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Topics - Paradise Bird

Pages: 1 2 3
The Fridge / Rich Kids
« on: December 08, 2009, 02:39:20 AM »
Tell me what is the first thing in your mind. I remembered when I was younger I was bullied by the rich kids who caused me scars and wounds I never forget it and till today I still despise those rich kids and their gadgets.Everything is at their finger tips while they sleep at home while I'm in the streets selling postcards.

I never forgot the time when a girl demanded a card for free which I couldn't afford to do. She got her friends to knock me down and took whatever I had. It was a crime and I could not do anything.

Today 5 yrs later I heard her family when bankrupt during the recession and she lives nearby. She looks so called pitiful now but I don't want to be taken in by it. I redid the postcard I made in the past which she took along with my things and gave it to her.Perhaps she will now feel the pain of this world.

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday Compy-Rex!
« on: December 04, 2009, 09:54:58 AM »
You are now a teen!

The Fridge / Anyone wants a sig
« on: December 03, 2009, 10:03:04 AM »
I can make one for you

Visual Art / My latest sig background
« on: December 01, 2009, 12:14:49 AM »
How is it?

The Party Room / What's Next
« on: November 18, 2009, 04:41:38 AM »
Okay this is a game on how well you know the forum
You can start with a few noted things in the forum and leave people to guess the next answer


Long Post > Active > Historian >?

When you guess then its your turn to make another. One the demo only shows for links you can have more or less.
I will start

Europe>Dutch>Lion King >?

The Fridge / Anyone wants LBT in cantonese?
« on: November 15, 2009, 11:57:04 PM »
I have lbt in cantonese from 1 -5 I can upload it on youtube if anyone wants.But I will set it to private.
I also have LBT 11 in swedish and norwegian and russian

The Fridge / I reached MPN in Spore!
« on: November 14, 2009, 06:36:57 AM »
I can't believe it! Its out of so many millions and I'm first omn Most OPopular Creaters Today!Unfortunately it only lasts for a day but it was an honor now I have almost 350 subcribers in Spore!

The Fridge / Browsers that hide your IP
« on: November 06, 2009, 08:46:21 AM »
Well is there any?Some dude has been trying the crack my IP everytime he sees me online I'm not sure what to do.I already found 2 viruses on that week he said 'thats it!' coincidence?
I can't sake him off.

The Fridge / Was Thinking about this for a while....
« on: September 08, 2009, 10:40:50 PM »
I'm planning to leave the site.Its to stressful I rather be a guest like I was many years ago.

LBT ain't fun anymore I actually have not watch a single one for 6 months.I just feel I have spent like 15% of my life on it I neglected a lot of things.I have to leave this behind me before I make a joke of myself and waste more precious time.

I can't believe I wasted my time being discriminated for liking this!It is going to be hard to leave.In fact I really love this forum and what a friendly community you guys are.But I'm going to be straight I have to go because I have to.Bye everyone!

I will really miss you guys and girls really wish I could meet you people in real life :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  too bad! Stuck in Singapore.

It's Party Time! / Gibberish
« on: August 24, 2009, 04:36:22 AM »
Post somthing in a self invented language and translate its rediculous meaning.

Lim beh si bai kia ina bei gobi lah!
Piss talks are now being carried out.

The Fridge / A tip if you go to singapore
« on: August 16, 2009, 02:47:55 AM »
Remember don't talk about pig a lot of us can't eat it.
And we must have 30 days a year where we do not eat.
At least for the malays.Its like going to hell.

You also cannot bring chewing gum or else you will be jailed!

Ask Me / Ask Me Somthing On Somthing
« on: August 11, 2009, 09:55:22 AM »
Go ahead

The Fridge / 9 August Singapore's National Day!
« on: August 09, 2009, 08:34:19 AM »
Its national day for my country!
Long time ago a prince Sang Nila Utama went on a hunting trip on an untold land.A raging storm approached soon almost shipwrecking the boat Sang Nila was on.To save the crew,Sang Utama threw his crown into the sea and thus the storm subsided.

Soon they reached the island and rested for a day after the storm.A growl was heard Sang Nila and his man looked around before his advisor came forth saying that it was the roar of a lion, a beast of honor.Sang Nila decided that he would claim the island himself for the good fortune of Malaysia calling it singapura.

About 200 years later a man called Sir Stamford Raffles came aboard.After a quarrel with the Dutch,the signed a treaty with the Malay leader and sent up a trading port before the island was bought over.

While conditions begin to improve,Singapore was attack by the japanese.In this events there was hyperinflation,hunger,illness,cruelty and squalor.The japanese attack us on chinese new year making it the grimmest of all of them.

Soon the british return and liberated us of General Yamaßßßßa and his soldiers.Our happiness was short lived as living conditions were really bad.Most of us survived today due to one man Lee Kaun Yew.We joined Malaysia as we had to depend on it before being kicked out in 2 years.

That day marked our independance but many countries did not celebrate with us believing we will be destroyed quickly we no chance of survival.They mock us for only having very little land and no natural resources.

We worked hard fighting communism from a Superpower called Russia.Battling unions,strikes,riots,racism due to many races living among us and healthcare.Eventually we emerged as a economically sucessful nation and the 5th richest country as of today.

Starday Wishes / Happy birthday Tikaani Strike
« on: July 30, 2009, 08:43:47 AM »
Xing ni duo xing fu!

The Fridge / Has anyone Ever been banned here?
« on: July 26, 2009, 06:28:04 PM »
Just asking

Starday Wishes / Happy Starday! Tyrannosaur
« on: July 07, 2009, 08:29:39 AM »
Make a wish!

The Fridge / How is my new sig?
« on: July 05, 2009, 03:35:21 AM »
Is it okay?

The Fridge / Swine Flu
« on: June 30, 2009, 09:26:19 AM »
Is your country affected now many cases mine in 689

General Land Before Time / A funny theory of ruby and chomper
« on: June 21, 2009, 06:54:45 PM »
Well what if they were aliens.Chomper couldn't have found a way out of that island and now chomper has 3 fingers and is of a different color.Ruby seems to know too much and her parents may stay way from the great valley to prevent cover from being blown.

Just a weird random guess.

General Land Before Time / Somthing I noticed
« on: June 15, 2009, 10:22:36 PM »
In LBT 3 littlefoot is 1/3 the size of Hyp but in the last episode of the TV series he is the same size as Hyp.

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