The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => Hobbies and Recreation => Gamers Zone => Topic started by: Mumbling on April 27, 2008, 04:07:23 AM

Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Mumbling on April 27, 2008, 04:07:23 AM
Hi there guys, I wanted to share something with you.

When I was a kid, aged 5 or 6, I always used to play a land before time game on my computer. I didn’t even remember, but when we were talking about treestars on msn all the memories came back to me.

The game’s goal is that you have to collect as many treestars as possible by playing little games. With those treestars you could watch scenes of the first, second and third movie.

Now I went to my grandparents and asked for the game, they must have had it somewhere because my little nephew always loved to play the game while he was with my grandparents. They still had it and I took it home with me, to check if it still worked(game for windows 3.1 :p ). And it did!

I’m going to explain a bit more about the game. This is, as always, the introduction:
And then the voice who tells about the game:
Then you see the gang:

The goal is to get as many treestars as possible by playing games. There are 8 games which you can play to earn treestars. These games are:

Create your own dinosaur
It’s kind of funny. You can print your dinosaur if you want to, and you can use parts of different dinosaurs to make a whole new specie.. :lol

Roll the egg in the nest
You have to create a way to get the egg safely in the nest by letting the egg not fall in the lava and not letting it roll into the arms of the egg eaters.
Here I have reached the nest safely.. ^^
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Mumbling on April 27, 2008, 04:07:51 AM
Jump to the other side
Here you have to use chomper’s teeth to let the tree go and let littlefoot fly over the water and if you choose so, the tree.

Just paint the drawing with a pencil or brush.

The Maze
Inhere Cera has to collect certain items. The items are shown on the chart by little white dots, the orange dot is Cera. There is also a red maze part, there you have to collect some items too(some of the times) and you have to watch out! Because in the red part Sharpteeth are running around.

We should help spike with memorising the different bugs.

Ducky wants to play a trivia game with you. A question is asked, in Dutch, you cannot change the language sadly enough. And you have to click on the right answer…

Another Dutch game.. Create a story
Here you have to put a story in the right order. But there is more, next to the reading Dutch part.
Here you can choose a background for that line of the story
And you can put our friends in the background, together with certain objects. It’s kind of funny. At the end Petrie’s mother will show you the fully completed book.
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Mumbling on April 27, 2008, 04:08:15 AM
Then if you have collected as many treestars as you want, you can watch little parts of the 1st 2nd or 3rd movie with it.
Click the camera…
Choose the number of treestars you want to give for a part of the movie…
And sit back and relax!

It’s a great game for children, what do you think of it?

By the way, sorry for 3 posts, but I couldnt put all the images in 1 post .. :p
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Coyote_A on April 27, 2008, 04:15:39 AM
Looks like a great game for children. :yes
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: kjeldo on April 27, 2008, 06:15:15 AM
i agree
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: pokeplayer984 on April 27, 2008, 09:12:12 AM
I remember playing a US version of that game when I went to California a few years back.  When you live at a relative's house that won't allow you to play on the internet, you have to find something to do in your free time.  One of many games I spent hours playing on. :)
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Mumbling on April 27, 2008, 09:17:16 AM
Quote from: pokeplayer984,Apr 27 2008 on  03:12 PM
I remember playing a US version of that game when I went to California a few years back.  When you live at a relative's house that won't allow you to play on the internet, you have to find something to do in your free time.  One of many games I spent hours playing on. :)
Ahh, so there is an english version... Great! :yes Most people didn't recognise the game when i told about it, that's why I put some pictures online. I already hoped someone would recognise it!

I played it a lot too, at home and at my grandparent's. I wasn't allowed to be on the internet when I was younger..
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: jedi472 on April 27, 2008, 02:52:13 PM
Yeah, I remember something like this, too...
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Clawandfang on April 27, 2008, 03:13:04 PM
This looks like fun, although I've never seen it before.
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Timehopper on April 27, 2008, 04:25:13 PM
I never seen or heard this game before. It looks fun, especially for children. Thanks for sharing. :)
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: The Chronicler on April 27, 2008, 04:31:40 PM
I remember playing the English version of this many years ago. If I remember correctly, the full name of the game was "The Land Before Time, Activity Center". I'm not sure though, it's been quite a long time since I've even seen it.
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: The Friendly Sharptooth on January 07, 2009, 12:33:55 AM
If I remember correctly, the full name of the game was "The Land Before Time, Activity Center".
Yes, that is exactly what it is called, because I still own it. The voices were very different, but it's still a fun game for me to play every once in a while to relive old memories. The funnest event for me is flinging the gang over trees to get to the other side. It takes good calculating on how to send them flying. My least favorite one was build a dino because I apparently didn't do what they wanted becaue I never earned tree stars with that one before. My second favorite is the coloring pages. People can cheat there by coloring one dot, moving on, then getting a tree star, but I find it fun being apart of the gang's look. Sometimes even a NEW look, but I never get too bizarre with them. I loved the background music when you are in the Great Valley in general and not in a certain event. The event music is good too, I just like the Great Valley theme there the best. Cera's maze is fun but the hardest mode can take some time and all the sharpteeth can make you paranoid. And just thinking of the reward: I can watch The Land Before Time with The Land Before Time characters! How marvelous!

