The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => Hobbies and Recreation => Gamers Zone => Topic started by: Vaan360 on September 06, 2008, 03:00:21 PM

Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Vaan360 on September 06, 2008, 03:00:21 PM
I¥m note sure if there is any topic alredy related to Kingdom hearts, if there is I¥m sorry.

kingdom hearts it is just one of my favourites games ever,its fantastic, the fact that the game has disney and Squaresoft caracthers.
Sora;kairy,Rikku,their home is the island of FF X, there you find, Wakka, Tidus,and Selphie.
You will travel with Donald, and Goffy in your adventures, and you will find other caracthers from disney and Squaresoft, like Mickey the mouse,Pluto,Miney,pinoquio,Lion King(on K.H. II)Cloud, youfie, and many others caracthers.

You have like aeons, that are disneys caracthers, like Bamby,(the only one I can remenber now).

The story is also great, and you unlock very cool moves.

But for me, the best one was the Kingdom hearts II, I really want to play kingdom hearts III, but that wont happen anytime soon :(  :angry:  -_-
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: DarkHououmon on September 06, 2008, 03:35:22 PM
From what I heard, there is no Kingdom Hearts III. There'll be a few new titles, yes, but no Kingdom Hearts III, no continuation.

Here are the new KH games coming out: ( ( (
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Vaan360 on September 07, 2008, 08:24:04 PM
Yeah, I saw all the traillers of those ones, but I¥m almost sure there will be a K.H III, me and a friend of mine saw traillers and everything.
But not just now, but later.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: WeirdRaptor on September 10, 2008, 02:29:40 AM
Actually, KHIII isn't officially out yet. The creator of the series i sjust busy with FFXIII right now.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Keni on September 10, 2008, 09:35:11 PM
The only Kingdom Hearts games that are coming are the three already mentioned. Coded, Birth By Sleep and 358/2 Days. Kingdom Hearts III (If there will be one) won't probably be out for a very long time now, unless they surprise us soon.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: WeirdRaptor on September 10, 2008, 10:28:38 PM
Square also once said that Final Fantasy would be their final game, but looked how that panned out. Somehow I doubt Square will let KH just die yet.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on September 13, 2008, 04:30:04 AM
From what I've heard, Square Enix have announced a "KH3" project but not confirmed it. Coded, Birth by Sleep and 358/2 Days are subsidiary titles spun off from KH2. They are stories moreso in to Organisation XIII and times before Sora became Keyblade master. Apparently, they are all due for release towards the end of the year. These games were already well in production probably in tandem with KH2 so while we were loving the Disney/Final Fantasy clash for a second time, Square Enix were already working on the 3 titles for portable consoles. Given that fact, if a KH3 project is in production, it's liable to have been in the making quite some time ago.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Keni on September 13, 2008, 01:16:11 PM
Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Sep 10 2008 on  10:28 PM
Square also once said that Final Fantasy would be their final game, but looked how that panned out. Somehow I doubt Square will let KH just die yet.
Correction, Final Fantasy was thought to be Square's final game PERIOD. Back in the NES days Square was a struggling company, delivering flop after flop and losing a lot of money. They called their latest game Final Fantasy as a symbolism because it would be the final nail to their coffin if it flopped.

But it was a massive success, leading them to become the company they are today. But yes, I agree that they may not let Kingdom Hearts go anytime soon.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: WeirdRaptor on September 13, 2008, 04:29:29 PM
No correction. That is what I said. Final Fantasy was thought to be the final FF game as well as the final Square game. I made no mistake. My point is that Square is in a very bad habit of never letting any series they can squeeze some profit out of die. If they deem KH to be profitable enough, there will be a third.
One must that, when push comes to shove, Square a company, and MUST make a profit by giving the fans what they want in order to stay in business.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: KingdomKey23 on September 20, 2009, 08:02:31 PM
Quote from: Littlefoot1616,Sep 13 2008 on  03:30 AM
From what I've heard, Square Enix have announced a "KH3" project but not confirmed it. Coded, Birth by Sleep and 358/2 Days are subsidiary titles spun off from KH2. They are stories moreso in to Organisation XIII and times before Sora became Keyblade master. Apparently, they are all due for release towards the end of the year. These games were already well in production probably in tandem with KH2 so while we were loving the Disney/Final Fantasy clash for a second time, Square Enix were already working on the 3 titles for portable consoles. Given that fact, if a KH3 project is in production, it's liable to have been in the making quite some time ago.
You'd be right with that. This new KH game will be an entry in the main series, from what I hear. I even heard that at the end of Birth by Sleep they are going to show some sort of teaser trailer. I dunno if that's true, but I look forward to it.

