The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => Hobbies and Recreation => Gamers Zone => Topic started by: pokeplayer984 on September 26, 2008, 01:03:32 AM

Title: Mega Man 9 is here!
Post by: pokeplayer984 on September 26, 2008, 01:03:32 AM
At long last, it is on WiiWare in the US. It's only 1000 Wii Points. It'll be on PSN on Friday and XBLA Monday. So it'll definitely be made for all 3 major consoles.

From my experience on the Wii Version, I can tell you that it is definitely old school Mega Man. Crazy levels, Difficulty and everything. On top of that, they designed it and so that you don't NEED XBox 360 for "Achievements". The game has it's own built right in for ALL versions. Some of them are definitely for Hard Core Mega Man players. (Like beating a level without getting hit.)

Just like back then, the levels are HARD! Getting through them your first time required patience and past knowledge. Also, even if you make it to the boss, you'll have a tough time. Just like before, certain weapons are recommended to take out certain bosses. Only one will be your best chance with the Mega Buster. In fact, some of the levels are so tough, getting through them almost requires a weapon you get from a boss. I was able to beat one, yes, but the fact remains that he was hard and if I had the right weapon, I wouldn't have spent 4 lives trying to beat him. (As you might have guessed, I got some extra guys on the way.)

However, unlike old school, they took out the Password feature and put in a Save feature instead. (So there's no "shortcut" in getting to the final boss. You must earn it now.) That's fine with me though. There were times I forgot to put down the password back then and forgot it. This Save feature makes getting back to what I had SO much easier.

Oh, and they also have Time Trial for Hard Core Mega Man Fans who LOVE doing those Speed Runs. However, this time there's a good chance it's from the REAL game and not one on an emulator because of how they set up this download. (Harder for hackers to crack the code now.)

Downloadable content will also be available. One such Download will allow you to play as Protoman. That certainly hasn't been around before. I think this will be enjoyable.

Anyways, I'm stopping for now, but I'll make sure to play more when I get the chance.

See ya later! :)
Title: Mega Man 9 is here!
Post by: Keni on September 27, 2008, 05:35:51 PM
MegaMan! I love that Blue Bomber! I downloaded it this monday and have been playing it nonstop. Like you said, the levels are hard and it can have you screaming profanities all day long.

Awesome game and I highly recommend it!
Title: Mega Man 9 is here!
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on September 27, 2008, 05:56:00 PM
Some gaming classics just can't be ignored! ;) I've seen the game in action and it looks proper old school. Everything from the look to the music :D Might consider getting it but need to keep a kerb on the spending at the mo.  :^.^: