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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

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Topics - AvestheForumFox

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 9
The Fridge / My Second Belated Anivarsery on GoF
« on: November 25, 2009, 04:10:45 PM »
As the topic here says. this is my second year here on GoF.

Now gimme caek or die >:D

Oh, and root bear and cream soda all around :)


The Fridge / The Fox on Skype
« on: November 23, 2009, 09:44:06 PM »
Yep, I'm on Skype and I'll be taking your calls as well as your souls.


Skype Alias: Avesthefox

I wont be on this all the time, just certain times of the day. I thought it might be interesting to have a live voice chat system on GoF

If you have a Skype and would like to talk to other GoF members using said software then post here :3

Oh, and a bit off topic.Petrie, I love the holiday theme here. But was this on purpose? :

I happened to be scrolling the forums and I noticed how that leaf sat perfectly on top of Littlefoot's head. It was so perfect I had to make mention of it xD

Silver Screen / 2012
« on: November 05, 2009, 07:49:34 AM »

The sheer awesomeness of this movie made me cry.  :lol

Ask Me / Ask the Fox
« on: October 31, 2009, 10:50:13 PM »
Ask away ya silly sauropodlings. The fox is in the booth B)

The Fridge / Update: 9/01/09 - It has been a while...
« on: September 01, 2009, 02:10:43 PM »
it has been a while indeed. and no, I'm not dead (except currently to the internet)

we've been bouncing around Alabama and Tennessee for the past two months, and only but a few weeks ago has my sister finally found a place for us to settle again.

The thing that sucks is that its all the way out in the middle of no-where. Nothing seems to be hiring within the vincinity of 15 miles (or more) from the house and my lacking in gas is not much help at the momment either.

For poor folk like me, its a known fact that unemployment (especially in this time frame) really stinks something horrible. I risk losing my car again and if that doesnt put the icing on the turd cake, then I'm also at the risk of losing the insurance that allows me to drive the dratted thing.

I had to borrow from my father again (which I hate doing) and to him, I tip my hat and give my thanks. I know he's having a hard time too...

But really, aside from all that, I'm still alive. Still trying to keep that smile on my face.

I've been thinking on ways to continue doing my webcomics. I know its been a month or so since I updated. and I know I risk losing an audience if I continue to not do them. But with the moving arangements and the unemployment, and the lack of internet at home has given me a perfectly good reason to not do them.

If I am to revive the comics, it will be next week. I'd be drawing each strip a week in advanced, and I'd be looking for some willing volunteer to update them for me until I can get a functioning internet.  - - But before I do any of this, I would atleast like to hear some opinions on whether I should start them back up with these conditions that I'm under.

please let me know something. your input would be greatly apreciated.

Thanks again! And here's hoping for improvement :)

The Fridge / An Update from teh Fox
« on: August 03, 2009, 07:39:10 PM »
I haven't really updated in a while what's been going on with life in general. but due to current events, my time on here will be greatly effected in the next three months

We (me, my sister and four nephews) moved back from Alabama and back to Tennessee where we've been living with my grandparents and my uncle. My sister has been searching for a home for us to live and I've been out trying to find a job.

My sister recently found a place, and we've got everything moved in. but due to the expenses of the rent, my sister has informed me that she will not be signing up for cable or the internet

so my time here on GoF? I'm not certain at the moment... I'll be looking for a library where I can come in and keep up with things, but this may take a few days, or maybe even weeks. and until that time, my time on the internet will be sparse...

To put it short. Life marches ever forward.

I'll try to keep everybody updated as things progress. Wish me luck!

Old Captions / MST3K Caption Series #1 - Prince of Space
« on: August 02, 2009, 12:09:16 PM »

Gamers Zone / Cave Story
« on: August 01, 2009, 12:55:04 PM »
Cave Story was a game developed all by one man (internet alias: Pixel). Music, graphics, programing and all.
He tinkered with his masterpiece for five years straight, eventually creating one of the greatest freeware platform games to ever grace the internet.

An unoficial website made by fans:

Screenshots: (from across the internet)

This game has inspired me to begin work on my own platforming project. As well as tinker around with various 8 bit music editing software (look up OrgMaker - there's a link on the website supplied in this thread)

The Fridge / Bell County Comics 2.0
« on: April 17, 2009, 08:32:36 AM »
Welcome to the official thread concerning my very web comic: Bell County Comics!

