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Topics - Animeboye

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Gamers Zone / Video Games you completed this year(2010 edition)
« on: January 03, 2011, 03:35:56 AM »
The idea for this topic is to simply list what video games you completed in the previous year. This year, we list games we beat back in 2010.

Eternal Sonata

Ys Seven

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas


Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep (Didn't get the secret ending)

One Piece: Unlimited Adventure

Tales of Vesperia (Not sure if I beat this back in 2009 or 2010)

Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology (Didn't beat the final boss but beat the rest of the game)

General Land Before Time / Don Bluth's Thoughts on the Sequels
« on: November 06, 2010, 02:48:52 PM »
Has Bluth ever given his feelings on the LBT sequels? I've just often wondered about that. Does he like the sequels? Does he hate them? Does he even care?

Sound Off! / The "War" on Bieber Haters
« on: October 25, 2010, 07:58:35 PM »
Okay, so get this: Two fourteen year old boys declared "war" on Justin Bieber haters a week ago.

These two kids have claimed to be "expert hackers" and have also stated that they will be hacking into the accounts of all Bieber haters. According to jackfilms1(Or Joshu2uber, whatever he's calling himself these days), "they have already hacked 16 accounts and have over 2000(9000!!!!) IP addresses stored on their computers. Yeah, okay.

Just recently, jackfilms1 has released a new video talking about the consequences of his little war and how it's starting to ruin his life(No duh! What did you think would happen, jenius? And yes, I misspelled "genius" on purpose)

There's nothing wrong with standing up for what you like. But this is the wrong way to do it. Attacking metalheads, calling us "fuckheads" who like "shitty music" and then expecting US to respect his opinions? Nu-uh, it don't work like that. On top of that, these kids could go to jail for saying that they're hackers. The FBI won't care if it's a joke, an empty threat or anything in that regard. I wouldn't be surprised if they do end up being arrested.

They've completely ruined their lives. And for what? A pop singer who won't even be popular two years from now. *shakes head* I hope not all kids these days are this stupid.

The Fridge / Question About the Written Driver's Test
« on: October 13, 2010, 12:27:54 PM »
So next month I'm going to finally be taking my written driver's test and I've been wondering: just how hard is the test? Is there anything I'll really need to study? Are the tests different depending on which state you live in? And just how many questions are on the test? Oh yeah, and how many points do you need to pass the written test(I know with the actual driving portion, you need like, 30 or something)?

Silver Screen / Movies You Think Shouldn't Have Bombed
« on: September 24, 2010, 09:31:40 PM »
What movies did you really like that didn't make much money and just made you think, "Well, now why didn't that do well?" For me, I'd have to say...

Where the Wild Things Are I don't quite understand why people trash this so much. I loved it! Personally, it's one of my favorite films! I was a little disheartened when I found out that it only made $77 million compared to its $100 million budget. I mean that's pretty good for an otherwise unknown director like Spike Jonze but still...

Scott Pilgrim vs. The WorldI thought that this was one of the best films this year. It was funny, the acting was believeable(especially for the world the characters lived in), and it had something a lot of movies lack nowadays: Heart. But most of all, it was a lot of fun. I guess I can kind of understand why it didn't do so well since a lot of people probably haven't read the graphic novels but this could have easily been for everyone. I hadn't read the comics prior to the film and I loved this movie! It actually made me want to get the comics!

The Princess and the Frog is yet another movie I think deserved to succeed. The animation was beautiful, the songs were great, and I loved the characters. I think if it was released in the 80's or 90's, then it would have done much better.

General Land Before Time / LBT reference in Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged
« on: September 16, 2010, 09:07:24 PM »
So the new Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged came out earlier today.

As the title states, there's a Land Before Time reference in this episode. The reference is at about 2:25 for anyone who's interested.

Silver Screen / Satoshi Kon Dies at 47
« on: August 24, 2010, 11:14:52 PM »
I just found from a friend on Facebook that Satoshi Kon, creator of such anime movies as Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers, Perfect Blue, and Paprika, as well as having created one of my favorite anime, Paranoia Agent, has just died from Cancer.

I usually don't cry when someone I know dies(go ahead; call me heartless, I really don't care right now) but I have been crying so much for the last hour...This man was a huge inspiration to me. I love his work so much...His abilities as an animator were just flawless. I mean just look at this image

47 years old that's way too young. I really just don't know what else to say...

 :cry  Farewell, Mr. Kon...

Silver Screen / Vampires Suck
« on: August 08, 2010, 10:54:01 PM »

Gah! I thought we were finally done with these two idiots! But nope. Failberg and Seltzerbottle are back with their latest crapfest, Vampires Suck. Well vampires aren't the only ones that suck. These two fools couldn't direct traffic let alone a movie! Their "movies" are the same garbage over and over: Steal plot from popular movie (Epic Movie: Charlie & the Chocolate Factory/Chronicles of Narnia, Disaster Movie: Cloverfield, Meet the Spartans: 300), make inane, unnecessary pop culture references that have nothing to do with the film, make references to movies that have nothing to do with the genre/film you're supposed to be parodying, ???, PROFIT!!!

I would rather watch all the Twilight movies back to back than watch these pathetic attempts at comedy.  I don't understand how they keep getting work. Who would actually want one of these movies? What person says to themselves "Gee, I wonder when Friedberg and Seltzer are going to do another movie?" Who?! Who wants these movies?! Who finds a cow falling on Iron Man or the Hulk splitting his pants funny?! How is Edward Cullen, oh sorry, Edward Sullen shooting Alice from Alice in Wonderland clever or hysterical? Or what about the random Jersey Shore cameo? What's the point to that?

I dislike Twilight as much as the next person but I despise these movies. Epic Movie got about three sort of chuckles from me but other than that, it was a piece of crap. I never laughed once at Meet the Spartans. Never bothered with their other "films".

I wish these guys would stop making movies. They're clearly not good at it. I mean they Uwe Boll look like Alfred Hitchcock!

The Fridge / Where do you see The Gang of Five in ten years?
« on: August 03, 2010, 02:02:52 PM »
Here's an interesting question: ten years from now, where do you think GoF will be? Do you think you'll still be an active member?

I see GoF with many new members(obviously  :lol  ). Some possibly even being kids of current members. It's a bit of a stretch but not impossible. By then, GoF may even become more than a forum. Maybe then the site will feature profiles for the five(or seven) LBT protagonists, a synopsis for each of the movies and episodes and maybe even a place where you can listen to the songs from the movies and show. Oh, and I hope we still have that cool Littlefoot image for the background *wants it for a screensaver*

As for me still being around here in ten years, I sure hope I will be. I like this place. It's always interesting to read what people have to say. And it's fun to get to talk with people here  :D

Gamers Zone / Things You Dislike About Video Games You Enjoy
« on: July 17, 2010, 08:38:49 PM »
We all have our favorite video games. We all have games that we enjoy playing just a little bit more than others. And while these games may be super awesome, they're not perfect. There are bound to be things in our favorite games that annoy us.


. One thing that annoys me is how easy most of the missions are. I've almost beaten the game(currently on the last chapter) and I've only struggled with maybe three missions. It's nice not having to struggle and get stressed out doing a mission but still I'd like some form of a challenge. Even the so called "hardest mission" in this game was pretty easy.

. Whenever you're on the turf of an opposing clique, they'll attack you even if you haven't done anything to them. Yesterday as I was playing Bully, I was trying to run an errand for someone and three Townies kept attacking me for no reason. Thanks to them I was knocked out and failed the errand. I tried to do the errand like three more times and kept getting knocked out. Eventually this made me so mad that I chucked my controller across the room, which also knocked my PS2 off my dresser. So now my PS2 is probably broke  :bang  Thanks Townies, thanks a bunch.


. When you pass by an army base, you obtain an instant five star wanted level. The hell? I haven't walked into the base, I'm just walking pass it and soon enough, you have army guys trying to turn you into swiss cheese. Had the same thing happen to me in Vice City.


. Rainbow Ride. Just...Rainbow Ride. In the original Mario 64, I didn't have too difficult a time with this level. But in Mario DS, this level was a nightmare. Most of the time, when I died it was thanks to the stupid Dpad. Even the touch screen wasn't too effective. Eventually I just gave up after having obtained only one star from this level.


. The A.I cheats. Get too far ahead of them, and five seconds later, you'll see one right behind you even if you were more than half the course ahead of them.

. There's nothing to unlock.

Silver Screen / The Last Airbender
« on: July 03, 2010, 12:58:56 AM »
*Pounds head on desk*

First off, I love the Nickolodeon series. It truly is an awesome show. But dear God, what was M. Night Shyamalan thinking?! He really screwed the pooch on this one.

