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Topics - The Friendly Sharptooth

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LBT Fanfiction / Clouds Don't Last Forever
« on: November 07, 2011, 03:48:57 AM »
Clouds Don’t Last Forever

   The two of them looked down in silence. The bright circle had slowly been covered up as dark clouds began to drizzle. The boys did not take cover though. Nothing in the world could be of any comfort. Nothing could take away their mix of regret and grief. Not one single thing could make them happy again. Thunder could be heard echoing all around them, but neither Rinkus nor Sierra noticed the lightning when it struck down in the distance. They merely sat atop the high, rocky cliff looking at area so familiar to them. She was going to depart either way, but they missed the end. Worse, she had gone through it without them.

   Rinkus was the first to turn, and he looked at his companion with a grave countenance. When Sierra turned in response, he could not tell if his face was pouring from the rain or his own eyes. He was not the type to hug; he hated them. This was noticeable when he awkwardly jerked Rinkus over and embraced him hard enough to suffocate. The pink flyer was in pain, but one eased the other, so he did not pull away. He spread his wings around his back, and they stood there for several minutes as the sky expressed its sympathy. As the sky water began letting up, they tried letting go in acceptance, but with a nearby flash of lightning and burst of wind, they nearly squeezed each other to death.

   “Why did we follow him?” Rinkus asked dejectedly with his eyes clamped shut.

   “We had to! Ya hear me? We- had- to!” he almost screamed in reply. “We had no other choice, none at all. Blind hope was better than sittin' around.” He let go and backed up slowly, looking at the ground as Rinkus looked at him, but all they saw was a memory.

   “Please… I don’t want you to go… Please…” a female flyer told them sadly.

   “Don’t you worry!” Rinkus exclaimed. His cheerfulness took her aback, as she was not expecting a jovial answer at a time like this. He clutched her by the hand as she lay in her nest, her wings wrapped around herself as she struggled to stay warm. “We met someone who can help, yes! He knows a way that will let me do anything!” As she rested on her side, she looked up, not sadly, but pitifully. The moment was interrupted, however, as Sierra jerked his hand away.

   “That power is goin’ to me. I’m gonna save her, ya hear?” he almost growled in a low tone.

   “Please, I just want to be with-"

   Rinkus reaffirmed his grip and stuck out his tongue. The brown flyer, in a rage, tackled him to the ground. As they rolled around, biting and clawing in a rolling motion, the light-grey female groaned. It was not a complaint about the ruckus, but rather, an outcry of pain.

   “Now see what you’ve done, you stupid fool!?” Rinkus exclaimed, his eyes widening and teeth clenching in disgust. Instead of running to her side, though, he chewed Sierra out even more. “We need to find that stone to keep her from dying, and here you are making her worse!”

   “By the noise?” Sierra asked him.

   “Yes!” Rinkus hissed loudly, jutting his face forward.

   After a slight pause, Sierra looked up at the pink flyer and asked, “If the noise is makin’ her worse, who’s the one to blame right now?”

   Rinkus opened his mouth, raised a wing, then proceeded to do the opposite slowly. He turned to the sick flyer, her face contorted in agony, and then took to the skies at once. Sierra extended his wings to follow but suddenly stopped at the sound of shivering. He grabbed a few leaves, piled them on her, then took off in fast pursuit. The plants were soaked from the morning dew, so she trembled as more chills ran down her spine, but they were from Sierra, so she would not take them off.

   As they flew side by side, their thoughts were on saving her, and saving her alone. The landscape down below did not match their thoughts at all, though. There was a filthy stream, polluted with blood from carcasses that sharpteeth had finished with, bubbling tar that gurgled with a sickening beat, a large, flat landscape of hardened gray soil that was entirely barren, and insects devouring each other under the hot sun. In their minds, on the other hand, were beautiful days lined with sky colors, succulent food almost glowing in tenderness, and the serene sound of explicit joy. They both believed that these things would come to pass when she was cured, so they actually smiled as they glided on the air’s currents.

   It was Rinkus who jerked back to reality first as the mountain came into view. That was it. That was the spot where they would again meet up with the answer to their problems- the flyer named Pterano. With a gentle flapping of their wings and outstretched feet, they descended onto the peak to discuss the plan. They both looked all around eagerly, jerking their necks around in anticipation, but what they saw caused their lips to curl down; they saw no one. Fists curled in anger, almost seething at the mouth, the two of them came to the conclusion that they’d been duped. Rinkus fell to his knees, his head grazing the ground as his fingers scraped at the dirt in thin lines that drew closer to his knees. He closed his eyelids so hard that they hurt. Rinkus wanted to comfort, but it just felt so against his nature. Therefore, he just stood there in silent awe, wanting to kill a certain flyer.

   “A bit early, are we?” a voice suddenly echoed from above. Rinkus jerked up so quickly that he pinched a muscle in his neck, and he grabbed it in pain. With a glance of nonchalance, the brown flyer made it very clear that he had no interest in wasting time.

   “We’re heading over to this Great Cave place right now,” he declared. “Show us the way, Pterano.” To further express his readiness, he spread his wings.

   “Ahem,” he replied regally. “I am the leader. I give the orders. You follow them,” he spelled out very clearly as he stood as straight as he could with his face focused forward and his wing in the air.

   “You decrepit-“ he snarled, stepping forward angrily, but Rinkus stopped him.

   “What did you say?” Pterano asked curiously, though he didn’t even bother to look at them.

   “He started to call you incredible, but we mustn’t waste time, yes?” Rinkus answered meekly.

   “Since when did you stop fights?” Sierra demanded quietly, finally jerking away.

   “I told you before, we can’t risk losing this opportunity. And it’s Great Valley, you idiot,” he whispered back in his ear as Pterano was dusting himself off.

   Finally clean, the old flyer answered, “Correct! We mustn’t waste time, so stop wasting it by telling me what I know already. Now come along!” he called out, stretching upwards with his wings out. As he gained altitude, the two below snickered.

   They flew along in silence, as Pterano was not interested in conversation, and he might hear if the two of them discussed what they would do when they got to the stone. As the Great Valley drew near, Rinkus had a question, and he asked as mildly as he could.

   “You sure that longneck you mentioned is going to tell us where that rock fell?” When at first he got no answer, he turned his head slightly in Pterano's direction.

   “He will,” Pterano finally answered casually without looking back or moving any more than he already was.

   “But how- Oof!” he cried out as he was smacked on the head. He nearly lost the wind flow and plummeted slightly. “What was that for?” He did his best to hide his anger; he met with success.

   “I tolerate many things, but one that I cannot stand is a stupid question. I told you I’m related to a friend of his, correct?”

   “Ah, now there’s clever thinkin’!” Sierra exclaimed enthusiastically. “Usin’ your own flesh and blood to gain power. I like you.”

   Pterano snorted slightly, and his eyes moved slightly downward. Finally, the round walls surrounding their destination were in plain sight. Pterano began scanning the area, as he’d observed enough to know all of Petrie’s friends. He spotted a huge waterfall, but no one there was young enough to be one of them. Spying several children playing tag near a large, circular rock also brought a load of disappointment. Then, with a sudden, “Ah!” he found those he sought and glided past them, descending into some overlooking trees. Rinkus and Sierra followed quietly and landed beside him, waiting patiently for their “leader” to make his move. They never forgot how stupid they were back then.

   “Is your foot feelin’ any better?” Sierra asked quietly, glancing down at it to emphasize his concern.

   “Huh?” Runkus replied, looking at the same thing blankly.

   “From that explosion. How is it doing?” he reiterated, glancing down at it expectantly.

