The Gang of Five

The Land Before Time => LBT Projects => Topic started by: Lillefot on April 12, 2008, 07:51:03 AM

Title: My First Project
Post by: Lillefot on April 12, 2008, 07:51:03 AM

Yep, long I've wanted to do some LBT project, and now I'm finally up to something.

My project, a PS3 XcrossMediaBar with an LBT theme for PS3 systems, is finally about to be made.

The progam is fairly simple to use, it's the material that I need some ideas and assistance in. (
Here you can see the standard XMB for PS3's.

What I'm gonna do (if this project's succeded) is to make the background to a wall, packed with several LBt screenshots, of characters, scenes, you name it.

The small icons on the XMB,  I plan to change them into LBT theme, characters, treestars or anything strictly LBT... (
As you can see here, one has made a PS3 theme out of a FF theme.
The background is a character, and the icons are characters, scenes or logos.
Something like that I hope this to end out.

The third step, which might be the hardest, is sound.
Some themes, inculding those that I have on my PS3 right now, have soundeffects as you move the XMB.
What I want to do (It's possible) is to add LBt sounds from movies etc to this function.
For example,
If you press the PS button at your PS3 SIXaxis controller, you will hear a "clicking" sound and you'll find yourself in the SYSTEM OPTION menu.
I want to change this clicking sound into, well, a LBT sound.
Like, when you press the PS button, you'll hear Littlefoot's voice saying:
"What is it?"
Something like that.

All this is possible using this program.

But I need help gathering material. Like;
-What is the best method to use when taking screenshots?
-Can somebody/somebodys provide me with material such as sound and icons?

Ofcourse, ALL ideas is welcome, I'll be happy to hear your opinions!

And if this theme will be compltete, i will upload it, making all of you who have PS3 able to use it!

I really hope, and appriciate all help you can give me!

Thanks in advance!

Title: My First Project
Post by: Clawandfang on April 12, 2008, 12:43:57 PM
This sounds like an interesting little project. I would be happy to help in my own small way. What you want for screenshots is a decent screenshot program... such as Topaz Moment, which I recently picked up for free. I'd be happy to get some screenshots for you, and I know a little about audio from what action9000 has taught me.

My only concern is that of copywright issues, but that crops up in just about any project.
Title: My First Project
Post by: Lillefot on April 12, 2008, 02:20:54 PM
Topaz Moment... Ok, I'll check it out.

Great if you could help me with screenshots and audio!

The copyright matter can be discussed, yes.

Title: My First Project
Post by: Clawandfang on April 12, 2008, 02:59:55 PM
One of these images is gotten through Topaz, the other through simple print screen. you can probably guess which is which:
Title: My First Project
Post by: Lillefot on April 12, 2008, 03:05:23 PM
I like it alot!
Title: My First Project
Post by: Lillefot on April 12, 2008, 04:20:42 PM
One particular hard task is to get all the screenshots together as one (helluva size) picture.
Can anyone give me a tip on this matter?

NOTE: The PS3 themes are mainly designed for 26 tum TV or more (big

Title: My First Project
Post by: Lillefot on April 12, 2008, 04:46:32 PM
Nevermind, I got another idea!
Title: My First Project
Post by: landbeforetimelover on April 12, 2008, 05:32:01 PM
How do you plan to implement your theme?  I assume that the PS3 has something like a BIOS chip like a computer does that allows it to retain certain settings and such, but how are you going to reprogram the chip on the board?  Is there some sort of cheat program out there or do you understand the programming language of the PS3?
Title: My First Project
Post by: Clawandfang on April 12, 2008, 05:44:03 PM
I gather that he has some type of program to do all of the tricky stuff.
Title: My First Project
Post by: Lillefot on April 12, 2008, 06:36:49 PM
That is correct.
The PS3 compiler works wonders!
Title: My First Project
Post by: Lillefot on April 13, 2008, 07:54:55 AM
Ok, where can i find Topaz for free?
Anyone have tips on Icons and sound?
Or can anyone provide me with some? Afterall, GoF should have credit for this project aswell! :lol:
Title: My First Project
Post by: Clawandfang on April 13, 2008, 08:02:00 AM
Unfortunately you're too late to pick up Topaz for free. It was in a "one-day giveaway" offer when I picked it up.
Title: My First Project
Post by: Lillefot on April 13, 2008, 08:25:31 AM
Oh craps!
Guess i'll look for sth else...
Title: My First Project
Post by: Lillefot on April 25, 2008, 03:28:09 PM
Okay! This is starting too look pretty!

Playin around some with P-shop, tryin to get myself some more icons, I made a Shorty one, kinda proud of it! Not bad for a P-shop n00b. DD

I think I'll drop the sound function for later, since the convert's killing me!

Webbsite's also underway, boy I'm getting the hang of this now! :P:

Made two LBT videos, not on the tube yet, but maybe they'll show up...

Title: My First Project
Post by: Clawandfang on April 25, 2008, 04:34:44 PM
Do put up the videos. I love fan-made vidoes.
Title: My First Project
Post by: Lillefot on April 25, 2008, 04:51:08 PM
I will, but I'll have to finish them first.
Movie maker ruined one that I made today! I almost hit my computer, but I went out and sent my right fist into the wall the hardest I could insead.
( I regret it now, ouch...) <_<

I'm nervous though, I don't know my movie making abilities too well... :unsure:
Title: My First Project
Post by: Kor on April 25, 2008, 08:44:22 PM
Unfortunately with learning how to do something many mistakes will likely be made.  Maybe you can ask some questions of those who have made some fan music videos.  There use to be a thread or 2 around that gave tips from one or more of them.  Though you've likely already read the one that is pinned.
Title: My First Project
Post by: kjeldo on April 26, 2008, 08:43:43 AM
looks good! :yes
Title: My First Project
Post by: Lillefot on April 26, 2008, 03:32:54 PM
Well, now I've made the music for my vid.
Two clips that I've "glued" together, and imo, you can only hear the "jump" if you really concentrate! I'm happy about it! (any tips on this would be most appreciated though)
What I need to do now is to create the visual clips, I have toons of pictures, and hopefully I can get some movie clips.
The movie will be about 6 mins. (might be shorter)

I need a name for it... I've dedicated it to all the children and family love of the LBT, sorta like a tribute to it. :yes

Or do you think that I should only use pics/video clips?

Title: My First Project
Post by: Kor on April 26, 2008, 03:49:01 PM
Do what feels better to you and fits in with your vision for this project.
Title: My First Project
Post by: Lillefot on April 28, 2008, 06:29:45 AM
Okay, the movie's as good as done now, and I'll probobly upload it today.
I hope you'll like it and give me some feedback.
NOTE: My first movie, be compassionate to me  :^.^:

Ok, will be up soon.
Title: My First Project
Post by: Lillefot on April 28, 2008, 05:11:32 PM
My movie is done! Please read my other topic and watch it!  :lol:
