The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => Caption This! => Land Before Time Captions => Topic started by: rhombus on August 08, 2014, 04:21:07 PM

Title: Mama Swimmer is mad at Spike
Post by: rhombus on August 08, 2014, 04:21:07 PM
( (

Mama Swimmer:  "What did I tell you about eating other dinosaurs' treestars, Spike?!"

Spike:  :(
Title: Mama Swimmer is mad at Spike
Post by: Dalekdino on August 08, 2014, 05:45:09 PM
Mama swimmer: Spike, you didn't do what I think you've done in the ground sparkles have you!?
Title: Mama Swimmer is mad at Spike
Post by: The Anonymous Person on August 08, 2014, 06:30:14 PM
^Ducky (thinking): Phew. Good thing I did not tell Mama that I tinkled into the ground sparkles, yep yep yep. I just could not hold it long enough. Poor Spiky...
Title: Mama Swimmer is mad at Spike
Post by: jansenov on August 10, 2014, 06:30:56 AM
Ducky: "Mom's rejuvenating care cream is working too well."
Title: Mama Swimmer is mad at Spike
Post by: LBTLover1 on August 10, 2014, 07:51:13 AM
Mama: If I've told you once, I've told you many're too big to do anything that involves strenuous physicality.  Shame Shame Shame.

*and from that day forward...Spike needed to lose weight.  The first day, he tried and pushed to exercise to his however much he could do...then he saw a Tree Star...and that was all over*

The End
Title: Mama Swimmer is mad at Spike
Post by: Ducky123 on August 30, 2014, 02:14:58 PM
Mama Swimmer: "Spike!!! You bend your sister's beak again!"
Ducky: "Ouch!"
Spike: :oops