The Gang of Five
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Messages - Paupu

Pages: 1
The Welcome Center / Aloha :D
« on: June 20, 2011, 01:40:08 AM »
Quote there's a link for you then ;)
Thanks a lot! I just submitted my join-group-request. skyeexcalibur is my dA acc name :D

Can you share some other things that you like? Like tv shows, movies, videogames, books, ect.

Sorry, missed out this ><  Errm.... I like reading manga (or graphic novels) and as for video games, I like the final fantasy saga and Kingdom Hearts, platformers such as Spyro and Ratchet are my favs too :D I draw-----a lot. My folder is packed with random sketches and doodles. Thanks to LBT(and partly digimon), i <3 drawing dinosaurs and dragons when I was young XD Although i seldom make sketches on dragons now, but i still like them XD
*confession time!!!* (I'm old enough to say "I'm still watching Pokemon XDXD", how can you not when Pkmn Blk & Wht is released?)

What does your screen name mean or what is its significance, if you don't mind me asking?

You mean "Paupu"? I actually changed the name from the fruit "Paopu"
A Paopu Fruit is a star-shaped fruit native to Destiny Islands in Kingdom Hearts. It resembles the star fruit. According to legend, "If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what." This gives the fruit great symbolic meaning.
And my Paupu.... People often pronounce the Paopu--- "pa-u-poo" to "pa-o-poo". So I just used Paupu instead. XD And the star-shaped thing reminds me a lot about Tree stars, don't they?  :lol:

The Welcome Center / Aloha :D
« on: June 17, 2011, 04:43:17 AM »
Hey and welcome! Do you happen to be part of the LBTfanclub on DA ? :)

Not yet, and I didn't know there is a fanclub of LBT on dA :D Will search for it soon XD


The uncut version is still unknown from what I have heard. Only some people in Finland who recorded the full uncut version in their VHS might probably still have them. D: I'm just so eager to watch them soon  :DD

Don Bluth was upset that a lot of parts where cut.

Agree... They just don't know people who grew up with LBT are just eager to watch the movie full >< I just only know that the 1st LBT movie was actually censored last year! I still haven't check my VHS yet, but i guess it's not the uncut version because I'm not from Finland  :unsure:

The Welcome Center / Aloha :D
« on: June 16, 2011, 11:31:20 AM »
I grew up with LBT~ And yes, I'm definitely a fan of LBT  :D
Some fanart of LBT in dA got me into LBT again... and after knowing that the original movie of LBT was cut D: I'm eager to watch it again (and better---the uncut version of it)

Anyways, it's nice to meet you all  :DD

Pages: 1