This thread bumped daily with each new comic.

Current Strip(s):

Cartoonist's Note: I've recently revived the Bell County webcomics, starting back where I left off on the last story. Here in this update are atleast 11 strips for your enjoyment! Also if anybody needs to see the more recent strips, let me know something. Right now I'm putting together a brand new site for the strips!

Anyway... enjoy!

November 1, 2010 - Once an Archeologist

November 2, 2010 - Strange Symbols

November 3, 2010 - The Stone Tablet

November 4, 2010 - Poof

November 5, 2010 - Otherworldly Being

November 6, 2010 - A Novel Ideah

November 7, 2010 - Mama Mia!

November 9, 2010 - Rick's Solution

November 10, 2010 - The Window of Destiny

November 11, 2010 - Mikey's Purpose

November 12, 2010 - Destiny's a Hoot!

If you havent been keeping up with these strips and would like to read the more recent ones, come by the main website at: Bell County Website

Deviant Art:
Sheezy Art:

You may also join the official NEW Mailing list! Just contact me and I'll add you to it! =)

I'll be adding a link to my sig as well which may redirect you to this thread. Remember, check the spot above (where the current strip is at) for today's strip and also check by the website to browse the strip directory. =)

Comment and enjoy!

The Fridge / Photos: 4-10-09 - Lovely Bit of Weather
« on: April 10, 2009, 06:15:12 PM »
My little region of the world has been getting some pretty intense thunder weather today. Its been very windy, and some counties nearby have been getting tornado activity.

When I got home from work, I felt I just had to take some snapshots of these beautiful cumulus clouds. they were heading eastwards so we didnt get much of it rather than just some heavy wind and a little bit of rain. =)

The Fridge / Update: Things are gradually going uphill =)
« on: April 06, 2009, 03:32:34 PM »
Greetings once again.

Today's Update Index: (for those who may want to skip on to more interesting bits)
1. ) Concerning Life
2. ) Concerning Projects
3. ) Question of the Day

--Concerning Life-----------------------------------------------------------
Alright, so since the last update things seem to be improving, somewhat.

1. ) We were able to send my Acer laptop in to be repaired by the manufacturer, I should have it back over the next few weeks good as new (and by 'new', I mean the entire drive formatted and everything.. just as if it had came from the factory... =P they just as well save some time and send me a brand new computer...)

2. ) Ms. Trigg, as nice and as wonderful a friend as she is is sending me an external cd drive for the laptop. God bless that woman! I shall have to repay her by working extra hard on the Percy comic book =)

3. ) With me getting my car back this coming weekend, there are three new opertunities concerning the payments. My mother had heard on the news just recently that GMAC may wave the payment for two whole years for those who are struggling with today's economy. As to whether I qualify for this or not is yet to be known. But also, I've been given the opertunity to have my car refinanced so the notes wouldnt be so gosh darn high. And my buddy Rusty up in Fayetteville has offered to possibly buy the vehicle from me (that was a week or so ago, not sure if that offer is stil on the table or not.. but I may decide to keep the car due to the first two opertunities listed here.)

4. ) My job at Krystals is not as bad as I thought it would be. but with the minimum pay and the few hours I get each week, I'm debating whether I need to apply for better employment elsewhere. On the up-side, I atleast learned a few nifty tricks in grilling good hamburgers and this would be my first time ever to cook a burger.

5. ) My test result meeting with the vocational rehab people was just last week. The tests obviosly point out that I'd work best with a job in the arts, and a bit in computers. The Voc. Guys seem very willing to help me to get back into college, and I've been browsing around for what I want in a college. I stated from the start that I'd love to return to Gadsden, and it seems that that'll be my final decision as I am very familiar with the campus there. But I'm leaning more towards the fields in computers than in arts now. Simply because those fields would garentee me more oppertunities in jobs. I've decided a career in the arts will come later. Right now I need to focus on what can help boast me in my finances. Art and writting is something that I'll just do on the side.

But back to my decision in a college. Yes, I said Gadsden, but I'm honestly in a bit of a limbo concerning this decision. I have the opertunity to move back up towards Huntsville to be closer to my friends. I can look there for a college, but I need a college that has dorms and reasonable rates that the vocational rehab folks can help me pay for. There's the University of Alabama, and Virginia Tech that I know of (I know Virginia Tech doesnt do dorms, but it has several coarses that had caught my eyes concerning graphics designing and game programing.. but they're.... too.... expensive.... so yeah....)