   “Oh, right. I was just lost in thought.” He carefully lifted his foot up and down a few times, then, thinking it better, brought it down normally. It was fortunate that Sierra was there to catch him. Unfortunately, balance was not all Rinkus lost.

   “Brother, we’re all we have left! Our mother is dead!” Rinkus slammed his wing onto the ground, bruising his knuckles, but he didn’t care about physical pain. “Why didn’t we stay with her!? Why did we leave on a fool’s errand instead of comforting her while she lived!? I just- I just want to DIE! Die! Die…” His face muscles tensed as he cried out again. Despite the storm, it was plain as day that he was crying this time.

   Sierra was silent for only a short while before bending over and putting a wing on his sibling’s shoulder. His voice was gentle but strong as a spiketail’s plate.

   “Don’t you dare make the same mistake twice.” Rinkus looked up, his eyes opening further, and he bore a look of confusion.

   “If you’re really sad you left someone to suffer alone, that you weren’t of any comfort, don’t even think about doing it again.” As the rain showered down fiercely, it was clear there would be no letting up any time soon. The clouds continued to block out the light, but they would not last forever.

General Land Before Time / The Great (Mysterious) Wall
« on: October 29, 2011, 12:45:56 AM »
What may seem like a plot hole may make sense if certain modern ideas come into play. There are two things we know for certain:

1.   The great wall protects the Great Valley from sharpteeth.

2.   Longnecks, much bigger creatures, are able to come and go as they please.

This at first seemed contradictory to me, but what if they (the residents) had clever ways of keeping them out? I don’t recall a continuous shot from being on the ground in the Great Valley to leaving the Great Valley while at the same time seeing the distance between the starting point and exit point. So what if they did something like create a door of rocks or trees that they can move with ease with a group effort but would fool sharpteeth into thinking it was a dead end? I think that there are many ways that sharpteeth can be kept out, and being as others can just leave and enter easily, something else must be keeping carnivores out, some secret we haven’t seen. Any thoughts on this matter? Did I miss something? If there is a gaping hole somewhere, is there possibly more fruit near it or something?

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Growing Disguised as OOC
« on: October 13, 2011, 11:54:13 PM »
As far as I know, everyone who has seen Ducky’s greed with the shiny stones in “Search for the Sky Color Stones” has considered that to be very out of character for her, a flaw from the writers. In fact, I did as well for the longest time. Now, sitting in my chair, contemplating a new a LBT thread, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was actually NOT out of character and very-well planned out. Even in children’s shows, things can be pretty subtle.

The first episode was “The Cave of Many Voices.” In it, we see Ducky being greedy for the first time in the television series. There are plenty of leaves in the area, but just because she had her eyes on some, two domeheads run by and eat them. Instead of the usual, sweet, innocent Ducky saying, “Oh well, there is plenty more where that came from. Yep yep yep!” she startling takes chase, shouting that they aren’t theirs (or in other words, they’re hers and they can’t have them). This might have been a foreshadowing to the bigger scene of selfishness in “Search for the Sky Color Stones.”

However, just because it wasn’t a one-time thing, that doesn’t mean it’s in character. So is this sequence of events accurate for Ducky? Actually, I think it is. Ducky and Spike have been sharing most everything ever since they came to the Great Valley- food, hiding spots, opinions, and more to a large extent. They’re inseparable. I don’t recall any “Mine’s!” from Ducky in the movie series (in terms of an aggressive claim). Now then, none of the other main characters have a sibling they adventure and play with to share to such an amount with, so I would be surprised if they changed in this area.

When a couple shares everything for so long, one or both of them may begin to long for a bit of personal aspects in life. Sharing everything may grow tiresome, and irritability can set in. In fact, the foreshadowing of Ducky’s behavior with the sky color stones may date as far back as the first cold time of the Great Valley. Ducky had literally gotten tired of her brother, and being as Spike was less troublesome than many other characters, I can’t help but think it was the constant contact and sharing that she needed a break from to experience some individuality. (For example, if they weren’t sharing the exact same sleeping place, Ducky wouldn’t have been affected by his sleep movements which contributed to her anger.) When she was on her own long enough, wasn’t sharing every little thing, she got the break she needed, calmed down, and reconciled with her brother.

So it’s possible that the eighth movie has been starting to show a break in Ducky’s tolerance and selflessness, and rightfully so. We see it at the beginning of the series, then to a larger degree with Cera and Ruby with the stones. Yet, things don’t stop here. Anyone else notice that in “The Hidden Canyon,” which takes place after the selfish scene with the domeheads, Ducky’s mother puts their food in separate piles? I don’t recall her ever doing that before. (Did she?) So it could be that even Ducky’s mother saw that Ducky was growing up, wanting a bit more to herself, so maybe she thought it best to give them their own piles of green food. Also, in “The Great Log-Running Game,” Ducky wanted the title of best log runner. In other words, she wanted something the others didn’t have.

So many these writers didn’t goof up. Maybe their simply geniuses who decided to work with the psychology of what it’s like when you’re young and growing while having to share every aspect of your life with someone. I now see her greed as very realistic given the circumstances. Imagine you had someone you shared EVERYTHING with for years. Wouldn’t you, at some point, just be screaming in your mind, “I want something all of my own!” Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t think Ducky is regressing but quite the contrary. Wanting her own things out of life is very common in adolescence. Kids are more apt to share than many teenagers I’ve seen.

Kids: Want to play with my ball?
Want to try my chips?
Want to ride on my bike?

Teenagers: I want my own room.
Buy me my own car.
Give me an allowance for my work.

Now I know it’s not black and white like that, but that is generally how I see the conversion nowadays from child to getting older. So perhaps we shouldn’t look down on Ducky for her behavior, but instead, try and connect with what it’s like to be in her “shoes” and watch with care as she grows before our eyes. Some people feel that the gang never gets older. I can’t help but disagree, but does anyone disagree with me?

General Land Before Time / When a Fire Destroys a Forest...
« on: September 12, 2011, 12:28:00 PM »
Were Bron’s actions for the best in the long run? (Yes, this thread has a symbolic title.) My stance is that they were. Scouting on ahead then staying behind when several kids needed his help seems best to me. For one thing, he may have never found his son again. Indeed, it was a rather large stroke of luck they met at all. So does anyone think he should have left those kids behind in order to search for a family he may never find? For one thing, he couldn’t have brought them along and returned to his family. It just wouldn’t work if you ask me. I doubt Littlefoot’s parents would want a bunch of kids around they have no relation to when trying to raise their own flesh and blood. Even if they tried, the favoritism would make things unbearable to the others (as already seen with Shorty). So Bron chose to save many lives rather to make a relentless search that may end up all for naught while trusting his wife and parents (parents-in-law?) to care for his young. Would anyone choose to possibly but maybe never find some over surely saving many?

If Bron had never left, I don’t believe Littlefoot’s mother would have died, but then where would the characters be? Cera, Ducky, Petrie, and Spike may have easily perished, along with the orphans Bron found when he left. Furthermore, his leaving gave Littlefoot new family. He lost a mother but gained a brother. So while many criticize Bron’s actions, in the long run, I think things turned out far better than if he’d stayed. Littlefoot’s mother was strongly into the whole playing with your own kind thing, so her death, most likely caused by Bron’s lack of protection, made Littlefoot a better dinosaur by forcing him to accept others, a policy he kept. Looking even deeper, if Bron had stayed, Ali might never have played with anyone but other longnecks. (Interesting how one event can cause a chain reaction that goes so far, huh?) While Littlefoot’s mother’s death was very tragic, loss can come with great gain looking at the big picture. So I am glad Bron did what he did because it bettered and saved so many with only one casualty, but what do you guys think and feel about Bron’s actions of leaving and stopping his search for his family?

