The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Fridge => Topic started by: landbeforetimelover on May 01, 2007, 12:21:47 AM

Title: Are We Alone?
Post by: landbeforetimelover on May 01, 2007, 12:21:47 AM
I personaly believe that we are not the only planet in all of exisistance which can support life.  I beleive that we will some day be able to recieve communications from a high enough frequency to where we can communicate with more advanced life forms.  For all we know, there is life on other planets, just in the fourth dimention or perhaps higher dimentions that we do not know exist.  If you have studied Eignstine's thoroey of reletivity (Sorry I have such bad spelling) you would know that something that exists in a higher dimention cannot be seen with the naked eye.  There is not yet the technology but there may some day be a way to capture a video and slow it down approx. 2.6 trillion times.  This would theoretically allow us to see another dimention.  The life forms on other worlds may be in a different time frame so fast that they would have to stay still for billions of centuries in order for us to see them in an instant.  This concept is difficult for some to grasp.  Also the aliens may be cloaked.  If they were to create a device which could push an object or person slightly out of our space-time contimunum this would cloak the object.  All of these are some possibilities.  Can you think of others?
Title: Are We Alone?
Post by: Megatoph on May 01, 2007, 12:44:01 AM
well I know myself there are other beins out there in the big black of space. however if proof does come out that other beings exist then the Government will try to hide it. may I remind everyone that the Rosewell (check spellin) crash was covered up by the government and note that in the so called picture of the weather balloon theres a paper in the general's hand with writing. showing that he is infact telling the reporters whats written on paper. after wich he tucks the letter up his sleeve to hold up a shredded peice of a weather balloon. and thus gives us a hent that if Other-Worldly beins do come over to our planet for a chat the Government will try verry hard to cover it up.
Title: Are We Alone?
Post by: DarkHououmon on May 01, 2007, 03:38:36 PM
I watched a program about alien invasions and if they were true or not on Naked Science. The evidence they revealed showed that it is highly unlikely for aliens to visit Earth because of the vast distances of space. It's not exactly turn left down the street. It would take years for the nearest aliens to reach us, thousands perhaps, even *if* they use ships that go at the speed of light.

The only probable way for an alien ship to reach our planet faster would be to develop wormhole technology. They could create a wormhole and poof, they would get here much faster. And if they have that kind of technology, then why bother visit Earth? For aliens that advanced, Earth would not be an object of interest. They might look down upon us and either ignore us, or even attack us, just because they can.

Not only that, but our atmosphere could kill them if they aren't careful, and if these aliens only want to observe us, they would have to be careful as well. Remember War of the Worlds? That is very accurate to what could happen if an alien race came to our planet. Our bacteria could kill them because they have no immunity. It could work the other way as well. The aliens could carry a bacterium that could start an unstoppable plague on Earth.

And it's not just bacteria that is the problem. Our oxygen could kill them as well. While most life on the planet had evolved to breath oxygen, this is because our bodies have special chemicals that "detoxify" oxygen. Oxygen is a poisonous gas, but we can survive it because we adapted to it. But even then, if we breathe too much oxygen, we could get sick.

Aliens from another world may have adapted to breathing...carbon monoxide or some other gas. They may not have the chemicals needed to survive oxygen, and therefore, if they come to Earth, and not come with the proper equipment, they could die through suffocation.

I'm not trying to disprove the idea of other life. I do believe that there are planets that can support life. However, I do not believe that aliens have visited us. With all the trouble that are stacked up against them, it would be easier for aliens to just stay home.

And about the eyewitnesses that claim to have been abducted, this is easily explained. They were just experiencing an overload of electrical impulses. When too much electrical impulses are introduced to the brain, it can cause the same symptoms that "abduction" victims describe. This is why it seems to real to them, and why there is never any evidence behind. It's all a trick of the mind.

Anyway I hope I didn't offend anyone. Just wanted to have my say on this subject.
Title: Are We Alone?
Post by: landbeforetimelover on May 01, 2007, 06:20:24 PM
In theroey infinate velocity is possible.  This means that distance will have no meaning and you can go to any distance in the blink of an eye.  You would need to create a antigravitational specteral bubble around such a craft so it would stay in our space time continum when accelerated past the speed of light Otherwise they could reach the age of a billion in a matter of minutes.
Title: Are We Alone?
Post by: DarkHououmon on May 01, 2007, 06:32:59 PM
Infinite velocity? Blink of an eye? Sounds like teleportation to me. And even if these aliens could use this "infinite velocity" I'm still doubtful they have visited Earth.