The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Fridge => Topic started by: Nahla on December 19, 2014, 06:23:01 PM

Title: Appreciation Message
Post by: Nahla on December 19, 2014, 06:23:01 PM
Hey guys,umm

I wanted to give you all a message of thanks but I decided instead of just typing it out.
I'll record myself speaking it.

Sorry in advance for the horrid quality and how it s bit heard to hear at times,I did mutter a few things to myself,and those were on purpose.

I have a crappy microphone which is not helped by my voice pausing and dropping.

It's 2 part cause my recorder was limited

Part 1 (
 Part 2 (

I got cut off in the end because of time

But all I was going to say is i hope you all have a great new year.

Took a lot of guts for me to do this,and it has already helped. Just recording it helped,and since I got this far..might as well post it..sucky as the quality is.

Yes,that is my real voice. Now you have a voice to my name.
I really talk like that,live with it xD
Title: Appreciation Message
Post by: Zimba on December 19, 2014, 09:16:38 PM
Congrats on having the courage to do this,I understand speaking is difficult for some people.

Something like this could be considered the first step of getting over shyness.

You were a bit hard to hear at times,but that could of been just the fault of the quality. As Nahla sent me this a as a file,and just the file played in a media player sounds way clearer then it does on the website she posted it.

So could of be the website quality..or maybe just something I noticed.

Nice for you to do this for the Holidays,I already knew who you were but now others do who you are.

And that part about bullying and not letting it affect you-I clap for that. You hit it right on the head with how some people just allow themself to be the victim.


I LOVE Nahla's accent,I really do.

What is it with Aussie accents and sounding so awesome?
Title: Appreciation Message
Post by: Malte279 on December 20, 2014, 09:45:19 AM
Awww, Nahla this is really sweet and I am very, very glad that the GOF means so much to you and that as a community we could be a support in hard times :)
That the GOF does have this meaning to even one of us (and I know it does to many more) then a good part of the last 10 years were really put to good purpose by us. Knowing this really means a lot to me too and your message really did put me in a better mood too. Thank you for that :yes

You mention suicide in your message too. As one who has had such thought (though never ever on a more concrete level than thought, never as actual intention) please remember when there are the times in which such thoughts haunt you, remember the good sides of this world and the miracles and the fascination that even tiny and seemingly negligible things in life can create.
I may sound a bit strange or even corny, but I guess there are times when it is just fine to sound strange or corny. On my harshest days it sometimes helps me to just do tiny things like holding the door open for somebody else, give someone a smile or write something to someone. Not everything that helps me in times like these involves other people though. Maybe I'm just totally weird there, but sometimes when down I can just pick up a stone, look at it and end up with my mind making up entire landscapes in the structure of the stone and thinking of stories (and don't get me started about what it does to my mind and mood and perception of my problems in life when I watch the nightly star sky (which I got to admit I rarely get a chance to do in the light poluted city ;)). Such story thinking may be a kind of "escapism" but so long one keeps the difference between reality and fiction mind there is no harm in it at all (that's probably the meaning of what my signature lines say).

The first other land before time fan I ever met (both online and in real life) was from Australia too and her accent was somewhat similar to yours.