The Gang of Five

Important Announcements => The Welcome Center => Topic started by: Nightflower on May 09, 2010, 12:51:21 AM

Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Nightflower on May 09, 2010, 12:51:21 AM
Hi all! My name is Nightflower (I'm still amazed that that username hasn't already been taken), I've been a fan of LBT since I was little, but have just recently started watching the movies again and realizing how much depth there was....and catching things I was too young to get before. It's still strange to be older than the gang, but I've decided today there's a logical explanation for their eternal youth.

In LBT III Hip says to them (more or less) "I'm gonna see to it that you NEVER grow up!"

And ever since then, they've been cursed with eternal youth. Well, except Chomper because he wasn't there. :D So he got older while they didn't.

Ummm so back to my introduction...I'm a female college student, I sing opera and write fantasy, I'm a total geek for Star Trek, The Lion King, Lord of the Rings, DC superheroes, and pretty much a sucker for amazing Don Bluth movies from the 90s. Oh, and the Disney animated musicals from the 90s as well. Can you tell I grew up in the 90s? I lived in a world of Ducktales, Talespin, Land Before Time, The Rescuers Down Under, Fluppydogs, Skip-its, COOL happy meal toys, and Gulla Gulla Island. Until a stupid evil wizard--ugh I cannot speak his name for fear it will leave a disgusting taste in my throat--a certain glasses-wearing wand-wielding enemy of mine and his red-headed sidekicks showed up and killed my childhood and stole all my friends...*grumble grumble* he's my arch nemesis, by the way. In our last battle he was majorly wounded and has fallen back quite a bit, but has employed a sparkling vampire and a pack of werewolves to do his fighting for him while he recovers. Drat that sparkly vampire...

I am easily distracted, as you can tell. Back to the fun facts.

I am an aspiring actress, I treat my fandoms with reverence and passion, I have a little sister who is eerily similar to Cera, I play the violin, and my favorite color is purple. I like to sketch and paint and climb trees. So if I were LBT-verse, I guess I would be a "Climber"

My favorite LBT movie is the 4th one because I loved Ali when I was little, and that was the movie where Ducky almost got eaten. For some reason that gave me a huge shivery chill whenever that scene came up. The 2nd movie however is ingrained into my inner being because I saw it over and over again at a super young age.

I believe firmly that the ghost of Judith Barsi will one day take revenge on the annoying girl who's been 'trying' to voice Ducky since movie 5.

And that's all I can think of right now about me, though there are plenty of quirks to tell. Really excited to finally join an active LBT message board! The universe is so expansive and there is so much to learn and discuss! Looking forward to meeting you guys!

Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Malte279 on May 09, 2010, 02:09:16 AM
Welcome with us Nightflower :)
It is always a pleasure to welcome new members to our community and this is a great and interesting introduction and I can tell you that you will find many of us share more than one of your interests. There are many fans of the other movies you mentioned here as well as other artists and above all LBT fans from all over the world.
Personally I don't share your harsh view of Aria Noelle Curzon who voiced Ducky since LBT 5. Not only am I quite happy with her performances as Ducky, but I am also grateful to her that she has contacted us several times and shared some insight about the creation of land before time movies with us. I really don't see Judith Barsi, may she rest in peace, would have any problem with her and find such notions somewhat unfair.
Anyway, please feel hearty invited to join our discussions or start threads of your own :yes
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Mumbling on May 09, 2010, 02:35:07 AM
Hello Nightflower!

I love nicknames with flowers in it. Sometimes I go with the username Nightflower, but somehow not on the Gang of Five, haha!

