The Gang of Five

The Land Before Time => General Land Before Time => Topic started by: Jrd89 on March 29, 2010, 02:50:36 AM

Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: Jrd89 on March 29, 2010, 02:50:36 AM
Hey I want to show you something.

You know what a youtube poop is, right? (sounds and animation edits to make a movie sound funnier)

Well I found a poop of "Cold fire"

One part, I like, while the other I hate

In this part, Rinkus (the pink bubblegum flyer) who plays with his tail?.. ok that's Weird. (

Cuts his head off near the end of this video.... :lol:  (I wish it were Sierra, though. He is SO DARNED NASTY AND ANNOYING!

In this second video, check out pterano rocking out on the guitar (in the middle) SWEEET! oh yeah!! (and he is so so beautiful standing on the ledge with his wings spread all the way out) (

Now this third video, I hate, because of the (alternative ending gag) (

Ending 1 has Pterano blowing up the world, and ending 2. Ohhhh ending 2. (A SPEAR THROUGH PTERANO'S EYE? HOW DARE someone even make a video of the most beautiful lbt character ever getting killed. (THAT'S what I want to have happen to SIERRA NOT the great beautiful and wise Pterano!!!! :bang I love him so much, too! rrrrrghhh!!!! :bang  :bang

Ending 3, skipping record of Littlefoot's voice, and Pterano blowing up. *DEEP SIGH* NOOOOT FUNNY! I DO NOT like seeing my favorite character being blown up!!!!! (If you have to blow up a "Cold Fire" character, blow up Sierra.

Ending 4, though, is very funny. Every time pterano touches the stone, something falls off a cliff and dies (check out Mario falling off, then a cow) ha haa! That had me laughing hard!) now I think that's funny. :lol:

In the beginning of the third video, you can hear the end of the original "Final Jeopardy" thinking music used on Jeopardy from 1984-1997.

Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: Jrd89 on March 29, 2010, 03:11:57 AM
But when Pterano is rocking out on the guitar, that falling meteor killing him  AT 4:16 WAS UNCALLED FOR!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry, but I'm sensitive when it comes to making fun of Pterano (I'm talking about the bloody violence in these videos)

Why are there people who disrespect Pterano so much???
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: JitteryDragon on March 29, 2010, 07:59:09 AM
Quote from: Jrd89,Mar 29 2010 on  02:11 AM
Why are there people who disrespect Pterano so much???
Oh hey, I see you found my videos.

To answer your question, because Youtube Poop is just a form of parody. That is to say, making fun of something, but also using the material I'm provided with. It is up to your own personal opinion to whether you wish to take it seriously or not, and wether you find the humor (admittedly quite crude and violent at times) funny or not. It's not meant to be serious, just so you know, so please don't be offended if I dissed a character you like. I don't mean to offend, just to make people laugh.

Pterano, in my opinion, is awesome... which is why I made him a god in the end.
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: DarkHououmon on March 29, 2010, 09:09:04 AM
I don't think YouTube Poops are necessarily disrespectful. Some people, I admit, might be offended, but that's not the point of YTPs. The point of them is to poke fun at something and to invoke a laugh.
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: 2007excalibur2007 on March 29, 2010, 09:39:36 AM
Quote from: Jrd89,Mar 29 2010 on  01:50 PM
Ending 3, skipping record of Littlefoot's voice
We prefer calling him Phonogram Littlefoot, or Phonofoot for short. :lol :lol

It flew real low, and it flew real low, and it flew real low, and it flew real low...

... (

...did I mention it flew real low? XD
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: Mumbling on March 29, 2010, 09:54:18 AM
To be honest, I think the youtube poops are good. Sure it takes some time to get used to, but Jittery is really good in making it funny. Don't take it too hard :)
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: Cancerian Tiger on March 29, 2010, 11:17:54 AM
I'm not at all crazy about LBT parodies and especially hatefics.  I do not support the mockery of a series I love, so to spare myself from becoming upset and potentially getting nasty here, I won't even watch these.  No offense, it's just not my cup of tea :neutral.
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: DarkHououmon on March 29, 2010, 01:03:39 PM
I understand about hatefics, but what's so bad about parodies? They aren't meant to be taken seriously. I personally find it normal for people to poke fun at something they like. I do it a lot with stuff I like. Poking fun and making parodies aren't a sign of hatred and I don't think they should be treated on the same level as hatefics. Hatefics and parodies are not one and the same; they are completely different. Hatefics are those who just bash the series because they don't like it. Parodies simply poke fun and are meant to invoke laughter; they are not intended to offend. Personally I find it odd to become offended by a parody. I'm a bit bothered by the fact that some people seem to put hatefics and parodies on the same level together, treating parodies as if they were done by the same people who do hatefics.
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: Animeboye on March 29, 2010, 02:14:18 PM
This whole issue's getting blown a little out of proportion. I don't think Jittery was trying to insult or turn LBT into a laughingstock. Think about it: Would he really be here if he was just trying to insult the series? Look, there are things in his videos that I don't like (Littlefoot cracking his head open in The Land Before Everyone Froze to Death Pt 1 for example) but I'm not going to hold it against him just because he "killed" my favorite character.

