The Gang of Five

Role Play => Role Play Discussion => Topic started by: LBTFan13 on June 05, 2009, 09:14:15 AM

Title: Golden Sun RP
Post by: LBTFan13 on June 05, 2009, 09:14:15 AM
In celebration of Golden Sun DS being confirmed, and the fact that it is by far one of the best RPG's in existance, my co-gm (Lillefot a.k.a. Gustav) and I have decided to create a Golden Sun RP! We are very excited about this and hope it will continue on for a good run. We are still working out the kinks to storyline and what not, but we will update it as soon as we have decided what the heck we are doing :blink:

For those who have not played Golden Sun, it is a game where you control characters called Adepts. Adepts are people who have the ability to use Psynergy, and Psynergy is just a fancy name for magic. This kind of magic is not Harry Potter or stereotypical wizard mumbo jumbo. This magic is derived from the elements that make up our world: Earth (including nature as a whole), Fire (lava, magma, etc...), Wind (lightning, tornadoes, etc...), and Water (also includes ice). All four elements have offensive as well as defensive attacks. One person can only be a master of ONLY ONE element. For example, a Water Adept has the ability to generate water/ice. A Wind Adept can summon lightning as well as strong winds.

Each element is affiliated with one planet:
Earth - Venus
Fire - Mars
Water - Mercury
Wind - Jupiter
Along with Psynergy, there are tiny creatures called Djinn. Djinn in a sense are like Pokemon, except they are much cooler. Djinn help enhance an adept's power, and once used they can be combined to summon even more powerful monsters. Djinn are an Adepts best friend pretty much, and they are capable of communication.

Golden Sun is a fantasy RPG, which means no ranged weapons at all (guns, bows, crossbows, etc...) The main weapons are Swords, Blades, Axes, Maces, and Staffs/Rods. Some weapons have additional effects and are therefor called Artifacts. This goes for armor as well. You pretty much go on a journey and fight monsters/enemy Adepts.

Well my hands are exhausted, so I'm going to stop here for now. I will post more when I get the chance. Hopefully this little summary doesn't confuse you. However, if you feel you need more information, here is the link to the official Golden Sun Wiki ( It pretty much gives information on EVERYTHING related to both games.
Title: Golden Sun RP
Post by: Kor on June 05, 2009, 10:28:29 AM
Sounds interesting.  To me the djinn seemed more like Digimon since you can talk to a digimon.  A pokemon, I think, can only say it's name.  Hard to have a conversation with Pikachu who can say only that and charmander/melion,azard who can only say char but few have heard of Digimon whereas like Superman and star trek everyone's at least heard of pokemon even if they never saw the show or played any of the games.

Will you keep in the random encounters in the game, and other elements.  Also I guess you'd need folks to decide what elements in case you want to be sure to have all the elements covered.  

Title: Golden Sun RP
Post by: The Great Valley Guardian on June 07, 2009, 11:55:04 AM
I gotta admit...I like the idea...and the wiki page is only helping me in making a yeah, I'll give this RP a shot! I do like magic after all! :lol
Title: Golden Sun RP
Post by: Lillefot on June 07, 2009, 02:16:57 PM
Yeah, we thought we could have a ball with this!
With school ending in a week, I'll have plenty of time to stick around here.
"Dawn's" sequel has a discussion topic now too, so hopefully it will only be a matter of time before we launch that one aswell. ;)
Title: Golden Sun RP
Post by: Kor on June 09, 2009, 11:49:40 PM
Any ideas what elements & char types you may want to do?
Title: Golden Sun RP
Post by: LBTFan13 on June 10, 2009, 09:04:57 PM
To answer all of your questions Kor:

1. Yes I will keep certain elements from the game, although I think puzzle solving may be a little difficult, because there are a lot of puzzles in the game. However, there will be monster encounters for sure, and we will include some towns as well.

2. I'm still working out the kinks on the character skeleton, but yes I will ask that we have at least one of each element just to spread diversity. What I know for sure is that whatever element you choose, you must STAY with it. A Water adept cannot know all Fire psynergys. However, and here's where it gets tricky, there are certain classes that utilize two types of psynergy. For example, there is a class that uses certain Fire and Earth psynergys, and the only reason why I highlight certain is because there are specific psynergys not given to a regular adept. To learn more about which classes use which type of psynergy, visit the wiki page following the link I posted up top.

My graduation ceremony is this friday, so once that is done with I will get this more in shape than it currently is.
Title: Golden Sun RP
Post by: Kor on June 10, 2009, 09:42:50 PM
Sounds pretty complicated.  I guess we'll all need to study the magic and  Djin, classes and magic & pick an element, Djinn and spells.  Pretty complicated.  What level will the pc's be starting off at?  

& folks can change their class by swapping Djin with each other too.  & the spells they know changes when they do that.
Title: Golden Sun RP
Post by: LBTFan13 on June 22, 2009, 03:17:57 PM
I'm sorry I've been so inactive lately, I've been busy with work and stuff.

Anyway, I've been thinking about it it lately, and to make things less complicated I've made a change. Whichever element type you choose you can use ANY psynergy of that type. It does not matter if it requires a certain class. There are so many psynergy attacks in each element so I will make them all available to everybody.

I hope nobody has lost interest in this because I've been gone for a little bit. I promise this is still in the works and will become official.
Title: Golden Sun RP
Post by: The Great Valley Guardian on June 22, 2009, 05:47:22 PM
I'm still up for this! You can count me in!
Title: Golden Sun RP
Post by: Kor on June 22, 2009, 09:14:16 PM
I'll have to read a lot of the wiki likely to decide.  Any ideas what elements you may like?"
Title: Golden Sun RP
Post by: LBTFan13 on June 22, 2009, 11:49:43 PM
Well I am stuck between Earth and Water. Those were my favorite two elements in the game anyway. If you need help choosing an element I can help you out ;)
Title: Golden Sun RP
Post by: Kor on June 23, 2009, 11:31:36 PM
Thanks, I may need it.