The DS KH game will be out in about less than two weeks from now. Look forward to playing it.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on September 20, 2009, 08:34:32 PM
Nine days left until 358/2 Days comes out. I can hardly wait! It will definately be intresting seeing the series from Organization 13's point of view. Just wish I knew when Birth By Sleep is coming out.

*Is playing KH2 right now*
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Kor on September 20, 2009, 10:10:19 PM
Looks like one of those is coming out on the DS.  I've only played a bit of the gba kingdom hearts game.  It seemed like an interesting game, but the card system they used was a bit annoying.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on September 20, 2009, 11:39:06 PM
Quote from: Kor,Sep 20 2009 on  09:10 PM
Looks like one of those is coming out on the DS.  I've only played a bit of the gba kingdom hearts game.  It seemed like an interesting game, but the card system they used was a bit annoying.
358/2 Days is the one that will be for the DS.

I agree with you about Chain of Memories. I played the remake, Re:Chain of Memories, thinking it would be good. When I heard about the card system, I was skeptical but tried to be open-minded about it. It was even worse than I originally thought it'd be. Not to mention the levels were a real chore to go through. Not that the levels were hard. They were just very obnoxious and tiring. All in all, a very bland game with horrible graphics, hilariously bad voice acting(Listen to Riku ask where King Mickey is ( )

Had I known Re:Chain of Memories would be so bad, I would have preferred one of the Final Mix games. At least those sound pretty good.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on September 21, 2009, 05:15:09 AM
I heard that Birth By Sleep has been put on hold for the time being. Apparently Square Enix are a little concerned that they're gonna be releasing too many big name, high expectancy titles too close together. In light of which, they are now supposed to be releasing Birth by Sleep AFTER Final Fantasy 13! Problem being, FF13 isn't due to head our way until well into 2010! So, if what's been said is true, we won't be getting it any time soon.

358/2 Days looks good. I think we get it at the start of October over here. The US are liable to get it sooner. Guess that will fill the gap, at least for a while anyway ;)
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: DualXz on September 21, 2009, 06:41:49 PM
In light of which, they are now supposed to be releasing Birth by Sleep AFTER Final Fantasy 13! Problem being, FF13 isn't due to head our way until well into 2010! So, if what's been said is true, we won't be getting it any time soon.

There I was on the mall seeing the new games, when I start seing the FF XIII trailer, really wasn't expecting it to come out 2010, and I think that only in Spring!

Anyway a question about it: Does the game as any caracthers from the previous one?(FF XII)
Cuz I believe I saw Ashe,Vaan and what it seems like Bash.

About the KH releases, thanks! I didnt had a clue when they were coming out.

Edit: This is Kingdom Hearts III right? ( - Kingdom hearts 3 opening video - PS3

I thought it hadn't been made yet.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on September 23, 2009, 07:36:12 AM
Sorry to burst your bubble there DualXz but that's not KH3. That is the secret ending trailer you get for clearing KH2 on either Hard Mode or getting 100% Jiminy's journal clearance. That is the trailer for Birth by Sleep. It's about the time BEFORE Sora became the keyblade master and when there was more than one (note all the keyblades about the place in the video). Apparently, these guys are called "Seekers". What they are in relation to humans, Heartless or one knows as of yet. The tall knight you see is actually a bonus boss fight that you can do in Kingdom Heart 2 Final Mix + (Japanese release only I think). Terra I think his name is.