Granted the effects are pretty cool, probably even some of the best I've seen all year, but effects alone don't make a good movie. There was virtually no character development in this movie whatsoever. Unlike in the original series, the characters in this movie are vapid, dull, one dimensional, uninteresting and just far too serious. Aang is no longer playful or lighthearted, Sokka isn't funny or is the genius in Team Avatar, Katara isn't the voice of reason, Zuko is not the determined hothead he was in the original cartoon and Iroh doesn't even seem to care about Zuko. In fact, I didn't even feel anything from these characters.

This whole movie just feels so lifeless. The action scenes feel like they're trying to be epic but fail horribly at it, the moments in the movie that are supposed to be touching aren't. When I saw the episode where Aang finds Monk Gyatso's bones and enters the Avatar State, that  made me feel really bad for Aang. But in the movie, I felt nothing for him. I didn't even care.

It's sad. I was really looking forward to this movie. I wanted to like it. I truly did. If you want to read my review for this movie, it's posted on my DA journal.

The Fridge / How bad does it hurt to have your adult teeth pull
« on: June 18, 2010, 01:38:18 AM »
So here's the thing: I have crooked teeth. I've had crooked teeth pretty much ever since I lost all my baby teeth. Just recently my parents have decided to get me fitted with braces sometime this year(currently I'm not on the dental plan apparently). However, for me to get braces, I'm going to have to have some teeth pulled. I've had my baby teeth pulled before but never any adult teeth. What I'm wondering is if having adult teeth pulled is worse than having a baby tooth pulled. If so, just how painful is it? 'Cause right now I'm not too sold on being awake while my teeth are pulled.

The Welcome Center / It's Good to Be Back
« on: May 24, 2010, 11:18:04 PM »
Well I've been gone for awhile. Had some computer problems, just finished my first semester at college and now I'm back!

General Land Before Time / LBT 2 Review
« on: May 02, 2010, 07:32:45 PM »

I actually liked this guy's Sleeping with Hinako review. The premise sounded so ridiculous  that it was actually mind blowing. However this review really pissed me off. Not because he didn't like the movie but because of his totally arrogant yet ignorant attitude towards it. I also find it rather interesting that according to him, LBT 2 copied a facial expression from Bleach. Yeah, despite the fact that Bleach came out 10 years after this movie! Yeah, OK...

Also why would he complain about the series' terminology? Oh, the T-Rex is called Sharptooth, Oh, Cera's called a "thweehown". Who cares? Personally I think it adds creativity to the series. Sure they're not the most ingenious names ever but then again I doubt they were aiming to be.

I will agree with him on the Sinking Sand though. They really could have come up with a better name for it. Unless they had the characters sinking into quicksand they should have just called it something like The Black Lake(I think he even suggested that as a name).

Seriously this is why I wished the Nostalgia Critic would have reviewed one of these movies instead. Because instead of an actually insightful and even funny review, we get a review by a guy who has no idea what he's talking about.

Silver Screen / Kentucky Straight Bourbon
« on: April 29, 2010, 11:39:48 PM »
It seems like I'm the only one who has heard of this movie

This looks so good! I wish I knew when it was coming out. Oh, yes. According to IMDB, there's a Land Before Time reference in this movie. That just makes me want to see it even more.

Man I don't think I've been this anxious for a movie since Where the Wild Things Are.

Gamers Zone / Video Game Characters You Hate
« on: April 26, 2010, 10:15:49 PM »
C'mon, we all have 'em. What video game character, or characters do you just despise or makes you angry?

I have quite a list. In no exact order.

Emil Castagnier from ToS: Dawn of the New World. To be honest, I can't stand most of the new Symphonia characters(Richter's  okay even though he is a Kratos ripoff) but Emil takes the cake. He's whiny, obnoxious, and is simply the worst hero in any video game, RPG or otherwise. I mean this idiot actually had the nerve to ask the main heroine to turn herself in to the group that was trying to kill her. And when he's not whining about how weak he is, he's going on about how Lloyd Irving(who is a much better and more likeable protagonist than Emil could ever dream to be) is the scum of the earth for killing his parents. I can understand being angry at a guy who murdered your family but midway through the game, he runs into a little kid who looks up to Lloyd and calls the kid an idiot just for liking Lloyd. Nice, dude. Calling a kid half your age an idiot? Really low. That's just really low.

Catalina from GTA 3 and San Andreas. I get that Rockstar intended for her to be unlikeable but she goes beyond simply being unlikeable and is completely detestable. She has a horrible personality, an irritating voice, and sadly enough, killing her on the missions that you have with her is actually more rewarding than finishing said missions. Only problem is that then you have to do it all over again. I felt really bad for CJ for having to put up with this witch's crap.

