The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Party Room => Topic started by: lbt/cty_lover on May 03, 2008, 05:54:39 PM

Title: Debate #2
Post by: lbt/cty_lover on May 03, 2008, 05:54:39 PM
This time, I'll use a less confusing topic.

Resolved, blame Canada.

For any clarification, the topic is saying that we blame Canada for anything that we want to.
Alternatively, the counter-argument would be that we don't blame Canada.

Again, alternate between "Pro" and "Con".

Rules are HERE. (

Please debate here. These are actually funny when we have some enthusiastic debaters. Also, if you want to reference something, go ahead. It can be literally anything. It could be the Bible, Dante's Inferno, a manual for something. Even a textbook on accounting. You don't need any relevance, just as long as you can find a means of connecting your facts with the topic.
Title: Debate #2
Post by: Malte279 on May 04, 2008, 06:02:26 AM
Contra: "Don't blame Canada unless you wish to disturb the view of Canada (and Sweden) which many of my fellow countrymen hold as Canada being something as close to paradise as can be found in this world... to the "Pros", could you give an example of what you are blaming Canada for?"
Title: Debate #2
Post by: Clawandfang on May 04, 2008, 06:05:53 AM
Pro: The world is slowly turning into a nightmare of peak oil and econmic regression and global warming... the list goes on. In order to safeguard the sanity of the majority of the world, we have chosen to blame someone for all of this mess. Canada seemed like a good idea at the time, so we are blaming it for all of these problems. Canada is a sacrifice to obtain peace in the world's dying days.
Title: Debate #2
Post by: lbt/cty_lover on May 04, 2008, 11:32:57 AM
Con: Well, Canada has some good points. They give maple syrup to the world. If we were to blame Canada, Canada might decide to not give us anymore maple syrup, and then all of our pancakes would have to be eaten with fruit syrups, which might be good, but they are unable to match the deliciousness of maple syrup. Maple syrup is the perfect condiment for breakfast foods. Without it, our breakfast industry would soon crumble, and then we would have to go to Canada and illegally bring maple syrup back to the United States. If our maple syrup thieves are caught, they will be put in Canadian jail, and then they will get the maple syrup we want.
Title: Debate #2
Post by: Malte279 on May 04, 2008, 11:58:20 AM
Con: Canada has much tighter environmental regulations than many other countries with a significantly higher degree of negative influence in matters such as global warming and military conflicts. Also Canada's forest help to make up for a very limited percentage of other nation's polution of the air. Canada can be an example for many other countries and there are countries more proper to be blamed. Blaming though, no matter which nation is picked, won't do ANYTHING to solve the really pressing issues at hand!
Title: Debate #2
Post by: lbt/cty_lover on May 04, 2008, 12:04:26 PM
By the way, these are meant to be funny. You can be serious, but please try to be silly or funny.


Pro: Canada won their independence peacefully. They didn't fight to earn their freedom, and therefore, they don't deserve it. That area should be part of the United States. However, those Canadian wimps had to get their freedom peacefully before we could invade. Therefore, we should blame Canada from taking away from our economy. If we did take over Canada, we would literally control the entire maple syrup industry, and then all our breakfasts would be pleasant. Not only that, we would control the pleasantness of breakfasts all over the world. First breakfast, then lunch, then dinner, then the world.


I am not trying to offend any Canadians, but this is meant to be a silly debate. I mean no harm to any Canadians here.