The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => Hobbies and Recreation => Gamers Zone => Topic started by: Cyberlizard on December 27, 2007, 10:42:10 AM

Title: Contra(all)
Post by: Cyberlizard on December 27, 2007, 10:42:10 AM
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Right, B, A, Start! That's the code you'll be using in the original Contra for the NES to get 30 lives if you aren't manly enough to get through it on only 3. Yes, Contra is the hardest game out there and is the type of game that normal modern gamers might not be able to complete in their first, second, or even third sitting, and would have them throwing the controller in utter rage. There's also Super C(NES) and Contra III(SNES). Recent 3D Contra sequels on the Playstation failed miserably. And thankfully, they just came out with Contra 4 for the DS which brings the old school Contra gameplay back in all its 2D glory.  There is only one rule you have to abide too if you want to beat any of the old school Contra games:  DON'T GET SHOT!
Title: Contra(all)
Post by: KingdomKey23 on December 28, 2007, 02:09:54 AM
OMG! I love the Contra series. (The 2D games) That game is so much fun, but so hard, too. I own the original on an NES cartridge and I downloaded Super C and Contra III for the VC, and I do intend to get Contra IV in the future.
Title: Contra(all)
Post by: Dinonut on December 28, 2007, 03:11:06 AM
I used to play Contra a lot when I still had the regular Nintendo.
Title: Contra(all)
Post by: Flathead770 on December 29, 2007, 01:56:20 AM
I loved Contra III for the SNES and i got Contra 4 for Christmas. The DS's dual screens can make it difficult as you have to also pay attention to the shots coming from above as well.
Title: Contra(all)
Post by: Flathead770 on January 09, 2008, 09:38:29 PM
I finally beat Contra 4. Man the last level, especially the last boss, got frusterating. If your looking for a good Contra experience, then Contra 4 is the game to get! The 2 last levels aren't even avaliable on easy, so you'll really have to improve on your skills if you want to see the end of the game. But once you beat the game, even on easy, you can unlock challenge mode. This mode puts you through a series of tests throught parts of the levels. Things like surviving a chuck of the level with enemies swarming around you, all the way to finishing with a certain hit percentage or limited ammo. Theres quite a few unlockables as well, including more characters, comics, and the first 2 contra games for the NES! The Konami Code is also in the game, if you pause the game, press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, it powers your weapons up to max, but BEWARE. If you enter it a 2nd time, it kills your character. You have been warned.