The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Arts => Silver Screen => Topic started by: Megatoph on May 15, 2006, 07:26:47 PM

Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Megatoph on May 15, 2006, 07:26:47 PM
Ok I remade this topic cause the other was deleated do to it having a harsh word in it. so I reposted it using a cute remark this way it can stay up. man I'm smart. ;)

EDIT:  There were other reasons that the other topic was moved; that wasn't one of them. ~RR
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Megatoph on May 15, 2006, 07:28:22 PM
now why do people hate star wars is beyond me. I love thoughs movies.
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Nick22 on May 16, 2006, 12:26:57 PM
"Heck' would have been a better word Titan.
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Petrie. on May 16, 2006, 02:16:48 PM
Since it seems you ignore my messages about people not liking certain films because it doesn't appeal to them, perhaps there's another explanation:


The most popular stuff out there also has a large base that say its the worst thing ever created--and I can bet people say this because it is popular.

Examples of stuff that gets bashed all the time:

Star Wars
Harry Potter

Do I like all three of these?  Yes and no: some episodes/parts are good, and some I just like less because of presentation.  That's the way the world turns.
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: F-14 Ace on May 16, 2006, 05:30:26 PM
Some Star Trek fans also seem to bash Star Wars.  Its not all of them because there is a Trek fan in my class who also likes Star Wars.  However, people always make big deals over who would win in a fight.  Quite frankly, I don't give a care!  Star Wars and Star Trek are in completely sepatate galaxies, billions and billions of lightyears apart!  They will never, ever meet so they will never, ever fight!  Therefore, I wish these people would just shut up about it.  There are some trek fans in my class who say Trek would win.  However, they are the unpopular nerds of the school.  And I mean NERDS!  They talk about how unrealistic SW is.  And Star Trek isn't???  :cry  I don't care!  I don't watch it to be realistic!  I watch it to be entertained!  These people people point out that we don't really have death stars, super lasers or X-wings.  Oh, lets see.  We don't have phasers, warp drives or matter transporters either!  Then, there are the extreme realists.  These morons bash all space movies because they say there is no sound effect in space.  BS!  What fun would Star Wars be without sound?    As I said earlier, I don't want or care for it to be realistic.  Just as long as it entertains me. :angry:  No offence to any Star Trek fans but to me, Star Trek is boring.  I use to like it when I was 4 but then I saw Star Wars and liked it better.  I watched a couple of the movies and I fell asleep in one because they had one scene where they just did nothing but pass through some colorful clouds for 10 minutes.   Anyway, enough of the reasons why I don't like Trek.    

Anyway, I love Star Wars.  When I first saw it, I had bad dreams that the "dark man" was going to get me!  I read all the books and everything.  In Star Wars, they have had space technology for over 30,000 years.  I write SW stories all the time.
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Cyberlizard on May 16, 2006, 05:42:42 PM
I don't know why A-holes bash both Star Wars AND Star Trek.  I'm a so-so fan of both.  But there's a lot of people who just go OVER THE EDGE!   :mad  :mad  :mad  :mad  :mad I like Stargate SG-1 and Battlestar Galactica more.  BUT AT LEAST I RESPECT ALL OF THE HARDCORE STAR WARS FANS OUT THERE!  :mad  :mad  :mad  :mad For those of you who are bashing these fantastic movies:  GET A LIFE!  :mad  :mad  :mad  :mad  :mad
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Dash The Longneck on May 16, 2006, 06:37:30 PM
Never was too much of a fan of Star Wars or Star Trek sorry. I am not bashing it in any way I felt the same way about LOTR not trying too bash any of those I just have a short attention span.
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Malte279 on May 16, 2006, 07:05:03 PM
I don't suppose people will ever stop bashing a given movie (whatever title or content) when people are showing as extreme reactions to their bashing as you do with your posts. There are people who find this quite entertaining, so don't do them the favor, get a grip, shrug it off, and for heavens sake, please don't start yet another page long hate thread on how bad everyone is and how you hate everyone because they are so bad!
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Cyberlizard on May 16, 2006, 07:07:58 PM
Oh yeah.  And Nick, I was the one who made that last topic in After Midnight.  Not TITANOSAUR.
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Megatoph on May 16, 2006, 08:17:33 PM
yeah I'd just reposted it cause I saw it was a interesting topic and... wait a minute thats what the second warnings from!
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: WeirdRaptor on May 21, 2006, 08:24:40 PM
I can understand why some people hate "Star Wars". There's really not that much depth to the story, and Alec Guinness was really the only "great" actor in the entire cast, and he's gone after the first movie for most of the screentime. But there were certanly no bad actors in the film. And the directing was always static and basic, and it wasn't highly artistic or very deep at all, but then again, it was never intended to be. Its pure entertainment at its best.
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Tinysaurus on May 22, 2006, 07:09:03 AM
I like Star Wars, and I'm proud of it. Even before I became hard-core last year, I prefered the movies with Dark Lords, snow creatures, and Death Stars to those boring TV shows my parents used to watch at night. Oh no! Evil smoke is chasing us, Scotty! Any way, it seems more Star Trek fans bash Star Wars than Star Wars fans do Vice-Versa. They just don't accept that even Boba Fett's Slave I or the Millenium Falcon could defeat the Enterprise. It's a pretty straight-forward choice when I decide to take out my ST: Empires at War or my SW: Empire at War.
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Cyberlizard on May 22, 2006, 02:44:24 PM
I'm a fan Star Wars and Star Trek: The Next Generation.  I don't bash any of them because I am a hardcore Science Fiction fan and I watch anything with a SciFi theme.  That counts both Star Wars AND Star Trek.  I'm mostly a fan of SciFi games in the First Person Shooter genre.  Halo is ranking at the top of my list.  But TV wise, I like all things SciFi: Stargate SG-1, Battlestar Galactica (The new one), Doctor Who, the X-Files, Stare Trek, Star Wars, Alien, etc.  I like them all, none outweighing the other.  And I'm a huge fan of SciFi short stories, heck I'm even wtiring a SciFi Story on  (God It's been weeks since I've worked of chapter 25  :blink: )
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: F-14 Ace on May 29, 2006, 01:45:06 PM
Hey everyone!  CHeck out this funny Star Wars parody someone sent me! (
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Petrie. on May 29, 2006, 03:05:21 PM
^ Now that was funny!  :lol