I am (dare I say it) the biggest Lion King fan around this forum. I'm sure we'll get along fine :D

Feel free to post around, we don't bite :D
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Amaranthine on May 09, 2010, 02:52:27 AM
Welcome to the forum nightflower! I love LK myself and all things 90s. :)

I'm sure you'll have an awesome time here!
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Kor on May 09, 2010, 02:52:58 AM
Welcome to the forum.  I hope you have a lot of fun here and make new friends.  Good Luck.
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Jychara on May 09, 2010, 05:26:28 AM
Hello! :wave Welcome to the forum!
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Waluigifan on May 09, 2010, 07:41:14 AM
A very warm welcome and... have fun! :D
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Piecito on May 09, 2010, 08:15:10 AM
Hi I hope you enjoy In GOF your every question you can ask with adm
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: jedi472 on May 09, 2010, 11:18:10 AM
Welcome to the GOF! :D
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Sky on May 09, 2010, 12:39:38 PM
Heya! Welcome to the GOF! :wave
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Petrie. on May 09, 2010, 01:46:44 PM
Hello and welcome. :wave  Have fun posting around.
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Chiletrek on May 09, 2010, 04:19:33 PM
 And welome to GoF, I hope you'll have a great time here :DD .
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Alex on May 09, 2010, 06:49:18 PM
If you like DC superheroes, I like you.
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Nightflower on May 09, 2010, 06:58:30 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome guys!! Lol YES fellow Lion King fans!! And thanks Alex, if you also like superheroes I like you too. :) Muahaha I shall certainly be poking around and exploring this place!
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Dima02 on May 09, 2010, 07:25:59 PM
A warm welcome from the members of the GOF.  :wave
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: MrDrake on May 09, 2010, 10:46:53 PM
Hello Nightflower.  I see that you are a fan of DC superheroes.  Like me, granted, like both Marvel and DC....since DC has Batman and Marvel has Wolverine sort of thing :lol:

Anyways, hello and welcome and all that sort of stuff and yeah, have fun here.
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Littlefoot Fan on May 09, 2010, 11:06:11 PM
In LBT III Hip says to them (more or less) "I'm gonna see to it that you NEVER grow up!"
That's amazing! I never thought about that. You might be on to something! :lol:

But yea, welcome to the largest and greatest Land Before Time forum on the web :smile
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Nightflower on May 10, 2010, 09:47:19 PM
Haha yes, it's an idea I call "The Hip Hypothosis" . All his fault, though at the time he didn't know what a mess he was creating. ;D
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: SouthPawRacer on May 14, 2010, 10:39:56 AM
Welcome to the best LBT forum around. Hope you enjoy your stay. :D
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Pangaea on May 15, 2010, 03:07:57 AM
Hello there! Sorry my greeting’s so late, but I haven’t been around to post. :oops

In regards to your thread title, I’m pretty sure there are some sharpteeth on this forum as well. Don’t forget to greet them, too. :p

Sorry. As I’m sure YOU can tell, I am very literal, and for some reason enjoy jokes based on literal interpretations of things, even though most of them stink worse than an invasion of skunks in a sewage treatment plant. :p

You certainly seem to be . . . um, strongly opinionated. Nothing wrong with that, but personally I think you’re being a little hard on Ducky’s voice actress. I admit I’m not especially fond of the grammar problem Ducky seems to have developed since LBT V (though that could have been in the script, and not the voice actress’s idea), and I definitely prefer Ducky’s original voice, but I have nothing against Aria Noelle Curzon. Still, if you think she’s annoying, that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. I hope I’m not getting myself off on the wrong foot with you by bringing this up. :unsure:

At any rate, I’m always pleased to greet members who like to give long introductions. Gives me more to say; I don’t like to feel like I’m just leaving a boilerplate greeting. :P:

Hope you post plenty! :D
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Piecito on May 16, 2010, 02:41:29 AM
Quote from: Chiletrek,May 9 2010 on  03:19 PM
 And welome to GoF, I hope you'll have a great time here :DD .
Omg you are From chile Like Me this is amazing I was suprised
Title: Greetings, fellow leafeaters!
Post by: Chiletrek on May 16, 2010, 07:42:03 PM
Quote from: Piecito,May 16 2010 on  01:41 AM
Quote from: Chiletrek,May 9 2010 on  03:19 PM
 And welome to GoF, I hope you'll have a great time here :DD .
Omg you are From chile Like Me this is amazing I was suprised
 Well, I thought I stated that in your welcoming topic, but I was wrong >.<
 Yes, I am from Chile too :DD , it is nice to see another chilean around the Great Valley :yes .