The Gang of Five

The Land Before Time => LBT Fanfiction => Topic started by: Simba King Of Pride Rock on June 09, 2015, 01:51:20 PM

Title: A True Sharptooth
Post by: Simba King Of Pride Rock on June 09, 2015, 01:51:20 PM
I admit it, I am a huge theropod fan. Tyrannosaurus Rex is my favorite dinosaur, with Allosaurus at a very close second. Yesterday, I was reading through the main LBT threads and saw a debate regarding Chomper and how he would have to one day begin hunting, killing and eating leaf-eaters. Well, I was motivated to write a fanfic about an adult Chomper making his first kill. The threehorn he kills here is not one from the Great Valley, just an unnamed one.  This is my first time writing LBT, so please be nice when commenting and telling me what I can do better. I am trying my best.
A True Sharptooth

In a single moment, everything had changed.

Chomper was now a young adult, and he had come to a realization. He could no longer survive on bugs and smaller prey. He would have to do what his kind had done for so long: hunt, kill and eat larger prey, and that meant leaf-eaters. He knew that would be this way, and thus he had left his friends to avoid the unthinkable ever occurring.

Nothing will ever be the same.

Chomper to a new area, one that had plenty of the prey that his kind often hunted. Upon seeing them, something changed within him: the instinct to hunt. Doing as Sharpteeth had done for all of their existence, he moved ever closer to a threehorn that had strayed from the herd.

It is time.

The hunt began. Moment by moment, the large young adult carnivore stalked toward his prey. This was his first hunt. He had to make it. Failing could be disastrous. Finally, he struck, latching on to the threehorn's left rear leg in his mighty jaws and biting down with a massive bite force, crushing the leaf-eater's leg in the process. In this moment was Chomper's first taste of blood. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced. The creature struggled for a moment as Chomper let go and latched on again, this time biting into his side and delivering the final blow to the threehorn.

It was all over.

Seeing the body, Chomper momentarily remembered his friends that he had had to leave for their safety. An instant later, the need to feed took over. Chomper leaned in and ripped out his first bite, a massive chunk of bleeding, ragged flesh with bone mixed in. He swallowed.

He was now a true Sharptooth.