Ask Me / Question, Query, Inquiry, or Interrogation
« on: August 30, 2011, 04:59:55 PM »
Eh, I decided to do a thread here after all. No question is too personal for me to answer. I’ve never been asked something about myself where I would not respond nor had any discomfort responding, so if there is anything people wonder about it, you’ll find that everything about me is sharable. About me, meaning my traits, hobbies, things I’ve done and seen, and so forth. Everything does not include such things as my social security number. :p

LBT Fanfiction / Which Fan Fiction Characters do You Want to Meet?
« on: August 30, 2011, 04:15:17 PM »
This is not a fan fiction nor fan art. Nonetheless, this still seems like the best section for it. The theme is purely LBT fan work, after all. I saw an original character version of this, so I was inspired to do a fan character version of the idea. Like this thread’s predecessors, this is to discuss which LBT characters you’d like to meet and why. However, this thread is purely to discuss which fan fiction characters you’d like to meet and why. If you want to talk about an original character, I believe there are at least two threads elsewhere where such can be done.

Years ago, I was being silly and actually mentioned a fan fiction character in one of those threads. This time, I wanted to make an official place for such preferences, especially with the “GoF fan fiction boom” over the last several months. Please name the character, the type, what fan fiction he or she is from, and why you’d like to meet her. The author isn’t as needed as those since a lot of LBT fan fictions were not written by GoF members, so not everyone here is going to recognize every author. I may post here later when I recall some other ones, but here is my list to start:

Rita the longneck from Sharptooth Valley. She was a motherly kind of character and is very kind, friendly, calm, and logical. Her presence just makes you feel better. She just has this air about her that can calm you down and cheer you up. If she has kids, it’s very easy to see her trying to stop her kids from fighting while staying very serene and not harshly punishing them. That is not to say she would not be a strong parent, but rather, she could handle things so sweetly and wisely that her kids wouldn’t even need punishments to get things through their heads. She is my favorite LBT fan fiction character.

Shilva the sharptooth from Someone Like Me. Oddly enough, he is a peaceful sharptooth who avoids all fighting he feels is unnecessary, actually doing everything he can to stop a battle with an original character when that character attacked him first when Shilva could have easily won. I enjoy characters that go against the norms of their kind, especially if the difference can be viewed as admirable. With his nature, were I in that universe, I’d imagine we could have a friendly chat.

Rex the dracovol from Out of the Shadows. He is very easy-going, tries to be helpful, and puts a strong value on friendship. However, he has an inner struggle that consumes him for a while, something I can truly understand. He hates seeing others get hurt and struggles with being different at times. I think chats with him would really be good for the both of us to let things out. He presses on despite the challenges and so has my admiration.

LBT Fanfiction / Ballad of the Lone Dinosaur
« on: August 15, 2011, 04:40:55 PM »
Ballad of the Lone Dinosaur

Wandering, wandering.
Is that all for me?
Searching, searching.
Is there more to see?

Destiny calls and sets me on my way.
Yearning to help is what drives me everyday.

Adventure, adventure.
I know of little more.
Danger, danger.
I’ll always hear a roar.

My life is there for those in need.
I come to aid with all my speed.

Dying, dying.
I see it everyday.
Weeping, weeping.
The sharpteeth are gonna pay.

How can I care if one survives?
I saw many friends lose their lives.

Hero, hero.
Called that a time or two.
Duty, duty.
That is all I do.

There is nothing special here.
My role in life is something mere.

Peaceful, peaceful.
A life I’ll never get.
Battle, battle.
That’ll be my end, I bet.

When comes the time to breathe my last,
I’m sure the legend will perish fast.

Happy, happy.
I am and it is true.
Pleasure, pleasure.
Seeing my rescues through.

I chose my life so am content.
To any ear, there’s nothing to vent.

Father, father.
He began this life.
Eager, eager.
Was I to join in strife.

When he passed, I continued the walk.
I’m the wandering lone dinosaur, Doc.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Journey of the Seven Heroes
« on: August 06, 2011, 12:12:54 PM »
Well, here is part two of my trilogy. I need to make it very clear that part two is completely dependent, so without reading the first part, this story will not seem canon though it is, it won’t seem to make sense though it does, and it won’t seem realistic given the universe though it is. So unless you’re the type that enjoys purposely inducing periods of confusion upon yourself, there is no benefit to reading this without having read the first part. Part one makes everything in here make perfect sense, but people are free to read and not read what they wish, of course. Like before, since my prologues for my trilogy say very little and merely convert the story to a story within a story, I will begin with the prologue and chapter one.

The Land Before Time: Journey of the Seven Heroes


In which a tired father resumes the adventure.

   “Ugh, my poor back.”

   “Serves you right. Is our son going to bed late tonight?”

   “No, ma’am.”

   “I see that you’ve learned your lesson. Here, let me rub some ointment on your back.”

   “Thank you!”

   “Whoa there. I’m not doing it for you. Do you think I want to hear you groaning all night in bed?”

   “No, dear.”

   Loud footsteps were suddenly heard approaching the living room at a fast pace. The couple turned to see their son run up to them. He placed his hands on his knees as he hunched over to catch his breath.

   “What’s the hurry?” his father asked.

   “I know we can’t stay up late tonight, so I stopped playing with my friends early so you could continue the story,” he explained.

   The father looked to his wife who nodded back.

   “All the work for the day is done,” she said.

   “Yahoo!” their son cried.

   The father went back to his room to grab the book but returned with a flustered look.

   “I can’t seem to find it! Did I leave it in your room?” he asked his son.

   “No, you didn’t. Don’t tell me you lost it! Nooooo!”

   His father laughed and pulled his hands out from behind his back, revealing the book.

   “Dad! That wasn’t funny!”

   His father merely chuckled.

   “Well, I’m going to bed early tonight. Have fun you two. And if I catch you keeping our son up late again,” she began, “it won’t just be your back that gets sore next time.”

   Her husband gulped. She then left the living room to rest in her quarters.

   “Are we going to read it here or in my room?” he asked his father.

   “Eh, this room is a bit more comfortable. Is here okay with you?”

   “I don’t care where we read it. I just want to get started again. Come on.”

   He grinned at his son’s impatience then motioned with his hand. The boy got up and made his way onto his father’s lap. Clearing his throat, he opened the book and started to read. “Journey of the Seven Heroes,” he began.

Chapter I: Out With the Old and in With the New

In which power is lost but not for long.

   Eight dinosaurs, seven young and one old, stood in a grassy meadow full of flowers. Spike licked his chops and grabbed some food growing from the ground.

   Reina let out a heavy sigh and asked, “Will they EVER get the coordinates right? I’m even farther away than last time.”

   “Huh?” Littlefoot asked.

   “Oh, the teleporter is supposed to take us back home. Some idiots, however, never seen to get the location right when they use it. This time, they didn’t even get close.”

   “A- teleporter?” Cera wondered curiously.

   “A handy device some of us created to send dinosaurs to other worlds and back. It’s powered by energy extracted from the stone and can only work every so often. But that’s not important. We need to hurry and get back to my home so we can make a plan for what to do about Dus-” but she was interrupted by a howling.

   They all turned to see a small creature on four legs with grey fir all over his body. He glared at the group and bared his teeth. Reina opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. The kids turned to her curiously.

   “Why you move mouth but no speak?” Petrie asked. “And what that?”

   Reina continued moving her mouth as if to speak, but no words came out.

