The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Fridge => Topic started by: F-14 Ace on March 22, 2006, 10:16:06 PM

Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: F-14 Ace on March 22, 2006, 10:16:06 PM
I wans't sure where to say this, but I got a car today!  Yipee! :D  :lol:  :wave  :)
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Petrie. on March 22, 2006, 10:17:34 PM
In a video game?  :unsure:
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: F-14 Ace on March 22, 2006, 10:24:04 PM
No, really.  My parents got me a car.  I didn't know where else to say this, even if it is a bit off subject.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: action9000 on March 22, 2006, 10:29:12 PM
Haha, sweet :D
What are you driving?  I'll bet it's nicer than mine :lol
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Petrie. on March 22, 2006, 10:29:39 PM
A car at 15?  Isn't that a bit....young?  You can't even legally drive until you're 16 up here in NY, and even then you're severly restricted to what you can do until you're 18.  I think it makes perfect sense to, because we have a ton of idiot drivers....and you guessed it...many of them are young kids the hype up their cars to look and sound like race cars.  <_<
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: action9000 on March 22, 2006, 10:33:38 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, Roger, but F-14's profile says his birthday is July, 1989.  Mine is July 1986 and I'm 19.  Would that not make F-14 16 right now?
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: F-14 Ace on March 22, 2006, 10:38:32 PM
I'm not 15.  I'm 16.  Going to be 17 this summer.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Petrie. on March 22, 2006, 10:39:52 PM
Now you know why I'm not going for a teaching degree in math.  :lol:

Still, sixteen or seventeen....why?  Most schools transport their own students, and unless one has a job to pay off the upkeep of the car, what need do they really have for one at such an age?  No really...hear me out...I didn't even start driving until I was 18.  Why?  Didn't need a car...and couldn't afford one at that.  Eventually I had to get one to get to and from college because no city bus would come to where I live.  My parents don't put any money into it--I do....gas, maintenence, registration, insurance (the killer!), etc.  All mine to deal with.  Not saying teenagers couldn't do it, but its very hard to do.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: F-14 Ace on March 22, 2006, 10:47:00 PM
I go to a private school that has no transportation system.  Some students live in different towns and everything.  If you are legally old enough to drive, why not own a car?  Have to get one some time.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: action9000 on March 22, 2006, 10:52:18 PM
If you can afford it, why not? :lol
My car is old enough that it has the occasional bit of maintenance to take care of, which gets expensive sometimes (I have an antifreeze leak.  Antifreeze isn't cheap :p).  If you have a good car that doesn't leak any fluids, maintenance costs shouldn't be too bad unless you have some bad luck.  The killers for me are gas and insurance (especially insurance, ugh...).  A car is a lot of responsibility, but it makes life a lot nicer, providing that you aren't so broke paying for the car stuff, that you can't afford to do anything else.  That's no fun :angry:

Hey, we should post up some pictures of our cars, for fun :wow
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Malte279 on March 23, 2006, 02:27:29 AM
Congratulations for your car F-14.  :)
I have my drivers license for more than two years now, but I don't have an own car. I don't really need one at this time, as here where I live there is an excellent system of public transportation.
The legal driving age is 18 in Germany. Many of the young drivers over here are however exactly as Roger described. I don't know what they mean to prove by driving as if they sought to get themselves and others killed (especially if it comes to keeping almost no distance at all to drivers in front of them at high speed).
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Petrie. on March 23, 2006, 09:49:28 AM
Under the law, you're're legally old enough to drive, so that's fine.  Why not own a car?  Let me say, of all the really stupid @$$ drivers out there, many of them are younger than me and in their teens.  Its not that I don't think you should own a car, but I don't like driving alongside teenagers that think every moment in their car is a job ride and treat it as such.  Again, not saying you will, but I don't see a lot of drivers who are older and more experience behind the wheel trying that stuff.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: F-14 Ace on March 23, 2006, 02:05:42 PM
I still only have a learner permit so I have to have an adault with me when I dirve.  And there are a lot of stupid @$$ drivers out there.  Just yesterday, when I was testing my new car, some a--hole was riding my bumper, honking the horn.  THen, he passed my on a rode that had a double yellow line on it.  Those lines mean no passing.  He was driving into oncoming traffic when he did this.  Then he honked the horn a few more times and stuck a middle finger at me and tore off down the road.  While he was giving me dirty looks and being an @$$hole, he could have hit one of the oncoming cars.  He wasn't even supposed to be in that lane.  However, Iwhen I turned the corner, there he was, pulled over by a cop.  He seemed to be arguing.  Now, I wouldn't be surprised if a teen did that but I expect better behavior from a grown man.  People like that have no business driving.  If they do this crap, they need their licence taken away.  I wasn't even doing anything but going the speed limit which obviously wasn't fast enough to plese the jackass.  Wherever was he going in such an all fired hurry?  Did he really get there any faster by being an idiot?  He just got himself a nice ticket and was only slowed down a lot.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on March 23, 2006, 06:03:42 PM
I've seen lots of that where I live.  One highway in particular has had at least one accident every week!  And a good number of them are older than me as the rest are younger.  If there is a list of stupid driving decisions, AZ would fill it up good.  It's pretty much obvious that no road anywhere in the world is safe as long as one bad driver exists.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Petrie. on March 24, 2006, 04:53:14 PM
Someone wanted pictures so here's what mine looks like (but this photo isn't mine) (

Mine is dark green, and its a 1999 Chevy Prizm (think Toyota Corolla but without the expensive price tag).
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Cyberlizard on March 25, 2006, 11:21:27 PM
Congratulations! :D :D :DD :DD  I'm taking Driver's Ed this summer.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: F-14 Ace on March 26, 2006, 12:51:38 AM
SOme idiot nearly rearended me.  THey were tailgating me and a squirel ran out in front of me.  (just my luck.)  I had to slam on the breaks and the jerk whipped around me and then honked at me.  (Asshole nearly caused a wreck and honks at me because of me. :mad )
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Cyberlizard on March 26, 2006, 01:29:27 AM
Oh god!  :blink:  Was this on your first day?
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: F-14 Ace on March 26, 2006, 01:30:16 AM
No, my third.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: action9000 on March 26, 2006, 02:51:38 AM
Someone wanted pictures so here's what mine looks like (but this photo isn't mine) (

Mine is dark green, and its a 1999 Chevy Prizm (think Toyota Corolla but without the expensive price tag).
Grrr, I'm jealous :lol

Here's mine:
A 1979 Pontiac Acadian.  It's ran awesome since I got it last February (13 months).  It doesn't look like much, but it's treated me well. (
Then again, I'm a poor college student; what do you expect? :p

By the way, I don't think anyone's asked this yet.  What kind of car did you get, F-14?
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Cyberlizard on March 26, 2006, 03:10:58 AM
That looks like a pretty obsolete car, action.  No wonder you're jealous.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: action9000 on March 26, 2006, 03:17:42 AM
Haha, oh yeah.
It's clunky, it rides rough, it leaks coolant And brake fluid, but it's not rusted out at all, it starts very well, and most importantly: It's MINE! :lol hahaha
Can't complain for $400 (Canadian :p )
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Petrie. on March 27, 2006, 02:25:01 PM
I can see why you'd be jealous of me Tim.  :lol:  Hey, it gets you from point A to B doesn't it?  That's all that matters....which is why I can never understand why the hell people go out and buy much more than they need (ie Hummer owners).
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Dash The Longneck on April 11, 2006, 08:58:58 AM
Congrats F-14 Ace.  You are so lucky. I tried too drive paid about 800 dollars for driving lessons too and then I got on the road for my road test and failed about 5 seconds into it. I was born with this perception problem. I'm not sure how close I really am too something. After I failed I gave up there is no use paying another 800 dollars just too end up failing again with my darn Perception issue.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: action9000 on April 11, 2006, 10:01:09 PM
tried too drive paid about 800 dollars for driving lessons too and then I got on the road for my road test and failed about 5 seconds into it.

$800?  Whew, that seems pretty steep.  I remember my driving lessons a couple of year ago.  They only cost approximately $500 Canadian.