As for KH3 videos, nothing has been officially released yet. Apparently the head designer Tetsuya Nomora is working on the 3rd game of the Fabula Nova Crystallis series (i.e FF13, FF13 Agito and FF.vs.XIII). FF.vs.XIII is supposed to be utilising the KH engine (basically the mechanics of how KH works) with a character who looks suscipious like Roxas (unconfirmed rumour). So far, that is as close to KH3 as we are gonna get and there hasn't been word on development of this game for some time now. Nothing has been official announced but that's not to say nothing won't be mentioned in the near future. Here's to hoping eh? ;)
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on October 01, 2009, 01:12:55 AM
Alright so I just got 358/2 Days yesterday and was playing it during Study Hall. I have to admit, I really enjoy the game so far. It's fun getting to play as Roxas and watch him interact with the different Organization members. The missions are surprisingly short which is my only complaint so far(they might get longer as I progress). The graphics are a tad pixelated which I guess I can forgive since it is a handheld game. I would definately reccomend it. I'm only on Day 14 right now and so far so good.

Also if I may go a little OT, does anyone know if the Disney Store has any Kingdom Hearts merchandise? Just curious.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on October 01, 2009, 11:14:25 AM
Quote from: Animeboye,Oct 1 2009 on  12:12 AM
Also if I may go a little OT, does anyone know if the Disney Store has any Kingdom Hearts merchandise? Just curious.
I dunno about State side, but the Disney stores over this side of the Great Pond don't. I doubt they would really coz the characters for Kingdom Hearts (obviously besides all the Disney stuff) is owned by Square Enix including the music, storyline and scenario. Noticed there isn't a Kingdom Hearts zone in Disneyland's yet?!  :p 358/2 Days doesn't come out here until next friday but I know I'm gonna be upfront for that one. I've still got "The World Ends With You" to finish (another great Sqaure Enix RPG game for DS) ;)
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: jedi472 on October 01, 2009, 04:01:35 PM
God, these are fun games! Just reading this thread makes me wanna go dug out my old PS2 and play 'em again.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Belmont2500 on October 01, 2009, 04:08:59 PM
I can't wait to get 352/2 days,its too bad I won't be able to play it that much since my sister is the one with the DS and she's crazy about the new KH game. :(  :p

and yes I'm still holding on to my PS2, it still works like new, but it's odd that I haven't beaten KH1 yet,only 2 mainly because it was so easy.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Kor on October 01, 2009, 09:17:09 PM
I hope they won't have a card system like Chain of memories did.  I liked the game but not the card based battle system, as I recall.  Never had a console so have not played the main Kingdom Hearts game though.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: KingdomKey23 on October 03, 2009, 12:35:05 AM
Quote from: Kor,Oct 1 2009 on  08:17 PM
I hope they won't have a card system like Chain of memories did.  I liked the game but not the card based battle system, as I recall.  Never had a console so have not played the main Kingdom Hearts game though.
I bought 358/2 Days the other day. Trust me, Kor, it's nothing like that. It uses a panel system. I can't really explain it well, but let's just say it is much better than the card battling in Chain of Memories.

Speaking of Chain of Memories, I actually liked Re: Chain of Memories. It felt better to play. Don't get me wrong, though; I still hate the card system.

I'd say give it try. It's pretty entertaining. Still can't wait for BBS. I think it's gonna be awesome!
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on October 09, 2009, 08:31:30 PM
Well I just beat 358/2 Days today! And wow...the fight with Xion was really depressing. I mean I don't think I've ever fought a boss that actually made me cry while I was FIGHTING it! Part of me actually wanted to lose, yes it was just that sad  :cry  What's even more sad is that no one seems to remember her. Not Roxas, not Axel, no one! Poor Xion *hugs her tightly*

Still it was a good game. Not as good as Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 but far better than Re: Chain of Memories. The panel system was a real joy and the best part was being able to level the crap out of Roxas With Lvl Doublers, triplers, quadruplers, etc.  The missions do start to get repetitive after awhile(I was actually yelling at my DS when I had to go back to Halloween Town for like the eighteenth time!!).

I would give 358/2 Days an 8/10. A good game but there are some things that could have made it better(Not as many missions for one).
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Kor on October 09, 2009, 08:35:59 PM
Sounds like it may be a good game.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on October 09, 2009, 08:45:04 PM
It is. But there are some things I didn't like about it. I already talked about how the missions were repetitive and even pointless to some extent but there are other things that irked me.

