The Gang of Five

The Land Before Time => General Land Before Time => Topic started by: MurMur on May 24, 2013, 12:33:12 PM

Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: MurMur on May 24, 2013, 12:33:12 PM
Which Land Before Time sequel is the most epic?
You can use your own definition of "epic", but you have to explain it here.
Interestingly, the 13th film does have some "epic" qualities in it  :) .
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Ducky123 on May 24, 2013, 02:38:07 PM
^indeed :DD the Yellowbellies farting on Ducky and Petrie, Cera: (roughly summarized)"But there's one wisdom you forgot: DON'T EVER WAKE ME AGAIN!!!" -->Littlefoot's expression  :spit  :lol

there are quite a few which deserve the title 'epic'. The one I consider as most epic is LBT 8 : The Big Freeze.
First I have to say that I do not just like it because it focusses on Ducky a lot, nope nope nope! It was the first movie I ever watched(along with the original) and also the one I watched most in my childhood. Back then I think I liked the fact that there's winter( ehm... Cold Time I meant) and it probably is the funniest but also one of the darkest sequels in my opinion.
I know I'm kinda alone with favorisizing LBT 8  :angel  :lol
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: LoyfeCycleProtector on May 24, 2013, 03:11:20 PM
For me, it's got to be number ten. The scale was huge: all the Longnecks are getting called together to ward off what they see as the potential end of the world, the gang has to follow along without Littlefoot's typical leadership, and Littlefoot meets his long lost father and has a personal crisis that, for the first time, really gave a believable reason for him to leave the great valley. Totally epic.
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Bruton the Iguanodon on May 24, 2013, 03:15:01 PM
For me, it's got to be number ten. The scale was huge: all the Longnecks are getting called together to ward off what they see as the potential end of the world, the gang has to follow along without Littlefoot's typical leadership, and Littlefoot meets his long lost father and has a personal crisis that, for the first time, really gave a believable reason for hom to leave the great valley. Totally epic.

I agree, totally!  :smile

But I have to say that just because it's "epic" doesn't make it a classic.

For obvious nostalgic reasons, movies 1-9 are the classics in my book. And the best---not most epic---sequels, in my opinion, are movies 2 and 3.  :smile
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Ludichris1 on May 25, 2013, 08:51:10 AM
Oh c'mon! LBT 3 had the huge sharptooth fight and valley fire lol  :idea
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Bruton the Iguanodon on May 25, 2013, 04:40:20 PM
Oh c'mon! LBT 3 had the huge sharptooth fight and valley fire lol dino_idee.gif 

You're right, 3 is pretty epic. I know I say it a lot, but it's my favorite!  :smile
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: teapot333 on May 27, 2013, 07:12:13 AM
VII-stone of cold fire, because aliens!  also my first sequel.  after that, big freeze or mysterious island, not sure :confused
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Ducky123 on May 27, 2013, 01:43:39 PM
ah, new member  :wow

nice avatar you have :yes A fellow Ducky/Petrie fan like me I guess?:DD

I agree to Bruton and Ludicris that 3 is epic, would be the second most epic one on my list :lol

Yeah, the Rainbowfaces are considered to be aliens, while some like it like you teapot333 others hate them... I'm something between :)

Anyway, I'd be great if you could introduce yourself in the 'Welcome Center' so that we can get to know you
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: StrutEggStealer on May 27, 2013, 02:17:42 PM
Saying VII cuz it totally WAS!! With the new animation, LBT looked so much cooler, and the elements presented were a lot more intriguing.
Funny, the movie asked a lot of "what ifs" without giving the actual answers, but that's part of the fun, thinking of all the things we still need to learn ;)
I liked the whole alien element. Seemed perfectly fine to me. Don't understand why people hate it O_o (DR. WHO FTW!!)
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Bruton the Iguanodon on May 27, 2013, 06:59:04 PM
I really liked the older animation of the first 3 sequels  :smile
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Tikikata on May 29, 2013, 01:03:28 AM
This was so hard to choose from!
I think I'll go with movie ten because of the longnecks "saving the world." It just felt really "epic" overall, and I got this feeling of satisfaction after everything that transpired. And the suspension of seeing if Littlefoot would go with his father or stay with his grandparents. Very intense moment, I think.
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: SkyColor-TreeSweets on February 18, 2014, 05:25:35 PM
For me, the definition of "most epic" means that one, the story where the most characters are involved on the largest scale, and two, the one that adds the biggest changes to the story.

So considering that, I'll go with LBT 5 as the most epic. It was the first movie where the Great Valley, the paradise once thought to never run out of food or water, is left barren, and the characters have to leave, wonder around in the Mysterious Beyond, and are threatened with splitting up into separate herds, much like how they were in the beginning of the original movie.

Then the kids discover the sea-well, the Big Water, the Mysterious Island, and a swimming sharptooth for the first time. Then they reunite with Chomper-the only guest character to reappear in the films excluding cameos. Then some other exciting things happen, which while not new, are still quite well-done (the chase scene and the fight scene in the climax). At the end, the gang becomes friends with adult sharpteeth for the first time.
So even though things mostly went back to normal after this, overall, I think movie 5 was the one that introduced the most new elements involving the whole Great Valley herd so it is the most epic.
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Petrie157578641 on February 19, 2014, 11:45:35 AM
for me it's LBT 7. The story of what happened to the adult group of dinisaurs, science fiction(which I'm a huge fan of) and the true adventure feel, which only a great movie may have.
But if it wasn't for LBT 7 I'd say 10(huge, really epic scale and significant events) LBT 5 and 8 would follow them, also LBT 3 is pretty good at that too, but it was too slow-paced for me
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Serris on March 08, 2014, 02:02:17 AM

It just had a broader, more "cosmic" feel to it.
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: CeraTheRed on March 08, 2014, 04:22:02 PM
I'd have to say 7. Mainly because of how different is was from the others. It had a  bolder, hey let's try THIS now taste to it, and the mysterious alien element just added to it. Plus, it had a rock from space explode at the end.
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Ducky123 on March 09, 2014, 05:12:55 AM
Defining the term "epic" more appropriately, I have to change my view on this (though I can't change my vote anymore... meh! :D).
While VIII is still my favourite, I got to switch to either LBT III or LBT IV.

LBT III is epic in my opinion because of the valley drying up, the threatening fire and the awesome battle at the end :)

LBT IV is epic in my opinion because of Littlefoot's Grandpa's illness and because of the eventful journey to the Land of Mists :)

In some points, the early sequels are simply better than the later ones :lol
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on March 09, 2014, 03:13:25 PM
A bit of a cop out answer but I reckon all the sequels have their own merits in some way, shape or form (yes...even the one at the end that no one likes :p) It's hard to say which one was any more "epic" than the others but I'd say the one I found myself going back to the most was probably #9.

I really liked how the gang's friendship was strained but in a different way, i.e. the invasion of an outsider into the already well established group. I also found it quite interesting seeing Littlefoot dealing with the pain and fear of being alone and the longing to be with someone despite the fact that his friends were *ahem* always there (ba-dum ching!) :oops It was almost a reprisal of his initial fears of loneliness from the first movie when he was truly on his own (for a portion of the movie anyway). Call it a nostalgic twinge, but I found a lot of draws and references to the first movie in #9 and I guess that's why I found myself drawn to it just as much as the first one.

...but that's just me! :D
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: vonboy on March 09, 2014, 06:21:20 PM
I'm going with 7, since Pterano is about the most complex character in the series, and still one of my favorites, and also ALIENS!!!! :p
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: rhombus on March 10, 2014, 12:28:47 AM
Quote from: SkyColor-TreeSweets,Feb 18 2014 on  04:25 PM
For me, the definition of "most epic" means that one, the story where the most characters are involved on the largest scale, and two, the one that adds the biggest changes to the story.

So considering that, I'll go with LBT 5 as the most epic. It was the first movie where the Great Valley, the paradise once thought to never run out of food or water, is left barren, and the characters have to leave, wonder around in the Mysterious Beyond, and are threatened with splitting up into separate herds, much like how they were in the beginning of the original movie.