   “I don’t know what’s going on, but that thing doesn’t look very friendly,” Littlefoot pointed out. “We may have to fight it.” Reina nodded vigorously and flailed her arms.

   “I’ll handle him,” Cera announced. “He doesn’t look so tough.” She made eye contact with the beast who started to charge her. The grass in the area suddenly grew very tall and wrapped around the creature’s legs. He stopped short as Cera grinned, but the grass quickly resumed normal size.

   “What?” Cera asked. The beast ran up and pounced on her.

   “Me help!” Petrie yelled and flapped his wings. Wind shot at the beast but it was so weak that it barely ruffled his fir coat.

   “Get him off!” Cera exclaimed on her back, pushing his head away to keep from being bitten. Ruby shot wind of her own, but like Petrie’s, it barely fazed him.

   “Light, shine within my heart!” Littlefoot yelled, suddenly glowing white. “Cleansing Wave!” A wall of light flew from his body and hit the creature. The wave turned a slight shade of red as it passed through him. The beast stopped, shook his head a few times, then continued trying to bite Cera. She was struggling hard, but the animal suddenly let out a yelp as Chomper bit his tail hard. He quickly got off of her and ran away, tail throbbing and bleeding between his legs as he fled into the distance. Littlefoot then released his power and changed back. Chomper spit out blood and a couple of hairs that had gotten stuck in his teeth, then Reina finally spoke.

   “Ugh, those Silence Stalkers are a real pain.”

   “I thought you said that the only dinosaurs in your world are Rainbow Faces,” Ruby pointed out.

   “What, you think dinosaurs are the only creatures in the universe? This world is inhabited by powerful creatures called beasts. They are generally mean and all have at least one special ability. That beast was a Silence Stalker. They stalk their prey and can silence someone by looking at the guy and howling so he or she can’t use magic that has to be said aloud. The only upside is, they can just have one silenced at a time, and once they get far enough away, the effect fades.”

   “So what you’re saying is, we’ll have to fight more than just Dusk’s group?” Cera inquired.

   “Yes. I am afraid that you’ll have to fight any beasts that cross your path as well. Unfortunately, it looks like that’ll be easier said than done. Your powers are nearly gone.”

   “Is it from being away from the stone so long?” Ducky asked her.

   “No, the stone sends its energy across this whole world at once now. We created a device that is attached to the stone that magnifies its energy to spread all over the planet. It was removed back when it was stolen, but it was put back on when we retrieved it. Anyway, some of us theorized that non Rainbow Face dinosaurs couldn’t support the stone’s power indefinitely because of having foreign body make ups, and we seem to have been right. Your bodies have been slowly rejecting the magic since the very beginning. Now it looks like you’re nearly powerless.”

   “So that’s why our attacks were so weak against that thing,” Ruby said.

   “What!?” Cera shouted. “We’re going to lose our powers? How will we fight Dusk now?”

   “Think, Cera,” Ruby continued. “If this is happening to us, it’ll happen to Dusk’s group as well. The Rainbow Faces won’t have any trouble handling powerless dinosaurs.”

   “That is a good point,” Reina added, and Ruby beamed. “However, you don’t fully understand. Each type of magic has a different form of energy. When your powers are fully gone, you’ll start to get new ones. The stone was designed to keep creatures empowered. It will therefore do just that. Your first powers matched your personal styles completely. Next, you’ll get new magic that will likely be completely random.”

   “Hm,” Littlefoot began. “Light, shine within my heart!” There was a tiny spark of light, but he did not change.

   “Looks you’re all nearly due for some new abilities. I bet you’ll have them by the time we get home. I’m starting to move us now.” Reina tapped each of the children. “Transport!” The meadow of eight dinosaurs suddenly became a meadow of zero.


   “That feels so good. Thank you,” a black Sharptooth told a white one.

   “Happy to be of help,” she replied as she continued to massage his back.

   “Tell me. Do you really think we’ll find someone to help make my wish?”

   “I am not sure, my lord. A dinosaur can only help make one wish. To be perfectly honest, it is unlikely that we’ll find a stranger who’ll give up his or her wish just like that. We can hope, of course, but we must acknowledge that there isn’t much of it.”

   Dusk sighed. “You are right. It is unlikely- but not impossible. I’ll keep looking if it takes my whole life.”

   “And I’ll be by your side to the end.”

   “I appreciate that. Now, while this feels quite relaxing, your fingers must be tired. Why not get some rest?”

   “Oh, my fingers are never too tired for you, my lord! I’ll keep going.”

   Dusk couldn’t hold back a smile at her dedication. Knowing she would do this all day for him, he got to his feet.

   “I’m going for a walk,” he told her.

   “Okay! Let’s go.”

   “Err, I’d like some time alone to think.”


   Dusk walked down the hill and headed for the creek. “If it will take years to find someone for my wish, do I really want to waste so much of Menta’s life in the process? Maybe I should do this alone.”

   He cupped his hands and dipped them in the water. He then brought the water to his face, splashing himself to cool off. He did this again and was about to do so a third time when he saw a reflection in the water he was holding. He pretended not to notice, and brought the liquid to his face yet again. Then he suddenly turned. “Shadow Pull!”

   The flying creatures suddenly dropped a short distance but quickly regained her altitude as she swooped down to nab him.

   “What in the world?” he wondered. “My Shadow Pull should have slammed her to the ground.”

   The creature rammed into him with her claws out. Dusk grabbed her in midair and threw her to the ground. He then jumped on her only to yelp in pain. Her feathers had suddenly gotten as sharp as thorns. They hadn’t gone in very deep, but Dusk’s side was still bleeding all over. The beast quickly took back to the air and came right for him. Her now-sharp prickles were aimed right for his face. Dusk quickly raised his hands to shield himself, but the flying creature suddenly squawked and flew up higher. A large rock had been thrown that hit her squarely on her head. Dusk turned to see a familiar white Sharptooth holding another stone.

   “Just try and attack him again!” she called, her next projectile in a poised position. She then dived towards Menta at an incredible speed, but the Sharptooth threw the rock hard and it bonked the beast on the nose, drawing blood. She had finally had enough and flew away, squawking in anger.

   Menta quickly reached down and grabbed a large leaf. She ran over to Dusk and put in his side, pressing hard to stop the bleeding.

   “I said I wanted to be alone,” he told her, much to her surprise.

   “But, my lord, I-”

   “You saved me, but you disobeyed me yet again. How can I trust you?”

   “I- I-”

   Dusk sighed and lowered his head. “I’m sorry. Thank you for coming for me. I’m just stressed, that’s all.”

   Menta came over and rubbed her cheek against his. “You don’t have to apologize. I understand. Oh, and did your power fail too?”

   “Ah, that’s right. My Shadow Pull had almost no effect. I wondered why you were throwing stones and not using your psychic power. Do you think there’s something wrong with the stone? Maybe that thing those Rainbow Faces put on it is disrupting its energy.”

   “No, I read a few minds when we went and stole the stone back. It just allows its power to flow across the whole world. Sorry that I forgot to mention this earlier.”

   “It’s okay. I just wish I knew why we lost our powers. It’s going to be real tough traveling here with no special abilities. I wonder if the others and the Rainbow Faces have too.”

   “It looks like we’re about to get half the answer,” Menta announced. Agu, Coaley, and Ceit came over to them.

   “How was the search for food?” Dusk asked them.

   “We found a strange creature and attacked it but barely made it away with our lives. All our powers are gone.”

   Dusk looked very concerned then said, “This is not good. We have no way home without Coaley’s Warp power.” The rest of them exchanged worried glances.