One thing I hated was how the Heartless in this game seemed so cowardly. I mean once they appear, they actually run away. And the ones that actually fought had really irritating attacks. One of the Heartless had this attack that would warp Roxas to another part in the room. Got really infuriating after about the sixth time. I also wish Roxas could have interacted with the enviorment. That's one reason why I love KH 1 & 2 so much. Also, sneaking around was a huge pain. Once you get to Beast's Castle, you'll see what I mean.

Also, if I may go somewhat OT again, what do you guys think happened to Traverse Town after the first Kingdom Hearts? I'd really like to know what happened to it in a future installment.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on October 10, 2009, 04:23:36 AM
Thanks for those little insights Animeboye. I'm off to get my hands on my copy today as 358/2days was released in the UK yesterday (was working all day yesterday so didn't get a chance). Apparently, KH 358 is a much more enriched experience when played with others. Sadly, I haven't got anyone with me who has (or will be getting) the game so looks like I'm stuck on my sorry lonesome for now. Still, this is a series I've always enjoyed and I'm glad a new installment is out.  :smile
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot3897 on October 10, 2009, 11:28:10 PM
Im on the 258th day and I cant pass that huge plant heartless,  leechgrave I think, in Halloweentown. I almost passed it but it takes a while to beat the tentaclaws. does anyone know how I cant destroy those things faster?
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on October 11, 2009, 06:29:57 AM
I've just started playing (only on like day 15 so far) but I'm actually quite impressed with how it plays. Granted the graphics aren't exactly cutting edge but the gameplay and system mechanics translate really well. Looks like you guys have already steamed ahead with the game's progress...just be careful not to drop too many spoilers without pre-warning us first! ;)
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: KingdomKey23 on October 11, 2009, 09:06:14 PM
Quote from: Littlefoot1616,Oct 11 2009 on  05:29 AM
I've just started playing (only on like day 15 so far) but I'm actually quite impressed with how it plays. Granted the graphics aren't exactly cutting edge but the gameplay and system mechanics translate really well. Looks like you guys have already steamed ahead with the game's progress...just be careful not to drop too many spoilers without pre-warning us first! ;)
Great. And don't worry; we won't spoil ya.

I beat the game a few days ago. I thought it was good. :) I didn't really feel much for Xion though. I felt she was kinda thrown in to the game to add conflict. And I'll stop there; don't want to ruin anything.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot3897 on October 12, 2009, 01:29:20 AM
wow this game gets sadder everytime.  :cry
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on October 13, 2009, 10:37:33 AM
Quote from: Littlefoot3897,Oct 12 2009 on  12:29 AM
wow this game gets sadder everytime.  :cry
Which day are you on right now?
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on October 13, 2009, 10:49:32 AM
I'm on Day 58 so far but because I know the plot to the other KH games, I can kinda guess where abouts in the KH series timeline we are from the clips and flashbacks that I'm getting shown. Enjoying the game so far I have to say ;)
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on October 21, 2009, 01:47:15 AM
Well I finally beat Re:Chain of Memories last weekend and I will admit that I did like it a little better than I did before. One big reason being that I finally figured out how to beat Riku Replica 4. I was dissapointed fighting Marluxia though. Especially when I read how tough he would be. The first fight with Marluxia was supposed to be difficult but it turned out to be dissapointingly easy, as did the other two fights.

Riku's story was also a letdown. This whole time I couldn't wait to play as Riku and once I got my wish, I actually wanted it to end. His story was so boring and the levels repetitive that I actually skipped a majority of the levels, leaving some rooms unopened. And yet somehow I still beat the final boss...

Even though I don't hate Re:Chain of Memories anymore, I still think it's the worst Kingdom Hearts had to offer thus far. I give Sora's story a 6.5/10. At least with Sora's story, you actually have to strategize and plan ahead before fighting enemies. The cards are also pretty cool once you know how to use them except for the CP. I hated that. Riku's story gets a 4/10. I didn't like how it felt so hack-n-slash and how you couldn't even construct your own deck. On top of that, the villians were repetitive and easy to beat. Truly dissapointing.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on October 23, 2009, 04:35:10 AM
I've never played Chain of Memories all the way through and I'm a bit gutted I'll never get to play the PS2 remake since there is no word of it ever being released in Europe. I played the original GBA game via rom and emulator but since I've upgraded my machine, I didn't take my emulators with me. Still, I reckon I know enough about the storyline to understand what happens between KH 1 and 2. I'm only on day 75 of 358/2 Days but it's been good so far.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: corpsebride5988 on December 08, 2009, 04:25:08 PM
Hey guys, I'v noticed that you guys are talking about Kingdom Hearts. Can I join?
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on December 09, 2009, 01:21:10 PM
No need to ask bride! Just post what's on your mind! Whilst adhering to the rules of the forum and this section of course ;)

