The Gang of Five

The Land Before Time => LBT Fanfiction => Topic started by: babidikrakenguard on November 04, 2010, 02:29:23 AM

Title: Babidi Kraken Guard's Spore Critters
Post by: babidikrakenguard on November 04, 2010, 02:29:23 AM
Where to begin? The Allosaurous Horned King ( The Spinosaurous Davy Jones ( Look at those two in all their green glory..  :rolleyes:

Wasn't sure if I should make another topic or post them in the one I already made. I decided to make another topic. This will be where I will be posting my Spore critters..  :p

You can thank Pangaea for the idea for both critters..  :DD
Title: Babidi Kraken Guard's Spore Critters
Post by: Pangaea on November 06, 2010, 03:04:42 AM
Thank you!…or you're welcome! (Whichever fits… :confused)

And wow! Those are good! :wow :lol Tons of attention to detail! Do you have pictures of them from any other angles? I'd like to see more. :)

It's been ages since I've played SPORE; :rolleyes I've got to try making some critters using the patches that allow for asymmetry, etc.

By the way, since it's not LBT artwork, I think this thread should probably be in the “Visual Art” section of “The Arts” (unless you're planning to post SPORE versions of LBT characters). Perhaps an admin could move it?
Title: Babidi Kraken Guard's Spore Critters
Post by: Pangaea on November 06, 2010, 04:41:33 AM
Let me see…if you wanted to give a scientific name to these dinosaurs, you could call the first one Cornutorex, Ceratobasileus, Ceratorex, or Cornutobasileus (Latin, Greek, and combinations thereof, respectively), all of which translate to “horned king”.

Since people’s names aren’t translated when used in scientific names, the natural choice of name for the Davy Jones Spinosaurus would be Davyjonesus or Davyjonesosaurus. If you don’t think that’s interesting enough, you could try Thalassomoloch or Thalassodiablos (both Greek), either of which would translate roughly to “sea devil”.

Alternatively, you could call them Allosaurus cornutorex/ceratobasileus/ceratorex/cornutobasileus (“horned king different reptile”) and Spinosaurus davyjonesi (“Davy Jones’s spine reptile”), respectively, though personally I think they look different enough from Allosaurus and Spinosaurus to warrant being given their own genus names. :p

If you decided to give them genus names, the full species name of the Horned King Allosaurus could be C. atralebesquestios (Latin) or C. melanolebezeteos (“black cauldron seeking horned king”).

You could call the Davy Jones Spinosaurus Davyjonesus/Davyjonesosaurus thalassodiablos/thalassomoloch: “Davy Jones (reptile), devil of the sea”. Or it could be Thalassodiablos/Thalassomoloch acardiasó“heartless sea devil”, though that name sounds rather derogatory. T. calypsophilus: “Calypso-loving sea devil”? Davyjonesus/Davyjonesosaurus caputovoladutchmanicus: “Davy Jones (reptile), captain of the Flying Dutchman”? Probably the best translation so far, though it’s quite a mouthful, and I’m not sure how to Latinize “Dutchman”. :unsure:

If you are interested in giving these guys dinosaur names, do any of these sound good to you? :)
Title: Babidi Kraken Guard's Spore Critters
Post by: babidikrakenguard on November 06, 2010, 03:32:11 PM
Quote from: Pangaea,Nov 6 2010 on  03:41 AM
Let me see…if you wanted to give a scientific name to these dinosaurs, you could call the first one Cornutorex, Ceratobasileus, Ceratorex, or Cornutobasileus (Latin, Greek, and combinations thereof, respectively), all of which translate to “horned king”.

Since people’s names aren’t translated when used in scientific names, the natural choice of name for the Davy Jones Spinosaurus would be Davyjonesus or Davyjonesosaurus. If you don’t think that’s interesting enough, you could try Thalassomoloch or Thalassodiablos (both Greek), either of which would translate roughly to “sea devil”.

Alternatively, you could call them Allosaurus cornutorex/ceratobasileus/ceratorex/cornutobasileus (“horned king different reptile”) and Spinosaurus davyjonesi (“Davy Jones’s spine reptile”), respectively, though personally I think they look different enough from Allosaurus and Spinosaurus to warrant being given their own genus names. :p

If you decided to give them genus names, the full species name of the Horned King Allosaurus could be C. atralebesquestios (Latin) or C. melanolebezeteos (“black cauldron seeking horned king”).

