The Gang of Five

Important Announcements => The Welcome Center => Topic started by: RFZT on January 18, 2009, 07:03:37 PM

Title: Hello!
Post by: RFZT on January 18, 2009, 07:03:37 PM
Hello, I'm RFZT, and I'm new to this website.

I better explain why I joined. I LOVE the first seven LBT movies, especially the original (of course) and the third, fourth and seventh. I decided I was a big enough fan to look for a fansite. I'm actually even listening to the track for the original right now, heh.

Unfortunately for me, there are so few fansites for LBT and I was getting pretty desperate, because I really wanted to join. But then I found a referral to "The Gang of Five" on a YouTube video, the clip for Pterano's song "Very Important Creature." I thought I should give the site a shot, and...I liked it.  :p

Actually, the biggest reason why I wanted to join a LBT site was because of writing. I LOVE literature, and fanfictions are my biggest odd job. I have a LBT fanfiction trilogy planned. It's about Rinkus and Sierra, who are TOTALLY my favorite villains in LBT.  B) I love Ozzy, Strut, Hyp, Ichy and Dil as well, but the flyers are on the top of my list. Anyway, I was going to try, but I'm blocked from that site even though I'm 15 and have no blocks on my laptop...whenever I try to go to, ALL my Internet windows shut off for no reason. So I thought, maybe I should look for a LBT site to post my fanfic.
For those who are interested, I'm juggling fanfictions on other sites I go to, so the Rinkus and Sierra trilogy won't be started for a while.

And finally, my favorite LBT characters! My top 5 are all adults:

1. Grandpa :wub: because he reminds me so much of my own grandfather
2. Littlefoot's mom...she's so hard NOT to like, and she was the first movie death I EVER cried at. I was three.
3. Rinkus! He seems lowly and dumb, but is actually very clever. He's also one of the silliest LBT villains, ranking high up there with Ichy and Dil
4. Sierra and the Rainbowfaces. Sierra is so...evil! I love his ruthlessness, uncaring and short-temper. Also, Jim Cummings. :D And the Rainbowfaces are so outcasted, open-minded and mysterious.
5. Grandma. I love her fair attitude and her overall sweet personality.

And my favorite kids to this day are Ali, Hyp and Chomper. I LOVE the old Littlefoot and Petrie, the ones from the original movie. I think their characters got butchered though.

Well, this is a long enough introductory post. I commend you if you got this far.  :lol
Title: Hello!
Post by: landbeforetimelover on January 18, 2009, 07:18:47 PM
Hello and welcome.  You seem like the kind that sticks around.  We need more like you here. :yes
Title: Hello!
Post by: Lillefot on January 18, 2009, 07:26:57 PM
Hi there!
Welcome aboard the Gang of Five!  :wave
Title: Hello!
Post by: RFZT on January 18, 2009, 07:40:26 PM
Thanks, you two. =D
Title: Hello!
Post by: Amaranthine on January 18, 2009, 07:48:00 PM
Hi! You definitely picked the right place to speak with others about LBT and such. There are some other fan communities at the above links if you haven't clicked on them already^. I think you already joined the forum that's simply called, "The Land Before Time". My username there is ShamanAngelina.

I'm completely with you on Rinkus and Sierra. :DD awesome characters, in my opinion.

Welcome to the forum! :wave

Title: Hello!
Post by: Chiletrek on January 18, 2009, 09:52:39 PM
 And welcome to the forum!
 I really hope you'll enjoy your stay here, and as Rat_lady7 said, you are truly free to speak all you want about LBT here.
 Well, see you around! :DD
Title: Hello!
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2009, 10:31:45 PM
Welcome to the forum.   :wave

There are others here who write fan fiction too so don't feel alone in that area.  I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun here and make some new friends also.
Title: Hello!
Post by: Sableye on January 19, 2009, 01:13:00 AM
Hello, and welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay here.
Title: Hello!
Post by: The Friendly Sharptooth on January 19, 2009, 01:37:57 AM
Hey there, it's nice to finally meet you! That's too bad about I'm a member of it myself and will do whatever I can to help you there. So, you like flyers, especially the Stone of Cold Fire ones, huh? Glad to know you have specific preferences. And yeah, the adults are pretty awseome in the series. Littlefoot's grandparents are among the nicest ones for sure. Well, I'm glad you joined the forum and I hope you enjoy your second family. If you need or just want anything, I'm PM press away. Later!

