The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Fridge => Topic started by: CeraTheRed on March 07, 2014, 12:45:27 AM

Title: More Ice
Post by: CeraTheRed on March 07, 2014, 12:45:27 AM
So, we got icy weather again, and I'm not sure about sleep again. As silly as it sounds, a possible power outage freaks me out, and even more so when it happens. Sorry if this shouldn't be here, I just feel I need to get this off my chest. I really hate this winter. There's been so much ice, and it really freaks me out. I've got an LED light, a fully charged laptop, and some DVDs, but I'm still super nervous. I just want this all to end...sorry if this sounds silly or if I'm bothering anybody, I just need to tell this to someone, and honestly, I feel like this forum is the best place. You don't even really have to look at this if you don't want to, I just needed to post this for ME, in a place that I feel comfortable stating emotions like what I'm feeling now, and, as strange as this will probably sound, this is the place.  :unsure:
Title: More Ice
Post by: Kor on March 07, 2014, 01:37:14 AM
One thing that may also help is a mp3 player with a lithum ion battery.  Mine has built in speakers and led lights so I don't need earphones with it and it can function as a flashlight too.  

An led flashlight or lamp may help if it is battery operated, especially lithum ion batteries so it can be fully charged alll the time.
Title: More Ice
Post by: CeraTheRed on March 07, 2014, 01:41:02 AM
Quote from: Kor,Mar 7 2014 on  12:37 AM
One thing that may also help is a mp3 player with a lithum ion battery.  Mine has built in speakers and led lights so I don't need earphones with it and it can function as a flashlight too.  

An led flashlight or lamp may help if it is battery operated, especially lithum ion batteries so it can be fully charged alll the time.
Sadly, we don't have any of those types of flashlights, or lamps, but I DO have an iPod, which can serve the same purpose if I need it to...sadly, it's only a basic one, but is SHOULD be able to at least give off SOME light, anyway.
Title: More Ice
Post by: Kor on March 07, 2014, 02:32:07 AM
Ipod? Not sure about those, but the Google Play Store has some flashlight apps that can be used.  I think they work by cranking the screen brightness up to full.  Not sure if they do it some other way.  I've not used them but maybe the apple ipod store has something like the flashlight apps.  They are free on the android google play store so I'd assume the Ipod equivalent store would have them free too.  

Though that would likely use up the battery pretty fast I would assume.  handy to have if needed.
Title: More Ice
Post by: CeraTheRed on March 07, 2014, 02:40:52 AM
Quote from: Kor,Mar 7 2014 on  01:32 AM
Ipod? Not sure about those, but the Google Play Store has some flashlight apps that can be used.  I think they work by cranking the screen brightness up to full.  Not sure if they do it some other way.  I've not used them but maybe the apple ipod store has something like the flashlight apps.  They are free on the android google play store so I'd assume the Ipod equivalent store would have them free too.  

Though that would likely use up the battery pretty fast I would assume.  handy to have if needed.
Ah, well, the only one who has anything that uses apps is my sis, so I guess I'm stuck with what I got. I also have a DS, though, that might be worth SOMETHING....
Title: More Ice
Post by: Kor on March 07, 2014, 02:58:29 AM
You can play some ds games on it during a power outage.   Not sure if you can get any apps from the ipod store.  Guess you'd need an itunes account or something.  The ipod store, may have free games.  The android google play store has lots of free games.
Title: More Ice
Post by: CeraTheRed on March 07, 2014, 03:04:07 AM
Quote from: Kor,Mar 7 2014 on  01:58 AM
You can play some ds games on it during a power outage.   Not sure if you can get any apps from the ipod store.  Guess you'd need an itunes account or something.  The ipod store, may have free games.  The android google play store has lots of free games.
Yeah, that's another thing. I think my sister's phone is just a smart phone, not an android, but I'm not really sure. I've also got books I can read if it stays out during the day. And, so far, so good, anyway. Plus, I've always got my mind. Sometimes I like to just think. Also, my iPod is one of the older models, it can't play games or anything. I really only got it as a hand-me-down from my dad.
Title: More Ice
Post by: Kor on March 07, 2014, 03:54:18 AM
Maybe it's a windows phone or something.  