The Owl from Ocarina of Time. What is the owl's purpose? Seriously. Why was it following Link? How did it know Link? Why could it talk? What happened to it during the seven years Link was asleep? I know Nintendo often doesn't explain much in their games but this needed explaining. If you're going to have an owl follow around a little elf boy then explain its purpose! I also hated having to scroll through its neverending text wall just to get it to shut up. And for the record, in my eyes, Navi is a saint compared to the owl.

Princess Peach from the Mario series. Peach embodies every female stereotype out there. She can't defend herself, always needs to be saved by a big strong man(who ironically is shorter than her), has an ear piercing voice, and is a huge ditz. I also don't understand why she just doesn't hire better guards. If the Toads couldn't protect her the last 900 times she was kidnapped, what makes her think that they can protect her the 901st time? Zelda may get kidnapped too but at least she can fight.

Big the Cat from the Sonic series. Why was this character in Sonic Adventure? He had no purpose, no affect on the story. His levels were awful( a Sonic game. Just no) and boring, he was dumber than a rock, and hearing constantly say "Froggy? Froggy?" was just painful. Sonic Adventure was an okay game but he was just irritating.

Silver Screen / I'm so Disgusted...
« on: April 23, 2010, 08:13:44 PM »
You know, I love horror movies. I really do. I have seen all kinds of horror. Psychological horror, sci-fi horror, slasher films, you name it I seen it. And yet most of these have not had much of an affect on me as one The Human Centipede has. When I first saw the trailer for this film, I thought "There's no way this thing is real. It's gotta be fake." But then I googled the name of the movie and to my surprise, IT WAS A REAL FILM! It was then that I was officially freaked out. I'm surprised I didn't have nightmares afterward.

This, this THING is so disgusting. There are lines in film that are not meant to be crossed. This movie didn't cross those lines, oh no no no. It ran over the lines, shot them in the head, tore out their intestines and then played jump rope with the intestines. THAT'S what this film did. The idea is that these two girls are on a trip in Germany, their tire gets a flat(Y'know like any horror film out there) so they find this house owned by this crazy surgeon who has also kidnapped a Japanese guy for his crazy (and really screwed up) experiment. So how he does he turn them into a centipede? He STITCHES them ass to mouth. Honestly I wish I was joking. You have no idea how much I wish I was joking.

Apparently the director consulted a real life surgeon(who ironically plays the psycho doctor in this) to see if it was possible to make a human centipede and apparently it is! Maybe that's why I feel so sick thinking about this movie. Either way the director is a sick **** and needs serious help. Especially for asking a real surgeon "Hey, is it possible to make a human centipede?" I just want to know who would enjoy this? I can't see anyone paying to see something like this in the theatre.

If you guys want to see the trailer, then type in human centipede on Youtube. I just...I just can't bring myself to watch even a second of this trailer again. I need to play some Grand Theft Auto to forget about this.

The Party Room / If Chomper Came to Your House
« on: April 23, 2010, 01:45:52 AM »
What would you do?

I'd show him in, fix him a hamburger (Or maybe just warm up a burger patty for him :lol )   then ask him for an autograph.  Then I would ask him how he met Ruby and what the deal was with Red Claw. I'd also ask him if he remembered anything from when he was a baby.

1988 Theatrical Release / How did Littlefoot know what Cera was
« on: April 18, 2010, 12:29:56 PM »
One thing that really confused me was that at the beginning of the movie, right after Littlefoot first meets Cera, Littlefoot asks his mom "what a longneck is". Yet, in the same conversation, he refers to Cera by her species name. How is it that Littlefoot knew what Cera was but he didn't know what he was? Seeing as how he had been raised by his mother and grandparents, you'd think that he'd know what a longneck is. And considering the very likely possibility that Littlefoot had never even seen a threehorn before that day, it would seem even less likely that he knew what Cera was.

The Party Room / The Laugh-O-Holic
« on: April 03, 2010, 02:18:25 AM »
I don't know if this would go here or in the OT section but anyway...

Have you got a joke you want to share with everyone? Is it gut bustingly, rib hurtingly hilarious? Is it so corny it's actually funny? Then come tell it at the Laugh-o-Holic!

Here are some I thought up.

Q: What did Obama say to his computer when it said it couldn't display the web page?


Here's another.

Q: What did Naruto say when he found out it wasn't butter?

A: I can't believe it!

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