Hey RFZT, does any of this sound familair? Hahahahaha! Sorry, I couldn't resist! You'll have to excuse my dry humor.
(The two of us actually met a while ago on this forum.)
Title: Hello!
Post by: Mumbling on January 19, 2009, 02:46:37 AM
Hey and welcome around here :) Good luck on your fanfiction. :wave
Title: Hello!
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on January 19, 2009, 05:53:21 AM
:wave Hi there RFZT! :wave

Welcome to the the Gang of Five forum. Looks like we have yet another LBT author in our midst. If is giving you jip, come along and check out our Fanart and Fanfiction page. There are a ton of great stories written by some of our very own wonderfully talented writers. By the sounds of it, you are likely to become one too. ;) Otherwise, check out the rest of the forum! There's bound to be something for you to get chatting about!

Enjoy your stay!

Littlefoot-1616 B)
Title: Hello!
Post by: Malte279 on January 19, 2009, 11:17:32 AM
Welcome with us RFZT :)
Please, whatever you do, do not apologize for long introduction posts ;)
I really like it when you get to know a bit about people from their introduction.
I'm sure you will really like the GOF a lot. We have an own section for land before time fanfictions and many of us have written their own. And literature in general is also one of the topics here.
It is always a pleasure to welcome new members to our community. Please feel hearty invited to join our discussions or start threads of your own.
Does the name RFZT have a special meaning? Is it an abbreviation?
Title: Hello!
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on January 19, 2009, 02:39:18 PM
Welcome to the GOF! :wave
Title: Hello!
Post by: Malte279 on January 19, 2009, 02:48:40 PM
By the way RFZT, the stories you are writing, are they purely LBT (that is stories that could be turned into a movie without frictions with the setting of the other movies) or are they crossing overs / stories that include elements that would not be part of an LBT movie as well?
Title: Hello!
Post by: RFZT on January 19, 2009, 05:15:45 PM
Aww, thanks for all the nice replies.

Friendly Sharptooth, I get the feeling I've heard that before, but where? :p
I've got a pretty bizarre sense of humor, don't worry about it.

Malte279, I plan on a pure LBT fanfiction. I'm not too fond of crossover fanfictions, unless it's a joke story (making fun of cliche'd stories) or if there are just elements of something else, not the "something else's" characters or settings. For example, I once wrote an Animal Crossing fanfic where the main characters were all obsessed with the Warriors series, so they started their own Clan in a summer camp. But I didn't put in any characters from the books.

I'm glad some people are eager to read my LBT fanfic! I have three fanfictions going at the moment, so it will certainly be a long time before I can start up the LBT one. However, one of my current fanfictions is a joke fanfic that's 25% effort, so I don't really consider it much of a fanfic at all! :lol

And RFZT is an abbreviation. When I was in 5th grade (so, five years ago) I absolutely hated my real name. And despite what ANYONE on the Internet says, it's not Ivy or Charley. Those are just my favorite girls' names. Anyway, I hated my name so much in 5th grade, I started telling people to call me either Raven or Freya, because those were the girls' names I liked best back then. Then I added Zoner. And then Bowdie. It ended up as RFZB when abbreviated.
However, I soon dropped Bowdie because I had terrible enunciation skills back then and everyone would be like "AHAHAHAH BOGEY!!" so I changed it to Terra. Thus, RFZT.
Title: Hello!
Post by: Malte279 on January 19, 2009, 05:36:25 PM
Not to discard the writers of crossing overs I must say that I'm very much in favor of pure land before time stories myself.
I started telling people to call me either Raven or Freya, because those were the girls' names I liked best back then.
Both names have some significance to nordic mythology. Are you interested in nordic mythology or is it just a coincidence?
Title: Hello!
Post by: The Chronicler on January 19, 2009, 08:10:31 PM
Welcome to the Gang of Five! :wave
Title: Hello!
Post by: jedi472 on January 21, 2009, 11:36:53 PM
Welcome to the GOF! I'm one of those crossover people, as you can probably tell by my sig. Not everone likes 'em, but some here seem to like mine. Anyway, I hope you have a great time here, and I can't wait to read your story.
Title: Hello!
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 23, 2009, 12:45:32 PM
Welcome to the forum.
Title: Hello!
Post by: Petrie. on January 23, 2009, 05:15:54 PM
Welcome to the board RFZT. :wave  I'm not one for long intro posts.  Seems that you've already been posting around.
Title: Hello!
Post by: platvoetje on January 23, 2009, 05:57:46 PM
Welcome to the GOF..
you won't see me that often though..
very busy.. always...
Title: Hello!
Post by: RFZT on January 25, 2009, 08:40:04 PM
Thanks for all the nice welcomes!

I wanted to announce that I started my Rinkus and Sierra fanfiction trilogy. The trilogy itself is called Reign. The title of the first book is Survival.

Just wanted to say for anyone who is interested.
Title: Hello!
Post by: Amaranthine on January 25, 2009, 09:34:15 PM
*raises hand enthusiastically*

I am! I am! 8D :!
Title: Hello!
Post by: Chiletrek on January 26, 2009, 01:20:05 AM
 It does sounds interesting. Keep it up!