What d'ya like (or not like) about the Kingdom Hearts series?
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Kor on December 09, 2009, 01:52:25 PM
Any favorite games of the series, characters, areas, ect?  Feel free to join in.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Paradise Bird on December 09, 2009, 10:13:37 PM
Quote from: Kor,Oct 1 2009 on  08:17 PM
I hope they won't have a card system like Chain of memories did.  I liked the game but not the card based battle system, as I recall.  Never had a console so have not played the main Kingdom Hearts game though.
I loved the game and I'm making a sig on sora right now!
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on December 12, 2009, 06:34:08 AM
Admittingly, I haven't touched 358/2 Days for ages. I'm only on like day 95 (or something). I seem to go through phases with games. Right now I'm hitting a nostalgic phase coz I'm now re-addicted to Ocarina of Time! Started playing it through from the beginning :lol Next to Kingdom Hearts, OOT has to be one of my favourite RPGs ever!  :D
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Paradise Bird on December 12, 2009, 08:46:06 AM
Just finished the sig
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: corpsebride5988 on December 12, 2009, 06:09:24 PM
I am a fan of Riku in Kingdom Hearts 2. He looks sooo cool, Sephiroth was a hard boss to beat. I didn't care for Kingdom Hearts 1 very much, I can't really beat it :(
Chain of Memories was an alright game, but the one I am looking forward to is KH3 =D
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Belmont2500 on December 12, 2009, 07:18:02 PM
Quote from: Littlefoot1616,Dec 12 2009 on  05:34 AM
Admittingly, I haven't touched 358/2 Days for ages. I'm only on like day 95 (or something). I seem to go through phases with games. Right now I'm hitting a nostalgic phase coz I'm now re-addicted to Ocarina of Time! Started playing it through from the beginning :lol Next to Kingdom Hearts, OOT has to be one of my favourite RPGs ever!  :D
of course the Zelda series is one of the best franchises ever.

well, I played through KH 1 and 2 , again *sigh* if only Sora were in Smash Bros.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on January 11, 2010, 09:49:07 AM
Hey guys!

Check this out for anyone who's looking forward to KH: Birth by Sleep. It's a japanese trailer that seems to show quite a bit in terms of what worlds you visit and some of the gameplay footage too. Worlds include Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Cinderella. Also, there are three Keyblade users featured that I reckon could be the three from the KH2 bonus trailer. This also gives me huge suscipion amongst speculation that Roxas IS actually part of this one!

The other thing that grinds my gears is that the Japs have had this since 2009! In light of which, I'd like to pose the question...what the bloody hell are these guys doing that's taking the US and EU versions so long to get out here?! :anger  :p Final Fantasy 13 was announced AFTER Birth by Sleep yet FF13 is pencilled in for 9/3/10 (that's 9th of March btw. I'm aware the US put their month first :D). Would be nice if Square could give us an update on when we can expect this title coz it looks a tad bit good! ;)

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Jap Trailer (
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Stitch on January 11, 2010, 11:55:22 PM
Actually, the game was just released in Japan on January 9th of this year, so it may be a while while they localize it.

And it is set 10 years before the other games, so I doubt Roxas will be in it.

I can't wait for it, though.  From the trailers I've seen, it looks very cool.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Stitch on June 17, 2010, 01:27:35 AM
To follow up on my last post, here's the real english trailer for Birth By Sleep.  It looks even cooler now.  I can hardly wait for september 10th.

Birth By Sleep trailer (
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on June 17, 2010, 07:37:43 PM
So those are the english voices.

