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Topics - Explorer

Pages: 1 2
Random Role Play / Lylat Tales
« on: October 28, 2008, 03:10:16 PM »
((OOC: Anyone who wants to join, the OOC is still in the RP Discussion, so, feel free to join. You’ve only got to fill in a small form and jump right in.))

Corneria. Fourth Planet of the Lylat System.
A thriving planet, which was attacked by Andross many years ago.
Fortunately, General Pepper managed to get a team who brought the evil maniac to an end, the Starfox Team, led by Fox McCloud.

However, people are restless. Some speak of the coming of someone to destroy Corneria… The Cornerian Army is gathering soldiers and troops for a possible menace…

->Cornerian Flight Academy

Wilhelm Adavant stared at the green fields of the Academy through his room’s polished window, clearly cleaned a few hours ago. Many aspirants to pilots walked into the hangars with their luggage, such as equipment for pilots, some with only their clothes.
“Today’s the big day, mom.” He thought, putting on a black, pilot jacket. “Today’s the final test for a pilot.”
He looked back at the hangars, where his Airwing stood above the second line of aircrafts, waiting to be piloted.
“That Airwing was made to be piloted by you, mom! But it’s my turn!” He said, putting a set of gloves and his usual sunglasses. “I wonder who the guy supervising is…”
As he closed the window, he got out of the room and into the messy halls of the Academy, trying to make way towards the hangars.

Role Play Discussion / Starfox: (Title to decide) RP
« on: October 26, 2008, 06:32:25 PM »
So, what do you think? Join the challenge by piloting your own ship? With your own character? With your own team, squadron?

Its an idea I got from other forums. Each member creates a character to RP in the Universe of Lylat, without necessarily using its characters.

As you know, and you don't need to know much about Starfox to know this, the series has the funny habit of making characters animals. However, you're not stricted to animals, (although no humans) and you can create other species (such as they created the Anglars, Aparoids, etc..)
So, you can pretty much imagine what might come out.

The storyline is yet to be defined, so, for now, give your randomness your best shot.

There's this small form to fill though.





Description (Physical and Psychological):


Planet of Origin:

Other Details:

So, want to join?

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday, Littlefootlove86!
« on: October 22, 2008, 08:20:13 PM »
'Birthday, LittlefootLove86, and congratulations for your 22nd year!
Although I'm not sure if he'll see this... but, anyhow...

The Written Word / Legend of the Triforce
« on: October 19, 2008, 11:36:56 AM »
So, you prbably know from my latest fanfic the concept of Legend of the Triforce.
However, since its a personal concept, there aremany terms, places and others in the fanfic that might not be understood.
Therefore, I hpe you don't mind if I use this small thread to post some of the information about the concept, from character bios to place descriptions, etc, things that I might have missed in the fanfic, and that might not be easily understood, or that only I know for having created the concept.

Aditionally, if this idea is well received, I also hope I might be able to post some of the other titles for the concept, since I have around 5, including "The New Order".

Gamers Zone / New Zelda Game for Wii and DS
« on: October 15, 2008, 01:13:32 PM »
During the E3 2008 conference, Miyamoto states that the Zelda and Mario Teams have reassembled. This was considered something that wasn't too out of ordinary.
Now's the best part.
During an interview, however, Miyamoto forwarded something else.
Here's the link to the article.

Hopefully, its not another prank like the April 1st's fake Zelda movie.

The Party Room / Rate the above member's signature
« on: October 11, 2008, 11:38:26 AM »
Well, much like the avatar, but now the signatures. Classify from 1\10 again the signature of the member who posted above you.

The Party Room / Classify the member above's avatar
« on: October 09, 2008, 09:44:30 AM »
The name says pretty much everything. Classify the avatar from the member above you from 1/10, and leave a small comment, etc.

I'd classify the one above me as 1  :rolleyes:  I don't have any...

The Party Room / The Double Game Contest
« on: October 04, 2008, 01:57:07 PM »
It’s a small game that me and Vaan360 thought about. Actually, it already existed, but I don’t know the real name. For now, it’s the Double Game Contest.
Five contestants are put to test in five rounds of five questions. Each question must be answered in 20 seconds. Three options will be given, by the way. That way, you only have to choose A, B or C.
There is a small break between each round, in which contestants may chat.
Now for the challenge:
Each question has a certain value. The value raises as contestants go higher on the rounds.
At the end of each round, each is given ten seconds to think about whether quitting or discover.
If you don’t quit, and you’re in the bottom of the list, you drop out.
If you quit, you drop out anyways.
In reality, if you quit, you earned the money you were able to stock in the rounds.
But we aren’t giving away money, so… sorry.
The show airs in the Portuguese television, although I’m sure it also airs in others.

By the way, only contestants may post while the game is on.

So, who's up?

The Fridge / Bump this thread when in a good mood!
« on: September 13, 2008, 02:31:00 PM »
Made this topic because I just finished my book and will get it handed to an editor soon! I've been waiting for this for about two months!

Bump if something went the way you wanted or something you wanted happened!

LBT Fanfiction / Fanfic - New Order
« on: September 07, 2008, 07:19:05 PM »
I decided to try and merge the concept of some series of mine and LbT. The result seemed good, so I decided to try starting to write.

The series are called, "Legend of the Triforce" (Nifty, huh?). They take place on a continent called "Reef Continent". This i no ordinary world, nonetheless. Anything can happen here. I count out four different stories with these series.

Well, the first chapter is just an introduction, it doesn't really present any character, but introduces the general legend envolving the Reef Continent.

That being said, I hope you like the start of it!  :^.^:

(Just an advice, if you want to read this first part with some music, I’d advise "The Legend of the Hero" from “Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker”).

(I should also mention a small disclaimer: I don't own any concept over some or many of the items that may appear through this story, neither do I own anything related to Legend of Zelda, and others, that might be referred on this fanfic.)

On the far, distant world…
On a continent…
There echoes a legend…
A Legend that speaks of a deadly treasure. The treasure was said to enhance one’s soul and pockets…

The Treasure belonged to a group of pirates, fearsome pirates from the great seas…

Fearsome only on sea, this cost them their lives on shore, as they were killed by a merchant knight from the Reef Continent.

The knight wanted only the treasure.

Whilst he obtained the chest, he missed the key.

The former was thrown to the sea along with the pirates’ bodies.

Knowing this, and even though the Knight eventually died, he left a legacy… a sword and a shield for his heir to fight the pirates’ heirs and therefore proclaim the treasure!

Archive found on Reef Town’s Library

Old Captions / LBT Fanart caption
« on: September 03, 2008, 04:14:04 PM »
Well, I know this is from one of my computer fanart and you might have seen before...

But caption this!

Sorry, sorry, got the wrong one...

LBT Fanart / Explorer's Computer Fanart
« on: August 14, 2008, 05:45:29 PM »
So, I managed to upload the images I wanted, and here is the computer fanart.

I'll start by my own avatar in a wider version, more comprehensible.

Please give your opinion! I'll keep posting more!

I'm new at this, so if it doesn't work, tell me.

The Welcome Center / Hey there!
« on: August 07, 2008, 10:28:46 AM »
Well, until some time ago, I was unable of seeing whatever was related to the series.
However, I hooked up to it when I started to be able.
Curious of the history of it, I checked out the movies, informations, and also the series.
Found this forum, so here I am!
I'll try to be around often!

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