Gadsden would probably be my best bet, and in the coarse of Computer Science. So that may just as well be my final decision. To my mates up near Huntsville, Sorry guys! But hey, there's always Christmas that I can come and visit! =)

6. ) Our internet is still down which is why most of you havent seen me around the forums or on the Instant Messengers as much. My sissy April is considering switching our service to some far better service. We'd get more channels on TV and possibly a much better (and faster) Internet. It'll cost a little over twenty dollars. But it would probably be well worth the switch. I just wish I had a better paying job to help her out in these bills... Heck, my poor sissy is expecting a new kid any day now, as if that wasnt enough!

--Concerning Projects----------------------------------------------------------------------
As I may be proud of myself concerning life, I'm actually very dissapointed in myself concerning said projects. I've made many promises to the groups concerning my work in Arkayia and each of those promises I failed to meet due to the feelings of doubt. And often the way life changes, I've just found it hard to focus.

Since I dropped (and broke) my laptop over a week ago, I've found myself not wanting to do any more work until I got that laptop back. Even though I still have the propper tools to continue these works now (three computers are at my disposal as well as a huge stack of unused notebooks and freshly unused writting pens as well as an old Sears manual typewritter), I just found that trying to adapt to these other methods makes me not want to do them at all. I wake up each morning and I just lay there not wanting to move or get out of bed until I really have to.

I havent even been doing other simple duties, such as keeping the apartment and my bedroom clean, keeping myself clean and attractive, and watching my diet and weight. I've once again succumed to the wretched depths of the so called ''lazy trap''

I want to get things done. But I just dont know how to pull myself out of this nasty lil trap to do them...

I have decided to limit my work down to one project for now, and that's the completion of the comic book adaptation to Percy the Puny Poinsettia. I managed to breach five whole chapters of that project before my laptop broke (and I found out later that the ctrl-s technique did not save all the changes after)... I really want to get Percy done as I feel that project may actually have good promise for my future as a writter and an illuistrator as well as a pro cartoonist.

And speaking of cartoons, I've had the nagging desire to also start back as a webcartoonist, bringing back Bell County Comics, and Zen BassMasters Adventures. I've also had the deep urging to plan several more graphic novels that would proceed the completion of Percy. At the momment, I've been experimenting with techniques that would make cartooning easier. It seems I'll be leaving the old traditional techniques behind in favor of more (easier) digital techniques with custom made computer fonts and everything. Digital makes the work go by much more smoother and faster without the certain flaws of traditional methods (Pencil, pen and ink and... whiteout). And the faster I can get it to go by (with the exception of the patience needed to keep the art looking good as well as keeping the scripting and story arks interesting) the more time I'd have the rest of that day to work on the much bigger and more important projects. Here lies the obsticle... I need all the time I can get to get these other important projects done (such as Percy, or Arkayia, or Longfeather) So I'm having a bit of a bipolar momment concerning my state of mind in cartooning. One momment I'm thinking "Yes! It can be done!" then the next "No... I'd be way in over my head with these projects and I'd have another two year burn out, and once again dissapoint my fans" ... Sometimes I'm feeling very optimistic about it, but then there are the times of self doubt. I want to do it, but I'm just not sure how I want to do it and I worry about the strain it would put on things.

Other than that. I still have my momments that I want to return to my writtings in Arkayia or Longfeather (I often find my mind to be somewhat motivated towards these fields while listening to inspirational orchestra music) but like the webcomic bit, I'm just not sure how to get both my mind and body back into the mood.

Maybe I need to start reading books again... but heck, that seems to even be a struggle...

so comes the question of the day...


How does everyone here often deal with their own personal lazy traps?

The Fridge / Update: "$#@!#$%^" totally sums it up... =P
« on: March 28, 2009, 01:15:37 PM »

I know I havent updated in a while (I've had my reasons)

One reason being, there hadnt been much to update on.

this past week though has been one of those 'ugh' weeks. looks like I'll have to start paying notes on that car again as my cousin Patrick cant afford to keep it as planned. and just this morning, I tripped on a whire, knocked my brand new Acer Laptop to the floor and busted the screen... there's a chance I can never get it fixed or replaced...

to top it all off, the #$@# internet hasnt been working at home for the past few days. I'm having to use the library computer to type this message.