Aqua's voice actress is just straight up horrible. She has no enthusiasm and sounds like she's reading directly from the script. I actually thought it was a fandubber at first. And is it just me or does she kind of sound like a little boy :blink:

Why does Master Xehanort sound like Yoda? He sounds exactly, EXACTLY like Yoda. I wonder if Xehanort will talk like him too ("Learn to use Darkness you must", "Kingdom Hearts I will wield")

Terra isn't too bad but he doesn't sound as masculine as he does in the sub. I always saw him with a more burly voice.

Eraqus and Ven sound pretty good.  Vanitas is voiced by Haley Joel Osment so you can't go wrong there. Can't wait to see how the other characters sound.

This game looks so good. It sounds like it's going to be the most epic Kingdom Hearts yet!
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Stitch on July 13, 2010, 10:58:08 AM
Quick update:

They have just changed the release date for BBS.  Instead of October 10th, the US is now getting it on September 7th.  I guess they finished the localization in less time than they anticipated.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Stitch on August 18, 2010, 05:59:26 PM
Less than a month til Birth by Sleep is released, and the game looks cooler than ever.  They just released the gamescom trailer, so here it is:

BBS Trailer (

Who else has this game preordered?
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: 2007excalibur2007 on August 18, 2010, 06:34:06 PM
Lol wow, it took SquareEnix almost 9 months to finally release the US version of BBS. (the Japanese version was released in January) :p
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Stitch on September 05, 2010, 11:42:39 PM
Only one day left until we find out the fates of Terra, Ven, and Aqua.

I have my copy already paid for, so I just need to go pick it up.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Stitch on September 07, 2010, 12:02:53 AM
Well, BBS is now officially available in the states.  Is anyone planning on picking it up today?
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: MrDrake on September 07, 2010, 12:09:46 AM
Sadly no, as I do not own a PSP and don't really plan on getting one either, so I'm going to miss out on BBS myself, which does suck as I wanted to play it too....I mean, you get to fight Gantu in it for crying out loud!
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on September 07, 2010, 12:59:35 PM
BBS hits EU shores on Friday 10th. As with Other M, expect to find me near the front of the queue  :D Waited a long time for this one. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait  ;)
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on September 08, 2010, 12:41:44 PM
Guess who got Birth By Sleep yesterday :D
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Campion1 on September 08, 2010, 02:38:37 PM
KH2 was awesome, although it was a square button-mashing fest
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: WeirdRaptor on September 08, 2010, 09:03:40 PM
I just came into possession of KH: BBS, myself. I've avoided all spoilers, but given that the three mains are nowhere else to be seen in the continuity, I've already figured I'm going to watch meet their untimely fates on at a time.
The controls are okay, the voice acting is somewhat hit and miss (seriously, Terra and Ven sound just fine, what happened with Aqua's voice VA, was she on valium?), and following three individual paths is interesting though been done before. I'm just happy to see a new KH game altogether.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on September 11, 2010, 02:31:27 PM
Okay so I beat Terra's story two days ago and am halfway through Ventus' story. Oh, my God...I just want to say I FREAKIN' HATE THE ICE CREAM MINI GAME!!

Seriously, what the hell?! I can only get to at least 350 points and I need 1000 to beat it! It says I'm supposed to follow along with the beat. Well I'm following along and I'm still losing! I've tried probably seven times at the most.

Can somebody tell if this mini game is required to continue on with the story? Because if it is, then I'm not gonna play the game anymore.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Stitch on September 11, 2010, 08:02:02 PM
It is unfortunately required for Ven's story.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on September 11, 2010, 09:46:46 PM
*10 Facepalms*

Why? What purpose does it serve? What does making ice cream for three obnoxious duck brats have to do with saving the worlds from darkness?

You know, if I wanted to play mini games, I'd play Mario Party. Kingdom Hearts is supposed to be about fighting the forces of evil, not making ice cream for three characters who make Jar Jar Binks look appealing. Gahhh! Give me Atlantica over the Ice Cream mini game anyday. Yeah, you heard me.

I hope KHIII doesn't have mini games incorporated into the main storyline. Otherwise I might not even pick it up.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2010, 09:50:30 PM
or at least, not annoying minigames..
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on September 11, 2010, 11:18:36 PM
I think they should just leave the minigames as side quests. Don't put them into the main story. Also, I think they should have made Disney Town an optional world. There wasn't a Disney Town boss in Terra's story and I guess there isn't one for Ven and Aqua's stories either so what's the point on it being a world you have to beat? The mini games are mind numbingly irritating and they don't advance the story.

