The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Fridge => Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame => Topic started by: Mumbling on August 18, 2011, 10:13:25 AM

Title: Feedback Fanfiction Awards
Post by: Mumbling on August 18, 2011, 10:13:25 AM

I'd like to ask all of you for feedback on the fanfiction awards. Suggestions for what can be done differently next year, appreciative or disliking comments can go in this topic. Everything will be taken into account, to hopefully create an even more successful fanfiction award next year.

I might keep track of a list of suggestions in this post.

1. All fanfictions submitted must have at least one vote before one can have more than one vote

2. At least one review in return for every fanfiction you submit. So 5 of your own fanfictions means (at least) 5 reviews.

3. Include non-LBT fics

4. Submitting fanfictions which have last been updated within the end previous awards and the new awards (instead of 12 months)
Title: Feedback Fanfiction Awards
Post by: The Friendly Sharptooth on August 18, 2011, 10:52:11 AM
To ensure that all fan fictions get at least one vote, I suggest that there be a rule that each fan fiction currently submitted must have at least one vote before any more can be voted for more than once. If they all get a vote, and so some start getting more, then a new one is submitted, to stay in conjunction, I think that that one must get a vote before the others that have at least one already get more. This may ensure that everyone gets at least one vote.

Now, I understand the restricting aspect of this. Say you want to review one, but it already has one and others don’t, meaning you have to wait or review another first, should you want to do so. The thing is, authors can take it pretty hard when they get no feedback, especially when directly presenting it in something like this. Now, I feel that trying to keep all the fan fictions being even in votes is going too far. This is just my suggestion in hopes it will ensure that everyone gets at least one comment from someone.
Title: Feedback Fanfiction Awards
Post by: vonboy on August 18, 2011, 02:46:25 PM
I see why you think that might be a good idea, TFS, but I just don't, because it doesn't sound very democratic, if that makes sense. Members should be allowed to review any fiction they want. (I'm not calling them votes, as they ARE actually reviews, with much more thought and care put into writing them.) Some fictions will naturally be more popular or recognized, and will get a lot of reviews, just because a lot of people want to review them.

I'd instead suggest to members who want a review for their work to ask around among the other members of the board. PM anyone who's made a comment on your fiction in the past and ask if they'd be up for writing up a review. It's not a hard thing to do, and a lot of members here would be glad to do so, granted they can find the time for it. If someone cares that much about feedback, they'll go out and seek it themselves. They shouldn't have to rely on an arbitrary rule that disadvantages everyone.

Also, I saw a certain trend with the Awards. Members who wrote a lot of reviews for the Fanfiction Awards tended to get a lot of reviews in turn (Hint Hint :lol )

I like an idea Pangaea posted in the Fanfic rules thread, where you have to make at least 1 review for each fiction you submit. So, if someone submitted 5 fictions, he needs to write at least 5 reviews. It's a rule that will help, but also allow for more freedom. It'd help, as there were two members here I can think of that submitted 5 fictions, but only wrote 1 review.
Title: Feedback Fanfiction Awards
Post by: brekclub85 on August 18, 2011, 02:55:17 PM
As a possible idea for next year, maybe have the voting open to both LBT and non-LBT fanfics?  :)
Title: Feedback Fanfiction Awards
Post by: The Friendly Sharptooth on August 18, 2011, 03:23:31 PM
I see why you think that might be a good idea, TFS, but I just don't, because it doesn't sound very democratic, if that makes sense. Members should be allowed to review any fiction they want. (I'm not calling them votes, as they ARE actually reviews, with much more thought and care put into writing them.) Some fictions will naturally be more popular or recognized, and will get a lot of reviews, just because a lot of people want to review them.

I'd instead suggest to members who want a review for their work to ask around among the other members of the board. PM anyone who's made a comment on your fiction in the past and ask if they'd be up for writing up a review. It's not a hard thing to do, and a lot of members here would be glad to do so, granted they can find the time for it. If someone cares that much about feedback, they'll go out and seek it themselves. They shouldn't have to rely on an arbitrary rule that disadvantages everyone.

There are those who found it somewhat degrading to have to ask for feedback. If a person won’t review something simply because the person wanted to, but had to feel emotionally obligated by a direct question, some writers just can’t take pride in that. Someone reviewing all on his or her own with no sort of influence says a lot more than someone who has to be put on the spot with a request. I don’t mind mentioning my work to others, but review requests are not something I like to make. That’s the reason why I’ve never asked for a review. I feel that, if something is appealing enough to warrant a review, then it will come without me having to get involved.

If someone gets a haircut and is hoping for a compliment, or at least some remark, do you think he’ll feel more pleased when someone walks by and says something, or when he has to say, “I got a new haircut. What do you think?” Just like with Christmas presents. A gift given by surprise shows a lot more about how a person feels about you than if you had to ask for a gift. I cannot be certain if people truly wanted to review my work if I had to ask them. Many people find it too awkward to turn others down, at least most of the time. Only when someone reviews of his or her own accord, and that alone, can I truly know if the person wanted to review it. I’ve lost count of the people I’ve heard about who reviewed only because they were asked, would never have otherwise, and so were quite relieved when they were done, all the while saying how happy he or she was to do it. If people have to ask, one cannot truly know if the reviewer sees it as a pleasure or a chore.