Maybe you can read stuff on your ipod, or other devices.  There is Project Gutenberg, they have public domain free books, though they are usually of the older types so not sure if you'd like any of them.  It can give you an extra thing you can do if it's dark. (

Librivox has most of what Project Gutenberg has, but read by volunteers so they are audio books (public domain ): (

I found a site a few days ago that has some video game music for free download, that may give you more of what you can do if the power goes out. (

Title: More Ice
Post by: CeraTheRed on March 07, 2014, 04:02:48 AM
Quote from: Kor,Mar 7 2014 on  02:54 AM
Maybe it's a windows phone or something. 

Maybe you can read stuff on your ipod, or other devices.  There is Project Gutenberg, they have public domain free books, though they are usually of the older types so not sure if you'd like any of them.  It can give you an extra thing you can do if it's dark. (

Librivox has most of what Project Gutenberg has, but read by volunteers so they are audio books (public domain ): (

I found a site a few days ago that has some video game music for free download, that may give you more of what you can do if the power goes out. (
Actually, it might be able to download those. It can connect to a computer through a USB port. It charges it, too.
Title: More Ice
Post by: Kor on March 07, 2014, 04:41:08 AM
Usb is a very handy thing indeed.

I hope you can download at least some of the stuff.  It'll give you more options.  Even more if you can get all of it.  

Title: More Ice
Post by: CeraTheRed on March 07, 2014, 04:42:39 AM
Quote from: Kor,Mar 7 2014 on  03:41 AM
Usb is a very handy thing indeed.
Yes, it is. I really enjoy it.
I'll see about it in a minute or two, when I bring the charger in my room.
Title: More Ice
Post by: Pterano on March 07, 2014, 11:49:31 AM
Well at least you can take comfort in the fact that the vernal equinox is less than two weeks away. :yes I don't know where you live, but where I am, we're supposed to start seeing some warmer weather this weekend. We got a lot of snow this winter, and believe me, I'm with you completely on wanting to see spring, not just for the winter to end, but also because my new career starts in the spring. :yes Just hang in there, it's just around the corner. :yes
Title: More Ice
Post by: jansenov on March 07, 2014, 12:25:04 PM
Why don't you prepare candles, matches, and a flash light for blackouts? Also, if you're not alone, a deck of cards, a chess board or something like that would also come in handy. Blackouts that are several hours long are really no big deal. I've experienced quite a few of them in my childhood.
Title: More Ice
Post by: CeraTheRed on March 08, 2014, 04:25:12 PM
Well, the power DID go out, but it came just a little while ago, so it really wasn't so bad, just one full day without power. That was one major storm, though. I hope we don't see another one of those.
Title: More Ice
Post by: Kor on March 08, 2014, 06:30:47 PM
Sounds very annoying to go without power like that.
Title: More Ice
Post by: CeraTheRed on March 08, 2014, 06:48:37 PM
Quote from: Kor,Mar 8 2014 on  05:30 PM
Sounds very annoying to go without power like that.
By the time it came back, we were EXTREMELY annoyed, needed showers, and it was 50 degrees in our house! I really got into a book, though, and got to see the Japanese version of a movie called Kiki's Delivery Service. It was an ordeal, though, and my family and I are real glad it's over.
Title: More Ice
Post by: Kor on March 08, 2014, 07:03:26 PM
I can imagine.  I've seen a bit of Kiki's Delivery Service.  I should get it someday.  

Having even battery packs and such for your cellphones, Ipods, Tablets, & Mp3 players won't help when it comes to a cold house, the fridge or hot water heater.    Even having Sleeping bags, blankets & coats only help so much.
Title: More Ice
Post by: CeraTheRed on March 08, 2014, 07:13:16 PM
Quote from: Kor,Mar 8 2014 on  06:03 PM
I can imagine.  I've seen a bit of Kiki's Delivery Service.  I should get it someday.  

Having even battery packs and such for your cellphones, Ipods, Tablets, & Mp3 players won't help when it comes to a cold house, the fridge or hot water heater.    Even having Sleeping bags, blankets & coats only help so much.
Yeah, we were all bundled up, and still really cold.I was even shivering a lot. We weren't really able to talk to anyone on the phone (until today, when we got a car charger for the phones we have, so it was a very miserable situation. We are REALLY GLAD it's over, and hope we don't have to go through it again. Interestingly, it's similar to another time in 2002 when our power was out for 3 days. That time was worse, though, since it was cold the entire time. It's also similar to the fact that this affected a LOT of people in my state. It's not gonna be til Wednesday until everyone is back up, but we're glad we are now.