EDIT: I finally did it!! I finally beat that awful mini game! God, I never want to do that again!
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on September 14, 2010, 12:36:39 PM
I'm absloutely miffed that I preordered my copy of BBS online since Thursday and it STILL hasn't arrived yet!  :angry:  :bang  :mad Officially the last time that website is getting a penny from me. They take sooooooo long to deliver... rawr!  :anger  :p
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on September 16, 2010, 12:21:25 PM
Well I just beat the game yesterday(Final Episode included) so this is what I thought about it.

Overall, it was a pretty good game. The story as a whole was entertaining, the main characters were pretty likeable, and it was interesting to see how all of this connected to the entire Kingdom Hearts story.


. The battles are fast and fun. When I first heard that this battle system would be something akin to Chain of Memories, I started to get a little worried. Thankfully, the battle system proved far far better than that of Chain of Memories.

. Terra's an uber badass. Need I say more?

. Mark Hamill as Master Eraqus and Leonard Nimoy as Master Xehanort. Again, does anything further need to be said? Luke Skywalker/Fire Lord Ozai as Eraqus and Spock as Xehanort.

. For the most part, the worlds are pretty fun and entertaining. Well except for one certain world that shan't be mentioned.

. The Mirage Arena was a nice little feature. I liked how when you level up in Mirage Arena, you also level up in the game. Had I known that, I would have gone to the Mirage Arena sooner.


. Aqua's voice actress. Dear GOD! This girl cannot voice act to save her life. I hate how she makes Aqua sound so emotionless. Every line of dialouge Aqua had sounded so wooden and lifeless. If Aqua returns in a sequel, do not let this girl voice her. Please!

. The mini games. I like mini games, but NOT when they're put into the main story. In this case, these mini games detracted greatly from the main story and served absolutely no purpose. Why did I have to make ice cream for Donald's nephews? My HP didn't go up, I didn't get a new deck slot so what was the point?

. Some of the bosses were just incredibly cheap. Whereas you can get in only two or three hits, most of these bosses will be able to whittle away half your HP with no problem whatsoever and you have no choice but to just take it. Seriously, I can't stun them but they can stun about weak.

I think the game was good, but it could have been a lot better. I give Birth By Sleep an 8.5/10
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on September 26, 2010, 05:05:13 AM
I just finished Ventus's story. Seeing a lot of tie-ins to how it relates to the other KH games. I've started up Terra's storyline now. A bit of a stiff change seeing how quick Ven is compared to Terra's powerhouse fighting style. Here's my overview of the game:

I'm liking the new tweaks to the battle system (Command Style changes are cool) as are the inclusion of the D-link and Focus Attacks. Animations are as fluid and nice as ever (as expected from a Square Enix game) and the range of worlds you visit are a nice addition with reworking of previous places. The original voice cast for these worlds just adds to the mastery. Also, I am SOOOOOO pleased that all three characters have their own story branches. Too many games that offer a range of characters just have them trek down exactly the same road as one another. So glad Square didn't do that otherwise I would have just called the replay value disgustingly cheap. On the whole, a great game. :D

As for the niggles, pretty much agree with what's been said already. Some boss fights are irritating as hell due to constant spamming of inavoidable cheap attacks e.g. Vanitas's teleporting attacks almost made me rethink my PSP to be a frisbee. Camera controls are clunky and terrible as is the lock on feature. Constantly found myself running around blind coz the camera snapped to a random point which was of no help at all. Loading times is another issue. There is an install game feature but to get the best response time from your hardware you have to install up to 800Mb of the game onto your memory stick. If you're like me and can only afford a 1Gb stick, you're a bit shafted bearing in mind I've got other saved game files on my stick as well. It's pretty much asking for a dedicated stick of it's own. Would love to get a bigger one but Sony's memory stick duo's are bloody expensive over here!

Don't like the voice actors for Terra or Aqua. Sounds like they were told to face a brick wall for being naughty and read the script which they hadn't rehearsed yet. They sound wooden and emotionless. Debatable I know but that's just my thoughts.

