The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Fridge => Topic started by: Petrie. on December 31, 2009, 09:43:44 AM

Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Petrie. on December 31, 2009, 09:43:44 AM
Tell us the good things that happened to you in 2009 (in a sea of bad things).

Mine are in no particular order:

- keeping my job and working for another year despite a really bad year

- learning I didn't have carpal tunnel in my wrist and could still bowl once my muscles healed

- having one of my better bowling years as of late (two 700 series)

- my trip to Walt Disney World :D :D

- my aunt got married in took a long 40+ years to find the right person ;)
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Mumbling on December 31, 2009, 10:02:08 AM
The good things, alrighty.

- I met up with a lot of gang of five members, including the one I love.

- I created a huge lion king collection over the past year... :blink:

- I passed last year of school.... Hopefully I'll make this one too :p

- I had almost lost my job but now it turns out I'll be the only one left working there of my age, I was the lucky one.

- My dog survived her leg surgery. :)

- I got the ownership of the dutch land before time site and also update the lbtrpg site, both run as they should. :)

- I had a lot of meat yesterday  :nyah

If I come up with anything else I'll make sure to edit this post.
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Malte279 on December 31, 2009, 10:55:13 AM
There are three awesome events in a year that was otherwise a rather ugly one for me.
1. The meeting with Patrick and Gustav at Patrick's place which included the new years celebrations for 2009.
2. The August trip through Scandinavia with Gustav, Jason, and Patrick.
3. The meeting with Tim, Iris, Jason, and Gustav just a few weeks ago.

Really, if it wasn't for these awesome days I would remember 2009 in a predominantly negative light.
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Amaranthine on December 31, 2009, 12:36:59 PM
Here's a few:

1. I sang in choir and made many speeches in my speech and debate class. I even debated whether or not Healthcare was a good idea or not.

2. I had my first real relationship and my first real breakup. And I'm still trying to heal from it.

3. Finally, after all these years, I wasn't very down on myself for having an ASD.

4. I was homeschooled again.

5. My little guy turned two years old. =^^=

6. My oldest cat survived this year, which I'm grateful for.

7. Made a few new friends.

8. I survived this year.
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Waluigifan on December 31, 2009, 02:11:04 PM
2009 wasn't so nice for me... the good old times were better! <_<

good things:
- I successfully attended to a new school
- my new schoolmates are okay
- I've got my best school certificate at the end of the 10th class (ÿ 2,1)
- My marks are still okay, but school is really hard!
- I watched LBT this year and found this forum! :D
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: landbeforetimelover on December 31, 2009, 03:48:12 PM
Okay, let's see:

-I moved to Minnesota (I HATE Minnesota, but I'm still glad I moved here)

-I got on the top of the local business directory (This just happened a few days ago.  I'm getting calls left and right!)

-I finished the new website

-I increased my knowledge of web design tenfold

-I bought and experienced BOSE headphones for the first time (now I can't live without them!)

-I found an awesome computer supplier (he's made me tens of thousands of dollars so far)

-SoFurry just replaced Yiffstar and it has the option to hide everything but the clean stuff (hopefully this will minimize the amount of nasty stuff I have to read and look at to find anything decent.  Though I'm pretty used to nastiness and nothing really bothers me anymore, it'll be nice not to be forced to look at the nasty pictures.)

-I replaced all my main computer monitors with 22" widescreens.  A 21.5" ultra widescreen is on my master computer.

-I got my mom a new computer.....twice! (one was a crappy eMachines I got just because it was white, the other (and current one) is a nice white Imac.  She loves it.)

-Windows 7 came out.

-I got a new master machine.  Flatbed too.  I love it.

Call my list pathetic if you will, but I don't really have a life, so these things really matter to me.
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Cancerian Tiger on January 01, 2010, 01:30:37 AM
Well, let's see...

*I reached senior status in college this year :celebrate.

*I went to the Grand Canyon in March.

*I camped out in northern Minnesota's Boundary Waters wilderness just the other week and went dogsledding for the first time.

*I did not lose any pets or relatives this year.

*I still have my job despite major loss in demand seen in my department.

*I became a member in February 2008.  This is the first full year I have been a GOF member, and I have enjoyed every moment on here :yes!  I truly value everybody's friendship here, and that brings me to the next good thing...

*Malte is still okay despite his two freak accidents this year.  I may not know him in person yet, but I still genuinely care about him and everybody else I know, both online and in person.

*I got over my fear of donating blood this year.

*I was the co-recipient of the 2009 Appreciated Member award, and I still appreciate each and every member here.  The reason I say "co-recipient" is 'cuz even though Petrie fell short of winning, he still deserved it and should be proud of displaying his banner.  He really did earn it :yes.

*I made some drastic changes to my diet and eating habits this past summer, and they have turned out to be for the better.  They were safe changes, like omitting meats (seafood is okay), eggs, and dairy products (replaced with soy products) from my diet, getting off of antidepressants, and watching calories.  Overall, I feel like my health has MAJORLY improved.  I had gotten pretty lazy about exercising, but that has also changed :p.

*The following is perhaps one of the best things that happened to me this year.  I have lost at least thirty pounds, and as of now wear a size seven for the first time since I was fifteen years old :smile.  Even though I had always been active, I never did watch what/how much I was eating before.  What a difference it makes, and it's surprisingly easy to do :yes.