You could call the Davy Jones Spinosaurus Davyjonesus/Davyjonesosaurus thalassodiablos/thalassomoloch: “Davy Jones (reptile), devil of the sea”. Or it could be Thalassodiablos/Thalassomoloch acardiasó“heartless sea devil”, though that name sounds rather derogatory. T. calypsophilus: “Calypso-loving sea devil”? Davyjonesus/Davyjonesosaurus caputovoladutchmanicus: “Davy Jones (reptile), captain of the Flying Dutchman”? Probably the best translation so far, though it’s quite a mouthful, and I’m not sure how to Latinize “Dutchman”. :unsure:

If you are interested in giving these guys dinosaur names, do any of these sound good to you? :)
Wow  :blink:

Funny thing, really. I actually had "Cornutosaurous" for the Horned King, but decided simply on "Horned King Allosaurous". Luckily, both of them are given temporary names.

But really, did you have to come up with so many possible names? How can I choose? They all sound great!  :DD Probably end up writing each one down..  :p And yeah, good point about the moving of the thread. I had seen someone make a topic with Spore critters in this section, but yeah..  :p Although I will be posting a few LBT based critters(I think I made an Ozzy somewhere, just not sure where..) but if it's possible to move, go for it.  :DD

Anyways, as for different angles? Yup! Well, at least for Davy.. Thought I got some HoKi ones, but I guess not..  :blink:

{{Davy Jones}}
Top Front (
Top Back (
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Right (
Title: Babidi Kraken Guard's Spore Critters
Post by: Pangaea on November 11, 2010, 01:27:05 AM
I guess after familiarizing myself with over 2,000 scientific names, I’ve developed an interest in their meanings, and something of an eye for the components that make up the names. Plus, most scientific names are taken from either Latin or Greek (or combinations thereof), so I had two languages to choose meanings from.

Too bad about the Horned King Allosaurus pictures (perhaps you can take more?), but the Davy Jones Spinosaurus ones are great! :D I love how you did the claw and the crustacean peg leg. :lol

Back to the names, I’ll try giving you my opinions on which ones you should choose: ;)

I think I’d go with Cornutorex atralebesquestios (pronounced “Kor-noo-toh-rehks ay-tra-lee-beez-kwes-tee-ose”) for the Horned King dinosaur. Cornutorex is similar to what you originally came up with (which I thought was pretty good, by the way :yes), and I think I like the sound of “rex” better than “basileus”. And I think I like the sound of atralebesquestios better than melanolebezeteos (pronounced “mel-ahn-oh-lee-beez-dzay-teh-ose”).

Narrowing down the name for the Davy Jones dinosaur is a little harder. Even though it’s not that interesting, Davyjonesus (“Day-vee-jones-us”) would complement Cornutorex, as both names would translate exactly to the respective characters’ English names, so maybe you’d prefer to go with that over Davyjonesosaurus (“Day-vee-jones-uh-sore-us”).

As for the specific epithet (sometimes mistakenly called the “species name”, but “species” refers to the full name: the genus name or generic name AND the specific epithet or specific name), I can narrow it down to two personal favorites. I’d go with thalassodiablos (“tha-lass-oh-dy-ah-blose”) over thalassomoloch “tha-lass-oh-moh-lok”. And though again I have no idea how or if to translate “Dutchman” into Latin, I think caputovoladutchmanicus (“kap-ut-oh-voh-la-duch-man-ih-kus“) is pretty good.

You should think about doing a Skeksis one of these. :yes They’e already so dinosaur-like that I could really see a birdlike dinosaur or other bipedal archosaur being named after them in real life. It might be hard to come up with a very interesting scientific name, though; there’s no Latin translation of “Skeksis”, so the best you could probably do would be Skeksis or Skeksisosaurus. However, if you were to base it on Struthiomimus, you could call it Skeksismimus (“Skeksis mimic”): :p a combination of the Skeksis and Ozzy/Strut! :idea
Title: Babidi Kraken Guard's Spore Critters
Post by: babidikrakenguard on February 02, 2011, 03:53:49 PM
Now I did make a "Skeksimimus" But I forgot to take pictures of it..  :blink:

Anyways, I made some more critters!