   “Perhaps if we return the stone, those Rainbow Faces could take us back,” Ceit suggested. Dusk scowled at him.

   “There is no way I’m giving up on my dream! You can forget that idea right now!”

   “I- I’m sorry, ma lord,” he stammered.

   “Hey guys,” Ali called as she too approached.

   “I’m sorry, Ali. Did we wake you up from your nap, dear?” Menta asked.

   “Nah, you guys weren’t that loud. I just got up to get a drink and saw you all down here. Is everything okay? You guys look worried.”

   “Very perceptive of you,” Dusk told her. “Do a dance of strength for us.”



   Ali obeyed. Saying “Strength,” she started to dance. The group felt a tiny twinge in their bodies but gained no power at all.


   “That’s what’s troubling us. Our powers are leaving us. We won’t stand a chance in this world without our magic,” Dusk replied.

   Suddenly, the group all froze. The Sharpteeth and Long Neck felt odd, but they recognized the sensation. After a few moments, Dusk grinned.

   “Looks like we’ll be okay after all.”

General Land Before Time / I Have a Plan!
« on: July 25, 2011, 03:28:05 PM »
This thread is a discussion of possible thoughts going through the heads of the grownups in the third movie. I shall elaborate. When the children announced where the water was, if I heard correctly, four adults said they have a plan to free the water. Admittedly, I never once thought anything of this at all. But watching it today, it dawned on me. Just what kind of plans could they be coming up with? I mean, they have almost no details of the situation. They know it’s stuck in an unknown distance behind the Thundering Falls and that the flying rocks are the cause. That really isn’t saying much. So with little to go on, four adults almost instantly had a “plan” to free the water.

This thread is designed to speculate on what possible ideas they might have had. I am not resigning the option to be unusual here. I think that this thread would be more enjoyable if people can guess very logical conclusions and those that are rather outlandish, provided they are actually possible to be done, nothing like grabbing machine guns or casting lightning bolts. You see, the adults of the LBT can be very silly, just like how in eleven, that male got his head stuck and that female was chasing her own tail. So really silly ideas are not beyond the grownups of the Great Valley. So for those interested in this, I will start with a more likely, and I will end with something more unusual.

More likely:

“I have a plan! First, we should send flyers ahead to scout out the distance and the actual cause of the stoppage of flow. When they report back, we will send three groups who will travel together but at a distance at the same time. The back group will be strong fighters, the front will be our better fighters as well, but the middle group with be mostly those more nimble who aren’t made to do battle with just a few powerful ones. If they are attacked from behind, only the back group will stop and fight. The front group must continue in case they are assaulted from the front. Upon reaching the problem, the middle group will get to work on fixing it. If the middle group is attacked while working, the few fighters with them will hold off the sharpteeth as they finish, and when they do, they are to retreat to the nearest group entirely made up of fighters to help fend them off. If the middle group is not attacked, they are to assist other groups in any way they can until the entire threat is gone, and we can return home to a flowing Thundering Falls.”

Less likely:

“I say we cover ourselves with fruit juice so the sharpteeth won’t come near us, head over to the water, and figure out what to do. After we free the water, weëll celebrate by getting the goop off of us with a bath the likes of which the Great Valley has never seen!”

(Yes, plans can be extremely short.)

What do you guys think they might have had in mind?

The Party Room / LBT Trivia Section Answers
« on: July 23, 2011, 05:08:47 PM »
Good evening, everyone. Tonight I am going to address a situation that has been taken in an unhappy fashion by more than just me. It is in regards to the three LBT trivia topics that have been pinned in this section. I did speak to administration before posting this, and the response was that this being a black and white rule is hard to decide. Therefore, I decided to bring this matter into a thread. Some may feel that this should be in the Rock Circle section, but administration did feel that something of such a small nature would be better in an area less formal, so here it is. My concern is this:

Often times, someone will come up with a trivia question that has multiple answers. Sometimes, the asker knows it has multiple answers, and sometimes, he or she does not. In either case, there will frequently be times when someone will give an answer that fully meets the criteria of the question. So technically, the person is correct. However, there are times when the asker tells the person to be wrong just because he or she was thinking of a different character, situation, etcetera. Not everyone does this, but it happens enough. Here is why that is an issue:

Simply put, that changes this quest for knowledge into a guessing game. I will give an example of what’s been happening for those who haven’t seen this.

“Okay, I have something in mind. What is roundish, sweet, grows from a tree, and is edible?”

“An apple!”

“Wrong, sorry. Not what I had in mind.”

“Okay, how about an orange?”

“Again, nope. I am thinking of something else.”

“How about… a pear!”

“Good guess but still incorrect.”

“Mm, a pomegranate?”

“You, sir, are correct. That is the one I had in mind.”

Does anyone not see a problem with this? A trivia thread is about answering a question correctly, not trying to read someone’s mind. If a question is completely solved, I believe that a person should not be told to be wrong just because the asker was thinking of a different possible answer. Honestly, that just seems a little unfair to me. So I ask those who want a bit more order in that section to please cast your vote on whether or not all correct answers should be accepted or not. The asker would still be replying as to whether the answer is acceptable or not, but if this passes, there won’t be any more wrong remarks simply due to the person having another solution in mind. After two weeks, I will return to administration with the results and see if it can be made into an official rule or not.

General Land Before Time / The Often-Despised Made Real
« on: July 19, 2011, 10:45:05 AM »
Okay, I just HAD to share this. Making an entire thread just to show a picture usually isn’t my style, but this was just too epic. A lot of fan fictions these days have humans meeting the LBT characters, and many people look down on that. It just doesn’t feel like the official The Land Before Time to them. Sometimes, just knowing a human is in a LBT story will cause people to not even try it. Well, have I found something to show you guys. There was a magazine series printed that the forum may find amusing:

Perhaps a human in The Land Before Time isn’t quite as outrageous as it seems, heh heh.

LBT Fanfiction / Screenshot Service
« on: July 18, 2011, 12:15:17 PM »
I’ve seen a lot of things going on with screenshots here. Some threads are made for events that call for some, some people will make new threads because they want some, or some people will write new posts in old threads wanting some. I’ve been thinking about this, and it just seems a little scattered to me. Yet thinking alone doesn’t solve anything. So here is my proposal: I am offering my services to the forum in the form of screenshots. I have every movie and episode on my computer, so I can take anything.

From now on, any time a screenshot is needed or wanted for anything at all, you are all more than welcome to simply make the request in this thread, and I will get them as soon as possible. I will post them in this thread so others who may like them can get them as well. No more need to worry about volunteers. No more need to make new threads when a picture is wanted. People can just ask me here, and I will take care of it.

Role Play Discussion / LBT and D&D!
« on: July 11, 2011, 04:05:47 PM »
There are not many role playing games that are done through a forum that I really enjoy. The only two I can think of are LBT ones and those that follow the formula of RPG video games. I was thinking that, maybe I could try combining the two for a new RPG here. Through the fan fiction section here, I already have a pretty big idea that fantasy and the LBT is not well-received when combined. Still, I thought I should at least try. No matter the odds, when they exist, give it a go, right?

You guys know how role playing video games work, right? A large portion of them have classes, various abilities, magic creatures, a looming evil, and so forth. Sometimes, people play these with a book, like the new pen and paper RPG I bought, Anima. Well, these types of role playing games can work on forums as well, especially: Dungeons & Dragons. However, in keeping with the spirit of the forum, I am not proposing we simply start a D&D role play here. No, I was wondering about a LBT role playing game that plays out in a D&D fashion. Totally disturbed? I don’t blame you. Still, please allow me to elaborate.