All in all, this year seemed like it was better than 2008 for me :yes.

Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Noname on January 01, 2010, 09:32:48 PM
-Getting a job, and keeping it.

-Getting an apartment and a decent room mate.

-Getting a decent score on the LSAT.

-Getting a summer job in addition to the regular one.

-Being baptized into the Catholic church. I later became a lector

-Receiving my 21+ ID. Also got jury duty out of the way for a good while.  :blink:

-Getting a credit card and keeping a good credit score.

-Getting 10,000 posts, starting an RP, really starting accounts on DA,, and YT.

- And I am covered under a good health insurance policy.
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 02, 2010, 12:46:11 AM
Let's see...

I had a job for a while.  They let me go because of cutbacks, but I had no beef with anyone there.

I successfully grew some vegetables.

I volunteered as an assistant dance instructor, and will continue this for some time.

I made some beautiful jewelry.

I continue to cook.

I continue to breathe.
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: MrDrake on January 02, 2010, 01:38:29 AM
Let's see here....

I'm on a computing course

I got myself a PS3 not that long ago

Moved to another town a few months ago

And I'm still alive! :lol:
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2010, 01:50:46 AM
Getting a Ninentdo Wii.

Staying on the Honor Roll in my Junior Year of High school.

Seeing Saw VI.

Being healthy.

Making more friends.

Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Sky on January 02, 2010, 06:17:05 AM
Not that much really:

- I made some new friends :D

- I got a PS3 :lol:

- I improved in art  :yes

- I did my very first commission on DA :lol

- I found more inspiring music/songs to listen  :)

2009 had more downs than ups for me... =/
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Lillefot on January 02, 2010, 02:19:56 PM
The have been a few times this year when life has really dragged me in the dirt.
But I look back at 2009 with a smile on my face.

And here be why! (not everything but a lot)

-Went skiing in the Alps for the first time ever in my life along with Nimrod (Patrick)
-Got my drivers license
-Met with super awesome GoF members Malte and Jason for the first time!
-Went with Malte, Jason and Patrick on an adventurous journey in Norway (this be the top event in 2009, something I shall remember for the rest of my life!)
-Went to Germany and Holland where I met Iris and Tim for the first time! (and had a ball at Malte's place)
-Went with Patrick to the Alps AGAIN!
-Got a steady position in my new class
-I have become fascinated by psychology and the behavior of humans
-Discovered more about myself, improved my self esteem massively and have become a more relaxed and happy person, and I thank everyone who has helped me. You know who you are.

-And I'm alive. And I feel great about being myself.

Year 2009. One of the best years in this big kid's life.
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Malte279 on January 02, 2010, 07:49:34 PM
^ Actually we met in 2008 for the first time Gustav ;)

@ Anna Thank you for your concern :)
I hope those accidents did not give you a real fright. One tends to be a bit insensitive about them when one is the one who has them :oops
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Nimrod on January 03, 2010, 10:48:12 AM
Oh man, there has been alot of awesome things.

First of, me and some friends, started to make some music, and I got some cool music devices.

There has been some very nice birthday¥s, meetings with friends, etc.

The meeting with Malte, Gustav, and Jay, indeed. That was one fun adventure.

The skiing with Gustav and one of my friends.

And, finally, what you did forget Malte: The meeting with you and marie at your place :p

So all in one, a succesfull year :)
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Nimrod on January 03, 2010, 10:49:03 AM
Oh, and for sure my driving license :D
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 05, 2010, 07:24:41 AM
I had a  few scary and sad moments . 2009 would have been a lot better if I wasn't in the hospital for almost 3 weeks with Swine Flu and my dog dieing.

-I'm still alive (The doctors all thought I would die when I was in the hospital)

- I got a new puppy. Granted, he could be a little monster a lot of the time. But I love him with all my heart.

- The Yankees winning the World Series.

-Me being able to hang out in NYC with my best friends.

That's really about it.
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: jedi472 on January 05, 2010, 04:15:39 PM
Well, let's see:

-Getting and keeping a great job at a local veterinary clinic

-Raising my GPA to a 3.6

-Researching possible careers and finding that I enjoy Genetics

-Getting back to my fanfic and editing the first few chapters, which were rushed and shoddy

-Getting a PS3 :D

-Having another great year on the GOF
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: lbt/cty_lover on January 05, 2010, 10:35:37 PM
Hmmmmm..... I have a few things for this list.
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: Ptyra on January 05, 2010, 10:46:15 PM
Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: LBTFan13 on January 06, 2010, 12:51:58 AM
Off the top of my head:

I became closer to a guy who eventually became one of my best friends

I graduated high school

I passed my AP Environmental Science class which was a pain in the neck

I learned that I was accepted into every school I applied to

I started my first year of college at Lycoming

I auditioned and made it into Tour Choir

My ex and I recognized that we had a full year together without a fight

I competed in a karate tournament and took 4th place with my studio

I met some really cool guys at Lycoming, not including my douche roommate :lol:

I sang If We Hold On Together at my graduation

That's probably not everything, but it's off the top of my head.

Title: The good things of 2009
Post by: The Chronicler on January 06, 2010, 03:15:23 PM
Let's see, good things that happened to me in 2009...

- I graduated high school

- I got to see a new Bionicle movie

- I made good progress on my fanfic

... and that's about all I can think of at the moment.