But I'm trying to keep my chin up.... Keep a possitive attitude about things. I keep telling myself  "It'll all get better. Things happen, just move on and try to stay optimistic about it all."

Its just so gosh darn hard...

Okay, there is some good news. I have a job. Working at a Krystals Burger joint. Its minimum pay, but its better than nothing. and it may not help much on the car notes that are about to come back my way, but it'll put a dent in it somewhere.

And before I so foolishly destroyed my Acer laptop, I did manage to get quiet a bit done on the Percy script (after the destruction of said computer, I had to quickly press ctrl-s to save it, and later used an external monitor and a 2 gig thumb drive to export the file safely to my other laptop... so, all in all, life is still good in some ways)

And the remainder of the day will be spent formatting my old laptop and and reinstalling XP to get certain features to work correctly. I may eventually get right back to the ol Percy script before the day is out.

I have faith that the day will get better. And I will be calling the manufactuer of Acer Computers on monday to see what can be done about my laptop. fingers are crossed that I can send it in to get it fixed.

Wal Mart declined me the chance of getting a replacement.. #@$#@ gits!


chin up. Smile, and get on with it. The rest of this day will be great gosh darnit!

The Fridge / A Life Changing Video
« on: March 21, 2009, 10:15:14 AM »

It was made to be watched every morning to start the day off positively. It's brought tears to my eyes and made me feel... amazing!

there's more videos like this!

EDIT: The video was made in the belief system concerning the Law of Attraction

Research it. Its life altering stuff!

The Fridge / Update: A Video Update!
« on: March 13, 2009, 06:53:13 PM »

I definitively think I need allot of work on my apearance, and other things.. but overall, not a bad first go... I don't suppose

critiques are welcome

The Fridge / Mega Update: Here We Go!
« on: February 28, 2009, 12:01:31 AM »
This week has been a real obstacle getting things ready for this update. I've had to put up with procrastinations, distractions, and feeling too tired and lazy to do anything (I need more fiber!)

With that said, this is another update that will be lacking a few things. One thing I wont have in this update is the art thumbnail bit (I have two made, but trying to transport them to this computer for the process of updating has become somewhat a pain in the arse. I'll make sure to include them with Tuesday's update!)

I've been experimenting with more sterio double vision pieces, one experiment will make it in this update tonight.

Oh, and here's the best part! Character art from my literature of Arkayia! And an almost final logo to boot. =)

Concerning literature, I'm in need of some opinions.

I'm not posting anything on the literature tonight for one reason. I'm in debate. I've been having a real struggle with the book, one thing concerning that I just dont know how to write the bloody intro! (the first chapter alone has been rewritten more than any of the other material...) and I'm just not as excited about the book as I was when I started it...

So... what I've decided to do for this week (and the weeks from here on) is rather instead of start from the beginning, I'm going to select a random part from the already finished literature, touch up on it and then use that as the weekly literature update.

I was wanting opinions on this. And if everyone agrees that its a good idea, I'll post the first ever Arkayia literature release tomorrow night (or sunday)

So please, write me your opinion. despite the fact that I may not respond as much as I should, I still check back frequently for replies =P

Anyway, enough of the chitter chatter. And on to the material!

--Arkayia Character Design-------------
The only image I have for this week for Arkayia is a concept of the character Princess Aria. I've drawn draft after draft trying to get her right (and I'm still not 100% happy with what I've got). I am somewhat rather pleased with the dress design here despite the fact that the first couple of scenes in the literature has her wearing a hooded robe, and later wragged clothing right up to her arrival in Ceria where she's given better clothes by her uncle (The Duke of Ceria)

First, I'll include the original piece (the pencil sketch) and then the colored piece (colored in Paint Shop Pro) the final image also includes my first concept of the project logo which will certainly change over time.


As a note, the wings are supposed to be very transparent in this picture. In some scenes she is seen as if in a vision actually having them, but normally she looks and feels like a normal human being without the wings.

---Anaglyph Projects----------------------------------------------

More experimenting with my 3D modeling software.

Remember, cross your eyes until both images match up into a third image which will look 3D

If you have trouble doing this, here's a few suggestions:

1. You may have to step back from the computer far enough until your eyes can handle the task
2. If you have a good paint program, use that to zoom out on the image until the image is small enough for your eyes to do the task.

