionately parodies and references many things that make the 80s great.  If there is one thing I love more than anything, it's the sci fi and action films of the 80s.  The gusto is all there, right down the VHS tracking, scan lines, cheesy one-liners and Michael Beihn.  It's like Ubisoft Montreal knew the kind of game I wanted!  Granted, there are some people out there who might not take to it as fondly as I have, but for children of the 80s, and people who wish they were children of the 80s like myself, this is an awesome piece of stand alone DLC and for about 15 dollars, there is a lot of content to be found.
Title: Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on May 05, 2013, 05:20:00 AM
Being an 80s kid I can say the parodies and references are brilliantly sly, crude and just plain laugh out loud funny. Even the jokes that aren't 80 style mick-takes are great. Like Rex's frustration at getting tutorial uploads every two minutes and his response akin to "Aww c'mon! I just wanna shoot stuff!" I've played Farcry 3 and really enjoyed it but found it had a distinct lack of replayability once I finished it. Hopefully this one doesn't fall victim to the same premise but I will get this one me thinks. Oh yeah! If that doesn't sell it for ya, then I mean come on! Giant land dragons that shoot laser beams from their eyes?! How can you not agree with that?! :lol