"Where's Padme?"
"Actually you killed her."
"Aww shit."

Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Malte279 on May 29, 2006, 04:38:52 PM
I love Yoda's final comment  :lol:
Though they might have transfered it into his way of talking. "Screw up on this we did for sure!" Or something along that lines.
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: WeirdRaptor on May 29, 2006, 06:04:50 PM
If you like that parody, of Episode 3, you'll love these pardoies. ( (Warning: There's one really bad swear word on this one, but nothing else offensive, though.) (
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: F-14 Ace on June 08, 2006, 03:29:38 AM
This one is really wierd. (
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Malte279 on June 08, 2006, 03:55:52 AM
But really hilarious  :lol:
I wonder how much time people invest to create such movies.
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Cyberlizard on June 10, 2006, 01:23:07 AM
Oh! Has anyone seen Tripping the Rift? It's this hilarious CG animated parody show on the Sci Fi channel.  The main bad guy is a spoof of Vader named "Darph Bobo".  The leader of the Dark Clowns.  :lol  :lol  :lol  :lol  :lol It's definatley not for little kids.  Because it's rated TV MA.  :lol  :lol:  :lol  :lol:  :lol  :lol:
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: F-14 Ace on June 18, 2006, 10:11:30 PM
Oh man!  This one is a killer! :lol:  :lol:  :lol  :lol (
Here is another one! (
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Petrie. on June 19, 2006, 07:08:50 AM
That first one was great.  :lol:  :lol:  Even Palpatine bows to the mighty Subway corporation when it comes to power lunch.
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: F-14 Ace on June 24, 2006, 01:17:26 AM
Here is another funny video.  Maybe I should creat something for all these in the Fridge. (

Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Grievous55 on November 04, 2006, 02:45:26 PM
I'm amazed they could find scenes that went so well together. I think that was quite nice.
That supermarket one was awesome. "Watch out for those Thai Fighters!"  :lol
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: landbeforetimelover on May 04, 2007, 02:00:18 AM
I have been a star wars, star trek and LBT fan since I was 5.  That was ten years ago and I am still hooked on all three (LBT most of all).  I have never thought of what would happen if they met each other.  Thinking about stuff like that just ruins the experience for me.  I would hate all three if they met and ineracted together so I hope they never do.  That's why I try to avoid fanfics that involve more than one of these.  Why havent I grown out of LBT?  I have no idea.  I really should but I can't.  I just love it too much.  I hope I never grow out of these obsessions.  They are what make life worth living.  If I was forced somehow not to watch or talk about LBT, I would probably go insane.
Title: Star Wars anyone?
Post by: Malte279 on May 04, 2007, 04:38:38 AM
Why havent I grown out of LBT? I have no idea. I really should but I can't.
I don't agree about the "should" part. Favor for the land before time (no matter the age) doesn't hurt anybody while it gives pleasure to those who enjoy it? So why "should" anyone feel obligued to abandon the own favor of the land before time just because many people think of it as strange from a certain age on? It doesn't do any harm to anybody while other hobbies considered more socially acceptable do.
I have never thought of what would happen if they met each other. Thinking about stuff like that just ruins the experience for me. I would hate all three if they met and ineracted together so I hope they never do. That's why I try to avoid fanfics that involve more than one of these.
This is something we agree on. It is an issue hotly debated among LBT fans and something everybody has to make up his or her own mind about.