--Life in General-----------------------------------------

In five days, I get my tax money! And yes, I've looked at the Acer computer and I tried it out, and I think I definitely want one. So my mind is set on what I'm going to do with that money =)

Also, I've started looking for a job again. April needs all the help I can give her to pay the bills. I'll just have to make a note to the manager that I need to be off two months from now so I could go into my rehab meeting.

Also... I need money as well.. I'm running out of needy things! =P

Wish me luck!

That is all I have for now...

Comments are always encouraging!

--Contact Me!---------------------------------------------------------------
Not the type who replies to e-mails (or forum topics such as this?), but would like to make a comment to me more personally every now and then? Here are some of the various ways you can get in contact with me.

Instant Messenger:
AOL: AvestheFox or Avesfoxy
Yahoo: Avesthefox
ICQ: 403049850


Myspace:  - Befriend me! I post more stuff in my blogs and whatnot! I also use Myspace IM for the sake of chatting through Myspace! Feel free to pop in and say hi!

The Fridge / Updaye: My Return to Myspace
« on: February 24, 2009, 10:51:19 PM »
I have returned to the cyber field known across the globe as Myspace. The number one place where desperate teenagers expose their teeny drama (no offense to the ones reading this, of coarse =P ) and cool celebrities who somewhat mingle with those desperate teenagers.

For me, it shall be a place to display my artwork and do other cool things just to attract attention.

I've gone over my old friend's list and sent friend request to those I felt were worthy of my new account. And to all who read my blogs, if I havent added you yet, send a friend invite my way and I'll gladly accept you into my little club =)

My new MySpace

And yes.. that is an actual picture of myself on the page. Please dont run away screaming. I only bite lawyers (and mean people) xD

I'm starting to get my energy back up again, and I'm getting the mega update ready for Friday.

Stay tuned! There's so much more coming! =)

LBT Projects / Land Before Time Sterio 3D View
« on: February 24, 2009, 06:06:28 PM »
Cross your eyes at the image below until both images match up.

It's suppose to appear in 3D.

For some people, it doesnt work.

Also, it took me four long hours to put this together.. I had to splice the entire image into layers, shift each one accordingly and then blurr out the splice lines... this work can be very tedious!

Role Play Discussion / The Umerilian
« on: February 22, 2009, 12:29:53 AM »
This section will serve as a history documentation for the world that the Insane Cafe, The Insane Dutchman and the Insane Haunted Motel are based in. People, I introduce you to the mysterious and wacky random world of Lunarvar!

I and Nick will be in charge of developing this world from the inside out! =)

This post alone will serve as an index to each documentation which will link to every post that has some documentations.

So people are free to post comments in here. But leave the history making to me and Nick (not saying that we wont take suggestions! =)  )

Chapter One - The Story of Bob and John

The Fridge / Update: Mega Update to be Delayed
« on: February 20, 2009, 11:33:52 PM »
I usually do a mega update on Fridays. this particular friday I wanted to have a full chapter of my book ready to be released to the groups and communities. Unfortunately I have nothing at all ready for this Friday. So its with great disappointment that I have to announce a delay in this week's mega update.

This past week I was supposed to be working on this material, but I ended up having to go back to my mother's to take care of the pets while they went to yet another funeral (people are dropping like flies in this family!) but that's no excuse. I could had done some work over there, but I let myself get distracted and became lazy.

When I came home today I decided to arrange my room for a better work area, my mind is set once again to do as I promised the community and have something ready by this coming Tuesday and next Friday.

I also missed doing an update this past Tuesday (my updates are always Tuesdays and Fridays of every week) and for that, I owe my readers an apology.

Anyway, with that unfortunate notification out of the way, I can post a few good things to look forward to...

My recent distractions have got me interested in doing something a little extra with my artwork called anaglyphic 3d. This requires the use of those nifty (goofy looking) 3d glasses with red and blue frames.

I did a recent test with my last art thumbnail, seperating the picture into layers and adjusting them accordingly, then I ran them through some software that turns the image into an anaglyph image. Here's the results (Hops some of you atleast have these special glasses for the sake of viewing this!)

I am also experimenting with photography anaglyphs and 3d meshes in anaglyph. Its a simple process with these while the artwork takes some pretty heavy manual work with layers.

Here's an example of an anaglyph mesh:

And if you dont happen to have anaglyph glasses, here's an image where all you do is cross your eyes until the images match up and the 3D works!

