The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => Hobbies and Recreation => Gamers Zone => Topic started by: F-14 Ace on May 01, 2009, 02:11:46 AM

Title: BioShock 2
Post by: F-14 Ace on May 01, 2009, 02:11:46 AM
BioShock 2 is coming out this fall and I can hardly wait.  The first game was completely awesome and from what I've heard, the second game will expand upon what the first game did and introduce some completely new things.  For example:  Spoilers below!

1. You play as a Big Daddy and can use the drill and rivet gun, as well as plasmids.

2. You can combine plasmid powers to make new ones, which was exactly what I wanted after the first game.  

3. There is something called the Big Sister, which is taking little girls and turning them into little sisters.  Apparently she is the bad guy.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: Kor on May 01, 2009, 03:20:44 AM
Sounds interesting.  I heard, maybe spoilers:

that it would be set earlier in the days of the place.  During the last part of the golden age and as it falls.  It could explain how that bathesphere was there in the first game.  Though who knows if that is true or a false rumor.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: NeoGenesis005 on May 01, 2009, 01:15:56 PM
First Time hearing about that Game, with Guns it sounds interesting.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: WeirdRaptor on May 01, 2009, 02:20:54 PM
Yeah, I real about it in the latest GameInformer issue. It looks like a pretty cool game.
Its not set during the golden days of Rapture. It takes place after the first game. The plot is one of the Little Sisters you rescue returned to that God forsaken city and morphed herself into the Big Sister and has been kidnapping little girls and turning them into Little Sisters. She does this to return things to how they were before, because evidently, life with Jack just wasn't extreme enough for her.
Now you play as a Rogue Big Brother who opposed her.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on May 02, 2009, 10:39:49 PM
I heard that it was set back in the early days of Rapture where you play as one of the early Big Daddies ever made. But at the time, the Big Sisters were also in circulation and were the main defenders of the Little Sisters. The story transition goes that eventually you wipe out the Big Sisters and the Big Daddies take over as governing bodies of the Little Sisters. That's what I heard anyway...nothing confirmed as of yet apart from what has already been established in F-14 Ace's post...
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: F-14 Ace on September 11, 2009, 02:12:59 AM
From what I've heard, the game has been delayed until march 2010. :cry   Oh well.  I don't want it to suck because it was rushed.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: DualXz on September 11, 2009, 09:42:26 AM
I haven't even played Bioshock, which I would like to do.
I just saw Bioshock and F.E.A.R 2 together in the stand... tormenting me for not having a PS3...
When I buy one, if possible, I'll try to buy one with those two games alredy  :p
A shame if the game is really delayed till 2010, my cousin was really eager to buy it, poor guy :p (serves him right :lol )
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: General Grievous on September 11, 2009, 02:19:07 PM
Aw crap!  I wanted to get it for Christmas!  Oh well.  I'm still getting Arkham Asylum and Modern Warfare 2.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: Andy-rex on September 11, 2009, 06:05:10 PM
From what i've heard theres a new dialogue system
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: F-14 Ace on December 20, 2009, 02:09:13 AM
Has anyone seen the new trailers?

Gameplay trailer. (

Multiplayer trailer.   Playing as a Rosie is gonna rock!  I just hope it is only available at higher levels so that n00bs can't get a hold of it, otherwise the nail gun will just become another n00btube. (
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: Kor on December 20, 2009, 10:35:43 AM
It does look like a cool game indeed.  Thanks for the links.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: DarkHououmon on December 20, 2009, 10:56:22 AM
Quote from: F-14 Ace,Dec 20 2009 on  02:09 AM
Multiplayer trailer.   Playing as a Rosie is gonna rock!  I just hope it is only available at higher levels so that n00bs can't get a hold of it, otherwise the nail gun will just become another n00btube.
Are you referring to people who are simply new?
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: F-14 Ace on February 25, 2010, 08:41:56 PM
Alright, I picked up this game today and played the firsg three levels.  From what I've seen so far, this game is awesome.  I love the drill and the chain gun.  The hacking minigame is definately better than it was in the first game, especially remote hacking, and the overall atmosphere is just so dark.  It is cool to see how Rapture has changed in the eight years since the first game.  However, at the rate the city is deteriorating, one has to wonder what will be left of it by the time BioShock 3 comes out.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: The Great Valley Guardian on February 26, 2010, 03:17:57 AM
I've flipped this game, but it was EPIC nonetheless. The dark atmosphere, the enemies including the Big Sister, she was indeed the worst of them all. Even on the easiest difficulty she still whipped me good the first time I fought her. :lol I look back on it now and laugh.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: F-14 Ace on February 26, 2010, 03:38:19 AM
I noticed that the enemies in this game were a lot tougher.  However, the brute splicers were fairly easy to take down once I unlocked the drill charge attack.  The big sisters on the other hand were a pain in the rear.  The only thing I'll criticize about this game is the inability to go back to previous levels.  Other than that it is all good.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: MrDrake on February 26, 2010, 04:13:59 AM
Quote from: The Great Valley Guardian,Feb 26 2010 on  08:17 PM
Even on the easiest difficulty she still whipped me good the first time I fought her. :lol I look back on it now and laugh.
lol, that was the opposite for me, I managed to beat the living crap out of her no sweat :lol:

Still gotta buy the game myself and actually finish the game as well as getting the online trophies.....and playing even more online, such fun it is online actually ^^
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: The Great Valley Guardian on February 26, 2010, 04:15:56 AM

Actually it may have been a cheep maneuver, but about halfway through the game I found Freezing the Big Sister and then Charging at her with my drill highly effective. Two direct shots and she usually died. Again it was cheap, and I SERIOUSLY doubt it will work on any difficulty other than easy.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: F-14 Ace on February 26, 2010, 10:19:53 AM
The problem with freezing and smashing the big sisters is that you can't loot the body and I do believe they carry a small ammount of ADAM.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: DarkHououmon on February 26, 2010, 10:20:15 AM
A few days ago I did get the chance to play some Bioshock 2 and got pretty far into the game. Although it's fun being a Big Daddy and all, I can't help but feel disappointed in the game. It feels like I'm pretty much playing the first game all over again, only this time with a Big Daddy.

Edit: Freezing the Big Sisters won't deprive you of ADAM. At least once I killed a Big Sister after freezing them and their bodies don't shatter; the ice does but not their bodies. So I was still able to get their ADAM.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: F-14 Ace on February 26, 2010, 04:07:46 PM
I thought it started off a bit slower than the first game.  In BioShock, the player is instantly thrusted right into the action.  In BioShock 2, it takes some time for the action and story to build up.  I do like the changes they made to the combat system.  As I already said, I liked the hacking minigame better, the ability to charge plasmids was cool, I like how you can adopt little sisters and use them to collect more ADAM, and I like the changes they made to the research camera.  The revolving double-barrel shotgun was awesome too.  It is sad to see how Rapture has fallen apart though.  In the first game, the city may have been in ruins because of the war, but at least it was still recognizable as a city.  I guess that is what happens after nine years of nobody maintaining it.  Kinda reminds me of that show, "Life After People".
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: Littlefoot1616 on March 06, 2010, 07:01:00 AM
I liked a lot of the changes made to Bioshock in the second installment. By far the best move was the ability to use plasmids and weapons simultaneously rather than having to flick between the two. It made combat a lot more efficient and more engaging. The hacking minigame helped keep things immersive by not jumping out of the game whilst you're hacking (and the hack dart tool was a nice touch too). The new method of gathering ADAM I quite liked as well although at times I did forget that I had a Little Sister riding on my shoulder. If she didn't speak every now and again I probably would have just finished each of the stages without realising she was there. I liked the remodelled Research Camera. That was one thing that grinded me about the first Bioshock was being slapped about by a Splicer whilst you're trying to get them to smile for a photograph! :p At least with this camera you can fight whilst reaping in the rewards for your troubles. Two birds, one stone.

Probably my biggest disappointment was the Big Sisters. Given the hype about them, they were kinda few and far between and they never really presented that much of a problem for me. Granted they're a pain in the arse trying to hit when they jump about the place but I didn't find them as daunting as I was led to believe they were. Granted also that I did cop it a couple of times but that was usually down to a Big Sister arriving after having dealt with an attacking horde I was batting off whilst my Little Sister was gathering. So ammo, health and EVE reserves were normally at a low point when they start shrieking about their arrival.

On the whole, I still enjoyed the game. It did feel a bit easier than the first Bioshock I felt coz there was a certain...almost "invincibility" about roaming around as a Big Daddy. It made me felt automatically a level or two ahead of the enemies. It was only the bigger baddies that appeared later that made me doubt my presence. The story was still dark and gritty as too were the environments. I found it a welcoming return to Rapture despite the anarchy that reigned within its walls :D
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: F-14 Ace on March 09, 2010, 03:42:22 AM
I like the ability to use any weapon to do a melee attack.  That was my biggest gripe about the first game, especially since splicers have toe ability to bash me with their guns.  I figured it would be a lot easier to bash them back with my empty shotgun than to switch to the pipe wrench.    

Title: BioShock 2
Post by: metadude1234 on March 09, 2010, 04:17:28 AM
bioshock 2 rulez! i love playing as a prototype rosie! but i wish that it could've been a bouncer instead <_< but on the plus side i love the drill and the rivet gun. I also love the idea of bashing the crap out of anything with any of your weapons.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: F-14 Ace on March 12, 2010, 04:15:42 AM
Delta's not a Rosie.  He's an Alpha Series.  

Another good thing about this game is that protecting little sisters gives the player a great opportunity to experiment with booby traps for splicers.  My personal favorite is a combo between whirlwind traps, land mines, and trap rivits/trap spears.  The trap spears are harder to find though so I usually go with trap rivits.  One thing I really miss, other than the ability to return to previous levels, is the U-Invent machines.  I miss creating special ammo.  I think I'll go back and play the first game again when I get done with this one.
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: metadude1234 on March 12, 2010, 05:44:31 PM
Quote from: F-14 Ace,Mar 12 2010 on  05:45 PM
Delta's not a Rosie.  He's an Alpha Series.  

"delta" is a prototype big daddy- rosie, it says so in most of the popular videogame magizines that talk about bioshock 2-Sea Of Dreams
Title: BioShock 2
Post by: General Grievous on March 15, 2010, 03:47:31 AM
I envy you guys.  I haven't had a chance to buy this game yet. :(   I've been too busy and I simply can't afford it.