Guess what? Did you know that a good portion of you out there own part of that game but don't even know it? At least, I'm sure about that in North America but I don't know how they package things elsewhere. If you puchased a brand new Land Before Time Sing Along 1 video, just to let you know, it comes with a demo and two games from the full thing on it. How do you think I found out about this game in the first place? I bought the sing a long when it was still a new thing and inside the walls of the inner case is a paper holder with the demo for this game. I can only guarnetee it if was new when you bought it, because if it was used, it is likely that the previous owner did something with it. I played it and when it said that I need the full version of the game to enjoy it completely, I got it right away.

But if you like Land Before Time computer games that let you watch parts from the movies, you should also look into other LBT computer games that let you do that: The Land Before Time: Movie Book and The Land Before Time: Math Adventure. Math Adventure is like the one Mumbling brought up here, but instead of doing just any type of activity to earn tree stars, these events involve math problems (although you probably already guessed that from the title). There are other LBT computer games, but these are the only ones I have right now. But if you don't have a computer, there are six Land Before Time video games that are all quite fun. One for the Game Boy Color, two for the Game Boy Advance/SP/Micro/DS, and three for the PlayStation. Go to eBay. Even the brand new ones aren't very expensive. I got my factory sealed Game Boy Color one years after it quite being made and I got if for $15. I can provide the links to each Land Before Time game on eBay if anyone is interested, but the links won't be valid forever because I just checked and some LBT games are running low. But for now:
The Land Before Time- Game Boy Color (
The Land Before Time Collection and The Land Before Time: Into the Mysterious Beyond- Game Boy Advance (I have to give a single link that is mixed of both of these, because people on eBay tend to forget the "Into the Mysterious Beyond" part on the ones that should. So typing in that entire title shows very limited results since the full name is neglected so much for that one.) (
The Land Before Time: Big Water Adventure- PlayStation (
The Land Before Time: Return to the Great Valley- PlayStation (
The Land Before Time: Great Valley Racing Adventure- PlayStation (
And to stay true to Mumbling's topic, if anyone became interested in the compuer game she just shared with us, here is the link to that as well:
The Land Before Time: Activity Center- Windows and Macintosh (
Thank you for bringing up this topic. This has been a cherished Land Before Time possession of mine for years. It is very special to me. It's nice to know that it's so special to you too. Later!
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Mumbling on January 07, 2009, 02:20:44 AM
Yup, I knew about those games (since I'm trying to keep up the most visited dutch lbt fansite a bit) Of course there are more games for computer but I cant say I like those too much. First of all when I buy them in dutch they'll still play in english. Also the games you can play are definitly focussed on children only, and pretty bad quality.

Mom did play activity center when we were younger, but she wouldnt play kindergarten adventure... It's just became less and less to play lbt games.

For the gameboy color and advance games... They're so boring, I wouldnt recommend them to anyone. You cant save games but have to remember codes which are most of the time pretty hard, and you cant just write them down either cus it are just different dinosaurs. Also it has nothing to do with lbt. You just play either cera or littlefoot/petrie and need to find your friends by playing on some platform game.

Ah well.
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Amaranthine on January 07, 2009, 03:32:50 AM
:oops I feel embarrassed to say this, but I remember playing an LBT computer game before when I was really little and I remember not understanding it. It tried clicking around to get the characters somewhere and it didn't work. I remember not understanding the game and what it wanted me to do.