Vastatosaurous Gothmog (
I was going to go with "T-Rex Gothmog" But thought about Peter Jackson's King Kong. He said that the T-Rexes were called V-Rexes, so I decided to make Gothmog(From Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings) into a Vastatosaurous Rex instead. Why? Because their both Peter Jackson!! :D
Clip from Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, featuring Gothmog's infamous scene in which he side-steps a boulder. (

Edgar Bug (
"Good! War! That means more food for my family, all 78,000,000 of them. That's alot of mouths to feed, you're highness.." I had made another Edgar Bug a while back, but I decided to make another one just to kill some time. That and I watched Men in Black last night.
Clips of various scenes featuring Edgar from Men in Black. You can see the real critter at the end of the video. (
Video of the previous Edgar that I had made a while back. (

For critters based on no character, what so ever.. ( (

Yeah, might as well move this over to Visual Art. I will be doing a few LBT Based critters, but not much..  :blink:  :p
Title: Babidi Kraken Guard's Spore Critters
Post by: Pangaea on February 02, 2011, 07:25:56 PM
So glad to see more artwork from you! :D

Love the Gothmog dino; you did an awesome job on the asymmetry. I notice that even his hands and feet are slightly different. And the expression, colors, and angle of the picture just work really well. :yes Appropriate background, too. :lol And I think making Gothmog a Vastatosaurus works on another level; they were pretty gnarly, craggy, and lumpy-looking themselves. :p

The Edgar Bug looks good, too, especially the head and neck. It’s a huge improvement from your first version (which I hadn’t seen until now).

As for the two other critters, they’re fantastic! :D Neon turquoise on a dark background is a color combination I love to put on my SPORE creatures. The aquatic one looks like it would be bioluminescent, like a lot of deep-sea creatures. And the other one looks a lot like a feathered raptor (possibly even a flying variety like Rahonavis); is that what it’s supposed to be? In any case, I love it. The feather arrangement looks terrific.
Title: Babidi Kraken Guard's Spore Critters
Post by: babidikrakenguard on February 07, 2011, 03:59:35 PM
Heads up, pretty big image coming..  :blink:

the other one looks a lot like a feathered raptor (possibly even a flying variety like Rahonavis); is that what it’s supposed to be?
Actually I intended it to be a kind of Dragon. I've been making a few called Vanduii Dragon. That one is a Vanduii Skydiver Dragon. Though I did think it ended up looking like a feathered raptor in the end.. That or an Archeopteryx(Yes, I have no clue how it's spelled) :lol:

Now then! This next creation I am about to show you was made quite a while back. I went back and tweaked it a little(All I added was a few spikes on the back) and decided to snap a few pictures..

This is called the Divine Dragon. It has seven wings and seven eyes and is a boss from the video game Legends of Dragoon. You might have heard of it, you might not have heard of it. The Battle System is alot like Final Fantasy but you have to push the X button at the right time for stronger attacks(Called Additions). My favorite game of all time..  :rolleyes:
Clip of the Divine Dragon attacking one of the cities in LOD: Dinengrad (

Also a Failed Attempt at a Minas Tirith that I made back in 2009 (  :crazy  :nyah
Title: Babidi Kraken Guard's Spore Critters
Post by: Pangaea on February 08, 2011, 10:39:06 PM
Quote from: babidikrakenguard,Feb 7 2011 on  02:59 PM
the other one looks a lot like a feathered raptor (possibly even a flying variety like Rahonavis); is that what it’s supposed to be?
Actually I intended it to be a kind of Dragon. I've been making a few called Vanduii Dragon. That one is a Vanduii Skydiver Dragon. Though I did think it ended up looking like a feathered raptor in the end.. That or an Archeopteryx(Yes, I have no clue how it's spelled) :lol:
You're pretty close. :smile It just has one more “a” in it (Archaeopteryx).

Anyway, pretty neat dragon design. You don't see a lot of birdlike dragons.

Speaking of interesting dragons, whoa! Now that's (the Divine Dragon) a bizarre one! :wow Rather insectoid, especially in the wings. Is the big eye supposed to be on its lower jaw? I thought its chin was its snout at first. :oops

You said you took “a few pictures”. Can we see more? :)

Also a Failed Attempt at a Minas Tirith that I made back in 2009 (  :crazy  :nyah
Failed? It doesn't look too bad to me. :o
Title: Babidi Kraken Guard's Spore Critters
Post by: Salvatore Blackheart on February 16, 2011, 05:04:00 AM
calypsophilus sounds :lol  good