I like Jittery's videos. His sense of humor is intresting yet unpredictable. On top of that, unlike a handful of other "poopers" out there, he actually has a style to his videos. The only real problem I have with them is that the CDi clips are becoming a bit much. Other than that, I think this guy is brilliant!

It flew real low, and it flew real low, and it flew real low, and it flew real low...

Oh, really? Well it flew real low, and it flew real low...*cue sparta remix* It. Flew. Real. Looooooooooowwwwww...
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: jedi472 on March 29, 2010, 05:32:02 PM
I agree with mostly everyone who's posted so far. It doesn't really seem like much of a reason to get upset. Luke Skywalker is my favorite character from Star Wars, but I don't get riled up when someone brings up how whiny he can be.
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: Ptyra on March 29, 2010, 06:41:31 PM
I actually think some of the Pterano jabs are quite clever.
Robotnik: NO!!!
And he smacked the Youtube Poop terror that is Weegie.

He does show up in the Big Freeze ones...Yesssss, All your base are belong to us :lol !
Now, I gotta say that some of them did take me off guard, but some of it was quite funny.

It. Flew. Real. Lowwwww.low.low.low.low
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: Jrd89 on March 29, 2010, 06:56:23 PM
Now I do agree some parts were killer funny!

But there were (spear through Pterano's eyes) that I hated.

But there were many killer funny moments that I totally loved

Yes, the Petrie "Mama Luigi" was so funny and cute.

And the Pterano "Stone touch" was funny, so was Littlefoot's nightmare coming true at the very end.

Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: Serris on March 29, 2010, 06:57:34 PM
I like the quirky, surreal humor of Jittery's YTPs.

Of course, some of the music used is awesome.

Ayreon's Ride the Comet, Odyssea's Fly, Frank Klepacki's Drok etc.
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: Ptyra on March 29, 2010, 06:59:22 PM
There's a Zelda: CD-I that starts with the "stone touch" (
Tap-tap-tap-tap tap-tap-tap :lol

So tell me, is he doing Morse Code, or trying to come up with the kids' next song? But it somehow brought us to Hyrule, where the King WAS FROZEN TODAY!!!

Not to mention, he gets to 'say" "All Your Base Are Belong to Us"... (
And boy is is weapon of Doomy-Doom awesome...seems that only Petrie is immune to it XD . ('Course, the killer laugh for me in that particular video is Ducky's mom in the 'heart wrenching scene.' "I live in a giant bucket" :lol )

And the "trailer" for seven was pretty cool...until Pterano got put on hold...musak and all. (
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: jedi472 on March 29, 2010, 08:32:14 PM
I really enjoyed this video, actually. Thanks for introducing me to Ride the Comet, Jittery! :D It's an awesome song!
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: JitteryDragon on March 30, 2010, 08:09:43 AM
Quote from: Ptyra,Mar 29 2010 on  05:59 PM
So tell me, is he doing Morse Code, or trying to come up with the kids' next song?
That's actually the theme to Doctor Who he's tapping out, which is why I think that video is awesome.

I wouldn't worry about Pterano, Jrd89. He's a living god in my alternate universe, and things are only going to get better for him *insert evil laughter here*
Title: Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
Post by: Ptyra on March 30, 2010, 07:42:09 PM
Oooo, this is gonna be good XD

I honestly thought that another "ending" for "Rocks Fall and Everybody Dies" would be Pterano's punishment scene
Grandpa: Quite frankly, Pterano, your behavior has been inexcusable. But in light of the fact that you helped save the children, your punishment will be reduced
Pterano: It will?
Grandpa: Yes. We have decided that you shall *The King of Hyrule's voice* scrub, scrub, scrub all the floors in Hyrule
The reaction?
*"Spanish Exposition enters the room" music* DUNNNNnnnn!!!
Petrie: That so *Link's voice* boring!
Mr. Threehorn: *King Arthur's voice* SHUT UP! WILL YOU SHUT UP!?
*"Spanish Exposition enters the room" music* DUNNNNnnnn!!!

I'm not sure what could possibly be done to poop the "good bye scene", though.