And here's an example of an anaglyph photo:

unfortunately, I do not have a crosseye view for either of the photo or the artwork. But it is possible to make your own homemade anaglyph glasses, you just need red and blue transparent material. Make sure the red frame is over your right eye and the blue frame is over your left eye. there are websites about making sterio glasses, and there are sites where you can purchase them offline (not all are the goofy paper types, there are plastic frames though they're a few dollars more expensive than the paper stuff) or you can get some from Wal Mart (Hana Montana or Spy Kids 3D pairs) or the dollar Tree (kiddie 3D books from the book isle) or get them free from your local cinema.

I will be posting more 3D works in the future, so be sure to have yourself a pair of those glasses!

Or you could just cross your eyes at the sterio pairs (like the shroom image) I'll make sure to include both versions of each anaglyphic image!

Anyway, that is all I have for now. I guess I can say that this is somewhat of a Mega Update. Just not the stuff I promised... =P

More to come!

The Fridge / Mega Update: Hope y'all got time for this =)
« on: February 14, 2009, 02:41:18 AM »
Okay, I'm a little late getting this out. I've made a mental note to get these things ready on Thursdays to release the Friday after.

There's much in this update to look at and read over. No, this is not a chapter release. The first chapter release for Arkayia is in fact planned for next Friday (now that I've made that official, I'll need to buckle down and start working mah friggin' tail off!

In this update there are other things to look at. And I decided not to split it up into multiple updates like I did last Friday. Everything will be put into this single update to help keep your inboxes (and forums) clean and sanitized from my silly update spamming =P

So, enough of the gab and more of the updates! Here we go!

--Artwork Update: Dwelling of the Fairy Folk (continued)------------------------------------------

I've only got one thumbnail done this week. But regardless of the lack of quantity I feel the quality is very rewarding.

This would be the first time I worked this piece on plain white paper. This was done on a very small index card (the second step up for the thumbnails from the composition notebook paper)

Just to give you an ideah of exactly how small this thumbnail is, I included the following snapshot, using two pennies, a nail and the butt end of a pencil. Behold my skills in very tiny detail!

Let me know what y'all think! =)

-- Literature Update (Recent Songs and Poems from Various Literature's)----------------------------------------

For the literature update this week, I decided to include some of the songs from the more recent literature's. From Arkayia, Longfeather and other things, as I will explain with each individual piece. None of these songs or poems are final, but they are worthy of the public eye. And for that, I'm quiet proud of my work here. =)


The first piece is the Psalm of the Four Daughters. Originally the opening poem for the first book of Arkayia. The poem tells of the four daughters of the mother goddess of this fictional world and the four keystones they were given by their mother.

Poem of the Four Daughters.

Once there were Four Stones
 That shined with the Light of Eve
The heart of the Mother Goddess, a gift to the
And to the Four Daughters, they received

Their powers infused, the stones ever glowed
To bound the world of shadow.
So that life shall ever flow

Oh Four Daughters, guard our world so
Your will shall light the paths of old
And to the four corners, separate, you shall go

Until the world's end
So shall it be
To the Promised Land
We shall be made free



From the literature: The Children of Arkayia; Book One; Escape to Ceria. This song was originally written as Princess Aria's song from chapter 12; The House of Dukes. Though I did want to keep the song in the literature, I decided it wasn't the right song for that particular scene. I'll still attempt to keep it in the text elsewhere, perhaps in the current book or one of the latter. This also may not be the final version of this song.

Once upon a midnight moon
The maiden flowers in full bloom
There, a lady in elegant white
Stood atop the tower's flight
Oh where the prince of shinning light
The maiden would not know that night

Long a past the valleys wide
He fought endlessly against dark side
The battles, long an endless fight
Yet the Prince held no fright
He fought hard, steady and strong
Yet he'd not last much long

Oh where the prince the maiden knew not
He would not return that night
Yet she waited each mid moon
For the Prince's return, might it be soon.


This is the first song I wrote for another book series titled Longfeather. Here, our hero character sings a short version of this song (as shown here) as he and his steed friend trot down an old mountain path down into the deep Maiden Valley lands.

Hai-Didi! Ho-Dilli!
Down the mountain path we go
Here I'll sing, fiddle and dance
Where trees and flowers grow – o!