As for disadvantaging everyone, I think those who would otherwise get no reviews might feel differently.

I know that my suggestion is restricting, but I feel there would be less awkwardness with this suggestion than asking people directly. Even with this, people are still welcome to review what they want. I wasn't suggesting a certain individual be picked for anything. However, I do agree with why you feel this would cause a problem, and I agree, so I negate the idea.
Title: Feedback Fanfiction Awards
Post by: vonboy on August 18, 2011, 03:41:27 PM
I respect your opinion, The Friendly Sharptooth, but I still don't see it.

If you're saying that it's not as good of feedback if someone feels he's being forced or asked to give it, then I'm saying this rule your proposing will just do the exact same thing. Someone will go into the awards thinking "Alright, let's review this story I love!", then find out that "Aw crud, 5 more fictions were just added, now I have to read through and review some stories I don't really care for before I can write what I want. Drat!" This rule would still be forcing people into giving feedback.

If you want every fiction to get a review AND you want that feedback to be heartfelt and not forced, then your asking for too much. Those two desires conflict with each other. They just can't be done together.

EDIT: Hmm, that's interesting. You edited your second post and gave up on the idea ONE MINUTE before I posted this. Didn't even get to read that part before posting this.

And I thought I was about to get into a heated debate on this forum for once. Aw shucks :lol
Title: Feedback Fanfiction Awards
Post by: Stitch on August 19, 2011, 03:18:14 AM
I have a couple of thoughts for next year.

My first thought is a concern I had when I saw a couple of topics during the voting session of members asking either for reviews for their own stories, or which stories they should review.  I love it when people actually review stories, but I dont think it's wise to ask for reviews for the vote only because it may not be technically legal, according to the award rules.  

Here is the relevant rule:

- We VERY STRONGLY DISAPPROVE AND DISCOURAGE any kind of activity that deems as cheating, vote fixing, conspiring, bribing or any general misconduct of ensuring that any one GOF member will be guaranteed an award.

In my interpretation, asking someone to review could possibly be interpreted as conspiring to make sure someone got an award, since it took only one review to get an award.  I know that if someone asked for the same thing in the other catergories, it would probably at least disqualify them from voting.

Hopefully, I'm just being a little too paranoid.  If the admins are okay with people asking for reviews, than I don't see a problem with it.  If an admin reads this, could you please give your thoughts?

The second thought I had was with the publication date for stories to qualify for the award.  I know this year that we could use all our old stories, but for the following years, should it be any stories published in the prior calendar year, or stories published since the end of the previous awards?  I think that it should be since the prior year awards, simply since the awards occur in the middle of the year.  If they occured near year's end, I'd go for calendar year.

All in all, this was a good fanfiction award vote, and I can't wait for next year.
Title: Feedback Fanfiction Awards
Post by: Mumbling on August 19, 2011, 07:22:16 AM
@ Stitch. Asking for a review is fine. If you notice someone has been reading your fanfiction with passion but did not send in a review on the fanfiction awards, it's fair to ask if they possibly could. However, asking someone to write a review who hasn't even read your story at all and simply create the review yourself for them to post would be considered bribing, and will be looked upon more carefully next year. Much like vonboy, we noticed the trend.

Also, I saw a certain trend with the Awards. Members who wrote a lot of reviews for the Fanfiction Awards tended to get a lot of reviews in turn (Hint Hint :lol )

My opinion on the ideas so far:

1. Don't like this idea, for democratic reasons.

2. Sounds good.

3. Will discuss this with staff... Though i think we'll stay to land before time fics, as that's what the forum is about :)

4. This sounds fine.
Title: Feedback Fanfiction Awards
Post by: Petrie. on August 25, 2011, 12:45:46 PM
Just to point out, I'm not agreeing with any sort of system which requires you to comment or review a set number of stories to add a review to another.  This is just...nuts.  If I follow a story, like what I'm reading, I might review that story - or I may not.  Not everyone writes reviews.  If I start another story, don't enjoy it, I may choose not to review it and move on to another story.  Happens all the time around the world.  Why are we trying to reinvent the wheel here?

My take:

1.) You vote for what you want...whether you've left comments or not.  It should not have to be a requirement that you've actively reviewed a story to be able to vote for it.  (I've gotten tons of awesome music off of amazon but I'm not writing reviews for every single thing I liked!)

2.) If you don't get a vote...well....tough.  I've posted stuff here before that the view count says people have looked at the thread, but I sure don't have that many comments.  The ones who want to, will say something.  No comments doesn't necessarily mean its bad. ;)  Some people don't get that.
Title: Feedback Fanfiction Awards
Post by: Mumbling on August 25, 2011, 12:55:00 PM
I must agree.