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Topics - Dracorider19

Pages: 1 2
The Fridge / Fun with Jedi mind tricks
« on: March 21, 2017, 10:47:02 AM »
The scene in A New Hope where Obi-Wan mind tricks the suspicious stormtroopers is
one of the best known scenes in all the Star Wars films. That scene and other uses of
the mind trick (such as the "death sticks" scene in episode 2) got me thinking; what
if you could use a mind trick to your advantage (for good purposes of course)?
Here's my example:

Bully: I have you now. Now I will...
Me: (waves hand) You don't want to bully me.
Bully: (pause) I don't want to bully you.
Me: You will leave me alone.
Bully: I will leave you alone.
Me: Goodbye. Have a good day.
Bully (walks away) Goodbye. You have a good day too.

The Fridge / About the Force Awakens
« on: March 21, 2017, 07:46:23 AM »
Well, it may be over a year since Force Awakens premiered, but I still find myself
looking up clips on YouTube from the film, quite often.
While I'm not a die hard fan of Star Wars, I do like Star Wars to a large degree and like
to research the behind- the-scenes of the original trilogy. In fact, last night I was watching
the "Empire of Dreams" Star Wars documentary. I have seen all of the films.
So anyway, when I heard about Force Awakens, I was surprised. It seemed like they wanted
to make up for the large fan disappointment in the prequels (though Revenge of the Sith
really got to my emotional intensity, and I thought the first two prequels were okay), so
why not try a new sequel series?
After I saw the trailer, I was confident that the new film would be good. I wasn't sure
how good it would be, but I remember chatting with customers at my part-time job at Kroger about the upcoming film.
I saw Force Awakens on December 21, at a theater with IMAX 3D. I was hot with anticipation and I woke up with sheer excitement. My sister drove me to the theater and I was dropped off
there. I got a medium box of popcorn and a Coca-Cola Icee.
As I settled in the theater, most of the seats were filled. Then after the trailers it came on...
I really enjoyed Force Awakens. It just felt so much like the formula of the original
trilogy and had a great story, wonderful acting, and was overall well-written. I was correct
that Force Awakens would be a success. The audience applauded at the end, and I joined in.
Well, what do you think? Did you see Force Awakens, and if so, did you enjoy it?

The Welcome Center / Dracorider19
« on: March 20, 2017, 09:10:48 PM »
Hello, my name is Emilio Zaayman. I live in Houston, Texas and although I just joined
this site, I knew this site since around April 2014. But after more than two years, I decided to join this site after a member here (Dalekdino) suggested I join after having a conversation with him on DeviantArt. My joining on DeviantArt also inspired me to join here.
So, personality-wise, I'm an easygoing, creative, thoughtful, and caring young man who
has a strong sense of morality (I really detest bullying), fairness, and I love to look for ways to "cure" boredom if others are bored.  
Now I do not post fanart, but I will start topics of my own and comment on other members' fanart, fanfiction, and topics. I will often mention in my comments what I like about the
piece. I rediscovered Land Before Time when I was 14 when I re-watched a VHS tape at
my grandmother's house, and I am also an avid Disney fan.
Well, I am glad I discovered a forum dedicated to one of my childhood icons. I hope
I can get ideas from other members on what to do here.

The Fridge / If you could bring back a dinosaur
« on: March 20, 2017, 06:23:24 PM »
Hello everyone. I am a new member of this site. I've decided to start my very first topic here- if you could bring back a species of dinosaur to life (yes I may be giving off a Jurassic
Park vibe here) which dinosaur would it be? Right now I'm gonna focus on one species,
and later I will ask for more. The first dinosaur I would bring back would be a
Hypsilophodon. By thinking it over, the first dinosaur should be small and a herbivore,
since that would be easier to understand and raise it.

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