Can you imagine Littlefoot as a bard, singing songs to disrupt enemy attacks? Or Ducky as a cleric, healing wounds and banishing darkness? It’s not as farfetched as it seems. Many LBT fan fictions I’ve read have ample fighting, so this is not unpopular. Now then, you all must be thinking, “Uh, that doesn’t fit into the LBT universe at all, dude.” Well, I am a writer, after all. I can pull a few strings so it will. I mean, I did write a LBT trilogy where the gang gets powers while making it completely canon, fitting into the storyline of the movies completely and explaining why everything was the way it was. The seventh movie does leave a lot of room for mystical possibilities. Then we get to the peaceful nature of the kids, making a fighting role playing game out of character. Well, even the most peaceful kids can get down to business when their world, or perhaps just their families, are threatened.

One thing I would not have in this are weapons. This is already a stretch, so Littlefoot wielding the Sovereign Battleaxe of the Morning Star in his mouth, or Ruby carrying The Rending Staff is just going too far, really. All fighting would be based around class abilities and whatever that dinosaur could naturally do. Now, what about those of you who don’t know about D&D? Never fear! I know enough to answer any questions and can find the answers for things not known off hand easily enough. Although, I will do a lot of explaining at the start, so few questions should be needed. For those who do know about D&D, I will definitely not be using alignments. I want the characters’ real personalities used, and if someone playing Spike chooses the Chaotic Evil alignment, well, even non D&D fans know where I’m going with that. Because I would start this, I would keep the main story progressing, the Dungeon Master, as D&D and other players call it.

I feel that leveling up would make this too complicated. Slight increases in strength and wisdom and whatnot is too hard to keep tabs on when role playing on a forum instead of using pen and paper with an RPG while being in a room together. I mean, really, can you imagine how complicated leveling would be through the forum style?

Cera, angered by the foul beast who had knocked Littlefoot out, rubbed her front foot back and forth on the ground. He taunted her with a Fire Ball that almost hit her, so in a blind rage, she used her Feral Chrage ability and dashed at him with full speed. He barely felt the attack, laughing at her weakness, and, having grown bored, summoned a Wood Sprite. Cera increased her durability and braced for the attack. The Wood Sprite fired a forceful beam of Radiant Dust, which filled Cera’s nostrils, and her sneeze knocked her back a great distance. She knew that little thing couldn’t take much, so she acted dazed, luring the creature in closer. When it was in range, she took a deep breath, knowing full well what pain she was in for. She reared up, using Body Slam, hitting the Wood Sprite and getting a critical hit! It faded away almost instantly as Cera took the recoil damage of her powerful attack. Suddenly, Cera began to glow and energy pulsed through her body. She had gained a level, finally! Turning back to the unknown beast with a furious glare, she Feral Charged him again, and with her new strength, managed to knock him to the ground.

That may sound like it worked well, but trying to monitor multiple power gains with new outcomes over several characters would just be too overwhelming, so no leveling. However, I am all for learning new abilities over time. No fun starting with everything. The heroes can learn new abilities after so many fights, certain fights, etcetera. I also do not think items would be good here either, as how would dinosaurs carry them, and even if they could, how would four-footers actually use them?

This is not one of those lighthearted types of role playing games. They are deep and intricate, and require fairly active players. Unlike many RPG’s, this kind can literally come to a complete halt under certain circumstances if a member does not post for a while. Sure, there are ways for other players to deflect the situation at times, but too much of that makes for poor storytelling. Here’s an example of how to deflect in an RPG like this:

“Mwuahahahahaha! Young swimmer, you have no hope of banishing my servant. Stop wasting your magic and let me get this over with. Come on, what do you say?”

(Now, let’s assume Ducky’s user is away. The Cera user could write something like):

Cera saw that Ducky was frozen in fear, so she didn’t even wait for her to reply. She shouted at their foe, charging up for a big attack.

Sure, that went well, but constantly deflecting like that disrupts the flow so cannot be a common occurrence.

I’ve really thought about this, and for an adventure like this to work, I really can’t see much happening with less than six players. I have myself and one friend of mine said she’s join, so we’d really only need four more recruits at the least. At least one to control significant villains, at least five to control the main protagonists, any hero player can control minor characters that come in for a time to help, and everyone, both hero and villain players, can work with minor bad guys, such as a tiny wild creature or something. The reason everyone should be able to control the common, minor enemies is because it would be too complicated and overwhelming for one player to be in charge of every conflict outside of the heroes, yet just letting the good guys do it would restrict the villain player(s) too much.

As for character abilities, I am unfortunately unable to copy directly from D&D. I do not own the books, and I have looked online for a spell and ability list for weeks, and all I can find are lists with no definitions, and I most certainly have not memorized many powers during my playtime. However, I understand class mechanics enough to create my own skill sets. Now before I seem selfish, I really think that’s the best way. In all my years as a role player, I can spot overpowered spells and I know enough kinds to create quite a quantity. If people here tried creating their own, I’d have to rummage through them to find any that are too good, and possibly have to put restrictions on some. Secondly, if two players use the same class, there will be conflict on who gets to make what abilities for it, so to avoid any mess, it would just be easiest if I was allowed to come up with abilities. I’ve played D&D for many years, so I am very familiar with the classes.

I am not going to figure everything out right now. It wouldn’t be wise to do so until I can know if people actually want to do this. I can come up with a convincing plot and keep things from detouring too long, but that will take me a while and lot of work, so I just need to know if there is a reason to continue working on this suggestion. Now I understand how unusual of an idea this is. Therefore, I will not be surprised if everyone finds this to be utterly stupid and publicly says so, so don’t be shy about saying what’s on your mind should you wish to reply to this thread. Would anyone out there want to do this? If so, just don’t get your hopes up until we have enough players.

The Fridge / Welcome to the D&D World
« on: July 08, 2011, 01:49:05 AM »
Any Dungeons & Dragons fans here? The famous RPG that started out as the pen and paper kind? Well, even if you’re not, you still might find what class you’re most like in that universe amusing. As a long-time D&D fan, I am not really surprised by what I’m most like. You kind of get a feel for the classes after more than ten years have gone by of playing it, heh heh. For any interested in seeing how you’d fit in here, here is an online test: If anyone is curious about me, I got the Druid.

Next, for those who don’t know, D&D characters play with an alignment. That is the approach a character takes to situations he or she comes in contact with it. There are three base alignments: good, neutral, and evil. Each base alignment has a subsection that makes them slightly different: lawful, neutral, and chaotic. So for the second and final part of this quiz, now that you know your class, what alignment do you live by? Know by taking this quiz: If anyone is curious about me, I got lawful good. Each alignment is explained, so it might be best to share not just the alignment itself, but the description so people can understand it. My whole thing says:

Lawful Good
A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.

The Fridge / A PM Dilemma
« on: June 29, 2011, 12:24:51 PM »
Here is the thing. I am like a lot of the members here in the way that I am very, very concerned about the chance of hurting or bothering another member. This tendency of mine has led me to an obstacle, if you will, towards my communication here with the members through PM’s. Allow me to explain. Throughout my years here, I have sent PM’s to active members that warranted a reply, such as a request or sharing of opinion. About five percent of the time, I never get a reply. The people this happens with log on many times after my message was sent, yet nothing comes back to me.

