The Gang of Five

Important Announcements => The Welcome Center => Topic started by: Jarkore on March 16, 2016, 03:28:04 PM

Title: Introduction
Post by: Jarkore on March 16, 2016, 03:28:04 PM
Hi everyone.

I found this message board a few days ago and I have registered in hopes of meeting new, interesting people with a common interest, which is very dear to me.
My name is Jarkore (internet name of course) and I'm a 23 years old guy from Hungary.
The LBT stuff: I have loved The land before time since my childhood. The first one was very frightening to me, (still it's the one I cried most on) but the others were all filled with joy and laughter. I haven't really dug into the series as I couldn't really continue after watching the first episode. Hoping I'll be able to watch A journey of the brave somehow.

Now the non-LBT stuff: I'm sort of what you'd call an "adult kid", even though I'm over 18 I often watch childish cartoons and I am able to get really emotional on them. Some of my favourites (beside LBT) are Dink the little Dinosaur, Kissyfur, My little pony: Friendship is magic, too much Disney to list, Cat city, Walking with Dinosaurs (yes, there is a kid's animated movie of this title).
I also enjoy cartoons of a more adult view, like South Park, The boondocks and The Simpsons.
I'm not a huge anime fan, but there's a few select special I have enjoyed, most notably Inuyasha (which I still haven't finished), Shiki, Elfen Lied and Yu-gi-oh.
Besides cartoons I'm a huge horror fan, I especially like ghost/supernatural themed horror movies.
I watch Supernatural and Lucifer currently, and might pick up on Walking Dead again. I like most kinds of music, my main interests revolve around metal and rap music.
I'm also a gamer, I currently play The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, Oblivion, and Dark Souls. I really love and hate Dota 2.
About real life: I'm studying English Studies at University and work one day a week to provide for my hangouts with friends. I love beer.
Feel free to ask questions, I don't bite.
Free beer to everyone over the physical age of 18!  :)littlefoot
Title: Introduction
Post by: ddmkm122 on March 16, 2016, 03:32:22 PM
Welcome to The Gang If Five, Jarkore!  :D
Title: Introduction
Post by: Malte279 on March 16, 2016, 04:55:51 PM
Welcome with us Jarkore :)
It is always a pleasure to welcome new members to our community and you will find that there are many here sharing more than one of your hobbies.
Please feel hearty invited to join our discussions or start threads of your own :yes
Title: Introduction
Post by: rhombus on March 16, 2016, 07:03:46 PM
Welcome to the forum, Jarkore!  :wave It is always nice to see a new member.  As Malte has noted, there are many in the forum who share in your interests, and I am sure you will find many friendly members willing to engage in discussions on those topics.  I hope that you enjoy your time here.  :)
Title: Introduction
Post by: DarkWolf91 on March 16, 2016, 07:51:47 PM
I would be happy to take a free beer :lol ... nothing wrong with being an adult kid :smile

I'm also a fan of rap and metal music, though my big love is prog rock :D

Hope you find lots of interesting threads to post in!
Title: Introduction
Post by: The Lone Dragon on March 17, 2016, 06:07:43 AM
Welcome mate, nice to have you with us. Well as to an adult kid I see no problems with that. Besides I often go back and watch old children's TV shows whenever I feel like it and I am over 18. eg. Dragon Booster, The Silver Brumby, The Trapdoor ect. Hope you enjoy your time here.
Title: Introduction
Post by: vonboy on March 17, 2016, 09:13:50 AM
Welcome to the GoF, Jarkore! Hope you enjoy your stay!

I don't drink, so just give my beer to Rhombus. Two beers ain't enough for him, anyway!  :cheers
Title: Introduction
Post by: Kor on March 17, 2016, 12:25:27 PM
Welcome to the forum.  Always great to see a new member join on here.  I'm sure you'll meet many folks and make new friends here.  I've played and enjoyed both Elder Scrolls: Morrowind & Oblivion.
Title: Introduction
Post by: Ducky123 on March 17, 2016, 12:47:49 PM
Welcome to the GoF! I'm sure you'll like it here, yep, yep, yep! ;)

free beer? Now that gives me an idea...  :idea

Littlefoot: "Free beer? Cheers!"  :)littlefoot
Ducky: "Uhm, I think I really should not drink that, no, no, no! It always gives me a funny tummy, yes it does!  :sducky
Petrie: "Oh me WANNA drink lotsa beer but momma won't let me!"  :(petrie
Spike: *burps*
Cera: "SPIKE! Did you really drink all the beer yourself!? And I didn't get a single sip!!!"  x(cera

(hmm, maybe I should write a short story now?  :confused  :p )

Anyway, enjoy your time around here  :exactly
Title: Introduction
Post by: Jarkore on March 17, 2016, 01:10:38 PM
Quote from: The Lone Dragon,Mar 17 2016 on  05:07 AM
Welcome mate, nice to have you with us. Well as to an adult kid I see no problems with that. Besides I often go back and watch old children's TV shows whenever I feel like it and I am over 18. eg. Dragon Booster, The Silver Brumby, The Trapdoor ect. Hope you enjoy your time here.
Thank you, also, fellow Dragon Booster fan here as well :)

To everyone else: Thank you for the warm welcome :)
Title: Introduction
Post by: bestariana1girl on March 20, 2016, 07:36:37 PM
Hello! Welcome to TGOF!