I think it was the activity center one, but I really don't remember, I just know it was some LBT computer game.
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: The Friendly Sharptooth on January 07, 2009, 07:15:32 AM
Nothing to worry about! Some computers I've played the Activity Center and other LBT games on caused the game to freeze and the characters wouldn't move when I clicked for them to. If the mouse didn't do anything at the time then it probably just had a temporary loading problem that cut off your interaction with the game. If the characters didn't tell you what to do next, then yeah, it froze. If it was working fine they would have described exactly what to do next. This theory of mine is highly probable, and since it was so long ago, we can't prove it, why don't we just say it was the computer (and it probably was) and then you'd have nothing that you'd want to be embarrased about? Sounds like a plan to me. But please think however you feel most comfortable and I'll do what I can to help after that. Later!
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: landbeforetimelover on January 07, 2009, 07:29:24 AM
Haha!  I remember wanting this game when it came out, but I couldn't get it because I didn't have windows yet. :p  :lol I just settled for Treasure Mountain because it could run on DOS. :smile BTW, I never got windows 3.1.  I went right from MS-DOS 5 to Windows 95.  Then later on in life I tried windows 3.1. :D

At the age of 5 I upgraded our computer from MS-DOS 4.5 to MS-DOS 5.  Then a few years later I installed windows 95.  I got my first mouse when I upgraded to windows 98.  That's how I'm still so good with keyboard commands.  I never had a mouse in windows 95 and I lived with DOS for years.  Ah the good old days.  Brings back fond memories.

Oh, and I still consider myself a DOS master. :p I actually miss DOS to be perfectly honest.  It was just so much.....simpler back then.
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Petrie. on January 07, 2009, 08:02:31 AM
The English version didn't have all that cool stuff (or I've forgotten what the english version was like).  Maybe I had a different game.
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Kor on January 07, 2009, 04:11:45 PM
I never heard of the game but it does look like a fun game with a neat reward at the end, being able to watch parts of the first 3 movies.
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: The Friendly Sharptooth on January 08, 2009, 06:12:48 AM
The English version didn't have all that cool stuff (or I've forgotten what the english version was like). Maybe I had a different game.
Well, I do own the English version of this and I can say for sure that it has everything that Mumbling has previously mentioned here. Yes, there is a chance you were playing a different game, but based off the wording in your post, I have a different theory. All of the Land Before Time computer games have completely different activities to do. Never in my life have I seen two of them with the same ones to do. So, analyzing your grammar, it seems that the one you played had some of these things but not all of them. You said this game, "...didn't have all of that cool stuff." If you played a different game, I can guarantee that your statement would have read, "...didn't have any of that cool stuff." So since they're all completely different yet you experienced part of the activites in the game that is mentioned here, I have to believe that you got your hands on the LBT Activity Center demo that original came with the first LBT Sing Along video. It starts the exact same way, but only gives access to two of the games in the full version. So if I understood your quote correctly, you just played the trial version, not the actual game, which greatly limited your options. I hope this fits what you experienced. If not, I tried at least. Later!
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Petrie. on January 08, 2009, 07:38:50 AM
No....actually now that I'm thinking of it, I think it might have been the LBT animated moviebook because it told the LBT story with video clips.  There were activities, but not very many.
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: The Friendly Sharptooth on January 08, 2009, 06:38:18 PM
Well, if it only has clips from the first movie, then yeah, it's the moviebook. I own it and it definately focuses around the beginning. And there wasn't as much to do in that one for sure. I have a few LBT computer games with clips from multiple movies but the moviebook was the only one I have that only stuck with the original. So I'd have to agree with you and say it must have been that. Glad it all worked out for you. Later!
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on February 03, 2009, 09:45:40 PM
I remember playing that game, but I don't think it had so many things in my version. I only recognized the beginning screen, the Cera maze, the Littlefoot egg-rolling, and the movie theatre at the end. Maybe I had the demo version TFS decribed, 'cause I bought the sing-along, and don't remember ever purchasing this as a computer game.
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Mumbling on February 04, 2009, 03:15:31 AM
Maybe you did, yea. It was one of my most played games as a kid together with Freddi Fish and rollercoaster.
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Dalekdino on January 14, 2014, 08:01:27 AM
I remember playing this game at my cousin's house, sadly I only got to play it once..
Thought I did own another LBT CD-ROM game as a kid called   the land before time kindergarten adventure. Except here in the UK they dubbed over the voices and Littlefoot had this really unfitting London accent and said Petrie's name wrong. They said Pet-tree instead of Pe-tree
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Ducky123 on January 16, 2014, 05:47:34 PM
(Not sure if this is the proper thread  :unsure: )

I'm just going to throw in what I remember from a LBT game I owned many years ago (don't have it anymore).
I only remember one of the different games close enough to retell it. You are Spike and you are in a labyrinth of some sort. Your aim is to find some sort of gems...
Sorry can't remember more...

Probability is high that this game was only available over here in Germany though. I may be mistaken though :)
Title: LBT Video Games
Post by: Mumbling on January 16, 2014, 05:51:31 PM
I'll edit the topic title so that it is clear that any lbt video games can be discussed here.