Despite the negativities there, I'm really enjoying BBS (in amongst all the assignments and coursework I'm currently doing for uni). Finished a few worlds with Terra and hopefully move onto Aqua's story before too long.

Quick note... has anyone else noticed that the three main characters' names all relate to natural elements? Terra - Earth (as in "terra" firma), Aqua - Water, Ventus - Wind (like in "vent"ilation as in the movement of air or wind). Wonder if there was a reason for that?
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on September 29, 2010, 12:10:51 PM
Don't like the voice actors for Terra or Aqua. Sounds like they were told to face a brick wall for being naughty and read the script which they hadn't rehearsed yet. They sound wooden and emotionless. Debatable I know but that's just my thoughts.

I think Terra's voice actor was alright(at least he could emote), Aqua's voice actress on the other hand...God, I never hated a voice actor(ress) as much as I hated her. They need to get a new voice actress for Aqua if she returns in another game. Terra's...that's debateable.

Quick note... has anyone else noticed that the three main characters' names all relate to natural elements? Terra - Earth (as in "terra" firma), Aqua - Water, Ventus - Wind (like in "vent"ilation as in the movement of air or wind). Wonder if there was a reason for that?

That's because of Terra, Aqua, and Ventus' connections to Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Riku's name means "land" in Japanese, Kairi's name means "sea", and Sora's name means "sky".
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Animeboye on October 13, 2010, 09:01:29 PM
So the secret ending for Re:Coded has been uploaded onto Youtube ( (be warned, spoilers ahead).

WARNING: if you don't it spoiled, then stop reading this post.

So it would seem that Xehanort is indeed going to be returning for the next game. Apparently as Master Xehanort. So I wonder what that means for Terra? Has his body been restored, just like Xehanort's? And I wonder who this mystery guy is who is supposed to be with him? My money's on Vanitas because his death in Birth By Sleep was too...abrupt. And what would be the point of putting him in the game if he wouldn't be returning in any future installments?

I also wonder what Mickey means by "We finally know where Ven's heart is". I thought his heart was in Roxas? Unless they had just discovered what happened to him. And Sora and Riku taking the Keyblade test is going to be sweet!  :D
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Stitch on September 21, 2011, 06:52:13 PM
Thread bump

Well, after almost a year, the next new game in the series has released a gameplay trailer.

Dream Drop Distance trailer (

This is the trailer from the Tokyo Game Show, I believe.  It is in japanese with english subtitles.

I'm planning to get this when it comes out.
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on January 17, 2012, 02:53:32 PM
Figured since I was getting that tinge for JRPGs lately (yep, I'm back on the Fantasies), I looked up KH to see if anything new had been announced. Didn't find much more than what's already been shown but I did find this nice little japanese trailer which was aired at the end of last year for the 3DS's title KH: Dream Drop Distance. Shows off a few more of the worlds and the characters you are to meet this time around.

For sake of spoilers I won't announce anything here but will simply allow you to view the extended trailer I found on Gamespot. It also lands us with a projected release date of March 2012 (where in the world I don't know but it's nice to at least have the announcement). For those of us still waiting for a breath of speech to be uttered about a KH3 (to which there STILL has been no confirmation) this looks like a decent filler until such a word reaches us. Enjoy gamers! ;)

KH 3D Trailer (Dec 2011) (
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on May 09, 2012, 04:15:57 PM
Word from the rumour mill is that the art director Tetsuya Nomura has made a statement claiming that "it is time to bring KH back to consoles". Whispers on the wind suggest that this may be Kingdom Hearts 3 finally getting a nod. Nothing has been fully confirmed but Nomura-san says that there will be an interesting feature for anyone who plays the next KH outing (Dream Drop Distance for 3DS) all the way to the end.

Either way, sounds like good news to me. Hopefully it won't be something like a KH1 & 2 Hd collection or something. As intriguing as that may be, I won't deny that I'd be bitterly disappointed if that's what was meant. Still, yet to be seen. :) :DD
Title: Kingdom hearts
Post by: WeirdRaptor on May 09, 2012, 05:59:43 PM
About frikkin time. I just turned 27 over today and I was just hit 20 when KHII came out.