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Topics - Raptor

Pages: 1 2
Unfinished RP's / Star Wars: Jedi Order
« on: December 23, 2006, 02:18:14 PM »

Two years after the
death of Desann and
his Reborn, a new threat
has appeared. A massive
assualt has struck at the
galactic capital, CORUSCANT.

Working with ROGUE
SQUADRON, the head
of the Jedi Academy,
sent a group of Jedi lead
by Jedi Master CAL
RASSEN to aid in the
planet's defense...........


The X-Wing's lasers flash, destroying a Tie Fighter. In the cockpit, a voice says "Hang in there Arfor." The voice belongs to Jedi Master Cal Rassen. The Jedi is familer enough the quadruple-winged fighter to pilot it in a large-scale conflict like this. A voice crackles into the Jedi's comlink. "We'll be able to make planetfall soon." "Good. We have to ensure the Senator's survival." Cal replies. He turns sharply as a Star Destroyer, it's bridge obliterated, descendes and smashes into a second Destroyer, breaking it in half.

Name: Cal Rassen
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Rank: Jedi Master
Saber Color: Blue
Saber Hilt: Strait, with sort of and X mark on it.
Personality: Calm, collected, but will be humorus on occasion.

Unfinished RP's / Pareldeen I: Core of Darkness
« on: December 21, 2006, 03:10:22 PM »
Dinosaurs have not died out. Humans have evolved, yes, but they have little technology. Dinosaurs and humans, for the most part, live in peace. The largest village is known as Pareldeen. Some small dinosaurs are owned as pets, and some of the more intelligent ones are used as standkeepers for the Pareldeen bazzar. This would seem idellyic, but something is wrong. There is a a monsterous power, changing humans into Dinosaurs, and Dinosaurs into humans. If this continues, the confusion will leave a place for the new power responsible for this to arise. Stop the Evil. Live the Legend.


Occupation: (Optional)

Name: Raz
Speices: Dienonychus
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Occupation: Standkeeper
Personality: Sarcastic, smart, loyal.

(Humans are taught Dinosaurian languge from an early age.)

Unfinished RP's / Star Wars: Jedi Code
« on: November 07, 2006, 11:08:36 PM »

Eight years have passed since the fall of the galactic empire.
The New Republic and the Jedi order hold peace in the galaxy,
and the Sith and Dark Jedi alike have been all but destroyed.
However, when the head of the Jedi Academy, Luke Skywalker,
predicts of grave danger, the Republic shows imediate concern.

Working with the Jedi Academy, the Republic sends a group of
Jedi and Republic soilders to the remote planet of Dathomir,
where the danger has been predicted to appear......


The Republic transport cruises towards Dathomir, preparing to land. Inside, a young man, no older then twenty-three, says simply "I have a bad feeling about this."


Name: Cal Rassen
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Rank: Jedi Knight
Saber Color: Blue
Saber Hilt: Strait, with sort of and X mark on it.
Personality: Calm, collected, but will be humorus on occasion.

This is strictly Star Wars. Nothing from outside of the Star Wars universe is aloud. This takes place AFTER The Return of the Jedi, so nothing from the Old Republic is allowed.

Unfinished RP's / The Shifting
« on: October 02, 2006, 08:36:33 PM »
An octipoid Alien race known as the Calxar try to get Alien Alimons to work as soilders. The Alimons refuse. The Calxar figure if they can't make the Alimons work for them, they have to make they're own Alimons. By useing Alimon DNA extracted from a sleeping Alimon, they create a mutigen that they wish to test. They will abducte a few humans and test it on them. The Calxar ship soars low over north America, wher it prepars to pick up it's first victim....

Name: Chris Jackson
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Personality: Sarcastic, interested in Dinosaurs, slighlty cocky when it comes to brains.

Alright, the offcial storyline has been posted.

Unfinished RP's / GoF
« on: September 29, 2006, 07:55:13 PM »
In this RPG, you play as a character with you're screename as his/her name. Yeah, I was really bored when  I came up with this. Anyways, you're character can be pretty much any type of creature you want. Human, Alimon, Raptor, or even a Brachiosaurus. This is sort of a serious goof-off, because it does have a story. It takes place on another planet, where a group of explorers from differant races have arrived to see what natural resources the planet provides. However, something's already on this planet, and it has plans for the explorers.

Name: Raptor
Race: Dienonychus (capable of speech)
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Personality: Sarcastic, loyal, cracks jokes at bad times.