Every time I message someone who logs on several times after I sent it, I get no reply, and a very long period of time goes by after my message was sent, like weeks, I really worry that I may have hurt or bothered such members. Every time I PM someone though, I proofread it, and I personally never find offensive things in my messages to people. Now, I have considered another factor. Sometimes I think that maybe members are tired so don’t feel like talking, or are having a bad day so don’t want any socialization, just want to be alone with their thoughts. However, that theory of mine has really been crashing down lately. Sometimes, I will PM a member, that member will log in several times and not reply, then I occasionally casually hear from a friend that he or she was in recent contact with the member in question, after I PMed the member in question, so the not-feeling-up-to-talking theory is nullified.

Now, please don’t get me wrong. Every member, moderator, and administrator here has the right to free speech. We can all choose whether or not to answer someone, and I fully understand and respect that right. So what is my point then? It is this: I have recently heard from two members that they frequently send PM’s, get a message saying they were sent, yet they never actually arrived in the person’s inbox. That made me start to really wonder if perhaps I’ve never been offensive in a PM here, but instead, all my unanswered messages simply didn’t go through. Therefore, at times I worry I’ve upset people, the actual case may be that the person simply didn’t get the message and would have happily replied to it if he or she had.

So I am asking what you guys think people should do when they don’t get a reply. The thing is, if a message really DID offend, pursuing this member may upset him or her even more. On the other hand, if the person never got it, there is no harm at all in seeing why there was no response. So how should I and other such members approach this? Should we automatically assume a message with no reply was offensive and therefore not message that member anymore? Should the sender personally try again later and ask if the previous message was received? Should we ask a friend to PM this member to see if the message was gotten, assuming if one message didn’t work by the sender, the second might not either?

I want to be mature about this. If I don’t get a reply, I do not at all want to keep pestering the person to the point of anger when the person wants to be left alone or was unhappy with what I said. However, when I want to know something from a member or would like something to be done in regards to another member, and I send a PM to the member in question, and it simply never arrived, a member wouldn’t be bothered at all to know he or she was sent a message that simply didn’t go through. So I am asking the public how things like this should be handled. With the possibility the person never got the message and the possibility the person is upset with the message looming in the air together, what is the right course of action to take? Thank you for your time.

Land Before Time Captions / Onward to Nowhere
« on: June 08, 2011, 11:47:36 AM »

Littlefoot: Are we there yet?

Petrie: Me still pointing?

Littlefoot: Uh, yeah?

Petrie: Then we no there yet!

Littlefoot: We keep going in circles. Maybe we should ask for-

Petrie: No go there!

Littlefoot: Ugh, what is it with flyers and asking for directions?

Petrie: Flyers no need directions! We fly!

Littlefoot: Wow, that was something I didn’t know.

Petrie: Just be quiet!

Littlefoot: Hey now, don’t tell ME to be quiet! You asked me to carry you because you sprained your wing, and now you think you have the audacity to chastise me?

Petrie: Err, audacity? Chastise?

Littlefoot: Hey, itës not like I know them either! The writer just likes showing off his vocabulary sometimes.

Petrie: Oh.

Littlefoot: Alright, Petrie, I am putting foot down. I am going pull over to the nearest gas station and ask where to go next.

Petrie: They not invented yet.

Littlefoot: Well at least I had an idea! You’re just guiding us aimlessly.

Petrie: You think suggesting something we can’t do is better than suggesting nothing?

Littlefoot: Ugh, I hate that annoying logic of yours!

Petrie: Hey, it no like me like it neither! The writer just likes making characters look stupid sometimes.

Littlefoot: But, why?

Petrie: Ooh! Why you ask me!? Me look like writer to you?

Littlefoot: Sorry.

Petrie: It okay. Oh!

Littlefoot: What? Did you just remember the way?

Petrie: Kinda…

Littlefoot: Kinda…?

Petrie: Petrie remember that me no know the way.

Littlefoot: Gah! Let’s just forget this and go home.

Petrie: No, Littlefoot! We can’t miss out on this!

Littlefoot: Fine, whatever. So where are we going, anyway? You never told me.

Petrie: We going to a mall. My hear they have sale.

Littlefoot: Um, Petrie, NOW who’s naming things that haven’t been invented yet?

Petrie: … Curse you, writer!

1988 Theatrical Release / I Will Chase Them!
« on: June 01, 2011, 03:09:52 AM »
Every good movie needs an opposing force for the antagonist. Yet at the same time, there should be a valid reason for the antagonist to be there other than, well, simply to be there. Ursula from The Little Mermaid stuck around because she wanted to seize King Triton’s throne and power. The queen from Snow White kept up because she wanted to be the fairest in the land. The wicked stepmother of Cinderella didn’t give up because she wanted one of her flesh and blood daughters married to a prince. So… Why exactly did the sharptooth from the first movie pursue the kids the entire time? I think it’s a topic for discussion, and I have prepared a list of possibilities, some serious, some more for entertainment, as to what fueled his continuing presence.

He is lazy. He prefers hunting kids for food because they take little to no work.

He has had bad experiences with fighting adults, so he tries to only hunt dinosaurs that can cause him no harm (or so he thinks).

He likes the taste of young meat best.

He had a dream that the kids would ruin the series by joining up with a herd of yellowbellies, so he did everything in his power to destroy the kids before they destroyed The Land Before Time.

He has a family that he loves very much, so he decided to live a safe life by only hunting things that can’t put up a fight to ensure his kids or wife would not suffer a loss.

He is sadistic so enjoys the sensation of making children scream in terror.

He is obsessive. When he tried hunting a prey, he does not give up.

He was jealous that writers gave the kids names and not him, so he sought revenge.

He thought to himself, “Ah! Those kids are so cute, I could just eat them right up!” However, unlike humans, he was being literal.

Giving up on or losing prey would make him feel badly about himself, because sharpteeth who fail at a hunt appear weak.

He heard the writers planning to make the kids sing in the sequels, so he was trying to do the world a favor.

Those kids were the only prey he could find that weren’t guarded by several adults, so they seemed the only logical food to pursue.

He was simply trying to look scary in front of the camera and had no intention of actually eating them at all.

The super Mario brothers came to this prehistoric world through a warp pipe, following Bowser who had kidnapped the princess again and thought he would be safe from those meddling plumbers in dinosaur land. However, they caught up with him, and there was a fierce battle between the koopa king and the two Italian plumbers, and Bowser accidentally shot a fire ball at the original sharptooth’s tail, singeing it slightly. When the angry dinosaur turned around to see who burned him, Bowser pointed to Littlefoot and Cera and said, “Uh, they did it!”

And that is all I can think of at three o’clock in the morning. Anyone else is more than welcome to throw out what he or she thinks that guy’s vendetta was, or remark at something I’ve said. I hope this wasn’t a waste of thread space. Sorry if it was.

Well, I was working on a new fan fiction last night, a canon one, in hopes I can finally write something Malte279 would be interested in reading, and I had The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure playing in the background for some ambiance. (I dislike writing in utter silence.) Then, when I got to the first confrontation of Ozzie and Strut to the children, something caught my attention, and I was like, “Whoa, what? Hold the phone!” The quote that made me think said, “I’m warning you, you little leaf lickers. Stay out of our way, or I’ll-” Do you know what this means? Ozzie was going to let the children go! He was NOT going to hurt them. He was NOT going to hunt them down. He was NOT going to do a SINGLE THING to them! He was simply giving them a warning not do anything else. He was instructing them to stop bothering them, and if they didn’t listen, THEN he would take matters into his hands. If he was going to kill them, he would not be warning. In fact, if he was going to do anything on that ledge, he wouldn’t have said, “…Or I’ll…” He clearly stated that he was going to do nothing to them unless they interfered any further. “Okay, Michael, we get the point. So why are you bringing this up?” “Excellent question!”

