The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Fridge => Topic started by: pokeplayer984 on August 09, 2009, 10:46:14 AM

Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: pokeplayer984 on August 09, 2009, 10:46:14 AM
There was a big surprise for me yesterday that I didn't even comprehend waiting for me at work.  Apparently, I work only ONE day the week my family goes on vacation.  It is the day before the vacation begins, thus meaning I can go with them after all.  Of course, it means I won't get paid during that time off, but who cares?  I'm going on vacation! :D

I must be the luckiest person alive to be able to go on this trip.  With how strict Walmart has made everything, I'm really surprised that I get to go.

That being said, I can't wait for it.  I'm so excited now. :)

Yellowstone's going to be a great place to go.  We've got a lot to check out and only one week to do it all in.

We'll be leaving by either the 22nd in the afternoon, (Right after I get off work) or the 23rd in the morning.

This is going to be SO much fun.

I'll give you guys updates on what the trip will be like as I find out.

See ya later! :^.^:
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Cancerian Tiger on August 09, 2009, 12:15:40 PM
How much more lucky can someone get ;)?  Hvae a blast out there, and don't get lost!
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Amaranthine on August 09, 2009, 12:17:03 PM
That's awesome. :) Have fun!
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Kor on August 09, 2009, 12:58:16 PM
Hope you have fun during your vacation, good luck.
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Petrie. on August 09, 2009, 08:44:18 PM
You gotta be lucky some times in this world. ;)
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: pokeplayer984 on August 10, 2009, 12:52:20 PM
Okay, I've gotten some details on the vacation, so here's the deal.

We will only be in Yellowstone for three days as there are other places we'll be visiting while on this one week vacation.  We plan to make a nice loop that goes from Utah, then to Wyoming, which we will then check out some places, after which we'll go to Yellowstone.  After our 3 days there, we'll head into Idaho to check out a few more areas, and then it's right back to Utah.  I'm not exactly sure on where we'll go, but I know it's quite a few places.  So, we may not be able to check out everything, but I'll make sure to inform you all what we do visit, okay?

Now, due to budget issues my Mom and Dad have for this trip, me, my sister and her husband all have to buy our own food when we go out to eat.  I must also bring money for any souvenirs I may want to buy.  That being said, I really need to plan out my budget for this trip.

Breakfast will already be prepared in the form of dry cereal or cold pop-tarts.  As for Lunch and Dinner, it depends.  If we go out for Dinner, we have sandwiches for Lunch, and if we go out for Lunch, we have sandwiches for Dinner.  So I'll only be buying one meal a day.  I'm sure that will help reduce the amount of money I'll have to take.

I'll make sure to pick up some souvenirs and so that I can show them off to you guys.  Also, if I see ANYTHING Land Before Time in the stores, I'll make sure to get it. ;)

Well, that's it for the updates.  I'll see ya later! :)
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Kor on August 10, 2009, 07:09:02 PM
:goodluck  Hope you have a lot of fun.  Budgets for a vacation can be hard indeed to decide what to do, how much to bring, ect.
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2009, 03:37:18 AM
Yellowstone id a great place. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: pokeplayer984 on August 23, 2009, 01:37:30 AM
Well, this is it!  After a good night's rest, I'm off to Yellowstone.  I might be able to get a last word in before I leave.  After that, I may or may not have internet access after that.

I'm not sure if the hotels we stay at along the way will have Wi-Fi or not, but I'll make sure to visit if they do.

In between, I'll be working on my fanfiction stories.  So when I return, I might have a new chapter for my Littlefoot&Ali&Ret fanfiction for you guys.  We'll see though. :)

I'll make sure to take plenty of pictures and show them off when I get back.  I'll make sure to set up something for you guys to check out.  We'll see what we can over there.

Until then, see ya! :)
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Mumbling on August 23, 2009, 01:42:16 AM
Have fun and good luck out there :D :p :wave :)
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Noname on August 23, 2009, 02:23:37 AM
Have fun!  :)  :lol:  :D  

Reminds me of the time I got to go to a Mets Game after I thought it was going to be rained out and the tickets were going to be canceled... but they weren't at the last minute!

What a lucky break! Enjoy your stay there!   :wave
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Alex on August 23, 2009, 03:19:52 AM
Awesome, have fun. :celebrate
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Kor on August 23, 2009, 03:44:01 AM
Have fun.   :wave
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Paradise Bird on August 23, 2009, 05:48:59 AM
Bye for now!
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: pokeplayer984 on August 23, 2009, 10:03:09 PM
(Note: Pardon me if my spelling is off, I'm using my DSi, which can't check for spelling.)

Hi guys!  I'm here with my family in Jackson, Wyoming.  We've got Wi-Fi here at the hotel, so I can chat here.

With today, all we did was do a little shopping.  It's quite the tourist area. :D

In fact, it's such a tourist area that everything is expensive here. (Even getting a pizza is costly.) I got a nice hoodie sweatshirt as a suvioneer.  I'll make sure to show it when I get home.

We'll likely be heading to Yellowstone tomorrow.

See ya later! :)
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Kor on August 23, 2009, 10:10:51 PM
Sounds like you are having great fun.  Hope it continues, good luck.
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Cancerian Tiger on August 24, 2009, 12:02:09 AM
Have a blast, and don't feed the bears no matter what they tell ya :p!
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Petrie. on August 24, 2009, 07:42:11 AM
Continue having fun! :wave  Share pictures when you return.
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: pokeplayer984 on August 28, 2009, 09:19:02 AM
Hi guys!  After 3 nights in Yellowstone, me and my family are back to civilization, but we are not back in town right now.  We are currently at a hotel in Pocatello, Idaho.  After a good night's rest and some breakfast, we'll be heading back to Utah.

Anyways, I sure had a lot of fun in Yellowstone.  There's seriously WAY too much to talk about right now.  At this point, I think I'll give you guys the details of what happened there when I'm officially back.

Just letting you guys know if you see me around today.  So, once I'm officially back, I'll share you all with my little adventure in Yellowstone.

Until then, see ya. :)
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Kor on August 28, 2009, 12:01:18 PM
Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself.  Bet you took a lot of pictures and have many pleasant and funny memories.
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: pokeplayer984 on August 28, 2009, 04:26:34 PM
I'm back!  I've got a lot to talk about.  Right now though, I just want to enjoy what's left of my vacation.  I'll explain everything later.

Until then, see ya! :)
Title: Going to Yellowstone After All
Post by: Mumbling on August 28, 2009, 04:49:56 PM
Welcome back :)