Unfinished RP's / The Galactic Arena
« on: September 13, 2006, 02:44:23 PM »
A huge spaceship, known as The Galactic Arena, is anchored to the lifeless planet of Urua-Arra VII. Every cycle (That's what days are called on Urua-Arra) thousands of ships, carrying spectators, inspectors, and copetitors land on the Arena's landing pad. The competitors carry with them robotic warriors designed with bulit-in laser and other weapons. Each robot has it's own personality and fighting technique. The competitors carry with them spare memory chips and repair kits, so they're bots can be used even after seemingly being destroyed. However, a gang of competiters has fitted they're bots with illegal modifications. They must be stopped.


You can be any Alien race that you created. No Aliens that already exist.

Short history:
Home Planet:
Race Characteristics:

Bot Name:
Bot "Gender":
Short History:

Name: Rekel
Race: Tellorian
Gender: Male
Bot: EX 64732, or Ex.
Short history: Rekel is new to the arena, and has never won a match.
Home Planet: Tellor IV
Race Characteristics: Tellorians are reptalian bipeds with a huminiod stance. They have elongated jaws and a crest. They are gennerally black, but can be red or blue. Rekel is black. Males have tails that split into three, wheras females have tails that split into two. Both have sharp, serrated teeth.

Bot Name: EX 64732, or Ex.
Bot "Gender": Male
Short History: Was bulit by Rekel. Has never won a match.
Owner: Rekel
Apperance: Oval-shaped body. Three green lights line his body, and he has an elongated skull caseing. He has large green optic sensors, which can close. He has a hidden laser, and has a heavy ball attached to his front arm. His back legs are equipped with razor claws, and he can stand on his tail. Can speak.

Arena Rules:

Must specify all weapons on Bot.
Bot must have weakness.
Bot may not be altered after creation.
Bot can not be any larger than the old-earth creature Tyrannosaurus rex.
Bot must not be equipped with any form of cloaking device.

Alien Races OTHER then RPer made ones:
Kreek: Arachnid bipeds with two pairs of arms and two pairs of legs.
Gersaqu: Octopus-like huminiods who have tentecles dangleing over they're mouth.
Rek: Pterosaur-like creatures with golden scales and two pairs of arms under they're wings.
Dexlacrutus: Weird, tentecled balls of flesh.
Kelorhi: Stupid, but good for security guards, these are robust amphibians.
Valacorattus: Large, bipedal, hunched creatures with sails on they're backs.

Unfinished RP's / Post-History
« on: July 19, 2006, 06:34:07 PM »
Human life is gone. Nothing is left except a singel page from the last human settelment, shown here:

Things..... are happening to us. It's almost like evolution is flowing backwards. Some of us are no longer Human, others are still changing. It's

Now, nature has reclaimed the earth. The Future IS Wild. Animals large and small exist, unhindered. North and south switched climates long ago, leaving the north a tropic paradise and the south a frozen wastland. This RPG takes place in the place that was once Clevland, now a beautiful rainforest. There are remains of human bulidings still there, hidden in the foilage. Lake Erie is home to strange aquatic creatures, being much deeper then it once was. But as beautiful as it may be, it is filled with predators and prey of all sorts. Play the Predator or the Prey. It's your choice.

Name: Uratha
Speices: Corgar
Gender: Male
Height: 20 ft
Length: 63 ft
Bio: Uratha is a Corgar, a reptalian predator. He moves on four strong legs, each equipped with razor claws. His head is much like a T-rex's and a crocodile's melded together. He has six spikes at the end of his tail, denoting him as a male. Corgar mate for life. Descended from Monitar Lizards.

Player animals so far:

Corgar: Made by Raptor.
Areetah: Made by DarkHououmon.
Forelen: Made by Raptor.
Raptizal: Made by Threehorn.