Littlefoot showed up and tried to stop them. Of course, with no plan, he does no good, but he manages to get on the egg stealers’ bad side. He angered Ozzie so badly that he decided to get revenge. Maybe this wasn’t Ozzie’s plan at first, but eventually, he even wanted them dead! So what I strongly believe, and the reason I am saying these things, is that it’s Littlefoot’s fault the gang was in danger from the egg stealers the entire time! If Littlefoot had merely stayed back and let Ozzie make his threat, they would have walked away, the kids would have been fine, and zero, yes, zero, harm would have been done. Littlefoot’s bravery and devotion to his friends incurred Ozzie’s wrath which resulted in the gang constantly being targeted by the egg eaters. I just wonder why none of his friends said anything. I mean, I can easily see Cera say, “Ooh, you stupid longneck! They were going to let us go with a threat, but you had to go and make them mad!” I just find it silly that the constant danger from the egg eaters was actually Littlefoot’s doing.

Dear viewers,

If a man confronts you on the street, says, “I don’t like how you’re treating my people. Do one more thing wrong, and I’ll stab you,” then is about to walk away, DO NOT try to argue! It is pointless, will not better your situation, and will likely get you stabbed. That is all.

Best wishes,
The Friendly Sharptooth

General Land Before Time / Just What Were Those Bullies Thinking?
« on: May 10, 2011, 01:42:39 AM »
Time for another one of The Friendly Sharptooth’s rants. Enjoy!

Oh my gosh! What on Earth were the bullies from movie three thinking? Okay, so the kids find some extra water and decide to tell their families so that there would be less worrying about the water situation. Then along comes the bullies who tell the kids not to tell. Well, being the goody children they are, they decide to do it anyway. So the bullies give chase to, get this: prevent the kids from telling. Does anyone else see how ridiculous of a plan that is?

What could they have possible done to have kept the kids from never telling? Cut out their tongues so they can’t talk? Hold them prisoner for life? Kill them? I mean, the entire premise of the bullies trying to keep the kids from talking makes no sense. In fact, if the bullies had caught up with them, I’d wager even Hyp would be all like, “Duh, now what do we do with ëem?” I just cannot comprehend what that scene could possibly hold if the bullies caught up with them and tried carrying out their desire of keeping the kids from telling about the water.

This is seriously beyond a plot hole. This is going way over the line of making zero sense. In fact, this is so stupid, that I hereby declare that it makes a negative amount of sense. Yeah, even less than zero! This would be like me trying to snuff out the sun, so I build a rocket ship and fly into space. As I get close to the brilliant star, I suffer a heart attack and die. The ONLY reason that that scene worked out is because the kids got away. I cannot see ANY possible way of making the bullies carry out their plan. Sure, if they caught up, the kids might have been able to reason with them about how important it is that they tell, but that is not the point! My point is that the story created a dead-end destiny. The bullies really had no logical method to carry out their plan, so it was just silly for them to even attempt it.

So, folks, any thoughts? Am I crazy, or am I making sense? If anyone can think of a possible way the bullies could have gotten their wish, I’m all ears. But seriously, I won’t hold my breath.

Land Before Time Captions / Chomper's Dream Image
« on: May 03, 2011, 11:31:53 PM »

As with all neuroleptic drugs, olanzapine can cause tardive dyskinesia and rare, but life-threatening, neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Similarly to other antipsychotics prolonged use is often associated with permanent brain damage.
Other recognised side effects may include:
akathisia; inability to remain still (restlessness)
dry mouth
urinary retention
orthostatic hypotension
weight gain
increased appetite
runny nose
impaired judgment, thinking, and motor skills
impaired spatial orientation
impaired responses to senses
trouble swallowing
dental problems and discoloration of teeth
missed periods
problems with keeping body temperature regulated
apathy, lack of emotion
endocrine side effects have included hyperprolactinemia, hyperglycemia, and diabetes mellitus
brain zaps
auditory hallucinations

“Hey, Ruby?”

“Yes, Chomper, was is it?”

“I was reading on wikipedia about that medication my neurologist put me on, and I want to be taken off. There are just too many side effects.”

Ruby glances over the list on Chomper’s screen.

“My, that is quite a list! Which of those are you experiencing?”

“Well, none of those…”

“Then why-”

“I do have a side effect, it just isn’t on that list. Remember my neurologist saying that anti psychotic medication can give very vivid dreams?”

“I remember, remember I do. So you’re having scary dreams?”

“You bet I am! Last night, I had another scary dream about Doc. He looked like a monster.”

“Hm. I would have thought that knowing what he was really like would have made those dreams stop, but you’re still having nightmares about the lone dinosaur?”

“Yeah. But it’s the medication, not my own imagination! I want to stop taking olanzapine right now.”

“Chomper, we’ll have to call your neurologist first. You can’t just stop taking it.”

“What’s the difference between stopping without asking and stopping with permission?”

“Listen, kiddo, the neurologist would never just let you stop. That would screw up your neurotransmitters. Medication like that needs to be weaned off. That is, IF she’ll let you stop taking it. After you went berserk from simply losing a tooth and how you nearly lost it from your imagination about Doc, we both decided that you could use an anti psychotic. And, well, it has really helped you. You haven’t had any more mania attacks since then.”

“Yeah, well, I can handle myself now. I just don’t want any more scary dreams. Please!”

“I can’t do anything. Like I said, call your neurologist in the morning. I have her number back at the cave. Oh, and charge your cell phone up tonight. We don’t want you losing power during the call. Neurologists are extremely busy, so having your phone die, having to run and plug it in, redial the number, then have the secretary redirect your call would just waste too much of her time. Oh, and when you make the call, stay away from the trees so you donët risk losing all your signal strength.”

“Okay, I’ll plug it in before bed. So, how long does weaning take?”

“I’m no doctor, I don’t know. How much are you taking again? Fifteen milligrams?”


“Well, I assume you’ll be dropped to fifteen for two weeks, then ten for two weeks, then five for another two weeks, then she’ll call to re-evaluate to see if you need to drop it completely.”


“Okay, if you do well on a smaller dose, she may just leave you on that and avoid taking you off completely. If your dreams stop being a problem at five, she will most likely keep you on that amount, because that medicine really does help to keep your thoughts in order. So just call her and see how she decides to handle this.”

“Okay, thanks. Well, it’s late. I’ll go plug in my phone and go to bed.”

“Good night, Chomper. Oh, and don’t forget your meds.”

“I won’t. Night.”

Deep into that night, Chomper dreamed yet again of two things, one of which had Doc being a terrifying monster again, and he awoke panting.


“Huh? Wha-? Oh, hey, Chomper. What is it?”

“I had another dream! I need to call her right now!’

“It’s too early. The clinic will be closed. Besides, it’s not like the problem will just vanish after the call. Even after you start weaning, it will be weeks before you can tell the difference.”

“Okay, I understand. But I can’t get back to sleep. The other dream I had was even more scary.”

“Oh? What was it?”

“I had a nightmare that our past adventures weren’t real, but were just a bunch of movies and episodes that humans watch. And ever worse…”


“The nightmare went on to show that this very moment isn’t real either, that some goofy man who uses a screen name that’s related to me is just making a caption thread and we’re the result.”

“Don’t be silly, Chomper. It was just a dream. Our lives are as real as anyone else’s. Now please, try and get back to sleep.”

“Well, okay. But if this scene comes to a sudden stop because that man had nothing more to write, I warned you.”

“Good night, Chomper.”

Littlefoot505: Wow. I see why this guy was known for his long posts.

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