It's clunky, it rides rough, it leaks coolant And brake fluid
Good news, I got the coolant leak fixed :D It costs too much to be always adding coolant :p
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Dash The Longneck on April 11, 2006, 10:04:35 PM
Quote from: action9000,Apr 11 2006 on  09:01 PM
tried too drive paid about 800 dollars for driving lessons too and then I got on the road for my road test and failed about 5 seconds into it.

$800?  Whew, that seems pretty steep.  I remember my driving lessons a couple of year ago.  They only cost approximately $500 Canadian.

It's clunky, it rides rough, it leaks coolant And brake fluid
Good news, I got the coolant leak fixed :D It costs too much to be always adding coolant :p
All right  I  was exagerating a little  bit . About 600 or 700 dollars it just seemed like I was paying more.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Malte279 on April 12, 2006, 03:13:56 AM
Lucky you! I paid more than 3000 Euro (roughly $3600) for driver's training until I got my license. In general driving is much cheaper in America. Gas costs about 2 Euro ($2.4) per liter (3.78 liter would roughly make a gallon) over here.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Dash The Longneck on April 12, 2006, 08:24:08 AM
Quote from: Malte279,Apr 12 2006 on  02:13 AM
Lucky you! I paid more than 3000 Euro (roughly $3600) for driver's training until I got my license. In general driving is much cheaper in America. Gas costs about 2 Euro ($2.4) per liter (3.78 liter would roughly make a gallon) over here.
 :o Wow! That's a whole lot of money. I could never afford something like that.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: action9000 on April 12, 2006, 12:11:06 PM
Gas costs about 2 Euro ($2.4) per liter
Wow :(
Our gasoline prices recent went up a couple of cents, to 96.4 cents / Liter in my home town...and I was thinking that was expensive.  When I first started driving, I remember paying closer to 80 cents / Liter.  When I was a child, I remember my parents paying as little as 40 cents / Liter, say 10 years ago.

I suppose this is one of the benefits of living in a oil/gas - rich location.

Right now, it's approximate $30 Canadian for a full tank for my car.  I love small gas tanks, hehe :D
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Petrie. on April 13, 2006, 08:40:20 AM
Well the thing is, if I go to England or Germany or someplace in Europe, compared to the US, their public transportation system is much much more developed than ours, so you don't theoretically need a car to get places as much as over here.  Everything is just so spaced out.  There are just places public transport will not go.

Last fill up for me....$23...but I also don't let it run all the way down to empty since you can get all sorts of particles in your engine that way.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Malte279 on April 13, 2006, 11:16:05 AM
Well the thing is, if I go to England or Germany or someplace in Europe, compared to the US, their public transportation system is much much more developed than ours, so you don't theoretically need a car to get places as much as over here. Everything is just so spaced out. There are just places public transport will not go.
That is correct, and I'm quite happy about our public transportation system. Nevertheless it does not spare you the need to go by car too. Whenever you want to go shopping (food and essential stuff) you won't be able to get it home via public transportation (well, at least not easily if you bought a lot). Also beyond short range regional borders public transportation is getting really expensive. If I wanted to go to Berlin and back to where I live it would cost about 160Euro for a distance of about 300kilometers! I think I might get a cheaper flight to London and back!  :angry:
Also the public transportation that goes beyond town borders is prone to be late. Sometimes it is more of a surprise if a train is there in time than it would be if the train was late.
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Cyberlizard on May 04, 2006, 05:24:15 PM
YAAAAAY!!!  :DD  :DD  :DD   I got in to driver's ed!  It starts May 30th at the High School in Townsend and ends June 27!  The sad thing is I'm going to stay at my dad's house the entire time so I'll be out of contact for the whole month of June.   :(  :cry2  :cry
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Petrie. on May 04, 2006, 09:38:53 PM
Do they make you practice parallel parking in Montana?  That was probably the hardest part of the driving test, and probably the most useless thing since I've never done it since.  -_-
Title: I got a car!!!
Post by: Cyberlizard on May 04, 2006, 10:07:47 PM
Sadly.  Yes.   :cry2  :cry2  :mad  :mad