NPC animals so far:

Aviformosus: These are pack-hunting avian predators with a ruff of red feathers down they're necks and dark blue plumage. 3 ft tall and 4 ft long. Descended from Parrots.
Stenochoritus: Reptalian herbivores with four horns on they're heads. Uses long, sticky tounge to reach branches high on trees. 6 ft tall and 30 ft long. Descended from Chamaleons.
Grefec: Huge mammalian ambush predator of lake Erie. Hairless, with Crocodile-like jaws. 10 ft tall and 62 ft long. Descended from Orcas.
Herx: Omnivores swimming crustacean with a spike on it's head. Spike is solely for show. 1 ft long and 10 inches tall. Descended from Shrimp
Deod: Weakly armoured, six-finned, omnivores fish. Prime prey for Forelens. 1 ft tall and 3 ft long. Descended from Tuna.
Palorinachus: Mammalian herbivores with a twisted, knareled crest. Can vocolize by blowing air up through crest, which is connected to the nasel passege. 7 ft tall and 28 ft long. Descended from Deer.
Hesdfocarus: Predatory aqutic athropods with a Pirahna-like attack pattern. Limited to regions where a certain algae lives. 5 inches tall and 3 ft long. Descended from Centipedes.
Emporer Fasticorus: Large, flying insect with sustainible light from it's abdomen. Feeds on moths. 1/2 inch tall and 4 inches long. Descended from Fireflys.
Ufariun: Nocturnal, free-swimming Parasite with six mandibles. Attaches and drains the blood from prey. 1 ft tall and 8 ft long. Descended from Tapeworms.
Serkezes: Deep-water predators which come close to the surface at night, and have bioluminsent organs on fins, head, and strands of flesh on lateral line. Teeth are so large that it is unable to close it's mouth. 10 ft tall and 56 ft long. Descended from Angler Fish.
Desxesdsa: Terrestrial, predatory, nocturnal arthropods with stinging tails and spikes. They have large pincers and shearing mouthparts as well. 4 ft tall and 12 feet long. Descended from Scorpions.
Xewasque: Nocuturnal, herbivores, "Puff Ball" mammals which look like balls of fur with eyes. Eyes are extremly large to let in any light that may be in the night. 5 ft tall and 4 ft long. Descended from Rabbits.
Sythra: Monster creature with truly hideous features. See page two for deatails. 34 ft tall and 94 ft long. Descended from Elepant Seals.

Unfinished RP's / Darkened Forest
« on: April 13, 2006, 05:48:38 PM »
Shadowed Skies:
Book One:
Darkened Forest:

Time and Time and Time again,
Know the Where and not the When,
Blackened Vines seak the Light,
These are not the Ones you Fight.

Shadows Cloak this Evil's Might,
It grows stronger in the Night,
The Power of the Stone must be brought,
To where the Evil never Fought.

Time and Time and Time again,
Know the Where and not the When,
Blackened Vines seak the Light,
These are not the Ones you Fight.

This criptic prophcey was found in a half burnt book known as Darkened Skies. None know why, but a year before the book was found, the forest around the small town of Chivares....changed. Those who go in never come out. The Dragons and other mythologicial creatures that once lived in the forest have been driven out. Someone must find out why. A mixed band of Humans and Dragons, equiped with a copy of the prophcey, have been sent to the forest. In This RP, you can play as ethier a Dragon or a Human. This is my profile.

Name: BurntScale.
Spieces: Dragon.
Gender: Male.
Age: 20.
Personality: Sarcastic, joker. But very loyal.

Unfinished RP's / The Herd
« on: March 14, 2006, 01:44:20 PM »
In this RPG, the Dinosaurs do not have to be from one period in particular. In this, the Dinosaurs should act like they do in Walking with Dinosaurs, or Jurassic Park. Dinosaurs can warn eachother, but they can't have converstions.

The herd moves slowly and gracefully across the plain as the sun sets. A little dome-headed dinosaur, a young Stygoceras, scampers in-between the legs of the larger herbivores. Suddenly, the Stygoceras, Sveed, hears some comotion on the outskirts of the herd. I, a huge Tyrannosaurus rex, am attacking. I snap down on the neck of a Camerasaurus, crushing it. I drop the large herbivore to the ground and feast. Sveed squeaks in fear and hops away.

Unfinished RP's / Sharptooth RPG
« on: December 03, 2005, 03:58:23 PM »
Hey Gang, who here likes Sharpteeth. I know I do. So I created an RPG for
Sharptooth lovers like myself.
Notice:Just so you know, I RP in first-person.

I stalk through the forest, awaitng my moment to attack. I spie an old Longneck
at the back of the herd, yelling at a group of young Longnecks tring to help him.
I see my mate waiting for my signal nearby. We Shapteeth are smarter then the
Leafeaters give us credit for. I let out a low growl, the signal for my mate to move

The Welcome Center / Hi!
« on: December 03, 2005, 03:36:13 PM »
Hi, my name is Raptor. Some of my hobbies are: Dinosaurs, RPGs, and drawing.
I hope to have fun at these boards and see alot of neat art aswell.


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