The Gang of Five

The Land Before Time => LBT Projects => Topic started by: landbeforetimelover on November 05, 2007, 12:01:34 AM

Title: Cut
Post by: landbeforetimelover on November 05, 2007, 12:01:34 AM
I've created a new music video, but I've switched programs.  I'm not gonna lie to you.  I suck at this new program.  It's gonna take a lot of practice before I'm good at it.  Here is my first test video using the new program.  I used transitions randomly and without  much thought so the vid isn't great.  I was just seeing how to do stuff really.  I really am a novice at this program right now, so don't expect much.  Anyways, here's a link to the vid I made.  It's the last one on the page, as always: (
Title: Cut
Post by: Manny Cav on November 05, 2007, 12:09:19 AM
Sometimes, I really can't tell the difference between a video that "sucks" and one that doesn't (though most of the time, I sure enough can :D ). This is one of those times. Soimetimes, I don't even notice the transitions, focusing too much on the music and the... video. :P: Not bad for a first attempt at a new program.
Title: Cut
Post by: Kor on November 05, 2007, 02:11:53 AM
It looked good to me, but I'm no expert so I've no idea what to look for.  Practice may make you  happier and some who also do music videos may be able to offer advice perhaps.
Title: Cut
Post by: Nimrod on November 05, 2007, 02:32:14 AM
That was a very nice musicvideo. Has anyone noticed that the meaning of the song goes nearly perfect with the video? :D
Title: Cut
Post by: Kor on November 05, 2007, 03:13:00 AM
Does it?  I often can't understand what someone says if their are singing.  I was unsure if it was in English or another language.  The song sounds nice though.
Title: Cut
Post by: landbeforetimelover on November 05, 2007, 04:29:20 AM
Kor:  Are you a native English speaker?  It was very clearly English to me and I speak English natively.  Or perhaps vidilife reduced the audio quality so much that it was unrecognizable?  I certainly hope not. :unsure:
Title: Cut
Post by: Kor on November 05, 2007, 09:27:06 AM
I was conceived, born and raised in Texas, never been outside of the state.  I only know  English, apart from a tiny few words in Spanish I understand.  Guess I would count as a native English speaker.  As far as not being able to understand singers, it seems to depend on the individual singer.  Some I have no problem understanding, some others it sounds like they always sing in some other language.  No idea why, been this way as long as I can remember.
Title: Cut
Post by: DarkHououmon on November 05, 2007, 10:51:05 AM (  I found the lyrics for the song, if you're interested, Kor.
Title: Cut
Post by: Kor on November 05, 2007, 03:39:59 PM
Thanks.  I was a bit curious.  Nice lyrics, it reads like a sort of poem, or at least seems to to me.