Then the kids discover the sea-well, the Big Water, the Mysterious Island, and a swimming sharptooth for the first time. Then they reunite with Chomper-the only guest character to reappear in the films excluding cameos. Then some other exciting things happen, which while not new, are still quite well-done (the chase scene and the fight scene in the climax). At the end, the gang becomes friends with adult sharpteeth for the first time.
So even though things mostly went back to normal after this, overall, I think movie 5 was the one that introduced the most new elements involving the whole Great Valley herd so it is the most epic.
I would have to agree with your reasoning and choose the fifth film as well.  To me at least it had an undertone of epicness that was not present in the sequels up until that time.  Although the more serious tone of the film seemed to be toned down in the second half.
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Ludichris1 on March 13, 2014, 10:12:59 AM
Quote from: Littlefoot1616,Mar 9 2014 on  02:13 PM
A bit of a cop out answer but I reckon all the sequels have their own merits in some way, shape or form (yes...even the one at the end that no one likes :p) It's hard to say which one was any more "epic" than the others but I'd say the one I found myself going back to the most was probably #9.

I really liked how the gang's friendship was strained but in a different way, i.e. the invasion of an outsider into the already well established group. I also found it quite interesting seeing Littlefoot dealing with the pain and fear of being alone and the longing to be with someone despite the fact that his friends were *ahem* always there (ba-dum ching!) :oops It was almost a reprisal of his initial fears of loneliness from the first movie when he was truly on his own (for a portion of the movie anyway). Call it a nostalgic twinge, but I found a lot of draws and references to the first movie in #9 and I guess that's why I found myself drawn to it just as much as the first one.

...but that's just me! :D
 :o hadn't thought of it that way.

Oh and "always therE" lol  :lol
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: hiddenwolfxx on March 19, 2014, 10:58:31 PM
It's hard to say which one I think is the most epic. To me, epic means how grand/great I thought it was. Going off of that, I'd have to say LBT: Stone of Cold Fire was the best, in my opinion. My reasons behind that decisions?

I found all the songs enjoyable. Especially the 'Beyond the Mysterious Beyond'! It's not as obnoxious as a lot of people claim it is. I love the design and personalities of the rainbow-faces and their other-worldly origins!

Aliens in LBT is kind of silly  :p but also cool! It kind of adds to the mysticism the sequels gave it. Besides, it had one of the best characters to come from the LBT franchise, Pterano! He's pretty complex ( or as complex a character as these movies can make )and I just loved his character. Plus he's kind of cute for a pteranodon! :lol   Plus Rinkus and Sierra were pretty cool as well.
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Bruton the Iguanodon on July 10, 2014, 03:14:12 AM
Quote from: Ducky123,Mar 9 2014 on  04:12 AM

LBT III is epic in my opinion because of the valley drying up, the threatening fire and the awesome battle at the end :)

In some points, the early sequels are simply better than the later ones :lol
Agreed on all counts! After V it just felt like they got lazy.
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: CeraTheRed on July 10, 2014, 04:23:47 AM
Quote from: Bruton the Iguanodon (again),Jul 10 2014 on  02:14 AM
Quote from: Ducky123,Mar 9 2014 on  04:12 AM

LBT III is epic in my opinion because of the valley drying up, the threatening fire and the awesome battle at the end :)

In some points, the early sequels are simply better than the later ones :lol
Agreed on all counts! After V it just felt like they got lazy.
OMG, that's what I feel, too. Like they just kept makin 'em to keep the movie series alive. It kept that until 7 (to me, personally. And really only for Michael York being in there as far as I'm concerned and Pterano in general), but then went downhill again until they hit 13, when they hit the bottom of rock bottom.
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: Bruton the Iguanodon on July 10, 2014, 12:01:19 PM
The bottom of rock bottom...that's what I feel I've hit these days  :neutral
Title: Most Epic Sequel
Post by: WeirdRaptor on July 10, 2014, 05:59:30 PM
None of the sequels are really what can be called epic, but I think that Journey though the Mists felt the most epic.