Mai-Didi! Ho-Millie!
Come on my friends, let's go
Where the streams bubble and fall
Down into the river below!


This piece is from a short children's book series called: Tales from Woodlynn Hill. The main characters are these anthromorphic children who go on many adventures together. This is a special birthday song that I put together in the first book titled The Great Birthday Treasure Hunt.

It's a special day
To go out and play
And sing a grand ol' song

Just put on your hats
And twirl like that
We'll do this all day long!

Oh its your birthday!
Twas once your first day!

Oh don't you know?
It sure does show!
You're another year older!

-- This Weeks Extra (Old Artwork from Longfeather)-------------------------------------------------------

This is a special Extra (something I' may be doing on some fridays along with the big updates) where I'll be showing off some older art projects the early years (2003 to 2005). This week I decided to take a look back at some scene artwork I did for my screenplay on Longfeather.

This is where I started to learn my style a bit and found my love for excesive detail (as you can see in the art). I've had the complaint that these pieces look way too busy and can hurt the eyes. My style still has this issue, but its something I hope that can be fixed with a bit of time and effort.

I've only included a few of my favorite pieces for this little gallery. Most of you have already seen these pieces. But I'm sure there's a few heads out there who havent yet =)

Comment and let me know what ya think!


--Life in General---------------------------------------------

Okay, as I said in Tuesday's update, I've decided to cut back on my project work so to give myself some space to breath.

I've decided first and foremost that I shall put the webcomic work on hold until I get a job. This would allow me to see what my work schedules will be like so I can figure out whether I can make another long term commitment to web comic publications.

Acting and singing can also wait, as well as the video blogs. These such things are not really neccesary at the momment (the video blogs were nothing more of a scheme to get more comments from folks)

Graphic novel works are something I'm really excited about doing, but before I can move along to the bigger stories that I have in mind, I decided to make Percy my first graphic novel experience. So the other big graphic novel projects hit the back burner for now (I still cant stop daydreaming about them! =P )

I am also to be putting my children's short books on hold for a short while and put my focus directly on Percy.

Arkayia and my main artwork projects remain in the forefront of my current work.

And as for job hunting. I'm still waiting to hear back from Voc Rehab to see what they will be doing for me. I'm a bit nervous to go out and find a job while waiting because I just know that the schedules for work and important rehab meetings would conflict and I'd have to pick one over the other. For the momment, I am doing my part here around the house by watching the kids and thouroughly cleaning the apartment each morning (dishes, dusting, vacuming, moping and everything above and beyond) so its not like I'm being a lazy duddy... my sister seems to really apreciate my efforts and has not made one mention about money or a job to me, so I think everybody is on mutual ground with me...

I still wish those mates at Rehab would hurry up and call though!

A few weeks back I found a whole computer in the dumps while I was making my usual morning rounds of trash hauling. It included the main computer, the monitor, mouse and keyboard and all. I took it home to see if it works.

The machene is an old HP computer that runs windows 98 and contains 32 gigs of space (I'll need to look up the ram, but judging from the slowness I'm sure its pretty damn low...) The CD Rom is a bit busted and you have to punch the eject button on it some hundred times to get the cd tray to slide out (it still works, but is a bit faulty with some cd's) the monitor that came with it is a rather old one but has two built in speakers on both sides (one side works, the other has a snipped wire) and it works, but its such a small blurry screen that I swapped it out for one of my better monitors. But regardless of what monitor I use, the computer somehow causes the screen to have horizontal lines going across it (from various graphics that are on the screen)

I cleaned the computer up a bit, deleted a huge junkpile of games and spyware and completely customized everything on the hard drive to my liking. This computer is now my new work station (until I get that new laptop) for writting and graphics uploading. I'll have to get used to Win98's layout again, but that's okay. I find it less distracting than the newer XP/Vista stuff. Somewhere down the line I may upgrade the computer to XP or Windows 7 (if possible) I do have an XP cd somewhere in storage, but finding it has proven close to impossible (sister had it last)

For some reason, its always rewarding when I salvage something like this. Whoever threw it away, I feel just let so much go to waste... And now what one person thought trash has become another man's treasure! I shall perhaps write a few books on this machene and piece together wonderful pieces of digital art for the world to see!

Anyway, that is all I have for now.. whatever I've forgot this week can be brought up tuesday or next friday =)


oh.. and PS: Please comment!  **begs**

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